Voter ID terrifies Democrats

WHAT FRAUD?!? Where are all the incidents of fraud that these VERY restrictive voter ID laws are supposed to be stopping? These laws ARE disenfranchising voters. What is the acceptable ratio of disenfranchisement to fraud for ya'll?

Why would Texas allow concealed carry permits as a form of Voter ID, but not a student ID? Why would they exempt people born before 1931 from providing an ID?

Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that McCain won gun owners and the elderly by a large margin...
The dude is what he is.

Have you guys seen the size of Obama's 2012 campaign fund?

No is it larger than the half billion he got last time thanks to Soros and multiple CORPORATIONS. Wonder why the "occupiers" aren't "occupying" the White House??? Obama has corporate money up the proverbial "you know what".
The dude is what he is.

Have you guys seen the size of Obama's 2012 campaign fund?

No is it larger than the half billion he got last time thanks to Soros and multiple CORPORATIONS. Wonder why the "occupiers" aren't "occupying" the White House??? Obama has corporate money up the proverbial "you know what".

Recent reports were 200 million, a bit short of his goal.
The concept of one man, one vote means you have to make sure a person only votes once per election. Even in the most basic of democratic processes, the voter is identified by an ink mark on their finger.
The concept of one man, one vote means you have to make sure a person only votes once per election. Even in the most basic of democratic processes, the voter is identified by an ink mark on their finger.

what if they dont have fingers? That would be disenfranchising the fingerless voter!
The concept of one man, one vote means you have to make sure a person only votes once per election. Even in the most basic of democratic processes, the voter is identified by an ink mark on their finger.

what if they dont have fingers? That would be disenfranchising the fingerless voter!

The system isn't perfect. For example, if your willing to lose fingers, you can vote ten times.

Are you stating there is no voter fraud?

No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting.

Are you stating there is no voter fraud?

No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting.

No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening

Then you are not very smart.........................2004 washington state governors race.
Yes, they are terrified. There is no rational reason to oppose it...other than people ineligible to vote will not be able to vote.

I have to agree with you on this point. If you're registered to vote, you should have no problem providing ID to cast your ballot. I REGISTERED TO if you're worried about collateral issues when you show up at the polling place, the "man" already knows where you are, where you live, etc...

Those who oppose this and nationwide ID cards are on this topic, in equal parts, illogical, and frankly stupid.
WHAT FRAUD?!? Where are all the incidents of fraud that these VERY restrictive voter ID laws are supposed to be stopping? These laws ARE disenfranchising voters. What is the acceptable ratio of disenfranchisement to fraud for ya'll?

Why would Texas allow concealed carry permits as a form of Voter ID, but not a student ID? Why would they exempt people born before 1931 from providing an ID?

Wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that McCain won gun owners and the elderly by a large margin...
No, it's because people granted concealed carry permits have already adequately identified themselves to the government. As far as the folks born before 1931, those are some of the people the left is screeching would have too much trouble obtaining a photo ID. Make up your mind.

Are you stating there is no voter fraud?

No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to .
How does it "keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting".

Please explain.

Are you stating there is no voter fraud?

No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting.

Why would these laws keep anyone from voting. If they are legal citizens what would be the problem in having a voter ID? Please explain because I can't think of any reason that a legal citizen would not bother to get an ID to vote. Why would these laws keep more democrats from voting than republicans? With all due respect, please explain this to me.
Are you stating there is no voter fraud?

No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to .
How does it "keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting".

Please explain.

That is exactly what I was wondering.
No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to .
How does it "keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting".

Please explain.

That is exactly what I was wondering.


I can't embrace moronic polices/tendencies/platform planks of the left anymore than I can embrace them coming from the right.

Are you stating there is no voter fraud?

No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting.

point of clarification here...

The information stored on her personal computer was voting totals, for reporting purposes. The actual votes themselves were not stored on her personal PC, just the totals from each district, in a spreadsheet, so she could report them.

Still a dumb idea to have them on a personal PC, granted, but it was NOT the actual, only, official voting records on her PC.
No, I'm saying that the kind of fraud that would be deterred by voter ID isn't happening, but the disenfranchisement of voters as a result of these laws IS happening. What is the acceptable ratio? How many voters are you willing to disenfranchise in order to prevent one instance of fraud. Can anyone provide a recent instance of fraud that would have been deterred by these restrictive voter ID laws?

I detest the very idea of election fraud in all forms, but the Republicans only seem worried about the kind that there is no proof of it having occurred. If they truly DID care about election fraud, then they wouldn't be concentrating their efforts on just voter ID laws. They would be pushing for more transparency and accountability, but the fact that a single registrar in a Wisconsin county can store ALL the votes on her personal computer didn't even blip on their radar. The fact that over a dozen states have no paper trail on their electronic voting machines doesn't seem to concern them at all. A number of states do not do any kind of post election audit to determine if their machines are recording votes correctly. These are areas that are FRAUGHT with the possibility of fraud, but not a single Republican is making an issue of them or putting processes in place to limit the possibility of fraud.

That leads me to only one conclusion...these voter ID laws are not being put in place to stop fraud, but to keep voters (who tend to vote Democratic) from voting.

Wow - A progressive law hated by the so called progressives. :boohoo:

I have been an election judge in 3 different elections in a precinct that has 89.2% black population. 2 of these were presidential elections. I have uncovered, witnesses & reported voter fraud in both presidential elections.

My first time I witnessed 11 fraudulent votes in a 2 hour period. I made a call to the board of elections & they sent a lawyer out to watch & she also witnessed the fraud. We also had election judges that were complicit in allowing this to happen. I shut the poll down for 5 minutes while we explained to the other judges how the community organizers outside were undermining their slack registration procedures. The community organizers were using various organized tactics to out-witt the old election judges. The community organizers were violating 3 different election laws. No it did not make the news papers but the fraud is organized & it really happens in many precincts all over the country.

It is about time we use photo ID & put our foot down on these fraudulent voters & the community organizers. These people vote for family members & others who moved out years ago & have been voting in other places.
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The AP found that many voters in predominantly black counties in South Carolina do not have proper identification — and the percentage of minority voters without the required identification is higher in those areas than other precincts statewide.

For example, in Richland County, there are 11,087 nonwhite voters without ID, and in Orangeburg County, there are 4,544. The AP study said that means half of those impacted in Richland are nonwhite voters. In Orangeburg, that equals 73 percent of nonwhite voters hit by the law.

Read more: Study: South Carolina voter ID law hit black precincts hardest - Mackenzie Weinger -

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