Ukraine: Depleted Uranium


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019


Kenny MacAskill
Alba Party
East Lothian

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many depleted uranium rounds the UK supplied to Ukraine for use with the Challenger 2 tanks; and how many of those rounds have been fired.


James Heappey

Answered on​

25 April 2023
We have sent thousands of rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armour-piercing rounds. For operational security reasons, we will not comment on Ukrainian usage rates for the rounds provided.

What could possibly go wrong?
Russia could justify Tactical Nukes
Depleted Uranium is one of the densest materials on earth. It's what's left after all the fissionable material is processed out. Get it up to speed and it will slice through armor plate like a hot knife through butter. It's not dangerously radioactive and it does not explode. It's just a super dense metal that carries a great deal of kinetic energy.
Russia and subsequently the US has put a LOT of restrictions on Ukraine for getting the help they need.

The worst yet is that Ukraine cannot use NATO supplied munitions against the Russians inside of Russian borders for fear of nuclear reprisals. The USA has made this stipulation and its the worst.

War is ugly and brutal. Where the US has in the past restricted itself from crossing borders that by no means is ok....that isn't how wars are fought.

I personally believe that Ukraine should be targeting viable military targets inside of Russia and Belarus. Bring the war to the homeland of the instigators. When people know that war with a neighboring nation can bring war to your doorstep....they don't like that so much.

Nobody wants war to escalate....but war is not as sanitary and clean as we have made it lately. Let Russian citizens fully live with the choices that their leaders have made.
Russia could justify Tactical Nukes
Those who support the information coming from the media are convinced Putin would NEVER use nukes. In a generation, we have gone from a sober, awe-like reverence for the destruction possible from a single bad choice, to a bunch of feeble-minded, media hypnotized tribal elements who think no one would dare use them. If it happens, they can't seem to believe that THEIR lives will be destroyed also.
Depleted Uranium is one of the densest materials on earth. It's what's left after all the fissionable material is processed out. Get it up to speed and it will slice through armor plate like a hot knife through butter. It's not dangerously radioactive and it does not explode. It's just a super dense metal that carries a great deal of kinetic energy.
Right in every particular. Have you listened to what little Vlad and his mouthpieces have said about it though? Yes, it's ridiculous, but these days, what isn't? They have said it's the equivalent of bringing "nuclear weapons" into the battlefield.
I'm convinced that before he allows Crimea to fall, he'd use tactical nukes to stop it. We've already heard US generals opining that Russian first use of battlefield nukes would be answered with the total destruction of what's left of his Black Sea fleet and all Russian troop formations left in the theater. THEN WHAT?

I think any person with an IQ above 80 knows the answer or can make a damned good guess.
Right in every particular. Have you listened to what little Vlad and his mouthpieces have said about it though? Yes, it's ridiculous, but these days, what isn't? They have said it's the equivalent of bringing "nuclear weapons" into the battlefield.
I'm convinced that before he allows Crimea to fall, he'd use tactical nukes to stop it. We've already heard US generals opining that Russian first use of battlefield nukes would be answered with the total destruction of what's left of his Black Sea fleet and all Russian troop formations left in the theater. THEN WHAT?

I think any person with an IQ above 80 knows the answer or can make a damned good guess.
So you want to knuckle under to Putin too? Appeasing dictators just postpones a broader conflict to the time of their choosing.
Rissian Justification for invading Ukraine was very pathetic....

Justification for nuclear war isn't much further.
The consequences for the former were unknown, not so much for the latter.



Kenny MacAskill
Alba Party
East Lothian
To ask the Secretary of State for Defence, how many depleted uranium rounds the UK supplied to Ukraine for use with the Challenger 2 tanks; and how many of those rounds have been fired.


James Heappey

Answered on​

25 April 2023
We have sent thousands of rounds of Challenger 2 ammunition to Ukraine, including depleted uranium armour-piercing rounds. For operational security reasons, we will not comment on Ukrainian usage rates for the rounds provided.

What could possibly go wrong?
Sounds fine to me. Of course, I like them for the effect. The depleted uranium alloy is less radio active than the ore it comes from, while providing high density, and is self sharpening on impact, due to the adiabatic bands of its design, sloughing off portions as temperature rises on impact to the point of ignition, instead of mushrooming on impact as it penetrates. The self ignition during penetration causing secondary explosions inside the impacted tank of onboard munitions, fuel, etc. The rod itself is amazing engineering, with the most dense portion forward, yet balanced and stabilized in flight by fins, (a far superior advance over traditional spin stabilized ammunition of previous generation) providing far superior accuracy at far greater ranges, ranges effective well beyond anything published for public consumption as max effective range.
So you want to knuckle under to Putin too? Appeasing dictators just postpones a broader conflict to the time of their choosing.

The problem with people like you is that you can't think for yourself or do your own research. I would invite to you to start in 2014 with Crimea and how Ukraine treated the Eastern Provinces. You won't, you're too lazy and let the MSM tell you what to think.
The problem with people like you is that you can't think for yourself or do your own research. I would invite to you to start in 2014 with Crimea and how Ukraine treated the Eastern Provinces. You won't, you're too lazy and let the MSM tell you what to think.
Even if all of Russia's excuses were true what they have done to Ukraine is a thousand miles beyond a sane, measured response. The Ukraine war is exactly what it looks like: A giant Soviet style land snatch.
Even if all of Russia's excuses were true what they have done to Ukraine is a thousand miles beyond a sane, measured response. The Ukraine war is exactly what it looks like: A giant Soviet style land snatch.

Thanks for proving my point.
Thanks for proving my point.
But Russian claims weren't true....

Russia had been creating "settlements " in the same way Israel did in Palestinian lands....but Russia went further with their propagandists creating false narratives during elections and creating dissent. Russian oligarchs also came in and started buying up businesses like a mafia boss does. (An offer they couldn't refuse)

And these are the ones that Russia claims it needs to protect from the horrible Ukranians....


Currently Russia is involved with committing genocide. They are sending Ukranians in occupied areas to move to Siberian gulag and moving Chechens and others into the homes (the few they didn't destroy)

It's called slavery and genocide....Russian claims are bull!

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