Undignified Obama


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Undignified Obama
What an ex-president’s inflammatory and hateful nominating-convention address was made of.​

20 Aug 2020 ~~ By Matthew Vadum

Last night Barack Hussein Obama gave what was probably the most undignified, inflammatory, hateful nominating-convention address of a former president in the history of the United States.
“This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that’s what it takes to win,” he said August 19, puffing himself up with a studied indignation.
This is the same, shameless, Saul Alinsky-worshiping liar who presided over a seditious plot, a rolling coup attempt, to overthrow his successor using the CIA and FBI, the early outlines of which this writer sketched in Obama’s Insurrection.
The real-life conspiracy to oust Trump, though not (yet) successful, has allowed Democrats and their Deep State allies to practice these dark arts over the past four years that they may soon use to remove the mentally incompetent Joe Biden from the Oval Office to pave the way for Kamala Harris, who is not black despite what her publicists in the media say, to become president.
No one in the media seems to have noticed that the party of LGBT and racial utopia is now headed by a man who is apparently not completely convinced of the rectitude of those causes.
Biden has said homosexuals shouldn’t receive security clearances because “my gut reaction is that they are security risks.”
A friend of segregationists, Biden worried aloud that his children would grow up in “a racial jungle,” and patronizingly observed that Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Pretending to be a solid supporter, Obama described newly minted presidential nominee Joe Biden last night as a “friend” and a “brother,” even though the 44th president reportedly once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
Obama said: “But we should also expect a president to be the custodian of this democracy. We should expect that regardless of ego, ambition, or political beliefs, the president will preserve, protect, and defend the freedoms and ideals that so many Americans marched for and went to jail for; fought for and died for.”
So many lies.
President Trump didn’t cause COVID-19 and he didn’t fail to act as it spread across the country. The weaponized novel coronavirus came to our shores from Communist China in the form of a biological attack on America. Trump shut down flights from the epicenter of the so-called outbreak. He did this while Democrats bent over backwards early this year urging people to ignore the virus and buy from businesses in the nation’s many Chinatown districts to prove they weren’t prejudiced against Asians.
If America’s democratic institutions are now “threatened like never before,” it wasn’t President Trump’s doing. He didn’t unleash the angry, surprisingly well-organized mobs terrorizing American cities after the death of career criminal George Floyd.
Obama said the U.S. should be “a nation that stands with democracy, not dictators,” even though he supported the late Islamist strongman in Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, and openly seethed with contempt for Israel, the only actual democracy in the Middle East.
Obama continued fetishizing democracy, even though the United States is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.
No one in the media will challenge Obama’s claim that under Trump the military was deployed against allegedly “peaceful protesters on our soil,” even though Democrat governors and mayors invited anarchy in the streets by refusing to use law enforcement resources available to them to put down the recent riots.
In the White House, Obama frequently bashed those who disagreed with him. He trashed the Supreme Court during a State of the Union Address like a Latin American caudillo over its Citizens United ruling while the justices were seated mere feet away.
Obama referred to political adversaries as “enemies,” and demonized Fox News because the cable news network didn’t always depict him as he wanted. A decade before George Floyd’s death, Obama’s interior secretary, Ken Salazar, promised to keep his “boot on the neck” of BP after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The Left made an attempt on the show’s life because it portrays police positively. Never forget that the Democratic Party officially endorsed Black Lives Matter and its pro-cop-killing worldview in 2015.
Rolling Stone leftist E.J. Dickson attacked Hargitay in June for daring to portray a good cop on TV, because cops are “embedded … in a system that perpetuates racism and misogyny and brutality.” The character, Olivia Benson, “plays a major role in perpetuating the idea that cops are inherently trustworthy and heroic.”
Even worse, Dickson wrote, “[a] not-insignificant number of police officers have credited the show with their deciding to enter law enforcement.”
The August 19, 2020, episode of the Democratic National Convention was fiction, like the popular police procedural show.
And it’s finished now, just like America will be if the radicals get their way.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr, aka Barry Soetoro the most racist, traitorous and divisive president ever. He has no room to talk about anything he’s just a lying racist un patriotic bastard.
The first former president to break precedent and slam his successor President Donald Trump during his DNC speech.
Barry then went on to accuse President Trump of not standing up to tyrants and terrorists.
Remember when:
"The President Blinked": Why Obama Changed Course on the "Red Line" in Syria
Barry was the worst President in history and racially divided our country and continues to do so.

Undignified Obama
What an ex-president’s inflammatory and hateful nominating-convention address was made of.​

20 Aug 2020 ~~ By Matthew Vadum

Last night Barack Hussein Obama gave what was probably the most undignified, inflammatory, hateful nominating-convention address of a former president in the history of the United States.
“This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that’s what it takes to win,” he said August 19, puffing himself up with a studied indignation.
This is the same, shameless, Saul Alinsky-worshiping liar who presided over a seditious plot, a rolling coup attempt, to overthrow his successor using the CIA and FBI, the early outlines of which this writer sketched in Obama’s Insurrection.
The real-life conspiracy to oust Trump, though not (yet) successful, has allowed Democrats and their Deep State allies to practice these dark arts over the past four years that they may soon use to remove the mentally incompetent Joe Biden from the Oval Office to pave the way for Kamala Harris, who is not black despite what her publicists in the media say, to become president.
No one in the media seems to have noticed that the party of LGBT and racial utopia is now headed by a man who is apparently not completely convinced of the rectitude of those causes.
Biden has said homosexuals shouldn’t receive security clearances because “my gut reaction is that they are security risks.”
A friend of segregationists, Biden worried aloud that his children would grow up in “a racial jungle,” and patronizingly observed that Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Pretending to be a solid supporter, Obama described newly minted presidential nominee Joe Biden last night as a “friend” and a “brother,” even though the 44th president reportedly once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
Obama said: “But we should also expect a president to be the custodian of this democracy. We should expect that regardless of ego, ambition, or political beliefs, the president will preserve, protect, and defend the freedoms and ideals that so many Americans marched for and went to jail for; fought for and died for.”
So many lies.
President Trump didn’t cause COVID-19 and he didn’t fail to act as it spread across the country. The weaponized novel coronavirus came to our shores from Communist China in the form of a biological attack on America. Trump shut down flights from the epicenter of the so-called outbreak. He did this while Democrats bent over backwards early this year urging people to ignore the virus and buy from businesses in the nation’s many Chinatown districts to prove they weren’t prejudiced against Asians.
If America’s democratic institutions are now “threatened like never before,” it wasn’t President Trump’s doing. He didn’t unleash the angry, surprisingly well-organized mobs terrorizing American cities after the death of career criminal George Floyd.
Obama said the U.S. should be “a nation that stands with democracy, not dictators,” even though he supported the late Islamist strongman in Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, and openly seethed with contempt for Israel, the only actual democracy in the Middle East.
Obama continued fetishizing democracy, even though the United States is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.
No one in the media will challenge Obama’s claim that under Trump the military was deployed against allegedly “peaceful protesters on our soil,” even though Democrat governors and mayors invited anarchy in the streets by refusing to use law enforcement resources available to them to put down the recent riots.
In the White House, Obama frequently bashed those who disagreed with him. He trashed the Supreme Court during a State of the Union Address like a Latin American caudillo over its Citizens United ruling while the justices were seated mere feet away.
Obama referred to political adversaries as “enemies,” and demonized Fox News because the cable news network didn’t always depict him as he wanted. A decade before George Floyd’s death, Obama’s interior secretary, Ken Salazar, promised to keep his “boot on the neck” of BP after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The Left made an attempt on the show’s life because it portrays police positively. Never forget that the Democratic Party officially endorsed Black Lives Matter and its pro-cop-killing worldview in 2015.
Rolling Stone leftist E.J. Dickson attacked Hargitay in June for daring to portray a good cop on TV, because cops are “embedded … in a system that perpetuates racism and misogyny and brutality.” The character, Olivia Benson, “plays a major role in perpetuating the idea that cops are inherently trustworthy and heroic.”
Even worse, Dickson wrote, “[a] not-insignificant number of police officers have credited the show with their deciding to enter law enforcement.”
The August 19, 2020, episode of the Democratic National Convention was fiction, like the popular police procedural show.
And it’s finished now, just like America will be if the radicals get their way.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr, aka Barry Soetoro the most racist, traitorous and divisive president ever. He has no room to talk about anything he’s just a lying racist un patriotic bastard.
The first former president to break precedent and slam his successor President Donald Trump during his DNC speech.
Barry then went on to accuse President Trump of not standing up to tyrants and terrorists.
Remember when:
"The President Blinked": Why Obama Changed Course on the "Red Line" in Syria
Barry was the worst President in history and racially divided our country and continues to do so.

View attachment 377437
Barry Obama is a SCHMUCK. An anti-American, anti-police, anti-Christian, Muslim-loving SCHMUCK. Thank you.
Last night Barack Hussein Obama gave what was probably the most undignified, inflammatory, hateful nominating-convention address of a former president in the history of the United States.

Barry did do ONE good thing though, he added at least ten years to Jimmy Peanut's life by removing the burden from him of being the worst president in US history. Jimmy has been breathing easy ever since.
Obama was a pompous, lecturing prick. According to the Messiah, Trump just hasn't matured into the office. Yeah I guess he isn't MATURE enough to run guns to the Mexican drug cartel, or hide in a corner of the White House when Americans were being overwhelmed 100 to 1 at Benghazi. Yes Trump just wasn't MATURE enough to deliver 1 billion in cash to Iran to do whatever they want with it. Yeah that's how cash works. I could add a hundred more examples of how much more MATURE Obama was than Trump but you get the picture.
Obama was a pompous, lecturing prick. According to the Messiah, Trump just hasn't matured into the office. Yeah I guess he isn't MATURE enough to run guns to the Mexican drug cartel, or hide in a corner of the White House when Americans were being overwhelmed 100 to 1 at Benghazi. Yes Trump just wasn't MATURE enough to deliver 1 billion in cash to Iran to do whatever they want with it. Yeah that's how cash works. I could add a hundred more examples of how much more MATURE Obama was than Trump but you get the picture.

I am so glad that meat puppet faggot got replaced by Trump, and that Trump actually did roll back or erase nearly everything the moonbat messiah did to us. When was the last republicrat that got into office and undid regressive democrook policy? I did not believe Trump was going to do anything close and I was adamant that Ted Cruz was the only one who would. I have to admit that I don't think Ted Cruz would have accomplished what Trump has though. If it wasn't for sniveling RINOs especially that fucking traitor McLame we would have gotten rid of obozocare entirely, but that albatross lingers like an attic full of brown recluse spiders.

Hopefully we see an election like 2010, 2002 or even 2004 where democrooks lose their asses. Hopefully that sends a message to the RINOs and they actually repeal obozocare, get rid of the NFA and GCA, and defund a whole shit load of redundant and destructive democrook programs and offices. Then I'd like to see political whores go to prison.


Someone should tell that meat puppet faggot we are a Constitutional Republic, NOT A FUCKING DEMOCRACY. Amazing how stupid you can be and be called a "Constitutional Scholar" or whatever lofty bullshit they used to describe him.

I can't recall a single president in my lifetime who meddled in the affairs of the president who succeeded him.

......until Obama
That's because until Obama and the Clintons, presidents had respect for the office that transcended party. After you left office, you stayed out of the limelight and kept your nose out of whoever was running things now.

With the advent of the Clintons, the Democrats became sewer rats where winning is everything.
I can't recall a single president in my lifetime who meddled in the affairs of the president who succeeded him.

......until Obama
Yep. That's because it's true. We've NEVER seen an ex-president pull the kind of sh*t Barry has gotten away with. And of course, he gets away with the sh*t because he's a member of and PROTECTED by the Deep State. It's just hideous what he's been able to do because of this protection.
I am so glad that meat puppet faggot got replaced by Trump, and that Trump actually did roll back or erase nearly everything the moonbat messiah did to us. When was the last republicrat that got into office and undid regressive democrook policy? I did not believe Trump was going to do anything close and I was adamant that Ted Cruz was the only one who would. I have to admit that I don't think Ted Cruz would have accomplished what Trump has though. If it wasn't for sniveling RINOs especially that fucking traitor McLame we would have gotten rid of obozocare entirely, but that albatross lingers like an attic full of brown recluse spiders.

Hopefully we see an election like 2010, 2002 or even 2004 where democrooks lose their asses. Hopefully that sends a message to the RINOs and they actually repeal obozocare, get rid of the NFA and GCA, and defund a whole shit load of redundant and destructive democrook programs and offices. Then I'd like to see political whores go to prison.

Thanks for your fine post. Nicely done.
Gee, I wonder how Matthew Vadum feels about Trump's decorum?
I don't give a shit about his "decorum".

I wanted results. I wanted regressive policy rolled back, regulations repealed, obozocare repealed, border security strengthened, spending controlled and the debt reduced.

Hopefully Trump wins in a massive landslide and spending can be addressed. There is no reason to add 8% to the budget every year automatically and arbitrarily.
Undignified Obama
What an ex-president’s inflammatory and hateful nominating-convention address was made of.​

20 Aug 2020 ~~ By Matthew Vadum

Last night Barack Hussein Obama gave what was probably the most undignified, inflammatory, hateful nominating-convention address of a former president in the history of the United States.
“This administration has shown it will tear our democracy down if that’s what it takes to win,” he said August 19, puffing himself up with a studied indignation.
This is the same, shameless, Saul Alinsky-worshiping liar who presided over a seditious plot, a rolling coup attempt, to overthrow his successor using the CIA and FBI, the early outlines of which this writer sketched in Obama’s Insurrection.
The real-life conspiracy to oust Trump, though not (yet) successful, has allowed Democrats and their Deep State allies to practice these dark arts over the past four years that they may soon use to remove the mentally incompetent Joe Biden from the Oval Office to pave the way for Kamala Harris, who is not black despite what her publicists in the media say, to become president.
No one in the media seems to have noticed that the party of LGBT and racial utopia is now headed by a man who is apparently not completely convinced of the rectitude of those causes.
Biden has said homosexuals shouldn’t receive security clearances because “my gut reaction is that they are security risks.”
A friend of segregationists, Biden worried aloud that his children would grow up in “a racial jungle,” and patronizingly observed that Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”
Pretending to be a solid supporter, Obama described newly minted presidential nominee Joe Biden last night as a “friend” and a “brother,” even though the 44th president reportedly once said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”
Obama said: “But we should also expect a president to be the custodian of this democracy. We should expect that regardless of ego, ambition, or political beliefs, the president will preserve, protect, and defend the freedoms and ideals that so many Americans marched for and went to jail for; fought for and died for.”
So many lies.
President Trump didn’t cause COVID-19 and he didn’t fail to act as it spread across the country. The weaponized novel coronavirus came to our shores from Communist China in the form of a biological attack on America. Trump shut down flights from the epicenter of the so-called outbreak. He did this while Democrats bent over backwards early this year urging people to ignore the virus and buy from businesses in the nation’s many Chinatown districts to prove they weren’t prejudiced against Asians.
If America’s democratic institutions are now “threatened like never before,” it wasn’t President Trump’s doing. He didn’t unleash the angry, surprisingly well-organized mobs terrorizing American cities after the death of career criminal George Floyd.
Obama said the U.S. should be “a nation that stands with democracy, not dictators,” even though he supported the late Islamist strongman in Egypt, Mohamed Morsi, and openly seethed with contempt for Israel, the only actual democracy in the Middle East.
Obama continued fetishizing democracy, even though the United States is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.
No one in the media will challenge Obama’s claim that under Trump the military was deployed against allegedly “peaceful protesters on our soil,” even though Democrat governors and mayors invited anarchy in the streets by refusing to use law enforcement resources available to them to put down the recent riots.
In the White House, Obama frequently bashed those who disagreed with him. He trashed the Supreme Court during a State of the Union Address like a Latin American caudillo over its Citizens United ruling while the justices were seated mere feet away.
Obama referred to political adversaries as “enemies,” and demonized Fox News because the cable news network didn’t always depict him as he wanted. A decade before George Floyd’s death, Obama’s interior secretary, Ken Salazar, promised to keep his “boot on the neck” of BP after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.
The Left made an attempt on the show’s life because it portrays police positively. Never forget that the Democratic Party officially endorsed Black Lives Matter and its pro-cop-killing worldview in 2015.
Rolling Stone leftist E.J. Dickson attacked Hargitay in June for daring to portray a good cop on TV, because cops are “embedded … in a system that perpetuates racism and misogyny and brutality.” The character, Olivia Benson, “plays a major role in perpetuating the idea that cops are inherently trustworthy and heroic.”
Even worse, Dickson wrote, “[a] not-insignificant number of police officers have credited the show with their deciding to enter law enforcement.”
The August 19, 2020, episode of the Democratic National Convention was fiction, like the popular police procedural show.
And it’s finished now, just like America will be if the radicals get their way.

Barack Hussein Obama Jr, aka Barry Soetoro the most racist, traitorous and divisive president ever. He has no room to talk about anything he’s just a lying racist un patriotic bastard.
The first former president to break precedent and slam his successor President Donald Trump during his DNC speech.
Barry then went on to accuse President Trump of not standing up to tyrants and terrorists.
Remember when:
"The President Blinked": Why Obama Changed Course on the "Red Line" in Syria
Barry was the worst President in history and racially divided our country and continues to do so.

View attachment 377437
The current President unprecedentedly bashes the previous one daily using "undignified, inflammatory, hateful" language but when Obama finally retaliates...using real English words joined together in the proper order...Trump's supporters lose their shit.
What a bunch of babies.
Zero is bitter and jealous as Trump continues to make him look like a feckless community agitator that fucked up everything he touched. The kenyan klown will always be a 40 handicapper with that left-handed sissy lunge, while Trump plays close to scratch - which is the consummate metaphor for comparing the two.
Somebody had to ring the alarm bells and hand trump his head. We have never before seen a president attempt to destroy the foundations of our democratic republic and turn the U.S. into an authoritarian dictatorship. trump is a very dangerous man who has put our country at great risk. He basically is a criminal, and most likely is working for putin.

We have never seen one iota of evidence of voter fraud, and here he is threatening to send sheriffs to polling places to disrupt the proceedings. He has killed many people due to his incompetence in handling COVID-19. He sends anonymous thugs to a city that doesn't want them. The list of his misdeeds is very long and getting longer. I'm afraid that if he loses the election he will have to be removed from the White House forceably.
Barrack sure can trigger the sucking slurping tea bagger trumpoholics.
Yes Trump did with your leaders.
View attachment 377746
You are way too stupid for attempting to be witty. The post you quoted was very specific. You are as big a fool as your goofy leader Donald and trapped in a delusional world of denial. What kind of moron answers a post calling them a nutsucker?

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