Understanding the wealth of the poor

Prove it![that conservatives are charitable]

* Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).

* Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.

* Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush.

* Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average.

* In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.

* People who reject the idea that "government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality" give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition.

Brooks demonstrates a correlation between charitable behavior and "the values that lie beneath" liberal and conservative labels. Two influences on charitable behavior are religion and attitudes about the proper role of government.

In a message dated 3/30/2010 4:41:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
Nicholas D. Kristof: Liberal tightwads
Dec 23, 2008 ... Nicholas D. Kristof: Liberal tightwads ... Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, "Who Really Cares," cites data that ...

Nicholas D. Kristof: Liberal tightwads - Similar

Op-Ed Columnist - Bleeding Heart Tightwads - NYTimes.com
Dec 21, 2008 ... Nicholas Kristof addresses reader feedback and posts short takes from his travels. ... Americans give sums to charity equivalent to 1.67 percent of G.N.P. ... liberal donations frequently sustain art museums, symphonies, ...

Op-Ed Columnist - Bleeding Heart Tightwads - NYTimes.com -

you can also read " Who really Cares" or any of John Stossel's books if you like books which as a liberal would be impossible
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The fact that I now that our income gap is bad for our country has nothing to do with my politics and everything to do with history. Read some, it won't kill you.

being opposed to the income gap is like being opposed to Steve Jobs because of the gap in his inventions versus those of the poor. Get it!!
We need a few geniuses to cure cancer etc etc.

the way to close the gap is not through violent liberal taxaction, but by cutting the welfare entitlements so the poor can work and accumulated some wealth too!!. See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?

Three words for ya "French Revolutionary War!"

One sentence for ya...

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

What do you think all those demonstrations are about? Do you honestly don't think it's not going to get worse?

The poor can and do work. Heck, I know homeless people who are working and living in tents...you really need to get out more.

Most of the people collecting foodstamps today are the working poor. Most of those going to the foodbank and the working poor. Do you know what that means? Yeah, it means the tax payer is subsidizing their employment. The Walmart family has made $billions and we subsidize their employees for them. Stop those subsidies..I'm all for it. I want the revolution, it's past time you were taken down a notch or two along with the other rich selfish b*&*)%s like you.
Nor would I expect you to. However, just "visiting" isn't enough to preach. Plenty of those on government assistance are just fine living the way they live. They have free or subsidized housing, more TANF assistance than my non-splurging grocery budget (enough to eat well on half and sell the excess for beer money), free or subsidized cable, and free or subsidized utilities. Then there is the gaming of the system such as unwed mothers who live with their boyfriends long term. The boyfriends' incomes don't count because they list their formal addresses elsewhere (family or neighbor).

Another quite common practice here is to claim an elderly parent as a dependent, stick him or her in a free nursing home, collect the social security checks, rent out the parent's house and live off that with no job. No job is no income, more free cash.

Have fun playing her game - I have been arguing with this fool for nearly 7 years going back to USPOL...

Lemme guess - social worker?

No she is an elderly nurse... Close enough tho...

She also used to claim she was conservative...

She is really just a troll - I remember her pushing Obama hard (as her front runner) back in 2008...

I got into it with her several times over the years..
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Ummmmmm.........Jefferson owned slaves

who's talking about slavery?????????????????????

Do you understand what freedom is?

as a liberal this will be way over your head but please try as long as they let liberals vote:

Jefferson and the others created and lived on the cusp of history. For them it was a huge revolution to believe that they themselves could be free, let alone real slaves after 1000's of years of slavery. But even so, Jefferson's original draft of the Constitution was more about slavery than taxes. He and the others knowingly fired the shot heard around the world even when they had no idea if it would hit its target or the personal consequences they would suffer would be deadly. To say that our Founders were born slave holders is true, but it is also true that they did more to set in motion freedom for slaves than all human beings or any other group in all of human history. Certainly they did more than any of us would have had the intelligence and courage to do given the times in which they lived and the consequences they faced; so lets all thank God for these incredible heroes who, most recently, freed 1.5 billion from communism with their undying influence.

Those among us who imagine they are morally superior to the Founders are fools too stupid to know they inheritied their wisdom without so much as a drop of blood, a calorie of effort, the inkling of a thought, or an ounce of morality.
Prove it![that conservatives are charitable]

* Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household ($1,600 per year vs. $1,227).

* Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood.

* Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush.

* Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average.

* In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.

* People who reject the idea that "government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality" give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition.

Brooks demonstrates a correlation between charitable behavior and "the values that lie beneath" liberal and conservative labels. Two influences on charitable behavior are religion and attitudes about the proper role of government.

In a message dated 3/30/2010 4:41:07 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
Nicholas D. Kristof: Liberal tightwads
Dec 23, 2008 ... Nicholas D. Kristof: Liberal tightwads ... Arthur Brooks, the author of a book on donors to charity, "Who Really Cares," cites data that ...

Nicholas D. Kristof: Liberal tightwads - Similar

Op-Ed Columnist - Bleeding Heart Tightwads - NYTimes.com
Dec 21, 2008 ... Nicholas Kristof addresses reader feedback and posts short takes from his travels. ... Americans give sums to charity equivalent to 1.67 percent of G.N.P. ... liberal donations frequently sustain art museums, symphonies, ...

Op-Ed Columnist - Bleeding Heart Tightwads - NYTimes.com -

you can also read " Who really Cares" or any of John Stossel's books if you like books which as a liberal would be impossible

You're stats mean nothing to me since you can't seem to separate those in the Bush states who are liberal vs those who are conservative. I do know that as a country we gave less to the national endowment for the arts in one year than we spent on building the Seahawks stadium, and more people go to see the performing arts than go to sports games. I also know that when it comes to giving to the performance arts we're beat out by Europe 38 to 1. I know this because I volunteered for a play recently. I do a lot of volunteering,, how much do you do?

UM HMM How much did YOU give?

I've taken in 3 homeless men. One lived with us for 2 years, one for 6 months another one is going on his 3rd year. I volunteer at the church once a week giving out lunches to the homeless. I've given more cash to those who need it without going through a charity so I'm sure it wasn't recorded...but then again, I'm a moderate, not a liberal. I belong to a sorority who's only reason for existence is to raise money for cancer research. I've put out $thousands to people who lost their work in construction (friends of mine) giving them work on my house, both to help me and to help them.

Currently I'm working on a way to provide money for a widow who's husband took out a loan on the house without telling her before he died. She's too proud to take the money so I have to find another way and keep her pride in tact. And guess what, I'll bet we make a hell of a lot less than you do too......

Bet I've read more books than you, especially history books.

Like I said before take away the entitlements....it's past time for that revolution.
The fact that I now that our income gap is bad for our country has nothing to do with my politics and everything to do with history. Read some, it won't kill you.

being opposed to the income gap is like being opposed to Steve Jobs because of the gap in his inventions versus those of the poor. Get it!!
We need a few geniuses to cure cancer etc etc.

the way to close the gap is not through violent liberal taxaction, but by cutting the welfare entitlements so the poor can work and accumulated some wealth too!!. See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?

Three words for ya "French Revolutionary War!"

One sentence for ya...

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

What do you think all those demonstrations are about? Do you honestly don't think it's not going to get worse?

The poor can and do work. Heck, I know homeless people who are working and living in tents...you really need to get out more.

Most of the people collecting foodstamps today are the working poor. Most of those going to the foodbank and the working poor. Do you know what that means? Yeah, it means the tax payer is subsidizing their employment. The Walmart family has made $billions and we subsidize their employees for them. Stop those subsidies..I'm all for it. I want the revolution, it's past time you were taken down a notch or two along with the other rich selfish b*&*)%s like you.

Think this through. Can you afford to hire a maid that makes enough cleaning your house to feed her family?
You're stats mean nothing to me since you can't seem to separate those in the Bush states who are liberal vs those who are conservative.

I gave you whole books to read when you asked me to prove that conservatives give more to charity, not just stats?????????????????? See why we are positive a liberal will be slow???
being opposed to the income gap is like being opposed to Steve Jobs because of the gap in his inventions versus those of the poor. Get it!!
We need a few geniuses to cure cancer etc etc.

the way to close the gap is not through violent liberal taxaction, but by cutting the welfare entitlements so the poor can work and accumulated some wealth too!!. See why we are positive a liberal will be slow?

Three words for ya "French Revolutionary War!"

One sentence for ya...

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

What do you think all those demonstrations are about? Do you honestly don't think it's not going to get worse?

The poor can and do work. Heck, I know homeless people who are working and living in tents...you really need to get out more.

Most of the people collecting foodstamps today are the working poor. Most of those going to the foodbank and the working poor. Do you know what that means? Yeah, it means the tax payer is subsidizing their employment. The Walmart family has made $billions and we subsidize their employees for them. Stop those subsidies..I'm all for it. I want the revolution, it's past time you were taken down a notch or two along with the other rich selfish b*&*)%s like you.

Think this through. Can you afford to hire a maid that makes enough cleaning your house to feed her family?

It wouldn't take a maid 40 hours a week to clean my house. And I know maids that make $40 an hour cleaning homes.....but that was a nice try.
I've taken in 3 homeless men.

We know that a liberal is morally superior or should we say that liberals are morality bigots?

Good for you about taking in the homeless. I did that once too but then I found out they needed me because they were too late or too drunk to get into the shelter. When they got free clothes and shoes they sold them for drugs. All had familes and relatives but had been abandoned many times because they were not trustworthy. A liberal will encourage and enable this behavior as they lack the IQ to understand it and because they enjoy the opportunity to be bigoted about it; a conservative will think about how to end it.

This is all way over a liberal's ability
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who's talking about slavery?????????????????????

Do you understand what freedom is?

as a liberal this will be way over your head but please try as long as they let liberals vote:

Jefferson and the others created and lived on the cusp of history. For them it was a huge revolution to believe that they themselves could be free, let alone real slaves after 1000's of years of slavery. But even so, Jefferson's original draft of the Constitution was more about slavery than taxes. He and the others knowingly fired the shot heard around the world even when they had no idea if it would hit its target or the personal consequences they would suffer would be deadly. To say that our Founders were born slave holders is true, but it is also true that they did more to set in motion freedom for slaves than all human beings or any other group in all of human history. Certainly they did more than any of us would have had the intelligence and courage to do given the times in which they lived and the consequences they faced; so lets all thank God for these incredible heroes who, most recently, freed 1.5 billion from communism with their undying influence.

Those among us who imagine they are morally superior to the Founders are fools too stupid to know they inheritied their wisdom without so much as a drop of blood, a calorie of effort, the inkling of a thought, or an ounce of morality.

You're right to some extent but the Magna Carta was wrote in 1215 I believe and is the basis of our constitution...

Of course the Magna Carta was ignored for more than 500 years..

I suppose the point is that Jefferson isn't the Godfather of freedom.
You're stats mean nothing to me since you can't seem to separate those in the Bush states who are liberal vs those who are conservative.

I gave you whole books to read when you asked me to prove that conservatives give more to charity, not just stats?????????????????? See why we are positive a liberal will be slow???

I don't have time to read your "whole" books.

Yeah, and you're still calling me a liberal, and you think I'm slow. Liberals call me a conservative. I don't believe people should be paid for having children. I do however, believe that working people deserve a living wage. That's where we differ. I know that "no country can long survive with the majority of it's wealth in the hands of a few." I believe it was Plato that said that.....could have been Socrates, haven't read either one of them in years. Like I said, READ A HISTORY BOOK. Our country is doomed, thanks to people like you and Obama and the Bushes, and Clinton.
Three words for ya "French Revolutionary War!"

One sentence for ya...

"Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

What do you think all those demonstrations are about? Do you honestly don't think it's not going to get worse?

The poor can and do work. Heck, I know homeless people who are working and living in tents...you really need to get out more.

Most of the people collecting foodstamps today are the working poor. Most of those going to the foodbank and the working poor. Do you know what that means? Yeah, it means the tax payer is subsidizing their employment. The Walmart family has made $billions and we subsidize their employees for them. Stop those subsidies..I'm all for it. I want the revolution, it's past time you were taken down a notch or two along with the other rich selfish b*&*)%s like you.

Think this through. Can you afford to hire a maid that makes enough cleaning your house to feed her family?

It wouldn't take a maid 40 hours a week to clean my house. And I know maids that make $40 an hour cleaning homes.....but that was a nice try.

Ok. So you're cool with the concept of part time labor. I agree, I know cleaning staff that actually do quite well per hour. So how much can you afford to pay a maid to clean your house? How much should I pay mine?
Do you understand what freedom is?

as a liberal this will be way over your head but please try as long as they let liberals vote:

Jefferson and the others created and lived on the cusp of history. For them it was a huge revolution to believe that they themselves could be free, let alone real slaves after 1000's of years of slavery. But even so, Jefferson's original draft of the Constitution was more about slavery than taxes. He and the others knowingly fired the shot heard around the world even when they had no idea if it would hit its target or the personal consequences they would suffer would be deadly. To say that our Founders were born slave holders is true, but it is also true that they did more to set in motion freedom for slaves than all human beings or any other group in all of human history. Certainly they did more than any of us would have had the intelligence and courage to do given the times in which they lived and the consequences they faced; so lets all thank God for these incredible heroes who, most recently, freed 1.5 billion from communism with their undying influence.

Those among us who imagine they are morally superior to the Founders are fools too stupid to know they inheritied their wisdom without so much as a drop of blood, a calorie of effort, the inkling of a thought, or an ounce of morality.

You're right to some extent but the Magna Carta was wrote in 1215 I believe and is the basis of our constitution...

Of course the Magna Carta was ignored for more than 500 years..

I suppose the point is that Jefferson isn't the Godfather of freedom.

The Magna Carta wasn't ignored, it just didn't apply to commoners, only noblemen.
You're right to some extent but the Magna Carta was wrote in 1215 I believe and is the basis of our constitution...

what?? you might say it was the basis for the British government from which we rebelled

Of course the Magna Carta was ignored for more than 500 years..

I suppose the point is that Jefferson isn't the Godfather of freedom.

Of course you know nothing whatsoever which perfectly explains why you are so afraid to say who the Godfather of freedom really is, if not Jefferson.
Think this through. Can you afford to hire a maid that makes enough cleaning your house to feed her family?

It wouldn't take a maid 40 hours a week to clean my house. And I know maids that make $40 an hour cleaning homes.....but that was a nice try.

Ok. So you're cool with the concept of part time labor. I agree, I know cleaning staff that actually do quite well per hour. So how much can you afford to pay a maid to clean your house? How much should I pay mine?

I'm sure it's different wages in different regions...

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