US Bracing for Massive Polar Low


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide

A set of two polar lows is just now entering the Western US and is expected to leave massive amounts of snow from California up into Canada. Long range pictures show this storm to move eastward and stall over the plains and Midwest on Wednesday. Looks to be a repeat of the storm that froze the great lakes almost to 100% last year where the low pressure center dropped below 960mb.

It is already affecting aircraft travel times in the western US. Ranchers and Farmers are moving their livestock in as all indicators from the animals indicates a sever storm (animals like cows laying down and very close to food sources and wind protection).


And everyone says God doesn't have a sense of humor.... A white Christmas for most of the US!
Last edited:, because of manmade Global Warming

We never had White Christmases before CO2
#Santabomb winter storm predicted for Northeastern U.S. at Christmas

That's the story from three days ago. I'm a meteorologist in Wyoming and we have been watching this thing grow for about two weeks now. Given the animal reactions to the coming low pressures its should be a substantive storm. We dont see the two lows joining but if they do all bets are off as it could be bigger than we have seen in over 150 years.
December 16, 2014 at 3:12 am
Pacific Storm Eric Remains On Track; Updates Will Be Available Tuesday
by Weather Team


"Pacific Storm Eric remains a category four able storm system with the chance that the metro areas will see heavy rainfall rates, frequent lightning, large hail, and a risk of supercell activity on Tuesday night. Should Tuesday morning’s numbers look the same, we will be issuing a severe weather statement pending a higher class severe thunderstorm watch. Yes, we’ve been quiet because we’ve been waiting for track consistency for an update to you.

We’ve been very quiet today because earlier numbers suggested the main lift zone would miss Southern California, and we were not going to update until we were sure. However one of our models showed Eric remaining on track so until we had some agreement we had to maintain Eric would be on track. Pacific Storm Eric looks like he will remain on track, hitting us on Tuesday night"

"Snow levels look to be above 6,000 feet and drop through the 5,500 (or lower) level as the bulk of the precipitation moves through the area. Our Winter Storm Watch issued yesterday looks good right now and we will be upgrading it to warnings on Tuesday should the storm remain on track."


The meteorologists in California are now naming polar lows that could effect their areas.. I find it odd that they would name these types of storms, but then you have to justify your jobs in the face of no global warming and no evidence there ever was AGW...
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Snow in mountains in December! Stop the presses!

Back in the real world, temperatures over the USA are forecast to stay rather warm for the next week, and then a cold wave moves in around the 27th. Snow on Christmas Eve over the midwest, sure. It's late December, so it's cold enough to snow with normal temps.

Also good to see Billy adding to his resume. He's now a meteorologist from Wyoming. The animal-watching type. I guess the cows were lying down in the fields again.
They're calling for rain here in SE PA Tues/Tues night into Wed. The only white I'll be seeing this Christmas will be the faces of the people here.
Don't think there has ever been a white Christmas in my lifetime of many in southern New York.....that is to say, no waking up to a snowfall. Have seen a couple of fairly heavy snowfalls on the night of Christmas though........,last one was 2000 I believe.
They're calling for rain here in SE PA Tues/Tues night into Wed. The only white I'll be seeing this Christmas will be the faces of the people here.

IF the mass of arctic air pushes down with this low (as we think it will) I dont think it will be rain. May start out as rain but will quickly turn to ICE covered by snow...
They're calling for rain here in SE PA Tues/Tues night into Wed. The only white I'll be seeing this Christmas will be the faces of the people here.

IF the mass of arctic air pushes down with this low (as we think it will) I dont think it will be rain. May start out as rain but will quickly turn to ICE covered by snow...

Not going to happen here. It will be rain Mon night lasting till Christmas Eve then dry and blustery on Baby Jesus's birthday.
A change in major circulation patterns? The sort of thing that might cause warm surface waters to be subducted into the deep ocean? Okay.
A change in major circulation patterns? The sort of thing that might cause warm surface waters to be subducted into the deep ocean? Okay.

Or it could slow warmer water from getting to the Arctic or Antarctic. Many sites are now seeing the loss of heat from the oceans in the polar regions. A drop of 10% is now being seen in the Bering Straights. This much heat loss will result in massive ice buildup this year. Your heat will remain in the equatorial regions and begin its build just as it has done cyclically for eons.

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