Victorious!: Sarah Palin's TP Endorsement Chris McDaniel Beats Sen. Thad Cochran


It is down to .4...I hope you are watching Jake ;)

Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?

This is how bad it is for you "establishment" types, you need Dems to vote for your guys to win ;)

Voting is bad, right?
He has a pt. The Miss gop establishment certainly screwed up having Cochran run again. It would have been tough to run an educational campaign on how "some" spending actually pays for itself in terms of jobs, and what other spending should be cut. McDaniel ran more a bullying and intellectually insulting campaign focusing on anger.
He has a pt. The Miss gop establishment certainly screwed up having Cochran run again. It would have been tough to run an educational campaign on how "some" spending actually pays for itself in terms of jobs, and what other spending should be cut. McDaniel ran more a bullying and intellectually insulting campaign focusing on anger.

No, he didn't...He ran against ThaddyBoy's record, which is pretty dismal. Without the crossover, McDaniel would have won easily....But that's how the Subversive lite's wanted it played.
As usual, the liberal Kook Squad out in force over-reflective on the death of the Tea Party and it's influence LMAO In Mississippi, it was the liberal vote, Democrats who turned out for Cochran- Cochran defeats McDaniel in tight Mississippi GOP Senate runoff race | Fox News

Scare tactics.. A bunch of uninformed ignorance.. Comments at the polls, "The other guy is going to take my food stamps." Cochran turned in to a Democrat, selling his soul to get the nomination.. The Tea Party turned out in force and were it not for CHEATING as usual, by liberals who crossed over to give that old fossil new breath, he would not have won. Every commentator, to include MSNBC this morning has said the same...

Looks like you re going to have tough time In America with the demographic shift and your betters in the majority :eusa_whistle:
As usual, the liberal Kook Squad out in force over-reflective on the death of the Tea Party and it's influence LMAO In Mississippi, it was the liberal vote, Democrats who turned out for Cochran- Cochran defeats McDaniel in tight Mississippi GOP Senate runoff race | Fox News

Scare tactics.. A bunch of uninformed ignorance.. Comments at the polls, "The other guy is going to take my food stamps." Cochran turned in to a Democrat, selling his soul to get the nomination.. The Tea Party turned out in force and were it not for CHEATING as usual, by liberals who crossed over to give that old fossil new breath, he would not have won. Every commentator, to include MSNBC this morning has said the same...

Looks like you re going to have tough time In America with the demographic shift and your betters in the majority :eusa_whistle:

If the current 20% of you degenerates ever become CLOSE to a majority, 1776 will look like a walk in the park.... Just saying!:eusa_whistle:
Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?

This is how bad it is for you "establishment" types, you need Dems to vote for your guys to win ;)

Voting is bad, right?

(yawn) Think they'll "vote" for Thad in November?
Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate...Now you know why the RINO'S and the subversives want to keep this pond scum, and did whatever they could to make it happen... He continually votes with the left!

Mississippi Conservative Daily | Chris Chocola: Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate

Here we go. It's the conservative trump card. Once a politician runs afoul of conservatives orthodoxy (in any of its forms), or he's deemed to be "insufficiently conservative," he's labeled a liberal as if the label is all that's necessary to discredit or negate everything he's ever said or done in his life.

That's what's happened to George W. Bush. His father experienced some of that. McCain has gotten similar treatment. Ford, naturally. The late Arlen Specter got it. I could come up with more names without too much trouble.

It all reminds me of The Charlie Daniels' band song Uneasy Rider.
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Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate...Now you know why the RINO'S and the subversives want to keep this pond scum, and did whatever they could to make it happen... He continually votes with the left!

Mississippi Conservative Daily | Chris Chocola: Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate

Here we go. It's the conservative trump card. Once a politician runs afoul of conservatives orthodoxy (in any of its forms), or he's deemed to be "insufficiently conservative, he's labeled a liberal as if the label is all that's necessary to discredit or negate everything he's ever said or done in his life.

That's what's happened to George W. Bush. His father experienced some of that. McCain has gotten similar treatment. Ford, naturally. The late Arlen Specter got it. I could come up with more names without too much trouble.

It all reminds me of The Charlie Daniels' band song Uneasy Rider.

Then this should be right up your alley!

Rush Limbaugh Explodes on ‘Corrupt’ GOP for Employing ‘Reprehensible’ Tactic Against Tea Party

TheBlaze ^

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh was fired up on Wednesday following Sen. Thad Cochran’s controversial victory over tea party-backed state Sen. Chris McDaniel in Mississippi on Thursday. Cochran reached out to traditionally Democratic voters – blacks and union members – in a last-ditch effort to beat McDaniel. “The Republican establishment sought victory via Democrat voters in the runoff, and they got them. Without the African-American vote from Democrat-leaning counties, Thad Cochrane would have lost by eight or nine percent last night,” Limbaugh said, calling the tactic “reprehensible.” Limbaugh cited a flyer, posted by journalist Charles Johnson that suggested McDaniel and...
Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate...Now you know why the RINO'S and the subversives want to keep this pond scum, and did whatever they could to make it happen... He continually votes with the left!

Mississippi Conservative Daily | Chris Chocola: Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate

Here we go. It's the conservative trump card. Once a politician runs afoul of conservatives orthodoxy (in any of its forms), or he's deemed to be "insufficiently conservative, he's labeled a liberal as if the label is all that's necessary to discredit or negate everything he's ever said or done in his life.

That's what's happened to George W. Bush. His father experienced some of that. McCain has gotten similar treatment. Ford, naturally. The late Arlen Specter got it. I could come up with more names without too much trouble.

It all reminds me of The Charlie Daniels' band song Uneasy Rider.

So what ?

Are you saying that conservatives can't go after someone who has drifted off the plantation ? That it is somehow wrong to expect a politician to behave as he claims ?

Cochran looks to the dems to help him out. The proof is in the pudding.

Pat Roberts, a once very good senator, has been drifting there himself. He's still good...but not that good. And it seems he's gotten pretty used to being something besides what he claims to be.

He does his support.

Same with Cochran.
Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate...Now you know why the RINO'S and the subversives want to keep this pond scum, and did whatever they could to make it happen... He continually votes with the left!

Mississippi Conservative Daily | Chris Chocola: Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate

Here we go. It's the conservative trump card. Once a politician runs afoul of conservatives orthodoxy (in any of its forms), or he's deemed to be "insufficiently conservative, he's labeled a liberal as if the label is all that's necessary to discredit or negate everything he's ever said or done in his life.

That's what's happened to George W. Bush. His father experienced some of that. McCain has gotten similar treatment. Ford, naturally. The late Arlen Specter got it. I could come up with more names without too much trouble.

It all reminds me of The Charlie Daniels' band song Uneasy Rider.

So what ?

Are you saying that conservatives can't go after someone who has drifted off the plantation ? That it is somehow wrong to expect a politician to behave as he claims ?

Cochran looks to the dems to help him out. The proof is in the pudding.

Pat Roberts, a once very good senator, has been drifting there himself. He's still good...but not that good. And it seems he's gotten pretty used to being something besides what he claims to be.

He does his support.

Same with Cochran.

These are men who did what they thought was necessary to stay on the ballot to hopefully be re-elected. That makes them shameless political opportunists who were willing to exploit both a weakness in the process and the fears of certain people. That doesn't necessarily make them liberal by any stretch of the imagination.

Arlen Specter switched party affiliation to try to win re-election.

Former Connecticut Democrat Senator Lieberman ran as an Independent against the Democrat nominee in order to get re-elected.

Alaskan Republican Senator Murkowski ran as a write-in candidate against the Republican nominee in order to get re-elected.

These people want to hold on to their jobs and their power. It doesn't mean they've changed their stripes.
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Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate...Now you know why the RINO'S and the subversives want to keep this pond scum, and did whatever they could to make it happen... He continually votes with the left!

Mississippi Conservative Daily | Chris Chocola: Thad Cochran has a liberal voting record in the U.S. Senate

Here we go. It's the conservative trump card. Once a politician runs afoul of conservatives orthodoxy (in any of its forms), or he's deemed to be "insufficiently conservative," he's labeled a liberal as if the label is all that's necessary to discredit or negate everything he's ever said or done in his life.

That's what's happened to George W. Bush. His father experienced some of that. McCain has gotten similar treatment. Ford, naturally. The late Arlen Specter got it. I could come up with more names without too much trouble.

It all reminds me of The Charlie Daniels' band song Uneasy Rider.

Can we all say Lieberman?
Here we go. It's the conservative trump card. Once a politician runs afoul of conservatives orthodoxy (in any of its forms), or he's deemed to be "insufficiently conservative, he's labeled a liberal as if the label is all that's necessary to discredit or negate everything he's ever said or done in his life.

That's what's happened to George W. Bush. His father experienced some of that. McCain has gotten similar treatment. Ford, naturally. The late Arlen Specter got it. I could come up with more names without too much trouble.

It all reminds me of The Charlie Daniels' band song Uneasy Rider.

So what ?

Are you saying that conservatives can't go after someone who has drifted off the plantation ? That it is somehow wrong to expect a politician to behave as he claims ?

Cochran looks to the dems to help him out. The proof is in the pudding.

Pat Roberts, a once very good senator, has been drifting there himself. He's still good...but not that good. And it seems he's gotten pretty used to being something besides what he claims to be.

He does his support.

Same with Cochran.

These are men who did what they thought was necessary to stay on the ballot to hopefully be re-elected. That makes them shameless political opportunists who were willing to exploit both a weakness in the process and the fears of certain people. That doesn't necessarily make them liberal by any stretch of the imagination.

Arlen Specter switched party affiliation to try to win re-election.

Former Connecticut Democrat Senator Lieberman ran as an Independent against the Democrat nominee in order to get re-elected.

Alaskan Republican Senator Murkowski ran as a write-in candidate against the Republican nominee in order to get re-elected.

These people want to hold on to their jobs and their power. It doesn't mean they've changed their stripes.

Maybe moderates can come out of hiding, if those in both major parties do so also.
The Daily KOS is even reporting that the Democrats saved Thad's Ass.............

Which they did...............rigging the election because they want the Status Quo........

They want their big Gov't, and for the right price Thad has been willing to be a Prostitute.

It's low when a 36 year Veteran of the GOP has to say save me to Dems.
It's only a rabbit status quo. Why are you having to spend so much money and ask help from the other party to deal with them.


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