Unjust Hanging of Van Tuong Nguyen

Hagbard Celine said:
It doesn't equal a death sentence in the US at all. The maximum sentence in the US for distributing drugs is life imprisonment with an unlimited fine. That's too harsh too IMO.
Okay, argue that one in court then.
Hagbard Celine said:
There's already an international charter of human rights. IMHO, this guy is receiving an unjust punishment that violates his human rights. His punishment doesn't fit his crime.

According to YOU. Southeast Asians do NOT think like Westerners. They do not possess our values and no, there is no "universal" rule. You value whatever your society teaches you to.

His punsihment fits his crime in most Asian countries, and all of the Middle Eastern countries I am aware of.

Violent or not, and I could argue THAT with you, illegal drugs destroy lives and/or outright kill people.
Hagbard Celine said:
There's already an international charter of human rights. IMHO, this guy is receiving an unjust punishment that violates his human rights. His punishment doesn't fit his crime.

Again, who is it making these laws? The US? France? Paraguay? Who are we to tell Asians, Arabs, Europeans what their laws should be? Who are they to tell us?
Hagbard Celine said:
No, I would just be afraid that I'd look at some savage the wrong way and get hanged for it.

I've been to Singapore a few times. Beautiful country. People are friendly and very nice.

Nothing to worry about as long as you don't break a law.

Kind of like the United States.
GotZoom said:
I've been to Singapore a few times. Beautiful country. People are friendly and very nice.

Nothing to worry about as long as you don't break a law.

Kind of like the United States.

I agree with everything except the fourth and fifth sentence. Here in the US if you break the law you still have no worries. You get a free social worker to go along with your socialist defence attorney.
GotZoom said:
I've been to Singapore a few times. Beautiful country. People are friendly and very nice.

Nothing to worry about as long as you don't break a law.

Kind of like the United States.

Yes just make sure you keep an eye your luggage :eek2:
Hagbard Celine said:
Australian tourists go to Indonesia all the time for beach paradise vacations. How exactly can any of you justify putting them to death for doing a little ecstasy on their vacation even if it is the local law? These Indonesians are savages.

Defending white decadence while decrying brown indigenous people as "savages"?

My, my, my.

Cultural differentiation. Value judgments. Frank descriptions of non-white groups. Such British imperialist brio! Soon the board will add "Hagbard Celine" to "that sounds like racist stuff from William Joyce."
William Joyce said:
Defending white decadence while decrying brown indigenous people as "savages"?

My, my, my.

Cultural differentiation. Value judgments. Frank descriptions of non-white groups. Such British imperialist brio! Soon the board will add "Hagbard Celine" to "that sounds like racist stuff from William Joyce."

I do believe you have a point ........ :laugh:
William Joyce said:
Defending white decadence while decrying brown indigenous people as "savages"?

My, my, my.

Cultural differentiation. Value judgments. Frank descriptions of non-white groups. Such British imperialist brio! Soon the board will add "Hagbard Celine" to "that sounds like racist stuff from William Joyce."
If cutting off people's appendages, beating people to an inch of their life and executing people for non-violent crimes doesn't make you a savage, I don't know what does. But no, we've got to practice cultural relativity right? I guess you guys would argue that stoning women to death for back-talking their husbands is justified because it is legal under Shariah law? I guess those women should know better than to break the law right? Wrong, those fundamentalist Muslims are a bunch of f*cking savages, just like the Indonesians who are putting a non-violent drug-dealer to death and the Las Vegas mayor who advocates cutting-off graffiti artists' thumbs. A savage is a savage is a savage, no matter what color they happen to be.
Hagbard Celine said:
If cutting off people's appendages, beating people to an inch of their life and executing people for non-violent crimes doesn't make you a savage, I don't know what does. But no, we've got to practice cultural relativity right? I guess you guys would argue that stoning women to death for back-talking their husbands is justified because it is legal under Shariah law? I guess those women should know better than to break the law right? Wrong, those fundamentalist Muslims are a bunch of f*cking savages, just like the Indonesians who are putting a non-violent drug-dealer to death and the Las Vegas mayor who advocates cutting-off graffiti artists' thumbs. A savage is a savage is a savage, no matter what color they happen to be.

No HC, you don't seem to get it. Many of us would disagree with the 'humanity or justness' of this law as you. Difference is, we do defer to what a 'people' decide. In this way we are staying true to the idea that the best laws are local, by allowing the mores of the locale to be implemented. Now if one wishes to venture into said locale, one should accomodate to those laws. I mean, how PC can one get?
Kathianne said:
No HC, you don't seem to get it. Many of us would disagree with the 'humanity or justness' of this law as you. Difference is, we do defer to what a 'people' decide. In this way we are staying true to the idea that the best laws are local, by allowing the mores of the locale to be implemented. Now if one wishes to venture into said locale, one should accomodate to those laws. I mean, how PC can one get?
No no, I totally get ya'll's point of view. What I'm saying is that I think these people are savages because according to my viewpoint, they are no better than animals because they do not value human life. I think what they're doing is morally wrong, regardless of what their barbaric laws dictate.
Hagbard Celine said:
Australian tourists go to Indonesia all the time for beach paradise vacations. How exactly can any of you justify putting them to death for doing a little ecstasy on their vacation even if it is the local law? These Indonesians are savages.

You are just plain stupid. And a good liberal CONTROL FREAK. Its their damn country, yea, they should run it the way YOU want it run.

Again, its simple, you dont want to die? Dont traffic drugs in Singapore. He could have gone to many other places for vacation, Boracay for example.
So, whats wrong with that? I know, you will spew your tired old line again totally ignoring what I posted.....
Hagbard Celine said:
No no, I totally get ya'll's point of view. What I'm saying is that I think these people are savages because according to my viewpoint, they are no better than animals because they do not value human life. I think what they're doing is morally wrong, regardless of what their barbaric laws dictate.

So screw the Islamic law, is that what you are saying?
Hagbard Celine said:
You're not in the least bit disgusted that these savages are putting a man to death because he had drugs in his duffel bag? No compassion for your fellow man? WWJD?

Jesus wouldnt have been carrying drugs. Oh, "Pay unto Ceasar that which is Ceasars" i.e. OBEY the local laws or suffer the local punishments,,,thats what JESUS taught. Genius
Hagbard Celine said:
Wouldn't he say, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone?" You guys are nuts if you think death is a fitting punishment for doing drugs.

Max Power said:
I think the idea is not that THIS guy should be spared punishment, but that the punishment is not fitting to the crime (in general).

Having drugs shouldn't be a capitol crime. I mean, I'm sure that if we killed everyone who disobeyed the speed limit, there would be less speeding on the highways, but would the ends justify the means?

Thats NOT YOUR CALL. Are you a citizen of Singapore? If not, then STFU. Its their country. You two are the same ones who called for us to leave Iraq alone cuz its "sovereign", well, guess what, Singapore is sovereign, if the people of Singapore want the law changed, then its UP TO THEM.

But your logic elludes the logical thinkers. Death for drugs is injustice, but blowing up the twin towers because we are meddling in middle east affairs is ok. Terrorists killing civilians is ok cuz they are only fighting for their country. Sheeesh....

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