Victorious!: Sarah Palin's TP Endorsement Chris McDaniel Beats Sen. Thad Cochran

Thad Cochran Wins One for Sanity Over Tea Partier Chris McDaniel - The Daily Beast

As to whether Democrats would prefer to have Cochran or McDaniel in the Senate, this takes us back to the old Marxist dialectic “The worse, the better.” That is, the worse things get for our enemies, the more extreme and crazy they get, the better things are for us, because the worse things get for them, the more quickly the public will see that the other side has lost its freaking mind.

We don’t need one more extremist GOP candidate who is going to make those cowardly Republicans in the Senate conclude that they have to live in fear of losing to some certifiable, fact-bending jelly-head of the extreme right.
This was the stratagem of leftists everywhere for a long, long time. Not that I’m making any direct comparisons here—OK?—but this is what the socialists and communists thought in Germany in 1933. The right, they were sure, is going to discredit itself. And they were correct. But it took 12 years and around 9 million or 10 million dead human beings. That’s enough collateral damage to prove the theorists wrong.

No, sorry. Boring as it may seem, be glad that Cochran eked out his win. Be happy that sane won. Here’s a little political truism for you: Sane is better than insane. We don’t need more Ted Cruzes in the Senate. We don’t need more candidates endorsed by Sarah Palin and Rick Santorum. We just. Don’t. Need. Them. We don’t need one more extremist GOP candidate who is going to make those cowardly Republicans in the Senate conclude that they have to live in fear of losing to some certifiable, fact-bending jelly-head of the extreme right. We really don’t.

Cochran will never vote for anything Obama wants. No minimum wage hike, no carbon tax, no nothing. I understand that. But he’ll be in there, assuming he wins and stays alive, until January 2021. That is, through what might be Hillary Clinton’s first term. If the GOP intra-bloodbath happens in 2017 after she’s won, Cochran, who won’t be running again and just won’t give a shit, might actually vote for one or two things Clinton asks for. McDaniel, obviously, would not.

And consider this. The Tea Party people are furious about this outcome. A very prominent Tea Party activist tweetedTuesday night: “If Cochran wins this #mssen race, the GOP is done. They teamed up with Dems to steal a race. Kiss the base goodbye.”

So there we are. Be for sanity. Be against insanity. The dialectic never worked, even back in the glory days. Chris McDaniel belongs where he belongs—chasing ambulances in Pascagoula, or wherever it is he’s from. And his election would not hasten the Republican apocalypse. If anything, Cochran’s would. More Tea Party losses in races like this are what’s needed.

bolded the delicious :eusa_drool: parts ;) :D

It is down to .4...I hope you are watching Jake ;)

Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?
Just outstanding isn't it? The Tea Party candidate endorsed by Gov Palin won despite Republican Sen. Thad Cochran reaching to democrats for support. This is a sign of things to come this November.

Mississippi Primary Election Results 2014: Live Senate Map by County , Midterm Races - POLITICO

She did not become a public figure by choice, you despicable piece of shit. No one under the age of 18 should ever become the target of viscous smears by low-brow cretins like you.

Why is it always OK for Libturd assholes like you to attack the children of Republican politicians, but the children of Democrat politicians are strictly off limits?

of course you're right. At first her mother paraded her slut ass and her sisters drunken ass on stage touting family snort values.

lol. One drugged addled son forced to join the military, a slut and a 15 year old drunk. REPUBLICAN FAMILY VALUES!

You're just as much of a despicable pig as Camp. Of course, since you're a homosexual, you have no sense of decency or shame. People like you masturbate in the street in San Francisco gay pride parades.

I hope you're enjoying life now because it isn't pretty for old homosexuals. You're going to spend the last two or three decades of your life living alone with no children to keep you company or wipe your sorry ass when you are unable to do it yourself.


Wow, the Palin Bohner Brigade really got pissed off about her lastest failure and proof of duffusmanship.
BTW, Bristol is 23 years old. She became a public figure when she chose to earn over a quarter million dollars her first year of adulthood as a public speaker on a political and moral issue when she turned 18. She also chose to be a TV personality, putting her life and child on display in a reality TV show.
I have never attacked any ones kids. Haven't even said anything bad about Sarah's kid. Only an asshole would accuse some one of that without having some factual data to back it up. But everyone here knows what an asshole you are already, so you are excused.
As usual, the liberal Kook Squad out in force over-reflective on the death of the Tea Party and it's influence LMAO In Mississippi, it was the liberal vote, Democrats who turned out for Cochran- Cochran defeats McDaniel in tight Mississippi GOP Senate runoff race | Fox News

Scare tactics.. A bunch of uninformed ignorance.. Comments at the polls, "The other guy is going to take my food stamps." Cochran turned in to a Democrat, selling his soul to get the nomination.. The Tea Party turned out in force and were it not for CHEATING as usual, by liberals who crossed over to give that old fossil new breath, he would not have won. Every commentator, to include MSNBC this morning has said the same...

Care for some cheese with that whine?
She did not become a public figure by choice, you despicable piece of shit. No one under the age of 18 should ever become the target of viscous smears by low-brow cretins like you.

Why is it always OK for Libturd assholes like you to attack the children of Republican politicians, but the children of Democrat politicians are strictly off limits?

of course you're right. At first her mother paraded her slut ass and her sisters drunken ass on stage touting family snort values.

lol. One drugged addled son forced to join the military, a slut and a 15 year old drunk. REPUBLICAN FAMILY VALUES!

Don't sink to their level Howey. It's beneath you man

Sometimes I use sarcasm to point out hypocrisy. Although none of those words are untrue, this is one of those instances.

For months we were bombarded with tales of the Palin family values. Most of which were no more a value than the escapades of a white trash me thread trailer park family.
Seeing as how conservatives are blaming liberals, leftists, and Democrats in general (not to mention Black Democrats) for McDaniel's defeat, I was wondering (hoping, really) that some conservative Republican could answer a few questions for me.

First, who is it (in other words, what political entity) creates the rules for the GOP primary? Is it the Democrats? Or is it Republicans?

And who's responsibility is it for conservatives to get out the vote for their candidate of their choice? I mean, isn't it the responsibility of the Tea Party to galvanize support for their candidate? The reason I ask that question is because what >I< see is that the total vote count was a paltry 350,000 is a statewide race. Why so low?
I can't help but think that it must be terribly embarrassing to start a thread that is based on flat out provable wrong information.

I suspect that conservatives don't experience embarrassment. If they did, they'd learn from their mistakes and wouldn't keep repeating those same mistakes over and over again. From what I can tell, that just doesn't seem to happen.

It is down to .4...I hope you are watching Jake ;)

Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?

This is how bad it is for you "establishment" types, you need Dems to vote for your guys to win ;)

It is down to .4...I hope you are watching Jake ;)

Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?

This is how bad it is for you "establishment" types, you need Dems to vote for your guys to win ;)

What's wrong with voting? Some racist, right wing hater of poor folks is running for the Senate so folks figured a good way to stop him was to vote for the other guy. It's as American as apple pie. Hmmm, apple pie......

It is down to .4...I hope you are watching Jake ;)

Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?

This is how bad it is for you "establishment" types, you need Dems to vote for your guys to win ;)

So how come the TP couldn't get them to vote for their candidate?
Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?

This is how bad it is for you "establishment" types, you need Dems to vote for your guys to win ;)

So how come the TP couldn't get them to vote for their candidate?

Extreme Makeover: Home Edition was on CMT.

It is down to .4...I hope you are watching Jake ;)

Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?

Cochran beats McDaniel in nail-biter in MississippiWashington Post *- 9 hours ago

With 99 percent of precincts reporting, Cochran beat McDaniel 50.9 percent to 49.1 percent. They were separated by about 6,600 votes out of ... [MENTION=40954]Antares[/MENTION]

You just live in your echo chamber, don't you?

This is how bad it is for you "establishment" types, you need Dems to vote for your guys to win ;)

So how come the TP couldn't get them to vote for their candidate?

I know you think you are being clever, but seriously?

What do you think Ole Thad promised them?
I can't help but think that it must be terribly embarrassing to start a thread that is based on flat out provable wrong information.

I suspect that conservatives don't experience embarrassment. If they did, they'd learn from their mistakes and wouldn't keep repeating those same mistakes over and over again. From what I can tell, that just doesn't seem to happen.

Every Mississippi state office is in Republican hands, or so I have read. Thus, as this was a statewide, Republican race, it appears the Republican Party, narrowly, kept the extreme right away from Cochran's seat. McDaniels has hinted he may sue, any truth to that rumor?
The State Attorney General is the last Dem standing. We had a dem governor .... 14 years ago? The Sec of State was dem, but he chose not to run in 2008.

I don't know what McDaniel will do. It's pretty well established he has no grounds to sue, and it would just be bitter grapes. I'm pretty sure Cochran will retire in a couple of years, and a successor who is acceptable to the state party will be "installed" and there will then be a general election. McDaniel could possibly mount a third party challenge. But, I doubt the Club for Growth will fund any more elections in Mississippi, and for that I will be grateful.

I'd like lower spending and an end to several govt programs. But the Clown Car Posse is old.
Oddly there are no Mississippi residents on that site. Cochran's a rino because he won't vote to shut down the govt over the debt limit. He's got a 60 rating by Amer Con Union. Making that rant more irrational is taking him to task for not spending more on Mississippi Bridges. And all Katrina destroyed bridges have been fixed or rebuilt.
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