Vile Snowflake Dem Faces Firing For Attacking WRONG Child in Attack Against Covington Kids

well me personally, I don't sink to the depths of the left. I will denounce it, say it's unfortunate and that's all. If he/she was a store, I would avoid it. But to fire someone, nope, not my style nor what I think should happen.

How about if you were a business owner ... or the Principal of a school....and this guy worked for you? What would you do then?
well me personally, I don't sink to the depths of the left. I will denounce it, say it's unfortunate and that's all. If he/she was a store, I would avoid it. But to fire someone, nope, not my style nor what I think should happen.

How about if you were a business owner ... or the Principal of a school....and this guy worked for you? What would you do then?
that's up to that individual. it's not my problem. I want stupid fks out of my business. I will take my consequences from the people who I deal with or work for.
sued for what?
Defamation, for one. Emotional trauma for 2
how? you should really look up the law. the person had to knowingly do it with intent knowing it wasn't true. since it isn't the right kid, obviously he didn't knowingly know.

The teach tweeted about the wrong kid. He wasn't even in DC

That's libel and defamation.
no actually it isn't. it's stupid, but that's about it.
Alex Jones is in the middle of a defamation suit right at this moment, all based off of his moronic opinion. His intent wasnt to lie. Hes just crazy, and now hes being sued for it.
and we will see if he loses right? It isn't over, so right now, all you have is an opinion.
Defamation, for one. Emotional trauma for 2
how? you should really look up the law. the person had to knowingly do it with intent knowing it wasn't true. since it isn't the right kid, obviously he didn't knowingly know.

The teach tweeted about the wrong kid. He wasn't even in DC

That's libel and defamation.
no actually it isn't. it's stupid, but that's about it.
Alex Jones is in the middle of a defamation suit right at this moment, all based off of his moronic opinion. His intent wasnt to lie. Hes just crazy, and now hes being sued for it.
and we will see if he loses right? It isn't over, so right now, all you have is an opinion.
How would that help YOU? If the suit is currently happening in a court of law, that means you have no idea what youre talking about.
how? you should really look up the law. the person had to knowingly do it with intent knowing it wasn't true. since it isn't the right kid, obviously he didn't knowingly know.

The teach tweeted about the wrong kid. He wasn't even in DC

That's libel and defamation.
no actually it isn't. it's stupid, but that's about it.
Alex Jones is in the middle of a defamation suit right at this moment, all based off of his moronic opinion. His intent wasnt to lie. Hes just crazy, and now hes being sued for it.
and we will see if he loses right? It isn't over, so right now, all you have is an opinion.
How would that help YOU? If the suit is currently happening in a court of law, that means you have no idea what youre talking about.
dude, anyone can sue anyone for anything. we've seen that. not sure your point. the issue is whether a court will say it is defamation and give a settlement.
D-Omar used Twitter to launch vile attacks against the Covington kinds AFTER she learned the false accusations against them were debunked. After being threatened with a law suit she took her comments down.

At least Omar was intelligent enough to slander / attack the right child.

A Colorado teacher is reportedly facing termination for calling a Kentucky high school student a member of the "Hitler Youth" after she incorrectly identified the teen as being one of the students at last month's March For Life seen in a controversial viral video -- which itself has been widely misrepresented.

His name is Jay Jackson. His twitter account is closed to non followers so we don’t interfere with his training in the #HitlerYouth,” Grissom tweeted"

The teacher's Tweet went VIRAL.

The teacher's problem is Jay Jackson was NOT one of the kids, was NOT on a field trip, and was HUNREDS of miles away.

Should this idiot be fired? I fully expect the responses to fall along party lines. Me, personally? Fire his ignorant, careless ass!

Colorado teacher faces termination after misidentifying Covington student, calling him ‘Hitler Youth’

When will people learn ? Twitter is the God damned devil. NOTHING good comes from it. IT's a cesspool of vile putrid hate that just destroys those who partake.

Yes he should be fired, for having the poor judgement it takes to attack a child on Twitter. Who the hell wants him educating children?
The teach tweeted about the wrong kid. He wasn't even in DC

That's libel and defamation.
no actually it isn't. it's stupid, but that's about it.
Alex Jones is in the middle of a defamation suit right at this moment, all based off of his moronic opinion. His intent wasnt to lie. Hes just crazy, and now hes being sued for it.
and we will see if he loses right? It isn't over, so right now, all you have is an opinion.
How would that help YOU? If the suit is currently happening in a court of law, that means you have no idea what youre talking about.
dude, anyone can sue anyone for anything. we've seen that. not sure your point. the issue is whether a court will say it is defamation and give a settlement.
No, you cant force a court to take up a case if it isnt a legal case. For example, if you tried to sue me for being an alien from outer space, they arent going to allow it.

Your grasp of US law is awful.
She should have made sure it was one of the Covington pricks before posting. She may have caused harm to an innocent in this case, which is unacceptable.
But causing harm to a Covington student is acceptable? Spoken like a real fascist prick.
She should have made sure it was one of the Covington pricks before posting. She may have caused harm to an innocent in this case, which is unacceptable.
But causing harm to a Covington student is acceptable? Spoken like a real fascist prick.
The little shits were parading around in MAGA hats, whoring for attention. If they didn’t want it, they shouldn’t have asked for it, prick.
The little shits were parading around in MAGA hats, whoring for attention. If they didn’t want it, they shouldn’t have asked for it, prick.
So someone in a Bernie Sanders t-shirt is "whoring for attention" he's just "asking for it" in your fascist idiot's view?
At least your prick -like behavior follows a consistent idiotic pattern. No one can say you aren't true to your warped sick viewpoint.
The little shits were parading around in MAGA hats, whoring for attention. If they didn’t want it, they shouldn’t have asked for it, prick.
So someone in a Bernie Sanders t-shirt is "whoring for attention" he's just "asking for it" in your fascist idiot's view?
At least your prick -like behavior follows a consistent idiotic pattern. No one can say you aren't true to your warped sick viewpoint.
As much as I despise Bernie Sanders, his shirts are not intended to telegraph threat and hatred at specific, targeted groups of people like Trump sheep hats are.
As much as I despise Bernie Sanders, his shirts are not intended to telegraph threat and hatred at specific, targeted groups of people like Trump sheep hats are.
First of all that's your opinion only and Bernie's love of socialism targets all Americans.
Secondly unchecked illegal immigration does the same and like all fascists you seem to think the faces of people
you think are okay to punch are a license to punch away and assault others because you give yourself permission.

Fascist bullshit!
As much as I despise Bernie Sanders, his shirts are not intended to telegraph threat and hatred at specific, targeted groups of people like Trump sheep hats are.
First of all that's your opinion only and Bernie's love of socialism targets all Americans.
Secondly unchecked illegal immigration does the same and like all fascists you seem to think the faces of people
you think are okay to punch are a license to punch away and assault others because you give yourself permission.

Fascist bullshit!
A MAGA hat is a middle finger. Giving the middle finger to the wrong person can end badly.
A MAGA hat is a middle finger. Giving the middle finger to the wrong person can end badly.
That's how you see it just like someone could see a Bernie t-shirt the same way. Try and dance around the point all you like don't get to decide who deserves to be assaulted and not. As already pointed out, you are an apologist for fascism.
You are what you profess to oppose. That's felonious hypocrisy writ large. Own it!
She should have made sure it was one of the Covington pricks before posting. She may have caused harm to an innocent in this case, which is unacceptable.
But causing harm to a Covington student is acceptable? Spoken like a real fascist prick.
The little shits were parading around in MAGA hats, whoring for attention. If they didn’t want it, they shouldn’t have asked for it, prick.
Could you not apply that same logic to the toothless weirdo who was banging a drum in people's faces? A FUCKING DRUM! Those tend to be attention grabbers. Or how about the shameless racists who were saying unrepeatable things through a megaphone? A FUCKING MEGAPHONE! Those tend to be attention grabbers too.
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A MAGA hat is a middle finger. Giving the middle finger to the wrong person can end badly.
That's how you see it just like someone could see a Bernie t-shirt the same way. Try and dance around the point all you like don't get to decide who deserves to be assaulted and not. As already pointed out, you are an apologist for fascism.
You are what you profess to oppose. That's felonious hypocrisy writ large. Own it!
The Bernie shirt is not seen that way. The MAGA hat is. Wear it at your own peril, trash.
She should have made sure it was one of the Covington pricks before posting. She may have caused harm to an innocent in this case, which is unacceptable.
But causing harm to a Covington student is acceptable? Spoken like a real fascist prick.
The little shits were parading around in MAGA hats, whoring for attention. If they didn’t want it, they shouldn’t have asked for it, prick.
Could you not apply that same logic to the toothless geezer who was banging a drum in people's faces? A FUCKING DRUM! Those tend to be attention grabbers.
If I were a dumb fucking retard, maybe I'd think that was the same
A MAGA hat is a middle finger. Giving the middle finger to the wrong person can end badly.
That's how you see it just like someone could see a Bernie t-shirt the same way. Try and dance around the point all you like don't get to decide who deserves to be assaulted and not. As already pointed out, you are an apologist for fascism.
You are what you profess to oppose. That's felonious hypocrisy writ large. Own it!
The Bernie shirt is not seen that way. The MAGA hat is. Wear it at your own peril, trash.

or , how about this, don't be a fucking asshole who thinks they have a right to get in someone's face because they don't approve of their fucking hat. Notice that pussy Indian got in a KID's face, typical bully behavior, pick on someone you know cant , or won't , fight back.

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