Video: Woman confronts transgender using women's restroom

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom, perv.

Please. If you REALLY thought women should have control over their bodies, you wouldn't be fighting to tell them who they do and don't have to share the bathroom with. What you mean is that you think women should be encouraged to abort unwanted babies, so that they can continue to be used as sexual vending machines for every cad who wanders down the pike, with no fallout accruing to the sperm-spewer.

Really? You're not telling women who they are allowed to share a bathroom with? You're going to tell a transgendered person born a girl that they have to use the womens restroom? You're a hypocrite. Probably a pro-life hypocrite too.

I'm not telling crazy women who think they're men a damned thing. Not my bathroom, not my department. You guys can work that out however you like.

I will tell you, though, that "transgenders" who are making no effort to present as the sex they allegedly identify as demanding acceptance into the non-bio bathroom appears to be mostly a one-way problem. Maybe men just don't say anything about someone who is obviously a biological female turning up in their bathrooms; my bet is on women who are anything short of surgically altered still retaining a woman's natural wariness of biological men, and continuing to use the ladies' room. That has been my actual experience, although obviously I haven't encountered every gender-confused person in the country.

"I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the men's room." See above, re: WOMEN AND MEN ARE DIFFERENT. Telling me what a man feels okay with is the same as saying that women should be okay with the same things and should be just like men. In other words, it's a waste of words, because we aren't.

You're really shitting bricks over the transgendered, aren't you and think you're the voice of all women. Most people who have a problem with this aren't women.

THEY are pitching hissy fits hither and yon about "how DARE you disrespect my identity", and you're cheering them on, but when I defend MY identity, I get "you're shitting bricks, aren't you?" How very enlightened and feminist of you to denigrate a woman's concerns and anger and dismiss them.

Why shouldn't I speak for women? Leftist chicks do it all the damned time, on every subject imaginable, and I have the exact same qualifications for the job as they do. Also, I don't really give a shit about "most people who have a problem with this." I have a damned problem with it. I am speaking my truth; I am woman, hear me roar. And you can add the "censoring by peer pressure" tactic to the list of patriarchal methods of silencing women that doesn't work on me.

Everything is not about you personally, snowflake. Next newsflash for you: the universe does not revolve around you, and the sun does not shine out of your asshole. You should really be writing this down, so you can remember it.

Uh, everything is not about you personally and most women appear to disagree with you. Ya' sanctimonious asshole, next time you want to speak for women perhaps you should agree with them first.

They can pee with whomever they like, but they can't force me to join them any more than you can.

Btw, speaking of "sanctimonious assholes", thanks for yet more mansplaining about "what women ACTUALLY want". Next time YOU want to speak for women, perhaps you should BE one first.
Aren't there laws in Ca. against harassment like that? Did Denny's give her permission to film in their store? I hope the he/she sues the shit out of that candidate.

Candidate for what?
Common sense?

You didn't watch the video...

I speed watched I'll admit.
If she's running for office she has a ready made political ad.

Lmfao, how do you speed watch it..and since I am talking to you do they make your truck in another color besides blue? I have seen a few up here in ohio..all blue

Speed watching is really easy.
Ya click the fast forward button.

Toyota FJ Cruiser Touch Up Paint |
Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom.

Coming from a porn addict lol.
Aren't there laws in Ca. against harassment like that? Did Denny's give her permission to film in their store? I hope the he/she sues the shit out of that candidate.

Candidate for what?
Common sense?

You didn't watch the video...

I speed watched I'll admit.
If she's running for office she has a ready made political ad.

Lmfao, how do you speed watch it..and since I am talking to you do they make your truck in another color besides blue? I have seen a few up here in ohio..all blue

Speed watching is really easy.
Ya click the fast forward button.

Toyota FJ Cruiser Touch Up Paint |

Lol I forgot .
Candidate for what?
Common sense?

You didn't watch the video...

I speed watched I'll admit.
If she's running for office she has a ready made political ad.

Lmfao, how do you speed watch it..and since I am talking to you do they make your truck in another color besides blue? I have seen a few up here in ohio..all blue

Speed watching is really easy.
Ya click the fast forward button.

Toyota FJ Cruiser Touch Up Paint |

Lol I forgot .

Sold the FJ.
Got 14k for it even after I wheeled the shit out of it.
It was a 2007 with around 60k on the odo.
They're kinda becoming a collectors item since they no longer make them.
The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom.

Coming from a porn addict lol.

But you're the one who cant stop talking about porn.
I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom, perv.

Please. If you REALLY thought women should have control over their bodies, you wouldn't be fighting to tell them who they do and don't have to share the bathroom with. What you mean is that you think women should be encouraged to abort unwanted babies, so that they can continue to be used as sexual vending machines for every cad who wanders down the pike, with no fallout accruing to the sperm-spewer.

Really? You're not telling women who they are allowed to share a bathroom with? You're going to tell a transgendered person born a girl that they have to use the womens restroom? You're a hypocrite. Probably a pro-life hypocrite too.

I'm not telling crazy women who think they're men a damned thing. Not my bathroom, not my department. You guys can work that out however you like.

I will tell you, though, that "transgenders" who are making no effort to present as the sex they allegedly identify as demanding acceptance into the non-bio bathroom appears to be mostly a one-way problem. Maybe men just don't say anything about someone who is obviously a biological female turning up in their bathrooms; my bet is on women who are anything short of surgically altered still retaining a woman's natural wariness of biological men, and continuing to use the ladies' room. That has been my actual experience, although obviously I haven't encountered every gender-confused person in the country.

"I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the men's room." See above, re: WOMEN AND MEN ARE DIFFERENT. Telling me what a man feels okay with is the same as saying that women should be okay with the same things and should be just like men. In other words, it's a waste of words, because we aren't.

You're really shitting bricks over the transgendered, aren't you and think you're the voice of all women. Most people who have a problem with this aren't women.

THEY are pitching hissy fits hither and yon about "how DARE you disrespect my identity", and you're cheering them on, but when I defend MY identity, I get "you're shitting bricks, aren't you?" How very enlightened and feminist of you to denigrate a woman's concerns and anger and dismiss them.

Why shouldn't I speak for women? Leftist chicks do it all the damned time, on every subject imaginable, and I have the exact same qualifications for the job as they do. Also, I don't really give a shit about "most people who have a problem with this." I have a damned problem with it. I am speaking my truth; I am woman, hear me roar. And you can add the "censoring by peer pressure" tactic to the list of patriarchal methods of silencing women that doesn't work on me.

Everything is not about you personally, snowflake. Next newsflash for you: the universe does not revolve around you, and the sun does not shine out of your asshole. You should really be writing this down, so you can remember it.

Uh, everything is not about you personally and most women appear to disagree with you. Ya' sanctimonious asshole, next time you want to speak for women perhaps you should agree with them first.

They can pee with whomever they like, but they can't force me to join them any more than you can.

Btw, speaking of "sanctimonious assholes", thanks for yet more mansplaining about "what women ACTUALLY want". Next time YOU want to speak for women, perhaps you should BE one first.

Mansplaining? I simply looked at what most women believe and they disagree with you. Boy, did I hit a nerve. :badgrin:
What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom.

Coming from a porn addict lol.

But you're the one who cant stop talking about porn.

by mentioning it once to you, what a typical leftist dumbass liar. It's what you loons do best though.

I can't stand it but you are an addict judging the vulgar image of your love for the HAND JOB a.h.
Women do a lot of things in the ladies' room, amazingly enough. And it's none of your business what, because that's the whole point of "grow a vagina, or stay the fuck out".

Have I mentioned that I'm still not accepting your patronizing, misogynistic demands that women justify their desire and right to perform private functions without men around?

What you do in the ladies room besides relieve yourself is no concern of mine.

Have I mentioned I'm not seeking your acceptance? Or that I don't care. A woman who thinks she's a man still can't stand up at the trough and take a wiz. She has to go to a stall. I still don't care.

You're DEMANDING our acceptance, and don't kid yourself about it. You're demanding that we accept YOUR worldview, and immediately start being comfortable with however you want to redefine reality today.

And as for "I don't care when it comes to the men's room", I'll tell you the same thing I told your sidekick Happy: WOMEN AND MEN ARE NOT THE SAME. Spread the news. And I'm still not interested in having any of you mansplain to me about how "this is what men think, and it is the only right way to think". Fuck you and your attempts to set women's rights back to the last century.

Nope, I was asked what I would tell my daughter today about this bathroom bugaboo. You then chimed in and tried to shame me. Didn't work. I have no shame.

Lighten up. It's been going on forever.

I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.
I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom.

Coming from a porn addict lol.

But you're the one who cant stop talking about porn.

by mentioning it once to you, what a typical leftist dumbass liar. It's what you loons do best though.

I can't stand it but you are an addict judging the vulgar image of your love for the HAND JOB a.h.

So, you're too stupid to understand a metaphor and you automatically associate masturbation with porn. Sorry, dude, whatever you're doing isn't really about me.
No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom, perv.

Please. If you REALLY thought women should have control over their bodies, you wouldn't be fighting to tell them who they do and don't have to share the bathroom with. What you mean is that you think women should be encouraged to abort unwanted babies, so that they can continue to be used as sexual vending machines for every cad who wanders down the pike, with no fallout accruing to the sperm-spewer.

Really? You're not telling women who they are allowed to share a bathroom with? You're going to tell a transgendered person born a girl that they have to use the womens restroom? You're a hypocrite. Probably a pro-life hypocrite too.

I'm not telling crazy women who think they're men a damned thing. Not my bathroom, not my department. You guys can work that out however you like.

I will tell you, though, that "transgenders" who are making no effort to present as the sex they allegedly identify as demanding acceptance into the non-bio bathroom appears to be mostly a one-way problem. Maybe men just don't say anything about someone who is obviously a biological female turning up in their bathrooms; my bet is on women who are anything short of surgically altered still retaining a woman's natural wariness of biological men, and continuing to use the ladies' room. That has been my actual experience, although obviously I haven't encountered every gender-confused person in the country.

"I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the men's room." See above, re: WOMEN AND MEN ARE DIFFERENT. Telling me what a man feels okay with is the same as saying that women should be okay with the same things and should be just like men. In other words, it's a waste of words, because we aren't.

You're really shitting bricks over the transgendered, aren't you and think you're the voice of all women. Most people who have a problem with this aren't women.

THEY are pitching hissy fits hither and yon about "how DARE you disrespect my identity", and you're cheering them on, but when I defend MY identity, I get "you're shitting bricks, aren't you?" How very enlightened and feminist of you to denigrate a woman's concerns and anger and dismiss them.

Why shouldn't I speak for women? Leftist chicks do it all the damned time, on every subject imaginable, and I have the exact same qualifications for the job as they do. Also, I don't really give a shit about "most people who have a problem with this." I have a damned problem with it. I am speaking my truth; I am woman, hear me roar. And you can add the "censoring by peer pressure" tactic to the list of patriarchal methods of silencing women that doesn't work on me.

Everything is not about you personally, snowflake. Next newsflash for you: the universe does not revolve around you, and the sun does not shine out of your asshole. You should really be writing this down, so you can remember it.

Uh, everything is not about you personally and most women appear to disagree with you. Ya' sanctimonious asshole, next time you want to speak for women perhaps you should agree with them first.

They can pee with whomever they like, but they can't force me to join them any more than you can.

Btw, speaking of "sanctimonious assholes", thanks for yet more mansplaining about "what women ACTUALLY want". Next time YOU want to speak for women, perhaps you should BE one first.

Mansplaining? I simply looked at what most women believe and they disagree with you. Boy, did I hit a nerve. :badgrin:

No, you simply looked at something telling you what you wanted to hear, and proceeded to tell a woman she needed to shut up and get in her place.

As to "hit a nerve", I'm just holding your hypocritical ass to the standards you lefties have been proclaiming for so long.
What you do in the ladies room besides relieve yourself is no concern of mine.

Have I mentioned I'm not seeking your acceptance? Or that I don't care. A woman who thinks she's a man still can't stand up at the trough and take a wiz. She has to go to a stall. I still don't care.

You're DEMANDING our acceptance, and don't kid yourself about it. You're demanding that we accept YOUR worldview, and immediately start being comfortable with however you want to redefine reality today.

And as for "I don't care when it comes to the men's room", I'll tell you the same thing I told your sidekick Happy: WOMEN AND MEN ARE NOT THE SAME. Spread the news. And I'm still not interested in having any of you mansplain to me about how "this is what men think, and it is the only right way to think". Fuck you and your attempts to set women's rights back to the last century.

Nope, I was asked what I would tell my daughter today about this bathroom bugaboo. You then chimed in and tried to shame me. Didn't work. I have no shame.

Lighten up. It's been going on forever.

I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

"What does a strong male figure do?" Well, you just told us pathetic volumes about YOUR life. That is the most depressing thing I have heard all day.
I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

My penis isn't in your bathroom, perv.

Please. If you REALLY thought women should have control over their bodies, you wouldn't be fighting to tell them who they do and don't have to share the bathroom with. What you mean is that you think women should be encouraged to abort unwanted babies, so that they can continue to be used as sexual vending machines for every cad who wanders down the pike, with no fallout accruing to the sperm-spewer.

Really? You're not telling women who they are allowed to share a bathroom with? You're going to tell a transgendered person born a girl that they have to use the womens restroom? You're a hypocrite. Probably a pro-life hypocrite too.

I'm not telling crazy women who think they're men a damned thing. Not my bathroom, not my department. You guys can work that out however you like.

I will tell you, though, that "transgenders" who are making no effort to present as the sex they allegedly identify as demanding acceptance into the non-bio bathroom appears to be mostly a one-way problem. Maybe men just don't say anything about someone who is obviously a biological female turning up in their bathrooms; my bet is on women who are anything short of surgically altered still retaining a woman's natural wariness of biological men, and continuing to use the ladies' room. That has been my actual experience, although obviously I haven't encountered every gender-confused person in the country.

"I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the men's room." See above, re: WOMEN AND MEN ARE DIFFERENT. Telling me what a man feels okay with is the same as saying that women should be okay with the same things and should be just like men. In other words, it's a waste of words, because we aren't.

You're really shitting bricks over the transgendered, aren't you and think you're the voice of all women. Most people who have a problem with this aren't women.

THEY are pitching hissy fits hither and yon about "how DARE you disrespect my identity", and you're cheering them on, but when I defend MY identity, I get "you're shitting bricks, aren't you?" How very enlightened and feminist of you to denigrate a woman's concerns and anger and dismiss them.

Why shouldn't I speak for women? Leftist chicks do it all the damned time, on every subject imaginable, and I have the exact same qualifications for the job as they do. Also, I don't really give a shit about "most people who have a problem with this." I have a damned problem with it. I am speaking my truth; I am woman, hear me roar. And you can add the "censoring by peer pressure" tactic to the list of patriarchal methods of silencing women that doesn't work on me.

Everything is not about you personally, snowflake. Next newsflash for you: the universe does not revolve around you, and the sun does not shine out of your asshole. You should really be writing this down, so you can remember it.

Uh, everything is not about you personally and most women appear to disagree with you. Ya' sanctimonious asshole, next time you want to speak for women perhaps you should agree with them first.

They can pee with whomever they like, but they can't force me to join them any more than you can.

Btw, speaking of "sanctimonious assholes", thanks for yet more mansplaining about "what women ACTUALLY want". Next time YOU want to speak for women, perhaps you should BE one first.

Mansplaining? I simply looked at what most women believe and they disagree with you. Boy, did I hit a nerve. :badgrin:

No, you simply looked at something telling you what you wanted to hear, and proceeded to tell a woman she needed to shut up and get in her place.

Actually I just happen to be in agreement with most women, but that is one hell of a way to try to spin it on your end.

As to "hit a nerve", I'm just holding your hypocritical ass to the standards you lefties have been proclaiming for so long.

Haven't been hypocritical at all, I'm not the one pretending to speak for women like you are even though most disagree with you. That's a serious fucking whole in your entire premise, don't get all pissed off at me because I merely pointed it out to you. :21:
What you do in the ladies room besides relieve yourself is no concern of mine.

Have I mentioned I'm not seeking your acceptance? Or that I don't care. A woman who thinks she's a man still can't stand up at the trough and take a wiz. She has to go to a stall. I still don't care.

You're DEMANDING our acceptance, and don't kid yourself about it. You're demanding that we accept YOUR worldview, and immediately start being comfortable with however you want to redefine reality today.

And as for "I don't care when it comes to the men's room", I'll tell you the same thing I told your sidekick Happy: WOMEN AND MEN ARE NOT THE SAME. Spread the news. And I'm still not interested in having any of you mansplain to me about how "this is what men think, and it is the only right way to think". Fuck you and your attempts to set women's rights back to the last century.

Nope, I was asked what I would tell my daughter today about this bathroom bugaboo. You then chimed in and tried to shame me. Didn't work. I have no shame.

Lighten up. It's been going on forever.

I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.
The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

No, you care about treating people YOU SIDE WITH with whatever you're defining as "respect" today. You pretty clearly don't give a rat fart about treating women who don't share your leftist views with any sort of respect, which is defined as "if you don't have a vagina, get the fuck out of the ladies' room." Apparently, the sort of respect required to let women have their own fucking bathroom to themselves is a little beyond you.

I think women should have control over their own bodies.

I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the mens room either. You're a paranoid sadsack.

Oh, and this just in, chauvinist: WOMEN ARE NOT ALL THE SAME. That's right; we are all individual, unique human beings in our own right, with the ability to think for ourselves. Tell all your leftist friends. This could be a game-changer.

Yep, that's true. Nice strawman.

And by the way, keep your penises out of our bathrooms.

My penis isn't in your bathroom, perv.

Please. If you REALLY thought women should have control over their bodies, you wouldn't be fighting to tell them who they do and don't have to share the bathroom with. What you mean is that you think women should be encouraged to abort unwanted babies, so that they can continue to be used as sexual vending machines for every cad who wanders down the pike, with no fallout accruing to the sperm-spewer.

"I'm also not afraid of transgendered people using the men's room." See above, re: WOMEN AND MEN ARE DIFFERENT. Telling me what a man feels okay with is the same as saying that women should be okay with the same things and should be just like men. In other words, it's a waste of words, because we aren't.

Everything is not about you personally, snowflake. Next newsflash for you: the universe does not revolve around you, and the sun does not shine out of your asshole. You should really be writing this down, so you can remember it.

Why would you use the word "encouraged" when all that occurs is that the person exercises her own right to make her own choice after becoming familiar with the options? Why do you think that women are beleaguered individuals to be used by just anyone? Why do you refuse the idea that women, like men, make sexual choices? Why has it not occurred to you that humans have sexual relationships of all kinds for their own reasons, including immensely emotional ones? Do you think that the U.S. is a nation of prostitutes? There are no husbands and wives, no boyfriends and girlfriends here? The our nation are just cheap sluts? That a man or woman who takes part in sexual activity sacrifices his/her personal dignity in doing so?

Sorry. I don't think that sex is dirty, and I don't think that being a heterosexual is dirty.
That was great good for her...Freaking Obama set out to harm America...he damn near succeeded...
What a legacy...nukes for Iran and men in the little girls room....sickening...
And MS13 in the classrooms..placed there by the Obama admin.
I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
He is a man behind closed doors in a women's bathroom...what is wrong with you? How do you tell your 12 year old daughter she can't use the bathroom until that man comes out...why should a parent be placed in a situation like that? to make Obama look enlightened?

I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.

I am appalled that you would actually tell your daughter to go ahead and use the restroom with a strange man present. Do you also tell her it's not necessary to pull the drapes before changing her clothes? As a woman, I cannot even imagine my father essentially devaluing my femininity by instructing me to prioritize it below the "feewings" and wishes of some man with a screw loose. Or any man.

Then I'm pleased to appall you. Do girls generally expose themselves to others in the ladies room when they relieve themselves like there were changing clothes?

Yes, we do. We adjust bras and pantyhose. If a pair of hose runs, we DO change them out in the Ladies' room. Getting into pantyhose, spanx, girdles and waist trainers require room for the gymnastics. Sometimes, it even requires the assistance of a girlfriend. So now you have more ammo to use condescending weak frightened women who dare to object to a man walking in on them in the LADIES' room.
You're DEMANDING our acceptance, and don't kid yourself about it. You're demanding that we accept YOUR worldview, and immediately start being comfortable with however you want to redefine reality today.

And as for "I don't care when it comes to the men's room", I'll tell you the same thing I told your sidekick Happy: WOMEN AND MEN ARE NOT THE SAME. Spread the news. And I'm still not interested in having any of you mansplain to me about how "this is what men think, and it is the only right way to think". Fuck you and your attempts to set women's rights back to the last century.

Nope, I was asked what I would tell my daughter today about this bathroom bugaboo. You then chimed in and tried to shame me. Didn't work. I have no shame.

Lighten up. It's been going on forever.

I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

Why am I not surprised that YOU sneer at the idea of male strength? Sour grapes, if you ask me.

Emasculating leftists is redundant; how do you cut off what doesn't exist?
I don't care. As long as he/she wasn't whipping his little thing around for little boys and girls to see, what does it matter where he/she takes a dump?
He is a man behind closed doors in a women's bathroom...what is wrong with you? How do you tell your 12 year old daughter she can't use the bathroom until that man comes out...why should a parent be placed in a situation like that? to make Obama look enlightened?

I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.

I am appalled that you would actually tell your daughter to go ahead and use the restroom with a strange man present. Do you also tell her it's not necessary to pull the drapes before changing her clothes? As a woman, I cannot even imagine my father essentially devaluing my femininity by instructing me to prioritize it below the "feewings" and wishes of some man with a screw loose. Or any man.

Then I'm pleased to appall you. Do girls generally expose themselves to others in the ladies room when they relieve themselves like there were changing clothes?

Yes, we do. We adjust bras and pantyhose. If a pair of hose runs, we DO change them out in the Ladies' room. Getting into pantyhose, spanx, girdles and waist trainers require room for the gymnastics. Sometimes, it even requires the assistance of a girlfriend. So now you have more ammo to use condescending weak frightened women who dare to object to a man walking in on them in the LADIES' room.

Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm going into the bathroom to smoke a cigar and drink a beer while I belch and scratch myself. Point is, I'm going in there with the expectation and intention of doing whatever the hell I do WITHOUT MEN.

Some trans wants to make a damned statement, or indulge his delusion that he's "pretty", he can effing well leave me out of it.
Nope, I was asked what I would tell my daughter today about this bathroom bugaboo. You then chimed in and tried to shame me. Didn't work. I have no shame.

Lighten up. It's been going on forever.

I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

Why am I not surprised that YOU sneer at the idea of male strength? Sour grapes, if you ask me.

It's not a sneer. There is nothing wrong with men teaching their kids to hunt, fish, work on cars, sow, dance, write, play sports or design dresses. The problem I have is when right wing nuts tell everyone how they should raise their kids.

Emasculating leftists is redundant; how do you cut off what doesn't exist?

Yeah, but you're the one getting your ass kicked all over this thread.

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