Uh-ooohh Spaghettios... the US in ten year cooling trend?

The hysteria on the left side is more accurate than the hysteria on the right side:

View attachment 42586

I thought you were clearly informed that the 1977 Time cover you're displaying here is a fake. It is a modified version of THIS cover


from April 9th of 2007.

So, you're lying M'Dear.

You are sorely misinformed.

Time Magazine had articles about the Coming Ice Age in the 1970s.

Here's one:

View attachment 42590

Another Ice Age - TIME

Newsweek promoted this "issue" as well.
The part you chopped off:

"while New England and northern Europe have
recently experienced the mildest winters within anyone's recollection."

Read the entire article, bub. It's about fears of the earth entering a new Ice Age. Back in the 70s that was the concern, not AGW.
Here's more that you left out, we now have more information.

"Some scientists like Donald Oilman, chief of the National Weather Service's long-range-prediction group, think that the cooling trend may be only temporary. But all agree that vastly more information is needed about the major influences on the earth's climate. Indeed, it is to gain such knowledge that 38 ships and 13 aircraft, carrying scientists from almost 70 nations, are now assembling in the Atlantic and elsewhere for a massive 100-day study of the effects of the tropical seas and atmosphere on worldwide weather. The study itself is only part of an international scientific effort known acronymically as GARP (for Global Atmospheric Research Program)."
That Newsweek and Time mentioned the possibility of a new glaciation is irrelevant and smacks of some serious desperation on your part. The number of scientists seriously concerned about such a possibility at ANY time was trivial. The majority of people working in climate sciences AT THAT TIME were concerned about global warming caused by human GHG emissions. That has been demonstrated a FACT.

Given what deniers have to go through to try to make a case, it would probably astound you how easy it is to hold up the other side of this fight. We have virtually all of the world's scientists on our side. Our argument is prolix with evidence - we have it coming out our ears. We can pick from thousands and thousands of peer reviewed studies all demonstrating that the PoV we choose to believe is correct.

Perhaps you like to lose.

The majority of people working in climate sciences AT THAT TIME were concerned about global warming caused by human GHG emissions. That has been demonstrated a FACT.

Theory only s0n!!! Not provable = nothing more that a calculated guess.

Dang......what is up with the human racists??!!!:uhh::uhh:

The hysteria on the left side is more accurate than the hysteria on the right side:

View attachment 42586

I thought you were clearly informed that the 1977 Time cover you're displaying here is a fake. It is a modified version of THIS cover


from April 9th of 2007.

So, you're lying M'Dear.

You are sorely misinformed.

Time Magazine had articles about the Coming Ice Age in the 1970s.

Here's one:

View attachment 42590

Another Ice Age - TIME

Newsweek promoted this "issue" as well.
The part you chopped off:

"while New England and northern Europe have
recently experienced the mildest winters within anyone's recollection."

Read the entire article, bub. It's about fears of the earth entering a new Ice Age. Back in the 70s that was the concern, not AGW.
Here's more that you left out, we now have more information.

"Some scientists like Donald Oilman, chief of the National Weather Service's long-range-prediction group, think that the cooling trend may be only temporary. But all agree that vastly more information is needed about the major influences on the earth's climate. Indeed, it is to gain such knowledge that 38 ships and 13 aircraft, carrying scientists from almost 70 nations, are now assembling in the Atlantic and elsewhere for a massive 100-day study of the effects of the tropical seas and atmosphere on worldwide weather. The study itself is only part of an international scientific effort known acronymically as GARP (for Global Atmospheric Research Program)."

And note how back then, various points of view were provided instead of being attacked as Deniers.
Area of the continental US: 7,663,941.7 km2
Area of the Earth: 510,100,000 km2
RATIO: 1.5%
so basically you're saying the US doesn't matter. Hmmm so why should we do anything to help CO2 emissions to save the planet? I don't know, but you still make statements that contradict your position. Thanks for that.
Last edited:
Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends - Cowtan - 2014 - Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society - Wiley Online Library

Coverage bias in the HadCRUT4 temperature series and its impact on recent temperature trends


Incomplete global coverage is a potential source of bias in global temperature reconstructions if the unsampled regions are not uniformly distributed over the planet's surface. The widely used Hadley Centre–Climatic Reseach Unit Version 4 (HadCRUT4) dataset covers on average about 84% of the globe over recent decades, with the unsampled regions being concentrated at the poles and over Africa. Three existing reconstructions with near-global coverage are examined, each suggesting that HadCRUT4 is subject to bias due to its treatment of unobserved regions.

Two alternative approaches for reconstructing global temperatures are explored, one based on an optimal interpolation algorithm and the other a hybrid method incorporating additional information from the satellite temperature record. The methods are validated on the basis of their skill at reconstructing omitted sets of observations. Both methods provide results superior to excluding the unsampled regions, with the hybrid method showing particular skill around the regions where no observations are available.

Temperature trends are compared for the hybrid global temperature reconstruction and the raw HadCRUT4 data. The widely quoted trend since 1997 in the hybrid global reconstruction is two and a half times greater than the corresponding trend in the coverage-biased HadCRUT4 data. Coverage bias causes a cool bias in recent temperatures relative to the late 1990s, which increases from around 1998 to the present. Trends starting in 1997 or 1998 are particularly biased with respect to the global trend. The issue is exacerbated by the strong El Niño event of 1997–1998, which also tends to suppress trends starting during those years.
Despite those cold morning in Wisconsin, the Earth as a whole has been getting warmer.


Figure 5. Comparison of null, kriging and hybrid reconstructions of the HadCRUT4 data over the period January 1979–December 2012. The data are shown with (a) a 12 month moving average and (b) a 60 month moving average. The original HadCRUT4 record before re-baselining of the map series (but offset to match the other series) is also shown, including uncertainty bounds in the upper figure. This figure is available in colour online atwileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/qj
All that is to climate realists is more evidence that the CAGW doomsday cultists' arguments are nothing but pseudoscience.
Area of the continental US: 7,663,941.7 km2
Area of the Earth: 510,100,000 km2
RATIO: 1.5%

Yet all the countries via the UN wanted to only punish the US for it's CO2 use..

Besides being nothing more than an attempt to detract from a difficult question, this claim is FALSE

When does China have to lower their Carbon footprint, Einstein?
The US CRN network has shown cooling since its inception. That is why you will never hear about it in the US.
The obvious disconnect is that CO2 is not affecting anything as it continues to rise and we cool. There is a lot of left wing hype and bull shit out there, the only things that are warming are the data sets being manipulated prior to the Paris power grab..

The US represents 1.5% of the planet's area. American "exceptionalism" just doesn't extend as far as you'd apparently like to believe. The global data does NOT show a cooling trend. Given these facts, that you can conclude CO2 is not warming the planet only indicates the objective evidence seems to be irrelevant to your thought processes.

The Earth continues to warm. The dominant cause is the greenhouse effect acting on human GHG emissions. AGW is valid.
Dude, you can post up anything you want, just doesn't make it so, but I can call bullshit and do......bullshit!
Yup, that's exactly what is, the United States has been COOLING for the PAST DECADE... you don't have to tell me. I can't remember the last time we had back to back winters in Wisconsin that were so BLISTERING COLD, and SUSTAINED. So read it and weep, progtards...

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

You're either willfully ignorant, or profoundly stupid.

When it warms in one place, it cools in another. Just as in our homes when we have a fire in the fireplace ajoining rooms cool. Works on a planetary scale too. Warmer in one place, cooler in the ajoining.
Hey your bottom chart flatline starting in 1995, no warning for 2 decades
And no cooling for over 10 decades.

Wrong! Unless you believe in Hockey sticks..

And adjusted data sets because empirical evidence says they are lying. The commies are trying like hell to keep taking freedoms away with their lies.
again, no integrity, no pride, must be tough to exist in society when you blame everyone but yourself daily for the climate and environment you live in. Go out to dinner and the persons sitting in the room you blame for your disaster projections.
Yup, that's exactly what is, the United States has been COOLING for the PAST DECADE... you don't have to tell me. I can't remember the last time we had back to back winters in Wisconsin that were so BLISTERING COLD, and SUSTAINED. So read it and weep, progtards...

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

You're either willfully ignorant, or profoundly stupid.

When it warms in one place, it cools in another. Just as in our homes when we have a fire in the fireplace ajoining rooms cool. Works on a planetary scale too. Warmer in one place, cooler in the ajoining.
and you can't prove the earth is warming at all. So.........what next?
Yup, that's exactly what is, the United States has been COOLING for the PAST DECADE... you don't have to tell me. I can't remember the last time we had back to back winters in Wisconsin that were so BLISTERING COLD, and SUSTAINED. So read it and weep, progtards...

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

You're either willfully ignorant, or profoundly stupid.

When it warms in one place, it cools in another. Just as in our homes when we have a fire in the fireplace ajoining rooms cool. Works on a planetary scale too. Warmer in one place, cooler in the ajoining.
and you can't prove the earth is warming at all. So.........what next?

Yes you're right. Go ahead and buy that beachfront property in Florida. nothing to worry about. It's an excellent investment.
AGWCult Logic: The USA's cooling has no meaning in terms of "Global" warming, because we're only 1.5% of the worlds total area (including the Pacific Oyster Eating Blob), but a rain storm in Texas which is only .13% of the total mass is proof of manmade global climate warming change or whatever they're calling it today


Got that?
Yup, that's exactly what is, the United States has been COOLING for the PAST DECADE... you don't have to tell me. I can't remember the last time we had back to back winters in Wisconsin that were so BLISTERING COLD, and SUSTAINED. So read it and weep, progtards...

America’s Most Advanced Climate Station Data Shows US In A 10-Year Cooling Trend

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by government scientists that warming has accelerated worldwide during that time.

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend The Daily Caller

You're either willfully ignorant, or profoundly stupid.

When it warms in one place, it cools in another. Just as in our homes when we have a fire in the fireplace ajoining rooms cool. Works on a planetary scale too. Warmer in one place, cooler in the ajoining.
and you can't prove the earth is warming at all. So.........what next?

Yes you're right. Go ahead and buy that beachfront property in Florida. nothing to worry about. It's an excellent investment.
don't worry folks are. Funny how your lies don't matter eh? Even down in the Keys people buy property, hmmm don't see the fear there either. So who is it in fear of their land? name someone.
AGWCult Logic: The USA's cooling has no meaning in terms of "Global" warming, because we're only 1.5% of the worlds total area (including the Pacific Oyster Eating Blob), but a rain storm in Texas which is only .13% of the total mass is proof of manmade global climate warming change or whatever they're calling it today


Got that?
We never said that though. You did.
The hysteria on the left side is more accurate than the hysteria on the right side:

View attachment 42586

I thought you were clearly informed that the 1977 Time cover you're displaying here is a fake. It is a modified version of THIS cover


from April 9th of 2007.

So, you're lying M'Dear.

You are sorely misinformed.

Time Magazine had articles about the Coming Ice Age in the 1970s.

Here's one:

View attachment 42590

Another Ice Age - TIME

Newsweek promoted this "issue" as well.
The part you chopped off:

"while New England and northern Europe have
recently experienced the mildest winters within anyone's recollection."

Read the entire article, bub. It's about fears of the earth entering a new Ice Age. Back in the 70s that was the concern, not AGW.
Here's more that you left out, we now have more information.

"Some scientists like Donald Oilman, chief of the National Weather Service's long-range-prediction group, think that the cooling trend may be only temporary. But all agree that vastly more information is needed about the major influences on the earth's climate. Indeed, it is to gain such knowledge that 38 ships and 13 aircraft, carrying scientists from almost 70 nations, are now assembling in the Atlantic and elsewhere for a massive 100-day study of the effects of the tropical seas and atmosphere on worldwide weather. The study itself is only part of an international scientific effort known acronymically as GARP (for Global Atmospheric Research Program)."
here: Credit to Skooks:

And look what Dr Judith Curry says abut "the greenhouse effect"!!!

"Yet in contemporary research on matters to do with climate change, and despite enormous expenditure, not one serious attempt has been made to check the veracity of the numerous assumptions involved in greenhouse theory by actual experimentation. The one modern, definitive experiment, the search for the signature of the green house effect has failed totally."

Hmmm..........doesn't quite conform with the BS links and statements endorsed by several of the alarmist talking heads in this forum!!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Pseudo-science touted as real science is ghey:gay:

Science without method Climate Etc.

PS....lets remember.....Dr Judith Curry was the darling of every AGW nutter in here until she went against the alarmist view.......then they all discarded her and call her a fake now!!

So, what do we do?
AGWCult Logic: The USA's cooling has no meaning in terms of "Global" warming, because we're only 1.5% of the worlds total area (including the Pacific Oyster Eating Blob), but a rain storm in Texas which is only .13% of the total mass is proof of manmade global climate warming change or whatever they're calling it today


Got that?
We never said that though. You did.
uh, no your side did:
credit old crocks:
From rainy Texas to scorching India this has been a month of strange weather around the world Fox News

WASHINGTON – Even for a world getting used to wild weather, May seems stuck on strange.

Torrential downpours in Texas that have whiplashed the region from drought to flooding. A heat wave that has killed more than 1,800 people in India. Record 91-degree readings in Alaska, of all places. A pair of top-of-the-scale typhoons in the Northwest Pacific. And a drought taking hold in the East.

"Mother Nature keeps throwing us crazy stuff," Rutgers University climate scientist Jennifer Francis says. "It's just been one thing after another."

Jerry Meehl, an extreme-weather expert at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, points out that May is usually a pretty extreme month, with lots of tornadoes and downpours. Even so, he says, this has been "kind of unusually intense."

The word "stuck" provides one possible explanation.

Francis, Meehl and some other meteorologists say the jet stream is in a rut, not moving nasty weather along. The high-speed, constantly shifting river of air 30,000 feet above Earth normally guides storms around the globe, but sometimes splits and comes back together somewhere else.

A stuck jet stream, with a bit of a split, explains the extremes in Texas, India, Alaska and the U.S. East, but not the typhoons, Francis says.

Other possible factors contributing to May's wild weather: the periodic warming of the central Pacific known as El Nino, climate change and natural variability, scientists say.

Those damned liberals at Fox, will they never shut up?

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