Murdoch Backs Santorum?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Taking to Twitter, Murdoch Signals Support for Santorum -

The media mogul Rupert Murdoch signaled his support for Rick Santorum on Monday evening, calling him the “only candidate with genuine big vision” for the United States...

On Sunday, he singled out Mr. Santorum for more specific praise. “Good to see santorum surging in Iowa,” he wrote. “Regardless of policies, all debates showed principles, consistency and humility like no other.”

Wow, this out of nowhere. Murdoch siding with the Evangelicals?

lol, isnt Murdoch the guy who mandated a naked pic of a woman in every issue of one of his neewspapers?


Oh well, this is really turning out to be a very interesting election.
Taking to Twitter, Murdoch Signals Support for Santorum -

The media mogul Rupert Murdoch signaled his support for Rick Santorum on Monday evening, calling him the “only candidate with genuine big vision” for the United States...

On Sunday, he singled out Mr. Santorum for more specific praise. “Good to see santorum surging in Iowa,” he wrote. “Regardless of policies, all debates showed principles, consistency and humility like no other.”

Wow, this out of nowhere. Murdoch siding with the Evangelicals?

lol, isnt Murdoch the guy who mandated a naked pic of a woman in every issue of one of his neewspapers?


Oh well, this is really turning out to be a very interesting election.

Look if Santorum comes on strong in Iowa he will get SMASHED by Romney pac fund money--just like Newt Gingrich did. IOW--he doesn't have a snowballs chance in Haitti--even if he pulls off the big one in Iowa.

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Taking to Twitter, Murdoch Signals Support for Santorum -

The media mogul Rupert Murdoch signaled his support for Rick Santorum on Monday evening, calling him the “only candidate with genuine big vision” for the United States...

On Sunday, he singled out Mr. Santorum for more specific praise. “Good to see santorum surging in Iowa,” he wrote. “Regardless of policies, all debates showed principles, consistency and humility like no other.”

Wow, this out of nowhere. Murdoch siding with the Evangelicals?

lol, isnt Murdoch the guy who mandated a naked pic of a woman in every issue of one of his neewspapers?


Oh well, this is really turning out to be a very interesting election.

Good luck with that--Rick Santorum starts to surge in Iowa--and Rick Perry is right there to insure it doesn't go anywhere--LOL.

Politics as usual.

And if Santorum actually gets a place in Iowa--he's going to have millions in Romney pac fund money attacking him.
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Mr.Bomb Iran and 10 more years of nation building. That is the last thing this nation needs!

Don't worry, Santorum couldn't get elected White House dog catcher. And no serious presidential contender would ever pick him as VP. Santorum has a lot of CRAZY baggage.

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