VA Deaths Proves Two Things. Liberals Won't Admit It In A Million Years

You mean this?
Text - S.1982 - 113th Congress (2013-2014): Comprehensive Veterans Health and Benefits and Military Retirement Pay Restoration Act of 2014 | | Library of Congress

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Look thru this and see how much of it does not relate to healthcare for our vets. Why are you not screaming that something be done about management within? Increasing funds without getting rid of those mismanaging will only lead us directly back to where things are today. The budget of $138.8 billion, if handled properly, an increase in 2013 over 2012 by more than 10%, should take care of their needs. And don't tell me I don't care for our vets as the vets in my family say it is mismanagement going on.
Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

You know........I'm hesitant to post this. But, wtf. My grandfather is or was a WWII vet in Arizona. He was showing signs of dementia and there were two tries to get him into a facility. He was in Tucson and the closest home is in Phoenix. He was hospitalized for dehydration and finally was moved to a facility. He died two months later.

I have an uncle that has a bizarre strand of Alzheimer. He was a rocket scientist. Really. He got to the point that he was forced into retirement and he is beyond the families control. Not kidding. Someone has to stand at the front door and guard it and someone has to stand at the back door and guard it. If he makes it to the street then his behavior is so aggressive that we are worried that he may be shot. Closest VA nursing home is in Phoenix. My aunt has cancer. In order to get this guy into a nursing home she has to put her house up.

My dad is now encountering medical problems and it was hard as hell to get him to start looking into his benefits. Hell, he was doing PTSD before they even gave it a name. His was a pride issue of not having to ask for anything.

So, where am I going with this? Sanders just had legislation on the table that the R's voted down. Senate rejects bill on veterans benefits

Do NOT tell me that the liberals are the problem. You are lying your ass off in an effort to privatize that shit too. Hell you can't be trusted to take care of the vets NOW. You whip them out to show case them on special little holidays and then shit on them the rest of the year. Do not tell me you give a shit when you clearly do not.
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NOT my experience here in Maine but I hear reports from fellow VETS in other parts of the nation that their VA hospitals are in trouble.
NOT my experience here in Maine but I hear reports from fellow VETS in other parts of the nation that their VA hospitals are in trouble.

Not every facility is run exactly the same. In La Jolla I was lucky. In Nashville it is just about as bad a you can get. It all depended on whether alternatives are available. In San Diego they have one of the largest hospital systems in the country at Balboa Naval Hospital within a few miles.

Unfortunately, they don't treat dependents at military hospitals like they did when I was active-duty. They forced almost everyone to either use the VA or go out into private health care system. It also depends on how many veterans retire in the area. Arizona is a favorite retirement state, along with Florida and others.
The VA in Maine is good....that's all the hubby uses and every 3 months like clockwork he sees his doctor....

Obviously....we have a VA system that works up here....thank goodness!!!

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