Unequal Opportunity Lenders? Analyzing Racial Disparities in Big Banks Higher-Pric

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
Stats from some major banks, these were definitely not isolated occurences:


Important quote:

These banks all have been recipients of massive government assistance over the past year, and the largest of them have all committed to participate in government-backed foreclosure prevention programs. They are all crucial to restoring the mortgage market to get the housing market back on its feet.

It is essential that the patterns described in this report be investigated by the special
inspector general for TARP to ensure that these taxpayer-supported benefits are not
subsidizing discriminatory practices.
It is also necessary that as these critical institutions move out from government support, they and the rest of the mortgage finance industry do not behave in unfair ways. Systemic problems in the industry—namely unfair lending practices—should be addressed immediately.

Our key recommendations in this paper are:

• No further repayments should be allowed to TARP recipients until the special inspector
general for TARP gives a passing grade on fair lending practices.

• Establish an independent regulator focused on consumer protections such as the independent
Consumer Financial Protection Agency the Obama administration has recommended
to prevent recurrence

Excellent recommendations.
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Unequal Opportunity Lenders?: Analyzing Racial Disparities in Big Banks’ Higher-Priced Lending

Contrary to popular belief and distortion, poor blacks who couldn't afford loans were not the only blacks given subprime loans, higher income blacks were equally more likely to receive high priced mortgages so its not merely about income, race did and does definitely play a role, that is racism and discrimination.

Uh, so this means that either 1) blacks with higher incomes also have shitty credit scores, or 2) higher income blacks are just as dumb as low income blacks. Either way, it ain't lookin' too good for Original Man in the brains and behavior department, but then, it's always been that way.

Have you ever seen the statistic that shows that black kids from homes where the income is HIGHER than some white kids' homes actually score LOWER on standardized test scores than those white kids? Now that's what I call a supreme failure of affirmative action. You can give blacks these do-nothing, high-paying affirmative action jobs, but they still pop out low-IQ rugrats. Meanwhile, whites shoved into low-paying jobs by affirmative action can't help but have smarter kids 'cause... that's what the genes dictate.

Reality sure is racist, I tell you what.

Mortgages my ass. Black people have no concept of the simple notion of PAYING BACK THE MONEY THEY BORROWED. To them, getting money is like a neato-treato, and the whole "pay it back" idea is just kind of a bother. That's why the credit of blacks is usually rock-bottom.

If blacks didn't live with whites, they wouldn't have anything as remotely complex as mortgages, much less free-standing homes with utilities. They'd be living in huts.
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