W.W.J.D. If You Asked Him For I.D.


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Interesting thread in its own right...

... Of course some jobs can't be out sourced, like construction or meat packing. So, for those jobs the capitalists imported labor, all those illegal immigrants the right wing pretends to be so upset about. But of course, we don't have an illegal immigration problem, we have an illegal employment problem. Start rounding up illegal employers, fining or even sending them to jail and over night the illegal immigration problem would go away. As a side benifit we could stop demonizing Americans who "look" foreign....

This is a good point, but corporate control of congress has also provided a steady supply legal cheap labor to exploit.

You folks realize don't you that if you were to wave at Jesus and ask him for ID, 9 times out of 10 He'd whip out a Permanent Resident, or 'Green' Card with 20 years left on it just as soon as the leaf blower shut down..... He would recognize that much English to be sure.

You know how easy they are to get? The biggest surprise to me is that the permanent residents aren't up in arms about the illegals.... talk about cutting in to your market!
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