US senate passes measure to take first step in dismantling obamacare.

It should have never been passed to begin with and now the Dems want someone to fix their mess. fuck'em.
agreed, again. But this is above politics.

Disagree, politics got us into this boondoggle and it will take politics to get rid of it. I've seen too many people get hit with fees, rate increases, high deductibles etc and it's not fair to them
But the PEOPLE are whats getting fucked.
You need to remember, half the country didn't want this bullshit. They got FORCED into it. They got FORCED to find new doctors or new coverage.
The PEOPLE would get fucked. This is above politics.

Repeal it. I simply don't care, the damn thing is a disaster. Just like the dems were warned it would be
There is a difference between news that is perhaps a bit biased or spinned a certain way, and completely made up bullshit buy a raving lunatic
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You of course forgot to mention that millions of Americans lost their doctors and thousands of hospitals across the country refused to take Obamacare.
To say that providers do not take Obamacare is either deliberately misleading or proof that you have no idea what you're talking about. People are not "on Obamacare" There is no such thing as an Obamacare card. People are on insurance plans which health care providers may or may not be part of, and that includes plans not obtained through Obamacare. Yes they are all regulated by the ACA and that effects reimbursement rate, but that fact is a far cry from your statement:

Doctors or hospitals may be left out of insurance networks for many reasons; the decision is usually up to the insurance company, not the provider, but it usually comes down to reimbursement, which can be lower through plans obtained via the Obamacare marketplace

And yes, some people lost their doctors because they lost their plans and they lost their plans because they were garbage and did not meet ACA standards. That is a good thing in the long run.

If you're going to deal with a topic, deal with it fairly and honestly- do the research- instead of just resorting to well worn talking points.
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Rand Paul was the only Republican to vote no because they don't have a replacement completed yet.
I commend the hell out of him.
I want the obamination gone too but I don't want people to get fucked either.
What you want, and what I want, matters not to most in the GOP and the orange clown. A great many will get fucked. And, after the orange clown and his minions get done with the economy, many, many more people will also be in the same boat.
It should have never been passed to begin with and now the Dems want someone to fix their mess. fuck'em.
agreed, again. But this is above politics.

Disagree, politics got us into this boondoggle and it will take politics to get rid of it. I've seen too many people get hit with fees, rate increases, high deductibles etc and it's not fair to them
But the PEOPLE are whats getting fucked.
You need to remember, half the country didn't want this bullshit. They got FORCED into it. They got FORCED to find new doctors or new coverage.
The PEOPLE would get fucked. This is above politics.
I have a little different coverage now, but the same insurer, and I pay less out of my pocket. Balances. In the meantime, many people I know that could never afford health care coverage before, now have it. If the GOP and the orange clown just kick these people off, they will suffer in future elections.
It should have never been passed to begin with and now the Dems want someone to fix their mess. fuck'em.
agreed, again. But this is above politics.

Disagree, politics got us into this boondoggle and it will take politics to get rid of it. I've seen too many people get hit with fees, rate increases, high deductibles etc and it's not fair to them
But the PEOPLE are whats getting fucked.
You need to remember, half the country didn't want this bullshit. They got FORCED into it. They got FORCED to find new doctors or new coverage.
The PEOPLE would get fucked. This is above politics.
I have a little different coverage now, but the same insurer, and I pay less out of my pocket. Balances. In the meantime, many people I know that could never afford health care coverage before, now have it. If the GOP and the orange clown just kick these people off, they will suffer in future elections.

yeah when the first day it launched and every loon was posting what a great deal they got....then it came out the website wasn't working and nobody could sign up. Idiots
You of course forgot to mention that millions of Americans lost their doctors and thousands of hospitals across the country refused to take Obamacare.
I see. They didn't like the color of the Obamacare Card. Could you show me a picture of one of those. That should be easy enough for you to do.
Rand Paul was the only Republican to vote no because they don't have a replacement completed yet.
I commend the hell out of him.
I want the obamination gone too but I don't want people to get fucked either.
What you want, and what I want, matters not to most in the GOP and the orange clown. A great many will get fucked. And, after the orange clown and his minions get done with the economy, many, many more people will also be in the same boat.
They are working on replacement at least
Rand Paul was the only Republican to vote no because they don't have a replacement completed yet.
I commend the hell out of him.
I want the obamination gone too but I don't want people to get fucked either.
What you want, and what I want, matters not to most in the GOP and the orange clown. A great many will get fucked. And, after the orange clown and his minions get done with the economy, many, many more people will also be in the same boat.

You ain't just whistling Dixie. It is going to get ugly, fast. I figure the doughnut hole returning full force will shake the elderly contingent to the core. And premiums, well guess my kids will have it great. But self-employed, middle age, you know the "job creators". Oh yeah, back to the days when their jaws fall open, and those fifteen percent commissions, uh, I mean service fees.

But business--well it's going to be like last call at the college town tavern. They are all going to rush to the bar and CASH OUT, perhaps buying one last drink but most certainly, they ain't going to be leaving a tip.
idk I typically listen to the ideas of successful millionaires over poor people demanding that I need to pay for their most basic needs so they don't die.
idk I typically listen to the ideas of successful millionaires over poor people demanding that I need to pay for their most basic needs so they don't die.
Perhaps you can explain exactly what the ACA is costing YOU personally. Than compare that with the cost of having a nation of sick people and the resulting lost productivity, lost tax revenues, the cost of expensive ER visits by people who are sicker than they ever needed to be but could not get primary/preventive care and the increased cost of disability payments . We all pay anyway you cut it. The only question is what do we want to pay for and why. You sound pretty damned selfish and short sighted.
Sure. This year my personal "fee" was just over $2 grand. (Don't recall what my husband's was, we filed separate)

Fuck all you sick bastards. Take better care of you and yours, I am not your mother, grandmother nor even your aunt thus I have zero obligation to let you live off my teats. Is that a clear enough answer for ya socialist?

Selfish, is that the new way of saying robbery? I don't accept solicitors so I guess it must be. Please do note that picture of a gun on the door under the sign and don't let the screen door hit you in the ass as you leave.
Sure. This year my personal "fee" was just over $2 grand. (Don't recall what my husband's was, we filed separate)

Fuck all you sick bastards. Take better care of you and yours, I am not your mother, grandmother nor even your aunt thus I have zero obligation to let you live off my teats. Is that a clear enough answer for ya socialist?

Selfish, is that the new way of saying robbery? I don't accept solicitors so I guess it must be. Please do note that picture of a gun on the door under the sign and don't let the screen door hit you in the ass as you leave.
2K in "fees" ?? What sort of fees? That doesn't really explain much, plus you completely ignored the second part of my question regarding the cost of having uninsured people.

You sound angry and lugubrious and yes, selfish. Why do you think that I'm a socialist? Are you so uniformed that you thing that the ACA, or any regulation or law that is not 100% free market is socialism. ?

And you know, it's not just about money. It's a morality issue. Are you really willing to let people die ? Is that the kind of country that you want? Tell me, do you consider yourself "pro life" ?
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The ACA 2.5% of income fee, did you not know about that part?

Yes, I am angry, I don't like thieves, and ones claiming to be "entitled" by laws enacted due to personal opinions and political beliefs that /I/ do not share, are the absolute worst kind of thief.

I don't really give a shit what their third world problems are. No one handed me any money to pay any doctor bills I've paid, nor those of my children (though my husband had Blue Cross through work for those until fucking ACA killed that pan and the new costs of health insurance essentially he wasn't paying child support anymore - not that I needed, but the point stands,) nor those of my brother in law (who's a fucking dumb ass and blew 100grand on gambling in Vegas) got in a car wreck and broke his leg, nor my mother who broke her shoulder, nor my grandmother who went into a deep depression when grandpa died, nor even my other grandfather whom VA refused to send a nurse to tend to every week. Nope, not a fucking dime. I, and my family, had to paid for every penny of all that with no help from anyone else in this country.

These folks can't even handle paying for their own children to get a vaccine for school, so they come begging for help at my doorstep? Kiss off, panhandling is illegal in my municipality.
You of course forgot to mention that millions of Americans lost their doctors and thousands of hospitals across the country refused to take Obamacare.
To say that providers do not take Obamacare is either deliberately misleading or proof that you have no idea what you're talking about. People are not "on Obamacare" There is no such thing as an Obamacare card. People are on insurance plans which health care providers may or may not be part of, and that includes plans not obtained through Obamacare. Yes they are all regulated by the ACA and that effects reimbursement rate, but that fact is a far cry from your statement:

Doctors or hospitals may be left out of insurance networks for many reasons; the decision is usually up to the insurance company, not the provider, but it usually comes down to reimbursement, which can be lower through plans obtained via the Obamacare marketplace

And yes, some people lost their doctors because they lost their plans and they lost their plans because they were garbage and did not meet ACA standards. That is a good thing in the long run.

If you're going to deal with a topic, deal with it fairly and honestly- do the research- instead of just resorting to well worn talking points.
The honest truth is that tens of millions were left out in the cold, while millions saw astronomical increases in their rates, as a result of this "Obamacare" and the lies of president Hussein shithead.

Got Obamacare insurance. Can't find doctors.

Obamacare health plans: Enough doctor choice?

Obamacare customers lose access to top Tennessee hospital

Nation’s elite cancer hospitals off-limits under Obamacare | New York Post

Many Obamacare exchange plans do not include top hospitals

Obamacare Is Killing Rural Hospitals and Their Patients
The ACA 2.5% of income fee, did you not know about that part?

Yes, I am angry, I don't like thieves, and ones claiming to be "entitled" by laws enacted due to personal opinions and political beliefs that /I/ do not share, are the absolute worst kind of thief.

I don't really give a shit what their third world problems are. No one handed me any money to pay any doctor bills I've paid, nor those of my children (though my husband had Blue Cross through work for those until fucking ACA killed that pan and the new costs of health insurance essentially he wasn't paying child support anymore - not that I needed, but the point stands,) nor those of my brother in law (who's a fucking dumb ass and blew 100grand on gambling in Vegas) got in a car wreck and broke his leg, nor my mother who broke her shoulder, nor my grandmother who went into a deep depression when grandpa died, nor even my other grandfather whom VA refused to send a nurse to tend to every week. Nope, not a fucking dime. I, and my family, had to paid for every penny of all that with no help from anyone else in this country.

These folks can't even handle paying for their own children to get a vaccine for school, so they come begging for help at my doorstep? Kiss off, panhandling is illegal in my municipality.
Maybe if you would settle down and stop ranting and rambling all sorts of shit -like the VA which has nothing to do with this -and actually explain what you're talking about we could communicate a little better. I am trying to understand your situation and where your coming from. Is this the 2.5 % that you're talking about?

• Individual Mandate (the tax for not purchasing insurance if you can afford it). Starting in 2014, anyone not buying “qualifying” health insurance must pay an income tax surtax at a rate of 1% or $95 in 2014, to 2.5% in 2016 on profitable income above the tax threshold. The total penalty amount cannot exceed the national average of the annual premiums of a “bronze level” health insurance plan on ObamaCare exchanges. ObamaCare Tax: Full List of ObamaCare Taxes

If so, what I'm getting from this is that your husband lost his employer based insurance, allegedly do to the ACA- which you have not really explained either- but you won't buy insurance on the open market, so you're being assessed this 2.5% Am I correct so far?

Now, if my math is correct, that $2,000 that you mentioned is 2.5% of 80K that you alone are making. If that's the case, I really have to wonder what it is that you're bitching so perusal about.

And, you continue to avoid my questions about the cost-to both society and us as individuals of allowing large numbers to go without coverage, as well as the moral aspects that I brought up. Get a grip and try to actually deal with these issues.
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You of course forgot to mention that millions of Americans lost their doctors and thousands of hospitals across the country refused to take Obamacare.
To say that providers do not take Obamacare is either deliberately misleading or proof that you have no idea what you're talking about. People are not "on Obamacare" There is no such thing as an Obamacare card. People are on insurance plans which health care providers may or may not be part of, and that includes plans not obtained through Obamacare. Yes they are all regulated by the ACA and that effects reimbursement rate, but that fact is a far cry from your statement:

Doctors or hospitals may be left out of insurance networks for many reasons; the decision is usually up to the insurance company, not the provider, but it usually comes down to reimbursement, which can be lower through plans obtained via the Obamacare marketplace

And yes, some people lost their doctors because they lost their plans and they lost their plans because they were garbage and did not meet ACA standards. That is a good thing in the long run.

If you're going to deal with a topic, deal with it fairly and honestly- do the research- instead of just resorting to well worn talking points.
The honest truth is that tens of millions were left out in the cold, while millions saw astronomical increases in their rates, as a result of this "Obamacare" and the lies of president Hussein shithead.

Got Obamacare insurance. Can't find doctors.

Obamacare health plans: Enough doctor choice?

Obamacare customers lose access to top Tennessee hospital

Nation’s elite cancer hospitals off-limits under Obamacare | New York Post

Many Obamacare exchange plans do not include top hospitals

Obamacare Is Killing Rural Hospitals and Their Patients
OK, I'll admit that this is very interesting and a bit disconcerting. You see, I'm willing to have a dialogue and learn. But is it a reason to scrap the ACA or, an indication that it needs to be improved upon. The ACA tightened standards and has an impact on reimbursements to providers. Maybe this can be the basis for an argument that we need a single payer insurance system that takes the emphasis off profit by the insurers and places it on patient care. What do you think?

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