US aircraft carriers in worst shape in decades

WWII brought us out of the Great Depression.....
No, it didn't....It merely shifted the focus away from the fact that all of FDR's meddling and tinkering not only didn't end the depression, it actually made it worse.....Any small gains in economic expansion during the war were nearly all gobbled back up by the ensuing recession, which was caused by cancelled orders, industrial retooling, and war businesses that went belly up.
after the war ended?
Care to explain your right wing fantasy?

Very simple... a truly Isolationist Socuety. No people, information, materials or goods in or out of the country. At the same time maintaining a military force capable of defending our borders in depth and the capability to launch nuclear strikes on every other national capital on the planet on a moments notice.

If any nation, or the citizens of any nation try to stick their nose into our business, their capital ceases to exist.
Considering the distance between the US and every other nation in carrier strength, I don't think this is a huge issue.

Japan and France each have 4 carriers. Italy, Australia, India and Egypt each have 2 carriers. Russia, China, UK, Spain, South Korea and Brazil each have 1 carrier.

That is a total of 22 carriers, worldwide, that are not under the US flag. The US has 20 carriers.

Okay, so our combined enemies have 22 carriers. How many fewer than them would you like us to have?
Most of the countries that have them are our allies. Ours are far more capable. There really isn't any comparison.
I think we can downsize them somewhat,... to me Navy isn't pursuing drone strike quickly enough. Very disappointed they turned good prototype into just a tanker. Could save some money by buying some D/E subs too instead of all nuke.

Ever ridden a D/E boat on the surface while recharging batteries?

Of course you haven't!

I have. Noisy as hell. But turn off those diesels and submerge and you are the quietest boat in the water.

You have? When and where? I am throwing the bullshit flag on that comment!

You can submerge and crawl along at speeds that most surface ships will easily outrun you, and then you will eventually have to recharge again, making you vulnerable near the surface. You know that aircraft can easily see you even when snorkeling, right?

In 1980 as part of ASW training missions before the USS Blueback was sent across the Pacific. My boat was in Newport News shipyards for refit and they were desperate for an SK (shortage of them in submarines in the early 1980s). The temporary duty gave me a leg up on my quals. And yes, they have to surface and turn on the diesels to recharge the batteries. But they can run 24 to 30 hours submerged (might be longer, its been a long time since I had to know that)

As for speed, the best way to hide is not going fast. In fact, higher speeds increase the chance of cavitation. My boat, the USS James Madison, was virtually undetectable when cruising low & slow. In fact, when we came out of the shipyards and went to sea trials, we were included in ASW training with the a surface fleet group. Ever participated in that? The sub has 3 colors of flares. Red for a hit on us. Green for a hit on the skimmers. And yellow when our position was requested. The training was cut short when we ran out of yellow flares. If you can find out who was the CO of the USS America in the mid 1980s, ask him about a polaroid pic he received in the mail. It was taken through the USS James Madison's periscope. We came to periscope depth directly behind the America and the Old Man took the pic, wrote "Gotcha" on it and mailed it to the CO of the America.
Care to explain your right wing fantasy?

Very simple... a truly Isolationist Socuety. No people, information, materials or goods in or out of the country. At the same time maintaining a military force capable of defending our borders in depth and the capability to launch nuclear strikes on every other national capital on the planet on a moments notice.

If any nation, or the citizens of any nation try to stick their nose into our business, their capital ceases to exist.

Yeah well, you keep hoping for that. The rest of us will keep laughing.
[QUOTE="WinterBorn, post: 20900263, member: 33912”]Yeah well, you keep hoping for that. The rest of us will keep laughing.[/QUOTE]

Keep laughing as our capabilities degrade sufficiently that the blue helmed scum suddenly show up on our shores.
As for speed, the best way to hide is not going fast. In fact, higher speeds increase the chance of cavitation. My boat, the USS James Madison, was virtually undetectable when cruising low & slow. In fact, when we came out of the shipyards and went to sea trials, we were included in ASW training with the a surface fleet group. Ever participated in that? The sub has 3 colors of flares. Red for a hit on us. Green for a hit on the skimmers. And yellow when our position was requested. The training was cut short when we ran out of yellow flares. If you can find out who was the CO of the USS America in the mid 1980s, ask him about a polaroid pic he received in the mail. It was taken through the USS James Madison's periscope. We came to periscope depth directly behind the America and the Old Man took the pic, wrote "Gotcha" on it and mailed it to the CO of the America.

Even to a P-3 with MAD, and sona buoys?
Most of the countries that have them are our allies. Ours are far more capable. There really isn't any comparison.

Again, we don’t have allies. We have leeches sucking our budget dry for their security; nothing more.

Capability level means nothing if the ship is in dry dock for repairs.
To preserve peace is to prepare for war. 8 years of Obama's sequestration has decimated our military and morale under Obama was way down. Hopefully we can get back to where we need to be soon.
Republicans in Congress forced sequestration
Makes you wonder where all the money the military gets actually goes? You could ask the Pentagon, but they don't know either.
It has nothing to do with money. Obama's extremely poor leadership is clearly at fault.

And it's going to take extremely good leadership by Trump to fix the problem. But it will take time. Soon after Trump took office he had to fire the SecNav and the Admiral of the 7th fleet because our missile cruisers kept running into very large objects that were damaging them, such as bigger ships and Japan, fer crissakes.
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[QUOTE="WinterBorn, post: 20900263, member: 33912”]Yeah well, you keep hoping for that. The rest of us will keep laughing.

Keep laughing as our capabilities degrade sufficiently that the blue helmed scum suddenly show up on our shores.[/QUOTE]

Blue helmed scum? lol Yeah, I'll keep laughing. Laughing at people like you who are afraid of the foreign invaders while our own people destroy us to make the rich richer.
It has nothing to do with money. Obama's extremely poor leadership is clearly at fault.

And it's going to take extremely good leadership by Trump to fix the problem. But it will take time. Soon after Trump took office he had to fire the SecNav and the Admiral of the 7th fleet because our missile cruisers kept running into very large objects that were damaging them, such as bigger ships and Japan, fer crissakes.
It has everything to do with the Pentagon being just as wasteful, inefficient, and corrupt as any other federal program.
As for speed, the best way to hide is not going fast. In fact, higher speeds increase the chance of cavitation. My boat, the USS James Madison, was virtually undetectable when cruising low & slow. In fact, when we came out of the shipyards and went to sea trials, we were included in ASW training with the a surface fleet group. Ever participated in that? The sub has 3 colors of flares. Red for a hit on us. Green for a hit on the skimmers. And yellow when our position was requested. The training was cut short when we ran out of yellow flares. If you can find out who was the CO of the USS America in the mid 1980s, ask him about a polaroid pic he received in the mail. It was taken through the USS James Madison's periscope. We came to periscope depth directly behind the America and the Old Man took the pic, wrote "Gotcha" on it and mailed it to the CO of the America.

Even to a P-3 with MAD, and sona buoys?

Yes, even to P-3s with sonobouys.

Sonobuoys detect sounds. If a sub is sufficiently quiet, they have to be almost on top of them to detect any noise. The FBM fleet specialized is running silent and running deep. The MAD, if it is what I am thinking of, was old technology when I was in the Navy 30 years ago.

The story above about taking the pic of the stern of the USS America happened when we were on patrol. A carrier group rolled up on us as we were patrolling. The noise was amazing. But they never knew we were there. Oddly enough, they were conducting ASW training with their fast attack subs.
Makes you wonder where all the money the military gets actually goes? You could ask the Pentagon, but they don't know either.
It has nothing to do with money. Obama's extremely poor leadership is clearly at fault.

And it's going to take extremely good leadership by Trump to fix the problem. But it will take time. Soon after Trump took office he had to fire the SecNav and the Admiral of the 7th fleet because our missile cruisers kept running into very large objects that were damaging them, such as bigger ships and Japan, fer crissakes.
If naval vessels colliding with other ships was Obama's fault, why didn't they happen when Obama was President instead of Trump?
Keep laughing as our capabilities degrade sufficiently that the blue helmed scum suddenly show up on our shores.

tax cut economics is doing that. yet, the right wing loves their "selfish desire for private profit over public profit for our Republic."

Public profit? What is public profit? Someone taking the money (profit) that was produced by others through their hard work and creativity?
Most of our conflicts are 3rd world countries .......pirates...........yes ....pirates......and moving equipment and men to War Zones...........not to mention humanitarian relief around the globe............2 LHD's were assigned to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands during the hurricanes that destroyed the areas.........while a Carrier Battlegroup was on station for relief in the Florida keys......................

One thing to takes a month to get on station across the month to get back..........meaning the cycle to remain on station only lasts 4 months requiring 3 battlegroups a year to be on station at any given time unless you extend deployments...........usually this cycle is both east and west coast so that is 6 battlegroups a year for normal operation.............

This has been supplemented by the Gator Navy...............with ships like the 8 LHD's........which carry a Marine Air group. with Harriers, Apaches, and other helicopters to the air wing.......................There are 4 on Each coast...............also LHA's ...........which have air wings assigned..........I believe we still have 8 of them.................

Those are big oceans..............if we maintain a constant presence over seas along with more War.............we got to keep the numbers the way they most conflicts are low grade..............the equation for new warfare would really only come into play in a war with China or Russia...........

Old ships must eventually be moth balled and replaced to maintain current commitments..........

LHA's? 8 of them? Incorrect!

I don't know where you got the number 8, There is just 1! USS America (LHA-6). Notice the number 6, that is after they decommed all 5 Tarawa class LHAs.
My mistake......thought they'd built more.......have to check the web.............but there are 8 LHD's.........served on LHD-1 and actually helped build a little on LHD-4.
The US Navy -- Fact File: Amphibious Assault Ships - LHD/LHA(R)

USS America (LHA 6), along with the future USS Tripoli (LHA 7) are LHD variants optimized for aviation capability. The propulsion plant and electrical distribution and auxiliary systems designed and built for USS Makin Island are also used aboard USS America and future USS Tripoli, the first ships in the LHA Replacement Program. USS America was delivered to the U.S. Navy on April 10, 2014 and the future USS Tripoli is currently under construction at Huntington Ingalls Industries (HII) in Pascagoula, Mississippi and is expected to join the fleet in 2018. LHA 6 and LHA 7, commonly referred to as Flight 0 ships, contain key differences from the LHD class to include: an enlarged hangar deck, enhanced aviation maintenance facilities, increased aviation fuel capacity, additional aviation storerooms, removal of the well deck, and an electronically reconfigurable C4ISR suite. On June 30, 2016, Huntington Ingalls Industries was awarded a contract for planning, advanced engineering and procurement of long lead time material. An option for the detail design and construction of LHA 8 was awarded in June 2017, which will be the first Flight I ship, and will reincorporate a well deck to increase operational flexibility. The USS America (LHA 6) class ships replace the original five Tarawa-class LHAs, which have all been decommissioned. USS Belleau Wood (LHA 3) was decommissioned in October 2005, followed by USS Saipan (LHA 2) in April 2007, USS Tarawa (LHA 1) in March 2009, USS Nassau (LHA 4) in March 2011 and USS Peleliu (LHA 5) in March 2015.
Keep laughing as our capabilities degrade sufficiently that the blue helmed scum suddenly show up on our shores.

tax cut economics is doing that. yet, the right wing loves their "selfish desire for private profit over public profit for our Republic."

Public profit? What is public profit? Someone taking the money (profit) that was produced by others through their hard work and creativity?
The greater Good, not merely selfish, capital profit motives.

Management does that all the time; and, insist we should be grateful there was no "corporate downsizing and our pensions got downsized as well".

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