Us vs Them

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
An Invisible Nordic Guy Has Some Uncomfortable American Truths For You

WOW: I Bet This Map Would Be Banned In Some Countries

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The uncomfortable truth for Americans is that too many Americans refuse to be educated. They might go to College, they might sit there every day, and STILL end up unable to read, write or solve simple arithmetic problems.

The uncomfortable truth for Nordic Guy is that nordic countries severely limit immigration, particularly immigration of the low and unskilled.
The uncomfortable truth for Americans is that too many Americans refuse to be educated. They might go to College, they might sit there every day, and STILL end up unable to read, write or solve simple arithmetic problems.

The uncomfortable truth for Nordic Guy is that nordic countries severely limit immigration, particularly immigration of the low and unskilled.

Agreed. Half the kids in college don't belong there and I'm not paying for them to do bong hits and party until they figure it's time to drop out.

Let their parents waste the money.
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It's a damn shame the U.S. rates a "Satisfactory" rather than "Good." But I guess it could be worse...

Namibia rates better, most people have never even heard of Namibia...

As for the commentary comic...

What would you like me to say? That's just how it is... For now.
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It's a damn shame the U.S. rates a "Satisfactory" rather than "Good." But I guess it could be worse...

Namibia rates better, most people have never even heard of Namibia...

That alone makes the map comical.

The constitution is noted for being one of the first to incorporate protection of the environment into its text. Namibia is a democratic but one party dominant state with the South-West Africa People's Organisation in power. Opposition parties are allowed, but are widely considered to have no real chance of gaining power.

Yep, no chance of government interference in the press there....

Can anyone show me how the government of the US interferes with the free press?
The uncomfortable truth for Americans is that too many Americans refuse to be educated. They might go to College, they might sit there every day, and STILL end up unable to read, write or solve simple arithmetic problems.

The uncomfortable truth for Nordic Guy is that nordic countries severely limit immigration, particularly immigration of the low and unskilled.

Not to mention 30% of their revenues are due to drilling and selling oil. Government runs the oil, not the privet sector. Someday that oil will dry up, or a better source of power might be developed... Then Norway becomes a deficit running third world country with mass welfare dependency.

This all overlooks the fact that Norway is helping pollute the planet with evil oil Co2 admissions. We can start blaming Norway for global warming? maybe Luddy will lead the charge on that, demand they stop drilling and selling oil.... But then what would happen to their HC/education funds????

Luddy can't think that far ahead.

It would be like the US taking over any giant part of the economy, taking all the profits, buying people HC/education and then claiming "we're the best." But what happens if that part of the economy dies off years later? I guess they just keep taking chit over to pay for the welfare state.
The uncomfortable truth for Americans is that too many Americans refuse to be educated. They might go to College, they might sit there every day, and STILL end up unable to read, write or solve simple arithmetic problems.

The uncomfortable truth for Nordic Guy is that nordic countries severely limit immigration, particularly immigration of the low and unskilled.

Not to mention 30% of their revenues are due to drilling and selling oil. Government runs the oil, not the privet sector. Someday that oil will dry up, or a better source of power might be developed... Then Norway becomes a deficit running third world country with mass welfare dependency.

This all overlooks the fact that Norway is helping pollute the planet with evil oil Co2 admissions. We can start blaming Norway for global warming? maybe Luddy will lead the charge on that, demand they stop drilling and selling oil.... But then what would happen to their HC/education funds????

Luddy can't think that far ahead.

It would be like the US taking over any giant part of the economy, taking all the profits, buying people HC/education and then claiming "we're the best." But what happens if that part of the economy dies off years later? I guess they just keep taking chit over to pay for the welfare state.

Pray tell how the world's best educational system (Finland) is dependent on Norweigan oil.
I guess the point of this is that America sucks and all the other countries of the World are better then us.
They love to give away stuff and stick the populace with the bill.

Well hold on a bit,Obama and the Democrats want the USA to be just like you.
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We get it luddly, you hate America and want us to sink down to the eu's level.

Does one liberal understand that eu was in flames the last couple of years due to policies like those listed?
I have to say, it gets old to hear those from other countries talk about the US defense budget as "more than the next 14 combined" and bragging about how much social spending they can afford when the truth is they would not exist without the umbrella of protection provided by the USA. Of course they can afford more "butter" than "guns" when we are providing defense to the world. Scandinavia is in the worst position to talk; even Sweden admits it couldn't defend itself "for a week," and their funding is so low that their fighter jets are only available 60 hours a week. God forbid someone attacks during their time off!

Report confirms 'one-week defence' analysis - The Local
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America isn't a monolith.

Generalizations about the country are meaningless.

Even generalizations about a state are not very useful.

Why do people waste others time with such sillyness ?
I have to say, it gets old to hear those from other countries talk about the US defense budget as "more than the next 14 combined" and bragging about how much social spending they can afford when the truth is they would not exist without the umbrella of protection provided by the USA. Of course they can afford more "butter" than "guns" when we are providing defense to the world. Scandinavia is in the worst position to talk; even Sweden admits it couldn't defend itself "for a week," and their funding is so low that their fighter jets are only available 60 hours a week. God forbid someone attacks during their time off!

Report confirms 'one-week defence' analysis - The Local

Good point about military spending versus social spending.

We all know that the US military might would never be used for a positive social encounter.
One merely has to look at what is going on in the Philippines right now to understand how evil the USA's military expenditures are.
<yes, that was sarcasm, and not directed at you BillyV>
Video: Commander of US military aid in Philippines tours operations center | The National

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