Hudson: The Party of Slavery Is Now the Party of Reparations for Slavery


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Hudson: The Party of Slavery Is Now the Party of Reparations for Slavery
Hudson: The Party of Slavery Is Now the Party of Reparations for Slavery


The Democratic Party is the party of slavery. Thanks to the Democrats’ cartoonish clown car of presidential candidates, the party of slavery is now the party of reparations for slavery.
This stampede of opportunistic dilettantes — conducting self-promotion campaigns posing as presidential bids — have all endorsed Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s (D-TX) resolution, H.R. 40, calling for a commission to “study and develop reparation proposals for African-Americans” and a national apology from the government “for the perpetration of gross human rights violations and crimes against humanity on African slaves and their descendants.”

Rep. Lee is not an idiot. Perhaps a quarter century in Washington has convinced her that you are. Why spend millions to fund a Congressional commission to study what we already know to be true? The Democratic Party is the party of slavery.

But don’t take my word for it.

“There is no doubt that the Democratic Party is the party of the Confederacy, historically, that the Democratic Party’s flag is the Confederate flag,” former Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) told author Angela McGlown. “It was our party’s flag. That Jefferson Davis was a Democrat; that Stonewall Jackson strongly identified with the Democratic Party; that secessionists in the South saw themselves as Democrats and were Democrats; that so much of the Democratic Party’s history, since it is our nation’s oldest political party, has its roots in slavery.”

ME: Thinking intelligent people have known all this all along. The Democrat Party should pay reparations out of its own bank accounts since they are the responsible ones.
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Sure Democrats Will Lose in 2020, But They Are Dangerous Now, And Must Be Stopped!
Sure Democrats Will Lose in 2020, But They Are Dangerous Now, And Must Be Stopped!

One thing that is somewhat comforting this week is that after the last debate performance it is safer than ever to assume that not one of the candidates who stood on the debate stage has even a prayer of a chance of becoming president.
If any of them had the debate itself removed any lingering hope.
Between the pummeling of the moderates on stage, to the belligerent tyrannical claims, to the utterly indescribable nonsense spoken, it is fairly clear they are a ship lost at sea

......Their ideas are plagued by historical inaccuracy in their assumptions and claims. They believe in lying to everyone listening, promising things they can never deliver, at a cost to everyone far greater than they indicate, that will not accomplish what they purport they will.
The lack of seriousness is palpable. The damage they are doing to the future of our nation is very real though.
It’s why we must expose the danger in their lies
The Democrats have always been consistent.


They always have the state engaged in DNA discrimination, always have, and always will, because the LAWYERS run the Democrats, and they don't make money if the law isn't pushing some form of DNA discrimination.

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