Veterans’ Wait After Trump Fundraiser Shows Hurdles for Campaign


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Majority of nonprofits reached said they hadn’t heard from Trump foundation for weeks....there are two things that are certain when election time rolls around, two things that are dragged from the fuck you pile and brought to the surface for display and that's negro's and veterans. Nobody really gives a fuck about either, but when election time rolls around, both get dusted off, a new coat of paint and you can't shut em up until election time is over. For days the Trump camp had been gloating over all the money they raised for the vets....and yet..they're still waiting for the money. Negro's on the other hand are just happy to mentioned at all.

What suckers we all are!!

Drumpf's foundation is a front. It has never ever done anything for vets and Drumpf pockets the money.

A disabled vet group asked him for help and he sent them a bumper sticker.
And that compares to how much donated by the Dims who bear responsibility for the current VA fuckups?
Perhaps exposure of his scam will coerce him to actually make the donations, but he has obviously found a way to game the gimmicky scheme.
And that compares to how much donated by the Dims who bear responsibility for the current VA fuckups?
Current VA fuckups?

That would include VA administrators who steal hundreds of thousands of dollars, get caught at it, and are not punished to speak of. That would include thousands of veterans who die while waiting for care they have earned. That would include administrators who "earn" hugh bonuses by cutting needed services.
Perhaps exposure of his scam will coerce him to actually make the donations, but he has obviously found a way to game the gimmicky scheme.

At most it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
Perhaps exposure of his scam will coerce him to actually make the donations, but he has obviously found a way to game the gimmicky scheme.

At most it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
What's wrong with asking Trump to provide details about what was collected and how it was distributed? Who are these pots calling the kettle black? Why is there even questions being asked? Where is the interest collected on six million dollars going?
Perhaps exposure of his scam will coerce him to actually make the donations, but he has obviously found a way to game the gimmicky scheme.

At most it would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black.
What's wrong with asking Trump to provide details about what was collected and how it was distributed? Who are these pots calling the kettle black? Why is there even questions being asked? Where is the interest collected on six million dollars going?

Obviously it is the government's responsibility to care for vets; not Trump's.
The worst docs in the country work at the VA
The whole department is a fucking joke
The only thing I get from those idiots every month is a fuvking check that this country owes me
I wouldn't send my worst enemy there for a ruptured toe nail repair
Hopefully president trump will overhaul the place starting with that incompetent boob at the VA help appointed by the outgoing commander in chimp

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Majority of nonprofits reached said they hadn’t heard from Trump foundation for weeks....there are two things that are certain when election time rolls around, two things that are dragged from the fuck you pile and brought to the surface for display and that's negro's and veterans. Nobody really gives a fuck about either, but when election time rolls around, both get dusted off, a new coat of paint and you can't shut em up until election time is over. For days the Trump camp had been gloating over all the money they raised for the vets....and yet..they're still waiting for the money. Negro's on the other hand are just happy to mentioned at all.

What suckers we all are!!

View attachment 63147

It appears that Trumpf has only used veterans as props to gain support. He claims he raised 6 million and nobody knows where the money went....if there ever was any such money! That isn't going to bode well for the buffoon who also refuses to release his tax returns. His supporters don't care....shows their lack of understanding of how important the job of President is, but intelligent people do care, and nobody with any self-respect would vote for such a sleaze bag.

Also, you seem very racist, referring to blacks as "negro" - that's an outdated term, so unless you are very old, you really have no excuse to be saying that.
Our current President is an (ex?) junky muslim racist who never misses an opportunity to disrespect our military, our flag, veterans, the police, or the Church a merely really bad President would be a big improvement.
Our current President is an (ex?) junky muslim racist who never misses an opportunity to disrespect our military, our flag, veterans, the police, or the Church a merely really bad President would be a big improvement.

You belong in the "Conspiracy theories" forum......the fact that you call Obama a muslim racist shows you are a stupid uneducated sort who doesn't consider facts and succumbs to the most right-wing sources for his information. Everything else you said about Obama is a fantasy in your empty head.....and we don't need a "bad" President like Trump to finish the job that George W. Bush started....putting the country in the toilet.

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