Understanding The Left


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
To begin with the conclusion, everything the Left controls, suffers for it.

1.Remember when the NYTimes was ‘the paper of record’? Now, it is simply a vengeful, lying rag. The latest slander is a claim that Justice Kavanaugh thrust his genitals into the hand of a fellow college student….then this rag had to admit that the ‘victims’ has no knowledge of such an event.

In every way possible, the Left resists and finds a way to champion the obverse of tradition and social evolution. And it always begins with shredding the truth.

2. Society has moved from slavery and feudalism using capitalism as the vehicle to raise standards of living for everyone….so the Left champions proven failed economic theories, socialism and communism.
A leading Democrat candidate for President is a communist, the political doctrine that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children to get its way…..and then ended with a whimper.

3. While the Bible imposes authority and a system of hierarchy, the ‘commandment to honour father and mother,' …



a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.


pecking order, ranking, grading, ladder, social order, social stratum, social scale, class system

…. the Left demands a revolt against parents, police, every authority it can think of.

4. The advancement of society has been marked by increases in individualism and liberty, instead, as the Left gains power, it demands collectivism, and Leftist governance either bans or mandates.

“Florist Hopes Supreme Court Will Affirm Her Right to Turn Down Order for Gay Wedding” Florist Asks High Court to Uphold Right to Decline Order for Gay Wedding

5. While the origins of America clearly state the nation’s mission centers on life….“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson.
…the Left has been responsible for the slaughter of over 60 million of the most innocent.

Color me ‘pessimist,’ but I'm convinced that the Left will succeed in destroying our nation, and Western Civilization, and will take the rest of with it into the abyss.
for 250 years, give or take, we were doing ok. not perfect. perfection is a silly goal that tends to drive extremes to "do their thing". we found some common ground and still had our feuds along the way.

what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
Go there

Explain to people that ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires and droughts are just a figment of their imagination

A Sharpie might help
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
you are so full of trivial stereotypical asinine bullshit.

we ALL care about such things, just see different ways of getting there. but your 3rd grade mind trapped in a 1st grade mentality fucks things up for you.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
The Left cares about:
1. Environment, by proposing the "Green New Deal" which is ridiculous on its face
2. Healthcare: by taking my good healthcare away and imposing $10,000 deductibles, so we don't actually have healthcare
3. Education: having student loans to repay for our entire lives instead of job training for real jobs
4. Civil Rights: the 1960s redux, keep talking up slavery and reparations and keep those 300,000 to zero precincts

The wealthy? How about Nancy's 2020 Budget?
Did she try to save Medicare? Its going bankrupt in 2026.
Did she try to save Social Security? Its bankrupt in 2034.
for 250 years, give or take, we were doing ok. not perfect. perfection is a silly goal that tends to drive extremes to "do their thing". we found some common ground and still had our feuds along the way.

what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".

"what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die"

If that is the case, you should be able to produce a post of the iniquities of the Right comparable to the OP.

I don't believe you can.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy

Leftists mostly care about looking like they care in an attempt to score cheap virtue points.

Actual caring is for adults, not leftist children.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
Go there

Explain to people that ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires and droughts are just a figment of their imagination

A Sharpie might help

Why don't you explain how/why humans(AGW) is causing this phenomenon? Oh yeah, you can't because it is all conjecture and a HUGE money-making scheme. Liberal elites LOVE sheep.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
you are so full of trivial stereotypical asinine bullshit.

we ALL care about such things, just see different ways of getting there. but your 3rd grade mind trapped in a 1st grade mentality fucks things up for you.

Show a piece of environmental legislation emanating from Republicans and get back to me.

What ever happened to Trumpcare anyway?
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights


That's why the "crap app" comes in so handy in SanFrancisco.
They want to educate you about the horrendous state of their environment so you don't
contract hepatitis and cholera, because that would violate your civil rights.
for 250 years, give or take, we were doing ok. not perfect. perfection is a silly goal that tends to drive extremes to "do their thing". we found some common ground and still had our feuds along the way.

what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".

"what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die"

If that is the case, you should be able to produce a post of the iniquities of the Right comparable to the OP.

I don't believe you can.
i don't believe it would make a difference if i tried.

i simply don't believe the way to deal with an extreme is to be extreme back at it. that tends to justify their behavior because you are in fact giving them what they are after in the end, attention.

if you look around today, the culture *is* shifting. chappelle made a comedy mocking the SJW's and nailed it. in many ways he broke the ice and more will follow. their constant and extreme stupidity called called out for what it is. stupid. anything else validates it.

i will fully agree the "extreme left" have gone off the reservation, so to speak. what i don't agree with is giving them the time of day to tell them how wrong they are cause right or wrong isn't their goal. look at me and validate my emotions, is. if "the left" were destroying our way of life it would have happened around 1800 and only 24 years or so of trying to get along. but we didn't. for 250 years we found ways through our differences. yes we can find extreme social times in our history. last like this would be late 60's, very early 70s. we got through it. culture shifted.

and now it would seem we're doing it again. shifting back away from the extreme.

i simply don't agree thumping the bible to people who don't give a shit about it is going to get you what you're after in the end. but hey, if that's your path, walk on.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
Go there

Explain to people that ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires and droughts are just a figment of their imagination

A Sharpie might help

Explain to people that ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires and droughts are just a figment of their imagination

None of those things happened, ever, before we used fossil fuels, eh?

The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
Environment? Lol you loons have equated AGW with natural variability. You hacks cant be honest enough to "care about the environment"
Healthcare? You mean take mine away? Replace it with something controlled by the very entity that screwed it up in the first place?
Education? :lol: you mean indoctrination centers?
Civil rights? You mean your racist special rights you want to give people you look down upon?
Go there

Explain to people that ever worsening hurricanes, wildfires and droughts are just a figment of their imagination

A Sharpie might help
Lol ok. You dont even understand.
Imagine that.
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
you are so full of trivial stereotypical asinine bullshit.

we ALL care about such things, just see different ways of getting there. but your 3rd grade mind trapped in a 1st grade mentality fucks things up for you.
So rolling back efforts to have clean air and water is a way of getting clean air and water? That's one hell of a way of "getting there"....
The left cares about the environment, healthcare, education, civil rights

Conservatives care about the wealthy
you are so full of trivial stereotypical asinine bullshit.

we ALL care about such things, just see different ways of getting there. but your 3rd grade mind trapped in a 1st grade mentality fucks things up for you.

Show a piece of environmental legislation emanating from Republicans and get back to me.

What ever happened to Trumpcare anyway?

Well, there used to be...

How Republicans came to embrace anti-environmentalism
To begin with the conclusion, everything the Left controls, suffers for it.

1.Remember when the NYTimes was ‘the paper of record’? Now, it is simply a vengeful, lying rag. The latest slander is a claim that Justice Kavanaugh thrust his genitals into the hand of a fellow college student….then this rag had to admit that the ‘victims’ has no knowledge of such an event.

In every way possible, the Left resists and finds a way to champion the obverse of tradition and social evolution. And it always begins with shredding the truth.

2. Society has moved from slavery and feudalism using capitalism as the vehicle to raise standards of living for everyone….so the Left champions proven failed economic theories, socialism and communism.
A leading Democrat candidate for President is a communist, the political doctrine that slaughtered over 100 million men, women and children to get its way…..and then ended with a whimper.

3. While the Bible imposes authority and a system of hierarchy, the ‘commandment to honour father and mother,' …



a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority.


pecking order, ranking, grading, ladder, social order, social stratum, social scale, class system

…. the Left demands a revolt against parents, police, every authority it can think of.

4. The advancement of society has been marked by increases in individualism and liberty, instead, as the Left gains power, it demands collectivism, and Leftist governance either bans or mandates.

“Florist Hopes Supreme Court Will Affirm Her Right to Turn Down Order for Gay Wedding” Florist Asks High Court to Uphold Right to Decline Order for Gay Wedding

5. While the origins of America clearly state the nation’s mission centers on life….“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Thomas Jefferson.
…the Left has been responsible for the slaughter of over 60 million of the most innocent.

Color me ‘pessimist,’ but I'm convinced that the Left will succeed in destroying our nation, and Western Civilization, and will take the rest of with it into the abyss.
for 250 years, give or take, we were doing ok. not perfect. perfection is a silly goal that tends to drive extremes to "do their thing". we found some common ground and still had our feuds along the way.

what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die".

"what is "destroying" us are the extremes who demand "my way or we all die"

If that is the case, you should be able to produce a post of the iniquities of the Right comparable to the OP.

I don't believe you can.
i don't believe it would make a difference if i tried.

i simply don't believe the way to deal with an extreme is to be extreme back at it. that tends to justify their behavior because you are in fact giving them what they are after in the end, attention.

if you look around today, the culture *is* shifting. chappelle made a comedy mocking the SJW's and nailed it. in many ways he broke the ice and more will follow. their constant and extreme stupidity called called out for what it is. stupid. anything else validates it.

i will fully agree the "extreme left" have gone off the reservation, so to speak. what i don't agree with is giving them the time of day to tell them how wrong they are cause right or wrong isn't their goal. look at me and validate my emotions, is. if "the left" were destroying our way of life it would have happened around 1800 and only 24 years or so of trying to get along. but we didn't. for 250 years we found ways through our differences. yes we can find extreme social times in our history. last like this would be late 60's, very early 70s. we got through it. culture shifted.

and now it would seem we're doing it again. shifting back away from the extreme.

i simply don't agree thumping the bible to people who don't give a shit about it is going to get you what you're after in the end. but hey, if that's your path, walk on.

"i simply don't believe the way to deal with an extreme is to be extreme back at it."

There is no 'extreme' on the Right.

Think about it, and you will not be able to come up with positions on the Right that differ from American traditions, history or values.

Far Left:
No prayer in schools, gay marriage, multiple genders, no borders, no sovereignty, no free speech, special rights for particular groups (affirmative action), under Franklin Roosevelt the federal government was transformed from one of limited & enumerated powers only to the Frankensteinian monster it is today.

These are all radical positions that don't represent the center, American traditions, values, and history ....that's what identifies "FAR" or 'extreme.'

You cannot name any 'extreme' from the center positions on the Right.

Oh....and quoting the Bible is simply homage to our Founders, who did the same.

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