Using US deaths to score political points

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
[ame=]Barack Obama Used Troop Death To Slam Bush And McCain in 2008 - YouTube[/ame]
The hypocrisy of this administration knows no bounds. Nor does the hypocrisy of the media.

Obama specifically talks about the death of the 9 soldiers in the "brazen attack".
If anybody's been behaving "politically" for the last two days, it's Obama. Here's the rundown of his itinerary put together by Stephen Hayes. It's shocking in light of all that's happened. :eek:
Wait, Who's Political? | The Weekly Standard

The guy is campaigning, and campaigning hard, for a job he pretty much REFUSES to do. Mitt Romney's not the president... yet. He's got no obligations other than the campaign trail. Not so Barack Obama. He's supposed to be running this country. And here we are with citizens in harm's way, and he's out gallivanting off to Vegas and Colorado.
If anybody's been behaving "politically" for the last two days, it's Obama. Here's the rundown of his itinerary put together by Stephen Hayes. It's shocking in light of all that's happened. :eek:
Wait, Who's Political? | The Weekly Standard

The guy is campaigning, and campaigning hard, for a job he pretty much REFUSES to do. Mitt Romney's not the president... yet. He's got no obligations other than the campaign trail. Not so Barack Obama. He's supposed to be running this country. And here we are with citizens in harm's way, and he's out gallivanting off to Vegas and Colorado.

It really is puzzling...realistically politicians will use any situation to their advantage, so I'm not sure why Obama would run away from being presidential in this moment. He should have stayed in DC and been seen as a true leader in a time of crisis. Rahm must be too focused on the strike to have reminded him to never let a crisis go to waste. Obama has gained credibility for his handling of foreign affairs, and this was a golden opportunity to take the focus off his failures in the economy. This reminds me of that pivotal moment in the '08 election when McCain thought it more appropriate to leave the campaign trail during the financial crisis and Obama chose to play it cool and stay on track...but he wasn't the CiC then.
YOu right-wingers realize that the media has set the narrative on Romney and it has taken hold. Look at Romney's wishy washy interview on ABC tonight. Those dark rings under Romney's eyes tell you all you need to know. Romney is already defeated. Hahahaha.
YOu right-wingers realize that the media has set the narrative on Romney and it has taken hold. Look at Romney's wishy washy interview on ABC tonight. Those dark rings under Romney's eyes tell you all you need to know. Romney is already defeated. Hahahaha.

How could you fuckers possibly be PROUD of a corrupt and biased media? :eusa_sick:
Here's some tough news for you though... there's NEVER been more access to alternative sources of information than there is now. Life is tough out there and your guy's a fuck-up. We've got an international crisis going on, a DEAD ambassador who lost his life in Obama's service, and he's out giving stump speeches.
If anybody's been behaving "politically" for the last two days, it's Obama. Here's the rundown of his itinerary put together by Stephen Hayes. It's shocking in light of all that's happened. :eek:
Wait, Who's Political? | The Weekly Standard

The guy is campaigning, and campaigning hard, for a job he pretty much REFUSES to do. Mitt Romney's not the president... yet. He's got no obligations other than the campaign trail. Not so Barack Obama. He's supposed to be running this country. And here we are with citizens in harm's way, and he's out gallivanting off to Vegas and Colorado.

Clint Eastwood had it right.

YOu right-wingers realize that the media has set the narrative on Romney and it has taken hold. Look at Romney's wishy washy interview on ABC tonight. Those dark rings under Romney's eyes tell you all you need to know. Romney is already defeated. Hahahaha.

Do you think so? Really truly?

When the American public finds out that the State Department knew about these potential attacks 48 hours before they happened?

That there was no security for the Libyan embassy?

This info is going viral.

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