Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.

That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.
That's called justification. Where did I say illegals didn't take advantage of the situations? Oh wait, I said they did..... twice...... I could care less about your justifications, I could care less about the fact you think illegals are a big problem though I will agree with you that some are. Markets change, economies change and the world is changing faster than most of us can keep up with but we have to try, unfortunately many will never make it. The laws should have been enforced long before this but now the problem is so big and it is (yes I do agree, just don't care anymore). But what will you do, how would you honestly handle it without appearing cruel and heartless especially for those that have been here for decades and built productive lives for themselves?

If you dont care that tells me you dont give a rats ass about the future of America or Americans.
To be honest nothing illegals do will effect my life other than to lower my cost of labor when I hire workers to do the things I dont want to do.
But personally I'd rather see my country take care of Americans even if it cost me more money.
You want to throw future Americans under the bus I guess thats up to you.
You just made my case. Wages have been stagnant ever since illegals started flooding the work force.
And the nineties had nothing to do with it,the oil industry took a hard hit in the eighties and the illegal problem and stagnant wages started shortly after when Reagan gave amnesty to millions of illegals.
I watched it fucken happen so dont tell me that wasnt the case.
I'm talking about the construction industry, hell you mentioned construction jobs.........
Look if it makes you feel justified to blame the illegals then whatever helps you sleep at night........ Just know there are/were multiple market forces at play, the Hispanics (some illegal) took those jobs offered at lower wages, would you?

WTF? If you hadnt let the illegals in in the first place it wouldnt have happened.
Thanks for making my point...... hack...... :thup:

Besides, I didn't let the "illegals" in, you Europeans showed up all on your own and took what you wanted...... :eusa_whistle:

Ah, that explains your stance on this issue even though you say you don't have one. We have a Reconquista onboard! Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag. Those Europeans were the Spanish also. You know, the ancestors of the disgruntled Mestizos that claim we stole their land, lol.
Actually asswipe my grandfather was a dirty redskin, my grandmother was a European cracker....... :eusa_whistle:
And yes, we stole their lands.

And you're okay with letting mexicans steal it from us..I;m sure those Americans that cant find work or their wages have stagnated to the point they cant afford to make a living dont mean shit to you.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.

That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.

Problem being is RINOs like jeb and the rest of the GOP field dont want to do anything about illegals anymore than the dems do.
Whatcha gonna do Bubba? Shoot em all?

Yeah,just throw out your ignorance for all to see.
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.
I'm not 60 but I'm getting there. Although I don't have illegals but I witness this trend Hispanic and Asian are taking over jobs because they were priced out but I blame mostly on employers why this is happening.
So far I'm doing very well even during recession.

Like I've said,illegals wont do anything to me except lower my cost of living.
My concern is the overall health of my country and it's real citizens.
And while you're right that if people stopped hiring them the problem will fix itself,but you also cant blame a business man trying to keep his cost down to make sure his business stays solvent.
If the government did it's job that problem would take care of its self.
Funny but most jobs illegals are taking the vast majority of Americans wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.

I think this may be the first time we've ever agreed on anything.
I've witnessed these changes on hand. And I know people and businesses that got phase out.

And those are usually the businesses that refused to hire illegals out of a sense of duty to America.
I'm talking about the construction industry, hell you mentioned construction jobs.........
Look if it makes you feel justified to blame the illegals then whatever helps you sleep at night........ Just know there are/were multiple market forces at play, the Hispanics (some illegal) took those jobs offered at lower wages, would you?

WTF? If you hadnt let the illegals in in the first place it wouldnt have happened.
Thanks for making my point...... hack...... :thup:

Besides, I didn't let the "illegals" in, you Europeans showed up all on your own and took what you wanted...... :eusa_whistle:

Ah, that explains your stance on this issue even though you say you don't have one. We have a Reconquista onboard! Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag. Those Europeans were the Spanish also. You know, the ancestors of the disgruntled Mexican Mestizos that claim we stole their land, lol. Their indio ancestor didn't even settle in the U.S. they settled south of our border. Learn some history
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.

That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.
That's called justification. Where did I say illegals didn't take advantage of the situations? Oh wait, I said they did..... twice...... I could care less about your justifications, I could care less about the fact you think illegals are a big problem though I will agree with you that some are. Markets change, economies change and the world is changing faster than most of us can keep up with but we have to try, unfortunately many will never make it. The laws should have been enforced long before this but now the problem is so big and it is (yes I do agree, just don't care anymore). But what will you do, how would you honestly handle it without appearing cruel and heartless especially for those that have been here for decades and built productive lives for themselves?

It isn't just my opinion that illegals are a problem in this country it's a fact. Anything illegal is a problem. None of your rants about markets, etc. mean a damn thing. All that matters is our immigration laws and every country has them. How would it be cruel and heartless to remove all of the incentives for them to remain here so that they leave on their own? They've built their lives on lies and screwing the American worker/taxpayer. How did they work here unless they were using a fake or stolen ID (a felony) or working under the table avoiding income taxes? I guess that should all be forgiven, right? We need the jobs they are holding,....get out!
I never mentioned removing the incentives, It's those morons who would round them up using Gestapo type tactics and run them out, (thankfully those are still in the minority). I never mentioned forgiving anyone either. Stop reading into what I'm saying and start reading what I've said......... Hack.

You've done nothing but support illegals in this thread.
Bullshit. Who do you think used to do construction work,concrete work and a shitload of other jobs?
Americans just got priced out of those jobs.
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.

I think this may be the first time we've ever agreed on anything.
I've witnessed these changes on hand. And I know people and businesses that got phase out.

And those are usually the businesses that refused to hire illegals out of a sense of duty to America.
Most of these illegal immigrants jobs are on cash basis like restaurant, agricultural, janitorial, construction etc.
Jobs I'm talking about are high paying jobs that are being offered to foreigners and ignoring the unemployment demands of our country.
I strongly opposed Trump of deporting all illegals with their brown babies.
Apparently not, if you think unskilled illegals should make $17.00/hr, while US citizens get $7.25/hr.
Just talked with my wife who saw the whole discussion, some growers can't get enough help and are offering American citizens $17/hour to pick the fields. No American has taken them up on the offer at the time of the airing.
you have to be accustomed to doing that type of work,a friend of mine who is a Mexican was offered by his cousin who has been doing this his whole life,he offered him a job to go up to the central valley and work,Saul tried, he quit after a month,he said it is fucking brutal,its hotter than hell and your knees and back hurt like a motherfucker at the end of the day,which is more than 8 hours....he said the migrants were laughing at him telling him you Americans are pussies....he said they were just busting his balls,but the work busted everything else...there aint to many people who would last doing that kind work ,its something you start doing young and stay with it....

Thats the pussified younger generation.
I worked all kinds of shit jobs in the Texas heat when I was young.
if you say so.....the guy was in his 30's this was back in the 90's.....picking produce bent over all day is different than a hell of a lot of other jobs in the heat...right now they need workers up there and cant seem to get many takers....including those from the non-pussified generation...

It's no surprise that a thirty year old who hasnt done that kind of work wouldnt be able to do it.
But at thirty I know I could have if I had to,but than the heat doesnt really bother me.
Hell,I spent the last few weeks working on the boat,the truck and the sand blast cabinet in a 106 heat index at 50.
You never see kids doing outdoor manual labor anymore...because they've become pussified since illegals have taken the jobs they would have been doing in the heat.
here we go not everyone is cut out to pick produce bent over all day long in 100 degree heat,this guy lived in one of the hottest places in this country,El Centro Ca.and i dont believe for a fucking second that you would last long doing that shit,so dont tell me that you could if you had to.....he thought he could too because heat did not bother him could at thirty,even though you never have done it either?.....yea sure you
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.

That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.
That's called justification. Where did I say illegals didn't take advantage of the situations? Oh wait, I said they did..... twice...... I could care less about your justifications, I could care less about the fact you think illegals are a big problem though I will agree with you that some are. Markets change, economies change and the world is changing faster than most of us can keep up with but we have to try, unfortunately many will never make it. The laws should have been enforced long before this but now the problem is so big and it is (yes I do agree, just don't care anymore). But what will you do, how would you honestly handle it without appearing cruel and heartless especially for those that have been here for decades and built productive lives for themselves?

If you dont care that tells me you dont give a rats ass about the future of America or Americans.
To be honest nothing illegals do will effect my life other than to lower my cost of labor when I hire workers to do the things I dont want to do.
But personally I'd rather see my country take care of Americans even if it cost me more money.
You want to throw future Americans under the bus I guess thats up to you.
Not up to me, you or anyone else, doesn't mean I don't really care, means I'm a realist and can see the writing on the wall. History repeats itself, always has, always will....... I wonder who'll be the next big guy on the block.......
WTF? If you hadnt let the illegals in in the first place it wouldnt have happened.
Thanks for making my point...... hack...... :thup:

Besides, I didn't let the "illegals" in, you Europeans showed up all on your own and took what you wanted...... :eusa_whistle:

Ah, that explains your stance on this issue even though you say you don't have one. We have a Reconquista onboard! Thanks for letting the cat out of the bag. Those Europeans were the Spanish also. You know, the ancestors of the disgruntled Mexican Mestizos that claim we stole their land, lol. Their indio ancestor didn't even settle in the U.S. they settled south of our border. Learn some history
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.

That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.
That's called justification. Where did I say illegals didn't take advantage of the situations? Oh wait, I said they did..... twice...... I could care less about your justifications, I could care less about the fact you think illegals are a big problem though I will agree with you that some are. Markets change, economies change and the world is changing faster than most of us can keep up with but we have to try, unfortunately many will never make it. The laws should have been enforced long before this but now the problem is so big and it is (yes I do agree, just don't care anymore). But what will you do, how would you honestly handle it without appearing cruel and heartless especially for those that have been here for decades and built productive lives for themselves?

It isn't just my opinion that illegals are a problem in this country it's a fact. Anything illegal is a problem. None of your rants about markets, etc. mean a damn thing. All that matters is our immigration laws and every country has them. How would it be cruel and heartless to remove all of the incentives for them to remain here so that they leave on their own? They've built their lives on lies and screwing the American worker/taxpayer. How did they work here unless they were using a fake or stolen ID (a felony) or working under the table avoiding income taxes? I guess that should all be forgiven, right? We need the jobs they are holding,....get out!
I never mentioned removing the incentives, It's those morons who would round them up using Gestapo type tactics and run them out, (thankfully those are still in the minority). I never mentioned forgiving anyone either. Stop reading into what I'm saying and start reading what I've said......... Hack.

You've done nothing but support illegals in this thread.
You've done nothing but misinterpret what I've posted....... Why?
Oh yeah, you're still working under the us vs them fallacy....... :thup:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.

That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.

Problem being is RINOs like jeb and the rest of the GOP field dont want to do anything about illegals anymore than the dems do.
Whatcha gonna do Bubba? Shoot em all?

Yeah,just throw out your ignorance for all to see.
Don't need to, you're doing that oh so well all by your little own lonesome. I'm having fun with a hack..... you..... :thup:
Yeah, right...... :lmao:
I'm not sure what you do for living or how young you are but making an insulting comments like that is very irritating.
Americans got price out of those jobs. Is correct.

I think this may be the first time we've ever agreed on anything.
I've witnessed these changes on hand. And I know people and businesses that got phase out.

And those are usually the businesses that refused to hire illegals out of a sense of duty to America.
Most of these illegal immigrants jobs are on cash basis like restaurant, agricultural, janitorial, construction etc.
Jobs I'm talking about are high paying jobs that are being offered to foreigners and ignoring the unemployment demands of our country.
I strongly opposed Trump of deporting all illegals with their brown babies.

You're woefully misinformed as to how things work with illegal immigration.
They show up as illegals and soon after they receive visas and they take American jobs.
You seem to think these illegals show up with no skills. You couldnt be more wrong.
I'm probably as old as you if you're over 60, You don't want insulting comments? Don't be an idiot or an ignorant ass like HereWeGoAgain is being in this thread. The market determines wages, you want to blame someone blame the employers, the investors, those who want to hold on to the past and think they can have what once was, blame capitalism. If you're on the "losing" side in a capitalistic system you'll find scapegoats, right not those scapegoats are Hispanics, specifically illegals. I'm not pro or anti in this fight, I'm simply trying to point out reality and obvious idiocy on both sides, right now the bulk of the idiocy is coming from the right.

That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.

Problem being is RINOs like jeb and the rest of the GOP field dont want to do anything about illegals anymore than the dems do.
Whatcha gonna do Bubba? Shoot em all?

Yeah,just throw out your ignorance for all to see.
Don't need to, you're doing that oh so well all by your little own lonesome. I'm having fun with a hack..... you..... :thup:

You're a complete dumbass to think these illegals show up with no skills.
I've seen plenty that show up with machining skills that while not be up to par with Americans they know enough to take jobs from Americans and with training they will work for 5 or 6 bucks an hour less than there counter parts of the American persuasion.
It's people like you that make damn sure real Americans are doomed to mediocrity.
You need to be taken care of like the illegals...dealt with very little discretion.
That all changes with the availability of illegal alien labor. Wages go down. I blame both the employers and the illegal aliens. Illegal aliens weren't dragged over the border to work here. They aren't the innocents in all of this. They know right from wrong. Capitalism does not negate our immigration laws. No, Hispanics aren't scapegoats. Blurring the line between legal and illegal, are we? The fact is that illegal aliens are a big problem in our country and that's no scapegoat. What idiocy is coming from the right? We just want our immigration laws respected and enforced. Now tell how the left aren't idiots on this issue.

Problem being is RINOs like jeb and the rest of the GOP field dont want to do anything about illegals anymore than the dems do.
Whatcha gonna do Bubba? Shoot em all?

Yeah,just throw out your ignorance for all to see.
Don't need to, you're doing that oh so well all by your little own lonesome. I'm having fun with a hack..... you..... :thup:

You're a complete dumbass to think these illegals show up with no skills.
I've seen plenty that show up with machining skills that while not be up to par with Americans they know enough to take jobs from Americans and with training they will work for 5 or 6 bucks an hour less than there counter parts of the American persuasion.
It's people like you that make damn sure real Americans are doomed to mediocrity.
You need to be taken care of like the illegals...dealt with very little discretion.
God I love you delusional fucks......

Just talked with my wife who saw the whole discussion, some growers can't get enough help and are offering American citizens $17/hour to pick the fields. No American has taken them up on the offer at the time of the airing.
you have to be accustomed to doing that type of work,a friend of mine who is a Mexican was offered by his cousin who has been doing this his whole life,he offered him a job to go up to the central valley and work,Saul tried, he quit after a month,he said it is fucking brutal,its hotter than hell and your knees and back hurt like a motherfucker at the end of the day,which is more than 8 hours....he said the migrants were laughing at him telling him you Americans are pussies....he said they were just busting his balls,but the work busted everything else...there aint to many people who would last doing that kind work ,its something you start doing young and stay with it....

Thats the pussified younger generation.
I worked all kinds of shit jobs in the Texas heat when I was young.
if you say so.....the guy was in his 30's this was back in the 90's.....picking produce bent over all day is different than a hell of a lot of other jobs in the heat...right now they need workers up there and cant seem to get many takers....including those from the non-pussified generation...

It's no surprise that a thirty year old who hasnt done that kind of work wouldnt be able to do it.
But at thirty I know I could have if I had to,but than the heat doesnt really bother me.
Hell,I spent the last few weeks working on the boat,the truck and the sand blast cabinet in a 106 heat index at 50.
You never see kids doing outdoor manual labor anymore...because they've become pussified since illegals have taken the jobs they would have been doing in the heat.
here we go not everyone is cut out to pick produce bent over all day long in 100 degree heat,this guy lived in one of the hottest places in this country,El Centro Ca.and i dont believe for a fucking second that you would last long doing that shit,so dont tell me that you could if you had to.....he thought he could too because heat did not bother him could at thirty,even though you never have done it either?.....yea sure you

Go fuck yourself sissy boy!
I can stay out in heat that would make you cry for your mama ya little bitch.
Take a look at the heat index for the last three weeks in Houston,it aint a damn thing to me.
And I'll be out in it till it ends in September.
Problem being is RINOs like jeb and the rest of the GOP field dont want to do anything about illegals anymore than the dems do.
Whatcha gonna do Bubba? Shoot em all?

Yeah,just throw out your ignorance for all to see.
Don't need to, you're doing that oh so well all by your little own lonesome. I'm having fun with a hack..... you..... :thup:

You're a complete dumbass to think these illegals show up with no skills.
I've seen plenty that show up with machining skills that while not be up to par with Americans they know enough to take jobs from Americans and with training they will work for 5 or 6 bucks an hour less than there counter parts of the American persuasion.
It's people like you that make damn sure real Americans are doomed to mediocrity.
You need to be taken care of like the illegals...dealt with very little discretion.
God I love you delusional fucks......


If you think posting up cartoons makes your case you're a bigger puss than I thought.
Tell you what little boy,when you can post up proof I'll stop laughing at you.
Whatcha gonna do Bubba? Shoot em all?

Yeah,just throw out your ignorance for all to see.
Don't need to, you're doing that oh so well all by your little own lonesome. I'm having fun with a hack..... you..... :thup:

You're a complete dumbass to think these illegals show up with no skills.
I've seen plenty that show up with machining skills that while not be up to par with Americans they know enough to take jobs from Americans and with training they will work for 5 or 6 bucks an hour less than there counter parts of the American persuasion.
It's people like you that make damn sure real Americans are doomed to mediocrity.
You need to be taken care of like the illegals...dealt with very little discretion.
God I love you delusional fucks......


If you think posting up cartoons makes your case you're a bigger puss than I thought.
Tell you what little boy,when you can post up proof I'll stop laughing at you.
Proof of what? Proof that you're a reactionary nutjob? Don't have to you prove it with every post...... No different than the far left nutjobs. :thup:
Yeah,just throw out your ignorance for all to see.
Don't need to, you're doing that oh so well all by your little own lonesome. I'm having fun with a hack..... you..... :thup:

You're a complete dumbass to think these illegals show up with no skills.
I've seen plenty that show up with machining skills that while not be up to par with Americans they know enough to take jobs from Americans and with training they will work for 5 or 6 bucks an hour less than there counter parts of the American persuasion.
It's people like you that make damn sure real Americans are doomed to mediocrity.
You need to be taken care of like the illegals...dealt with very little discretion.
God I love you delusional fucks......


If you think posting up cartoons makes your case you're a bigger puss than I thought.
Tell you what little boy,when you can post up proof I'll stop laughing at you.
Proof of what? Proof that you're a reactionary nutjob? Don't have to you prove it with every post...... No different than the far left nutjobs. :thup:

LOL.. You are a far left nut job.
Don't need to, you're doing that oh so well all by your little own lonesome. I'm having fun with a hack..... you..... :thup:

You're a complete dumbass to think these illegals show up with no skills.
I've seen plenty that show up with machining skills that while not be up to par with Americans they know enough to take jobs from Americans and with training they will work for 5 or 6 bucks an hour less than there counter parts of the American persuasion.
It's people like you that make damn sure real Americans are doomed to mediocrity.
You need to be taken care of like the illegals...dealt with very little discretion.
God I love you delusional fucks......


If you think posting up cartoons makes your case you're a bigger puss than I thought.
Tell you what little boy,when you can post up proof I'll stop laughing at you.
Proof of what? Proof that you're a reactionary nutjob? Don't have to you prove it with every post...... No different than the far left nutjobs. :thup:

LOL.. You are a far left nut job.
Betcha the far left nutjobs would take issue with that........ But don't worry, I'm used to wingnuts calling me a loony lefty and moonbats calling me a wingnut. :thup:


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