US senate passes measure to take first step in dismantling obamacare.

Democrats Lead Nationwide Day Of Rallies In Defense Of Obamacare | The Huffington Post
They are getting themselves into one hell of a mess...

Repealing Obamacare: Trump says fast, Congress says slow -

In the first two weeks of the new year, Republican leaders have confronted resistance from rank-and-file lawmakers from across the ideological spectrum. Nervous about the potential political fallout of moving too fast on Obamacare repeal, some Republicans are now cautioning restraint -- a stark contrast from their ferocious attacks against President Barack Obama's signature health care law over the past several years.

"Repeal and replace is a bloody complicated exercise," said Brian Fortune, president of the Farragut Square Group, a health care consulting firm in Washington. "The challenge for the Republicans is, of course, to rework something without getting blamed for all the downstream effects -- quite difficult.

But leading up to last week's first procedural vote, Republicans in both chambers expressed deep reservations.

The overarching worry among Republicans is that the party will vote to dismantle major portions of a law that covers some 20 million people before there is even a blueprint for an alternative, and be held responsible for widespread disruptions in health insurance.
Trump says Yes to Free Shit.....Rubes this means Blacks and minorities ...
Rubes ?

Trump said. “There was a philosophy in some circles that if you can’t pay for it [Health Care], you don’t get it. That’s not going to happen with us.” <----Look Rubes Free shit .....
Following a vote in the U.S. Senate, the congressional Republicans in the House passed a budget resolution, 227-198, that officially kicks off the process of repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on Friday. Specifically, it's not an outright repeal of the ACA -- yet. But it establishes the reconciliation process required to erase the law with 51 votes and, obviously, without a filibuster proof majority.

The vote occurred within 24 hours of a new poll showing only 18 percent support for repealing the ACA. 47 percent, meanwhile, would prefer the best option: to amend the parts of the law that aren't working as designed, while also perhaps creating new prongs of the law to improve its affordability and customer access. 31 percent said they want to leave the ACA untouched.
Elizabeth Warren: The GOP’s strategy for Obamacare? Repeal and run. - The Boston Globe

For eight years, Republicans in Congress have complained about health care in America, heaping most of the blame on President Obama. Meanwhile, they’ve hung out on the sidelines making doomsday predictions and cheering every stumble, but refusing to lift a finger to actually improve our health care system.

The GOP is about to control the White House, Senate, and House. So what’s the first thing on their agenda? Are they working to bring down premiums and deductibles? Are they making fixes to expand the network of doctors and the number of plans people can choose from? Nope. The number one priority for congressional Republicans is repealing the Affordable Care Act and breaking up our health care system while offering zero solutions.

Their strategy? Repeal and run.
Repeal Chaos!! This is getting real interesting!!!

Trump Hints At Obamacare Replacement That Would Look Nothing Like What Republicans Have In Mind | The Huffington Post

President-elect Donald Trump says he’s putting the finishing touches on his plan to replace Obamacare.

It sounds absolutely terrific, like the best health plan ever!

It also sounds wildly out of step with what Republicans in Congress, or even some of Trump’s own advisers, have said they would like to do.

Trump’s comments, which he made in an interview with The Washington Post that appeared Sunday, could mean he’s gone rogue and decided that, at least on health care policy, he has more in common with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) than House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.).

Are we having fun yet??

Republicans, who have more or less been fighting expansions of government health insurance for as long as Democrats have been proposing them, take a very different view of things. In the nearly seven years since Obamacare has become law, Republicans have talked about replacing it with a number of different approaches, and among the most detailed is the legislation that Price introduced to the House.

But none of the plans Republicans have discussed would come close to covering everybody with lower out-of-pocket spending, simply because doing so would require the kind of approach Democrats have in mind ― much more federal spending and much more regulation of prices.

HHS Secretary Nominee Price’s Health Plan Would Severely Weaken Health Coverage and Consumer Protections | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

What we know about how Republicans might replace Obamacare
Study: 43,000 Could Die Under Affordable Care Act Repeal

Remember death panels?

Grandma's fate was in the hands of so-called death panels, a fictitious team of insurers and (probably devil-worshippers) Democrats who would determine the extent of coverage. Many of the most diehard proponents of this lie, who went on to benefit from the ACA, are about to meet the real death panelists—their names are Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Tom Price, and Donald Trump, and according to two experts who have studied the impact of insurance coverage on death rates for 30 years, approximately 43,000 Americans are at risk of death if the ACA is repealed.

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