Up to 200 Chicago cops assigned to the Jarrett wedding


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
46 Chicagoans injured in gunfire last weekend and 8 people died....

this weekend the temps will be in the 90s.....

but up to 200 Chicago cops will be pulled from active duty elsewhere to provide security for a private wedding....

guess that's Chicago politics for ya....the politicians come first.....:eusa_whistle:

Obama has the whole weekend blocked out for the private doings......Valerie Jarrett (the "Buzzsaw") is his Senior Advisior....

Obama and his family will be attending the wedding of Valerie's daughter this Saturday at the Jarrett home....which is only a few blocks from his own grand $1.6 million house in the Kenwood district of Chicago....(remember the Rezko deal?)

oh by the way.....Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel (Obama's former White House Chief of Staff) will be out of town tomorrow on vacation....he was NOT INVITED to the wedding.... where's the love Valerie....? :lol:

100-Plus Chicago Cops Assigned to Jarrett Wedding: Report | NBC Chicago
Why is this treated like a state wedding? Maybe if it was one of Obama's daughter, but an advisor? WTF???????

Oh I didnt check details, is a guy or gal, she's marrying? ;)
Why is this treated like a state wedding? Maybe if it was one of Obama's daughter, but an advisor? WTF???????

Oh I didnt check details, is a guy or gal, she's marrying? ;)

because this is taking place in Obama's "hood".....and Valerie Jarret is Obama's right arm behind the scenes....and Obama is taking the whole damn weekend off just to attend the wedding of Valerie's daughter....(a 20-something grad of Harvard Law marrying a guy who is also a Harvard Law grad and who got a job at the same law firm that Michelle worked at before...)
Why is this treated like a state wedding? Maybe if it was one of Obama's daughter, but an advisor? WTF???????

Oh I didnt check details, is a guy or gal, she's marrying? ;)

because this is taking place in Obama's "hood".....and Valerie Jarret is Obama's right arm behind the scenes....and Obama is taking the whole damn weekend off just to attend the wedding of Valerie's daughter....(a 20-something grad of Harvard Law marrying a guy who is also a Harvard Law grad and who got a job at the same law firm that Michelle worked at before...)

More rich people peeing on the little man, funny I dont see liberals complaining about this. Again rich liberals are allowed to break all their rules. Now if it was a conservative they would bitch about it......and guess what.....so would I!
In the Liberal's minds: wasting Taxpayer money on this stuff is OK...You have to pay Taxes, to care about Taxes.
Chicago has a lot of money. They can afford it.

That's your joke for the day.
no matter where the president goes he has local law enforcement show up, nothing new.all presidents get it.
I guess all those union workers get to pay for it. Liberals always keeping an eye out for the little guy!
Do presidents really go to alot of weddings? Maybe the Queen of England or another state funtion, but this is rediculous. My God, the last wedding I've heard of a President going to was Nixon's daughter and I think she got married at the White House, saved us a pile of money. Even Tricky Dick had some economic sense.
Do presidents really go to alot of weddings? Maybe the Queen of England or another state funtion, but this is rediculous. My God, the last wedding I've heard of a President going to was Nixon's daughter and I think she got married at the White House, saved us a pile of money. Even Tricky Dick had some economic sense.

this just tells you how much power Valerie Jarrett has over Obama....
the powerful "Ground Zero" Valerie Jarrett....who the lamestream media ignores....


Trying to figure out Valerie Jarrett’s mysterious hold on Barack and Michelle Obama is a favorite guessing game in the parlors and dining rooms of Washington. No other White House official in history has enjoyed such a unique relationship with both a president and a first lady, and yet the mainstream media have ignored Jarrett’s enormous influence over the shape and direction of the Obama administration.

Jarrett’s official title — senior adviser and assistant to the president for intergovernmental affairs and public engagement — doesn’t begin to do justice to her unrivaled status in the White House. She is Ground Zero in the Obama operation — the first couple’s first friend and consigliere, the last person to leave the Oval Office after meetings, and the only White House official who dines with the first family in their private quarters at night.

“Valerie is the quintessential insider,” one of her longtime friends told me during an interview for my book, The Amateur: Barack Obama in the White House. “She functions as the eyes, ears, and nose of the president and first lady. She tells them who’s saying what about who, who’s loyal and who’s not. She advises them about who they should see when they visit a city or a foreign country. She determines who gets invited to the White House and who is left out in the cold.”

In the White House pecking order, Jarrett has more clout than the president’s chief of staff. During the savage internecine warfare between Jarrett and Obama’s first two chiefs of staff — Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley — Obama sided most of the time with Jarrett, a classic limousine liberal who believes that Obama was elected president in order to engineer social change. Ultimately, Jarrett emasculated Emanuel and Daley and forced them from their jobs.

She has also been responsible for much of the incompetence and amateurism that have been the hallmarks of Obama’s time in office. Indeed, Jarrett has been on the wrong side of practically every consequential issue to come across the president’s desk. Some examples of her bonehead advice:

Read more: Who is Valerie Jarrett? | The Daily Caller
In the Liberal's minds: wasting Taxpayer money on this stuff is OK...You have to pay Taxes, to care about Taxes.

Protecting the President of the United States is not wasting taxpayer money...but sending an AZ sheriff to HI to investigate the presidents birth certainly is.

so attending a staffer's daughter's wedding is more important than investigating the truth about the questionable birth of a sitting U.S. President.....?
In the Liberal's minds: wasting Taxpayer money on this stuff is OK...You have to pay Taxes, to care about Taxes.

Protecting the President of the United States is not wasting taxpayer money...but sending an AZ sheriff to HI to investigate the presidents birth certainly is.

so attending a staffer's daughter's wedding is more important than investigating the truth about the questionable birth of a sitting U.S. President.....?

Yes...especially since his birth isn't in question for logically thinking Americans.

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