Video: Woman confronts transgender using women's restroom

Is this what snowflakes do now on InfoWars?

Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.
Is this what snowflakes do now on InfoWars?

Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?
He is a man behind closed doors in a women's bathroom...what is wrong with you? How do you tell your 12 year old daughter she can't use the bathroom until that man comes out...why should a parent be placed in a situation like that? to make Obama look enlightened?

I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.

I am appalled that you would actually tell your daughter to go ahead and use the restroom with a strange man present. Do you also tell her it's not necessary to pull the drapes before changing her clothes? As a woman, I cannot even imagine my father essentially devaluing my femininity by instructing me to prioritize it below the "feewings" and wishes of some man with a screw loose. Or any man.

Then I'm pleased to appall you. Do girls generally expose themselves to others in the ladies room when they relieve themselves like there were changing clothes?

Yes, we do. We adjust bras and pantyhose. If a pair of hose runs, we DO change them out in the Ladies' room. Getting into pantyhose, spanx, girdles and waist trainers require room for the gymnastics. Sometimes, it even requires the assistance of a girlfriend. So now you have more ammo to use condescending weak frightened women who dare to object to a man walking in on them in the LADIES' room.

Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm going into the bathroom to smoke a cigar and drink a beer while I belch and scratch myself. Point is, I'm going in there with the expectation and intention of doing whatever the hell I do WITHOUT MEN.

Some trans wants to make a damned statement, or indulge his delusion that he's "pretty", he can effing well leave me out of it.

I've got no problem with a Rue Paul in the Ladies' room. He's safer than in the Men's room, IMO. This wasn't a girly boy, though, just a man clearly in the wrong bathroom...a perv or an asshole.
I raised two daughters, if that were the worst situation I had to deal with I'd be lucky. I'd tell her to ignore her. She's a man who thinks she's a woman, so don't tell her. Just do your business, wash your hands and go on about your business, no big deal.

I am appalled that you would actually tell your daughter to go ahead and use the restroom with a strange man present. Do you also tell her it's not necessary to pull the drapes before changing her clothes? As a woman, I cannot even imagine my father essentially devaluing my femininity by instructing me to prioritize it below the "feewings" and wishes of some man with a screw loose. Or any man.

Then I'm pleased to appall you. Do girls generally expose themselves to others in the ladies room when they relieve themselves like there were changing clothes?

Yes, we do. We adjust bras and pantyhose. If a pair of hose runs, we DO change them out in the Ladies' room. Getting into pantyhose, spanx, girdles and waist trainers require room for the gymnastics. Sometimes, it even requires the assistance of a girlfriend. So now you have more ammo to use condescending weak frightened women who dare to object to a man walking in on them in the LADIES' room.

Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm going into the bathroom to smoke a cigar and drink a beer while I belch and scratch myself. Point is, I'm going in there with the expectation and intention of doing whatever the hell I do WITHOUT MEN.

Some trans wants to make a damned statement, or indulge his delusion that he's "pretty", he can effing well leave me out of it.

I've got no problem with a Rue Paul in the Ladies' room. He's safer than in the Men's room, IMO. This wasn't a girly boy, though, just a man clearly in the wrong bathroom...a perv or an asshole.

Cecille thinks he should be in the women's bathroom

If you have a wee wee and you have to go pee pee go to the little boys room...whether you are wearing a dress or a clown suit...why is that so hard to understand?
Yes Mindwars is a sock for infowars...nevertheless, the story links to an actual news story with the video.

So, what is more important? You get to say something about infowars - or the fact a man is in a women's restroom, obviously not transgender, but claiming to therefore no one can do anything about it.

The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.
You're DEMANDING our acceptance, and don't kid yourself about it. You're demanding that we accept YOUR worldview, and immediately start being comfortable with however you want to redefine reality today.

And as for "I don't care when it comes to the men's room", I'll tell you the same thing I told your sidekick Happy: WOMEN AND MEN ARE NOT THE SAME. Spread the news. And I'm still not interested in having any of you mansplain to me about how "this is what men think, and it is the only right way to think". Fuck you and your attempts to set women's rights back to the last century.

Nope, I was asked what I would tell my daughter today about this bathroom bugaboo. You then chimed in and tried to shame me. Didn't work. I have no shame.

Lighten up. It's been going on forever.

I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

I don't see why fatherhood should be demeaned. I've seen too many fathers rushing to find their children after school shootings. Too many crying and becoming active after loosing a child to violence. Too many guys assisting their wives through the painful birth process, ready to cuddle their kids. And I'll never forget the story of the man whose wife died one day after giving birth to their child, living him with an infant 24 hours old. Some, I would hope most, guys are there through thick and thin for their children. It breaks my heart to see fathers carrying their children out of Syria.These guys are the ones who deserve our support.

I'll always love my own dad, who religiously checked for monsters under my bed after I got my story, wiped ice cream off my face, swatted my behind when I let go of his hand in a store parking lot where cars were backing up, who spent a while calming me down and convincing me that no dog was really shot in the movie "Old Yeller" after I went hysterical.

And I do love the commercial in which the guy let's his daughter play sheriff one day a week so he can wash her princess dress!
The transgendered person looked harmless, Infowars on the other hand is going to keep feeding the beast.

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.
I am appalled that you would actually tell your daughter to go ahead and use the restroom with a strange man present. Do you also tell her it's not necessary to pull the drapes before changing her clothes? As a woman, I cannot even imagine my father essentially devaluing my femininity by instructing me to prioritize it below the "feewings" and wishes of some man with a screw loose. Or any man.

Then I'm pleased to appall you. Do girls generally expose themselves to others in the ladies room when they relieve themselves like there were changing clothes?

Yes, we do. We adjust bras and pantyhose. If a pair of hose runs, we DO change them out in the Ladies' room. Getting into pantyhose, spanx, girdles and waist trainers require room for the gymnastics. Sometimes, it even requires the assistance of a girlfriend. So now you have more ammo to use condescending weak frightened women who dare to object to a man walking in on them in the LADIES' room.

Frankly, I don't give a damn if I'm going into the bathroom to smoke a cigar and drink a beer while I belch and scratch myself. Point is, I'm going in there with the expectation and intention of doing whatever the hell I do WITHOUT MEN.

Some trans wants to make a damned statement, or indulge his delusion that he's "pretty", he can effing well leave me out of it.

I've got no problem with a Rue Paul in the Ladies' room. He's safer than in the Men's room, IMO. This wasn't a girly boy, though, just a man clearly in the wrong bathroom...a perv or an asshole.

Cecille thinks he should be in the women's bathroom


Not if I'm swapping out my pantyhose.
Nope, I was asked what I would tell my daughter today about this bathroom bugaboo. You then chimed in and tried to shame me. Didn't work. I have no shame.

Lighten up. It's been going on forever.

I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

I don't see why fatherhood should be demeaned. I've seen too many fathers rushing to find their children after school shootings. Too many crying and becoming active after loosing a child to violence. Too many guys assisting their wives through the painful birth process, ready to cuddle their kids. And I'll never forget the story of the man whose wife died one day after giving birth to their child, living him with an infant 24 hours old. Some, I would hope most, guys are there through thick and thin for their children. It breaks my heart to see fathers carrying their children out of Syria.These guys are the ones who deserve our support.

I'll always love my own dad, who religiously checked for monsters under my bed after I got my story, wiped ice cream off my face, swatted my behind when I let go of his hand in a store parking lot where cars were backing up, who spent a while calming me down and convincing me that no dog was really shot in the movie "Old Yeller" after I went hysterical.

And I do love the commercial in which the guy let's his daughter play sheriff one day a week so he can wash her princess dress!

I agree, fatherhood in all its varieties should be celebrated.
I think there's a difference between criticizing you and shaming you. I am simply telling you, as a parent and as a woman, that I think you made a bad parenting decision vis a vis your daughters.

Our society has utterly and completely lost all awareness of how important fathers are and why, and we reap the damage for it every day now. A woman's mother teaches her who to be by setting an example of who she is; a woman's father teaches her who to be by setting an example of what treatment she should accept from others. Far too many fathers teach their daughters to be women who do not value their own femininity, who view it as something to be subjugated to what others want from them.

I absolutely view M2F "transgenderism", and the left's support of it, as the 21st century's wackjob equivalent of patriarchy, and I resent the hell out of it. Fortunately, I had a father who taught me that I didn't need to hide my opinions and feelings to please others.

I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

Why am I not surprised that YOU sneer at the idea of male strength? Sour grapes, if you ask me.

It's not a sneer. There is nothing wrong with men teaching their kids to hunt, fish, work on cars, sow, dance, write, play sports or design dresses. The problem I have is when right wing nuts tell everyone how they should raise their kids.

Emasculating leftists is redundant; how do you cut off what doesn't exist?

Yeah, but you're the one getting your ass kicked all over this thread.

You're being funny, right?

What the fuck do women care what YOU think looks or doesn't look harmless? It's not YOUR privacy he's invading, now is it?

I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.
I raised my two children, a boy and a girl...well now a man and a this same way.
Modern feminist seek to remove all things masculine. To them, a man dressing in woman's clothing is more acceptable than a strong male figure. And THAT is a fact.
You are right, the role of a father is being diminished. And you can see the results everywhere.

Just what does a "strong male figure" do, exactly? People choose whether to take care of their children , jump into "hands-on parenthood," or ignore them and leave their upbringing to others. If you're there, you're there. If you're not, you're not.

It's right wing mumbo-jumbo. It's basically an attempt on their part to emasculate others who choose to raise their kids differently. It means they're afraid of others who don't act the same as they do.

Why am I not surprised that YOU sneer at the idea of male strength? Sour grapes, if you ask me.

It's not a sneer. There is nothing wrong with men teaching their kids to hunt, fish, work on cars, sow, dance, write, play sports or design dresses. The problem I have is when right wing nuts tell everyone how they should raise their kids.

Emasculating leftists is redundant; how do you cut off what doesn't exist?

Yeah, but you're the one getting your ass kicked all over this thread.

You're being funny, right?

Yeah, I'm not biting.
A woman in California filmed herself confronting a transgender person using the women’s restroom.
Video: Woman Confronts Transgender Using Women’s Restroom

Oh no problem for the leftist liberal idiots. why they'd send their kid in there to help him pull down his pants and or zipper. " Liberal Democrat" now honey go in and show the lady how to hold it while he stands up and pisses like a good little girl.............

Uuuugh you pathetic idiots are sick
A woman filming in a public restroom? That's really creepy.
What is really creepy... People going to the wrong restroom on purpose
I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.

Well, drag queens aren't necessarily trans either.
I care about treating people with respect. Plus, many women don't get hysterical around transgendered like the angry right do.

He obviously isn't transgendered. He wasn't dressed as a woman and clearly hasn't groomed himself as a woman in a really long time, if ever. He was just a man in the Ladies' room who used the get-out-of-jail-free-card by claiming he's transgendered.

How do you know what this person was going through? Since when do bathrooms have a strict dress code where women have to dress femininely in order to use it?

He wasn't dressed or groomed as a woman. An actual trans, cross dresser or drag queen uses the bathroom according to how they are dressed. The whole point is to blend in normally, to be less ostricized and less of a target. A woman transitioning to make does not go to the mens room wearing a dress and heels.

Wasn't so much as a traditional man either. Had some funky boots on, appeared to have long hair, obviously effeminate and again, I have no idea how they identified.

A cross dresser isn't necessarily trans, actually I believe most are not.

No, they aren't. I'm close enough to New Orleans to pop over for a nice dinner. I've seen many a transgender, several cross dressers and a TON of drag queens. Trans and drag queens are all in. They go through everything I do: the plucking, the retinol, the waxing, the nails...all of it. They've always used the Ladies' room with no problem. Cross dressers are usually creepy to me because they tend to be hobbyists. Men's eyebrows, leg hair, pit hair, haircut, etc. Most days, many look like average men and use the Men's room.

I went to college in Washington, D.C. The best dance place around was a "gay" club, but they finally let everyone in. When we used the restroom, we "real girls" shared it with those who were "honorary" girls. There was never this Big, Fat Problem. Women's bathrooms have stalls with doors that close. The problem with the the "honorary" types is that they always looked better than us "real girls" did and they hogged the mirror!

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