Voter ID terrifies Democrats

Which is worse?

A criminal voting twice or a law abiding citizen being denied the right to vote once?

Which occurs more often?
If there's no ID requirements to vote, how do you know people are voting illegally?

There are ID requirements. They take place when a person registers.
In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens. While that may not seem like many, just 3 percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presiden*tial vote margin in Florida in 2000. Indeed, the Cen*sus Bureau estimates that there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida, and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has prosecuted more non-citizen voting cases in Florida than in any other state.

Florida is not unique. Thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote in some states, and tens if not hundreds of thousands in total may be present on the voter rolls nationwide. These numbers are significant: Local elections are often decided by only a handful of votes, and even national elections have likely been within the margin of the number of non-citizens ille*gally registered to vote.​
People who respect democracy are concerned about this.

People who put party over country pretend it's not there.
The problem is that nutters are asking ( requiring ) people to acquire NEW FORMS of ID. The ones that law abiding citizens have been using for years ( decades ) are no longer acceptable. This IN SPITE of the fact that multiple-vote fraud is NOT a problem of any consequence in this nation.
At leat you idiots are no longer saying it doesn't happen. :lol:
By the Democrats logic, if there were only a handful of murders, we should not bother to make murder against the law, as only a handful take place. No biggie. Same with every other crime. If only a handful take place, pull the law from the books, as it is meaningless since only a handful take place.

By the Republicans logic, everyone's going out risking 5 years in jail and a $10,000 fine for each voting offense in order to increase the vote by one incremental vote. Doesn't seem worth it to me.

The evidence is indisputable that aliens, both legal and illegal, are registering and voting in federal, state, and local elections. Following a mayor's race in Compton, California, for example, aliens testi*fied under oath in court that they voted in the elec*tion. In that case, a candidate who was elected to the city council was permanently disqualified from holding public office in California for soliciting non-citizens to register and vote. The fact that non-citizens registered and voted in the election would never have been discovered except for the fact that it was a very close election and the in*cumbent mayor, who lost by less than 300 votes, contested it.

Similarly, a 1996 congressional race in California may have been stolen by non-citizen voting. Republican incumbent Bob Dornan was defending himself against a spirited challenger, Democrat Lor*etta Sanchez. Sanchez won the election by just 979 votes, and Dornan contested the election in the U.S. House of Representatives. His challenge was dismissed after an investigation by the House Com*mittee on Oversight and Government Reform turned up only 624 invalid votes by non-citizens who were present in the U.S. Immigration and Nat*uralization Service (INS) database because they had applied for citizenship, as well as another 124 improper absentee ballots. The investigation, however, could not detect illegal aliens, who were not in the INS records.

The Oversight Committee pointed out the ele*phant in the room: "If there is a significant num*ber of ‘documented aliens,' aliens in INS records, on the Orange County voter registration rolls, how many illegal or undocumented aliens may be regis*tered to vote in Orange County?" There is a strong possibility that, with only about 200 votes determining the winner, enough undetected aliens registered and voted to change the outcome of the election. This is particularly true since the California Secretary of State complained that the INS refused his request to check the entire Orange County voter registration file, and no complete check of all of the individuals who voted in the congressional race was ever made.​
If there's no ID requirements to vote, how do you know people are voting illegally?

There are ID requirements. They take place when a person registers.
In 2005, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found that up to 3 percent of the 30,000 individuals called for jury duty from voter registration rolls over a two-year period in just one U.S. district court were not U.S. citizens. While that may not seem like many, just 3 percent of registered voters would have been more than enough to provide the winning presiden*tial vote margin in Florida in 2000. Indeed, the Cen*sus Bureau estimates that there are over a million illegal aliens in Florida, and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has prosecuted more non-citizen voting cases in Florida than in any other state.

Florida is not unique. Thousands of non-citizens are registered to vote in some states, and tens if not hundreds of thousands in total may be present on the voter rolls nationwide. These numbers are significant: Local elections are often decided by only a handful of votes, and even national elections have likely been within the margin of the number of non-citizens ille*gally registered to vote.​
People who respect democracy are concerned about this.

People who put party over country pretend it's not there.
The problem is that nutters are asking ( requiring ) people to acquire NEW FORMS of ID. The ones that law abiding citizens have been using for years ( decades ) are no longer acceptable. This IN SPITE of the fact that multiple-vote fraud is NOT a problem of any consequence in this nation.
At leat you idiots are no longer saying it doesn't happen. :lol:

Reason enough for voter ID laws. Good find. Rep coming when able.
The people have spoken and wanted the voter fraud stopped.
It is Republican and Democrats who have passed the I.D. laws.
Dems who voted for Hilliary have spoken up about the fraud, and pushed for I.D. laws.

I noticed that the Dems who are against this, are more than likely the ones who do the fraudulent registration of the dead, busing in from other areas, double voting and illegals.

In more than 40 states."That's right, the DNC appears to be standing up for potential fraud ? presumably because ending it would disenfranchise at least two of its core constituencies: the deceased and double-voters.

Across America, Republican and Democratic legislatures have put forth voter identification laws this year to protect the constitutional values of equal protection and one person one vote, and for good reason. Election fraud is a real and persistent threat to our electoral system, with allegations cropping up in every election cycle. Just in December, for example, a prosecutor in Indiana launched an investigation into allegations that some fraudulent signatures on petitions may have allowed President Obama to get on the ballot in that state's 2008 primary.

Very well stated. This past weekend I heard on the car radio that same thing, that even democrats are asking for laws requiring voter ID. I believe most who are against it have been indoctrinated in the old and hopefully disappearing Cloward & Piven and Alinsky crowd.:D
Which is worse?

A criminal voting twice or a law abiding citizen being denied the right to vote once?

Which occurs more often?

If their right to vote is so important to them, they will take the necessary measures to obtain a voter ID. It's not rocket science. If they can't bother with that, then they should not be voting anyway.l
Democratic Party Boxes | Artur Davis | Voter Fraud | The Daily Caller
But former Alabama Democratic Rep. Artur Davis told The Daily Caller that anti-fraud measures are needed to protect African-Americans from corrupt political bosses — many of them African-Americans themselves — who run Democratic Party machines in the South.

“What I have seen in my state, in my region, is the the most aggressive practitioners of voter-fraud are local machines who are tied lock, stock and barrel to the special interests in their communities — the landfills, the casino operators — and they’re cooking the [ballot] boxes on election day, they’re manufacturing absentee ballots, they’re voting [in the names of] people named Donald Duck, because they want to control politics and thwart progress,” he told TheDC.

“People who are progressives have no business defending those individuals.”
Everyone should have an ID to vote.

Would cut down on voter fraud. No ID. No vote.

As for the poor not being able to get an ID?? Load of horseshit. They need ID's to sign up for Govt Assistance and other programs. They can surely get an ID to vote.

Good idea and one that should be pursued in every State.

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