Uruguayan President to Obama: Strong Latin Women Will Fill U.S. With Latino Babies


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
And he's right if we don't do something about illegal immigration. I suggest implementing President Eisenhowers old government program called 'Operation Wetback' except on a larger scale. We are being flooded with these type people and our European heritage and culture must be preserved. I am a true believer in the founders and their original intent to who this country was meant for.

1790 Naturalization Act (An act to establish an uniform rule of naturalization)

Sess. II, Chap. 3; 1 stat 103.

1st Congress; March 26, 1790.


This article of legislation allowed an individual to apply for citizenship if they were a free white person, being of good character, and living in the United States for two years. Upon receiving the courts approval they took an oath of allegiance which was recorded. The individual's citizenship was also extended to any children under the age of 21, regardless of their birthplace. If the applicant had never been a U.S. resident the application was disregarded.
Uruguay is 86% white and has as much a European cultural history as we do.

What does the racist author of this thread object to? Aren't Uruguayans inbred enough for him?
And he's right

No he's not. Fertility rates among Latinos in America (and most of Latin America as well) are falling and falling fast. If this thread wasn't just an excuse to vent your racist weakness, as it seems, you can relax.
Uruguay is 86% white and has as much a European cultural history as we do.

What does the racist author of this thread object to? Aren't Uruguayans inbred enough for him?

Mis informed.
The 88% of uraguay's europopulation consists of mostly spanish. Look it up.
Uruguay is 86% white and has as much a European cultural history as we do.

What does the racist author of this thread object to? Aren't Uruguayans inbred enough for him?

Mis informed.
The 88% of uraguay's europopulation consists of mostly spanish. Look it up.

Wow you must be the smartest person in the world :cuckoo:

Omfg man
Uruguay is 86% white and has as much a European cultural history as we do.

What does the racist author of this thread object to? Aren't Uruguayans inbred enough for him
you know? I'll bet that you havent been effected 1 iota by I.Im....yet.
And are blind to how I.Im. neg effects this country. You care more about letting
wage decresing 3rd world country people in than the people who were born here.
They dont want to be American. They want to change America into Aztlan.(look it up)

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