US Embassador to Lybia Killed


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
The US Ambassador to Lybia has been killed, as have at least two other embassy staffers.

And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. This is a time when we need a leader - a real, in the front kind - but we don't have one. The obamedia will try to downplay this and focus on its real 'job,' of trying to help obama get reelected.

Is it any wonder why under this administration our allies don't trust us and our enemies laugh at us?
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I'm sure they are more worried about what it means to the campaign than anything else, which says everything about the administration.

Gotta wonder what the Obama campaign thinks of the timing of this...


Speaking by phone from an undisclosed location, writer and director Sam Bacile remained defiant, saying Islam is a cancer and that the 56-year-old intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion

Bacile, a California real estate developer who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew, said he believes the movie will help his native land by exposing Islam’s flaws to the world
Anti-Islam filmmaker in hiding after protests -
I'm more frighted that Punkotard can't spell "Ambassador". And that they were upset about a slanderous film made by an American that defamed their religion, which is the sort of thing Punkotard gets upset about when it's his Cult being mocked.

Filmmaker calls Islam 'a cancer'
Sam Bacile, a 56-year-old California real estate developer who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew and who said he produced, directed and wrote the two-hour film, "Innocence of Muslims," said he had not anticipated such a furious reaction.

Speaking by phone to the AP from an undisclosed location, Bacile, who went into hiding Tuesday, remained defiant, saying Islam is a cancer and that he intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion.

American killed in Libya during protests about Prophet Muhammad video - World News
Punkotard gets upset about when it's his Cult being mocked.

What "cult" is that, nobody?

Btw, it is very telling that this is your focus and your reaction to news such as this.
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I'm more frighted that Punkotard can't spell "Ambassador". And that they were upset about a slanderous film made by an American that defamed their religion, which is the sort of thing Punkotard gets upset about when it's his Cult being mocked.

Filmmaker calls Islam 'a cancer'
Sam Bacile, a 56-year-old California real estate developer who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew and who said he produced, directed and wrote the two-hour film, "Innocence of Muslims," said he had not anticipated such a furious reaction.

Speaking by phone to the AP from an undisclosed location, Bacile, who went into hiding Tuesday, remained defiant, saying Islam is a cancer and that he intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion.

American killed in Libya during protests about Prophet Muhammad video - World News

An American was killed scum hole.

negged for utter douchebaggery.
I'm more frighted that Punkotard can't spell "Ambassador". And that they were upset about a slanderous film made by an American that defamed their religion, which is the sort of thing Punkotard gets upset about when it's his Cult being mocked.

Filmmaker calls Islam 'a cancer'
Sam Bacile, a 56-year-old California real estate developer who identifies himself as an Israeli Jew and who said he produced, directed and wrote the two-hour film, "Innocence of Muslims," said he had not anticipated such a furious reaction.

Speaking by phone to the AP from an undisclosed location, Bacile, who went into hiding Tuesday, remained defiant, saying Islam is a cancer and that he intended his film to be a provocative political statement condemning the religion.

American killed in Libya during protests about Prophet Muhammad video - World News's upsetting to us when God is mocked. But how many Christians do you see killing someone over it? If you love that "Religion of Peace" so much, why don't you go somewhere that you can practice it? How many Americans have been killed from Islamic intolerance? I think you love them more than you love you're own country.....
As much as it's unforgiveable what those medieval thugs did, why would someone think they have enough moral high ground to needlessly inflame a situation - and then confirm that they thought it was great idea?
What is the point?
Crazed religious zealots are very difficult to deal with. Which is why sane people go in the other direction. Taking steps to decrease the roll of religion in society.....especially a political taking steps toward peace.
As much as it's unforgiveable what those medieval thugs did, why would someone think they have enough moral high ground to needlessly inflame a situation - and then confirm that they thought it was great idea?
What is the point?

You know........

......after 8 years of protestations about Iraq what you just said seems a bit hollow.
As much as it's unforgiveable what those medieval thugs did, why would someone think they have enough moral high ground to needlessly inflame a situation - and then confirm that they thought it was great idea?
What is the point?

You know........

......after 8 years of protestations about Iraq what you just said seems a bit hollow.

In that case, you miss my point.'s upsetting to us when God is mocked. But how many Christians do you see killing someone over it? If you love that "Religion of Peace" so much, why don't you go somewhere that you can practice it? How many Americans have been killed from Islamic intolerance? I think you love them more than you love you're own country.....

The only reason you don't kill people when your Sky Pixie is mocked, is because you know there will be consequences if you do, so that buys you nothing.

I would be happy if ALL religions disappeared. Religion has done nothing good in history, not once.

It's sad an American got killed, but you know what, we keep sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung. That is when we aren't raising our own extra big hornet on the theory it will be on our side. (Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA thought were nifty, until they turned on us.)

Case in point, we wanted to get rid of Qadaffy for years. Now he's gone, and we have these clowns in charge.
As much as it's unforgiveable what those medieval thugs did, why would someone think they have enough moral high ground to needlessly inflame a situation - and then confirm that they thought it was great idea?
What is the point?

You know........

......after 8 years of protestations about Iraq what you just said seems a bit hollow.

In that case, you miss my point.

You missed mine. I got yours.'s upsetting to us when God is mocked. But how many Christians do you see killing someone over it? If you love that "Religion of Peace" so much, why don't you go somewhere that you can practice it? How many Americans have been killed from Islamic intolerance? I think you love them more than you love you're own country.....

The only reason you don't kill people when your Sky Pixie is mocked, is because you know there will be consequences if you do, so that buys you nothing.

I would be happy if ALL religions disappeared. Religion has done nothing good in history, not once.

It's sad an American got killed, but you know what, we keep sticking our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung. That is when we aren't raising our own extra big hornet on the theory it will be on our side. (Bin Laden and Saddam were both guys the CIA thought were nifty, until they turned on us.)

Case in point, we wanted to get rid of Qadaffy for years. Now he's gone, and we have these clowns in charge.

Another stupid bigot.

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