Uh oh! Democrats getting hammered by religious voters

The issue is not so-called Catholics getting abortions or using condoms, the point is the relgious beliefs of their church are being violated by the Federal Govt.

Take a look at the Bill of Rights....
Well, religion sculpts morality, however, most intelligent individuals know that we still have a Bill of Rights and they will respect that - unlike most non-believers.

Don't worry atheist leftists, there are plenty tyrannical religious crackpots out there who are just as bad as you are - including "social justice" Christians, who I might add would advocate a Christian socialist theocracy.
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He is not trying to get them to fund abortions. It is contraceptives that the argument is about. I thought you would understand the difference. <shrug>

Besides there are many pro choicers out here.

I'm aware there are many pro choicers out there. I support their right to be pro choice. I just wish that you would do likewise and support the Catholic Church's stance not to be forced by government to provide services that are against our core beliefs.

If this stance by the government is successful.... Catholic Hospitals will be forced to close their doors to anyone who is not Catholic. Currently, those hospitals provide care and treatment to anyone - regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation.... and most of that care is funded by the Church - not by your taxes. We ask nothing in return for that. Other than we are not forced to provide services that we cannot provide. Surely, you see that?

Nice speech but do you still contend that Obama wants the Church to fund abortions?

Not a 'speech' at all. It's just a comment. Obama's stance is that the Church - as an employer - must provide health care coverage to its employees and that the coverage will include sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception, and force almost all individuals to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

That is a direct attack on my faith by the US Government. Happily, while the blind partisan hacks will wander along behind their messiah, other faiths are siding with my Church.

Below, is a letter, a fairly typical one, that is going out from Bishops across America:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I write to you concerning an alarming and serious matter that negatively impacts the Church in the United States directly, and that strikes at the fundamental right to religious liberty for all citizens of any faith. The federal government, which claims to be “of, by, and for the people,” has just been dealt a heavy blow to almost a quarter of those people — the Catholic population — and to the millions more who are served by the Catholic faithful.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced last week that almost all employers,including Catholic employers, will be forced to offer their employees’ health coverage that includes sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception. Almost all health insurers will be forced to include those “services” in the health policies they write. And almost all individuals will be forced to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

In so ruling, the Obama Administration has cast aside the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, denying to Catholics our Nation’s first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty. And as a result, unless the rule is overturned, we Catholics will be compelled to either violate our consciences, or to drop health coverage for our employees (and suffer the penalties for doing so). The Obama Administration’s sole concession was to give our institutions one year to comply.

We cannot—we will not—comply with this unjust law. People of faith cannot be made second class citizens. We are already joined by our brothers and sisters of all faiths and many others of good will in this important effort to regain our religious freedom. Our parents and grandparents did not come to these shores to help build America’s cities and towns, its infrastructure and institutions, its enterprise and culture,
only to have their posterity stripped of their God given rights. In generations past, the Church has always been able to count on the faithful to stand up and protect her sacred rights and duties. I hope and trust she can count on this generation of Catholics to do the same. Our children and grandchildren deserve nothing less.

And therefore, I would ask of you two things. First, as a community of faith we must commit ourselves to prayer and fasting that wisdom and justice may prevail, and religious liberty may be restored. Without God, we can do nothing; with God, nothing is impossible. Second, I would also recommend visiting www.usccb.org/conscience,to learn more about this severe assault on religious liberty, and how to contact Congress in support of legislation that would reverse the Obama Administration’s decision.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Alexander K. Sample
Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample
Bishop of Marquette

That's the issue.... in a nutshell.
Want to know why Obama is trying to come off like he's Jesus, again?

Here's why!

The topline number in this Pew survey shows that the current breakdown among registered voters is 43/48 GOP/Dem, which is a seven point shift from their 39/51 results in 2008. Now that alone should worry the Democrats, seeing as Pew found that the breakdown in 2010 was 43/47, which was the year where Democrats got shellacked across the country; but the news is if anything worse when you look at the breakdown by religious affiliation. A lot of attention will be on how Jewish support for the GOP went from 20/72 to 29/65 between ’08 and today; but what may be even more important is that that GOP support among white Mainline Protestant and white Catholic voters flipped from 45/45 and 41/49 in 2008 to 51/39 & 49/42 in 2011. How this will translate into likely voters is, of course, anybody’s guess… but if you’ve been wondering why the President is suddenly talking about how neat God is, it’s probably because somebody on his staff is keeping track of Pew.

Pew: Democrats getting hammered by religious voters. | RedState

That sounds like trouble for Obama. I also seems to explain why Obama is getting so religious lately.

Too late Obama. We know it's an act, and we are not the least bit fooled.


You are an idiot. Even your own example shows a 3 pt shift. What a Maroon!
I see we've gone from "forcing the Church to fund abortions" to "Catholic employers... providing health care coverage to its employees and that the coverage will include ... abortion-inducing drugs."

Getting more precise!
You and Obamination are fake Christians.

Oh, I've never heard a wannabe preacher brag about their daughter killing unborn babieS.

Nice try, liar.

You're going to be smoked sausage someday.

Only republican abortions should be funded.

btw I am related to a evengelical preacher whose daughter had 2 abortions.
Same demonination as Palin.
And yes they were done thru Planned Parenthood.

Not lying.
I see we've gone from "forcing the Church to fund abortions" to "Catholic employers... providing health care coverage to its employees and that the coverage will include ... abortion-inducing drugs."

Getting more precise!

That's always been the issue. The Catholic Church cannot provide that 'service' to its employees.
I'm aware there are many pro choicers out there. I support their right to be pro choice. I just wish that you would do likewise and support the Catholic Church's stance not to be forced by government to provide services that are against our core beliefs.

If this stance by the government is successful.... Catholic Hospitals will be forced to close their doors to anyone who is not Catholic. Currently, those hospitals provide care and treatment to anyone - regardless of race, color, creed or sexual orientation.... and most of that care is funded by the Church - not by your taxes. We ask nothing in return for that. Other than we are not forced to provide services that we cannot provide. Surely, you see that?

Nice speech but do you still contend that Obama wants the Church to fund abortions?

Not a 'speech' at all. It's just a comment. Obama's stance is that the Church - as an employer - must provide health care coverage to its employees and that the coverage will include sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception, and force almost all individuals to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

That is a direct attack on my faith by the US Government. Happily, while the blind partisan hacks will wander along behind their messiah, other faiths are siding with my Church.

Below, is a letter, a fairly typical one, that is going out from Bishops across America:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I write to you concerning an alarming and serious matter that negatively impacts the Church in the United States directly, and that strikes at the fundamental right to religious liberty for all citizens of any faith. The federal government, which claims to be “of, by, and for the people,” has just been dealt a heavy blow to almost a quarter of those people — the Catholic population — and to the millions more who are served by the Catholic faithful.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced last week that almost all employers,including Catholic employers, will be forced to offer their employees’ health coverage that includes sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception. Almost all health insurers will be forced to include those “services” in the health policies they write. And almost all individuals will be forced to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

In so ruling, the Obama Administration has cast aside the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, denying to Catholics our Nation’s first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty. And as a result, unless the rule is overturned, we Catholics will be compelled to either violate our consciences, or to drop health coverage for our employees (and suffer the penalties for doing so). The Obama Administration’s sole concession was to give our institutions one year to comply.

We cannot—we will not—comply with this unjust law. People of faith cannot be made second class citizens. We are already joined by our brothers and sisters of all faiths and many others of good will in this important effort to regain our religious freedom. Our parents and grandparents did not come to these shores to help build America’s cities and towns, its infrastructure and institutions, its enterprise and culture,
only to have their posterity stripped of their God given rights. In generations past, the Church has always been able to count on the faithful to stand up and protect her sacred rights and duties. I hope and trust she can count on this generation of Catholics to do the same. Our children and grandchildren deserve nothing less.

And therefore, I would ask of you two things. First, as a community of faith we must commit ourselves to prayer and fasting that wisdom and justice may prevail, and religious liberty may be restored. Without God, we can do nothing; with God, nothing is impossible. Second, I would also recommend visiting www.usccb.org/conscience,to learn more about this severe assault on religious liberty, and how to contact Congress in support of legislation that would reverse the Obama Administration’s decision.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Alexander K. Sample
Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample
Bishop of Marquette

That's the issue.... in a nutshell.

So the entire church does not know the difference between Plan B and the abortion pill.. Got it. The only thing I take issue with are your repeated references to funded abortions. Do I care about the Catholic fight regarding contraception? No.

Just take the honest approach, you and your church.
Nice speech but do you still contend that Obama wants the Church to fund abortions?

Not a 'speech' at all. It's just a comment. Obama's stance is that the Church - as an employer - must provide health care coverage to its employees and that the coverage will include sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception, and force almost all individuals to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

That is a direct attack on my faith by the US Government. Happily, while the blind partisan hacks will wander along behind their messiah, other faiths are siding with my Church.

Below, is a letter, a fairly typical one, that is going out from Bishops across America:

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

I write to you concerning an alarming and serious matter that negatively impacts the Church in the United States directly, and that strikes at the fundamental right to religious liberty for all citizens of any faith. The federal government, which claims to be “of, by, and for the people,” has just been dealt a heavy blow to almost a quarter of those people — the Catholic population — and to the millions more who are served by the Catholic faithful.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced last week that almost all employers,including Catholic employers, will be forced to offer their employees’ health coverage that includes sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception. Almost all health insurers will be forced to include those “services” in the health policies they write. And almost all individuals will be forced to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

In so ruling, the Obama Administration has cast aside the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, denying to Catholics our Nation’s first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty. And as a result, unless the rule is overturned, we Catholics will be compelled to either violate our consciences, or to drop health coverage for our employees (and suffer the penalties for doing so). The Obama Administration’s sole concession was to give our institutions one year to comply.

We cannot—we will not—comply with this unjust law. People of faith cannot be made second class citizens. We are already joined by our brothers and sisters of all faiths and many others of good will in this important effort to regain our religious freedom. Our parents and grandparents did not come to these shores to help build America’s cities and towns, its infrastructure and institutions, its enterprise and culture,
only to have their posterity stripped of their God given rights. In generations past, the Church has always been able to count on the faithful to stand up and protect her sacred rights and duties. I hope and trust she can count on this generation of Catholics to do the same. Our children and grandchildren deserve nothing less.

And therefore, I would ask of you two things. First, as a community of faith we must commit ourselves to prayer and fasting that wisdom and justice may prevail, and religious liberty may be restored. Without God, we can do nothing; with God, nothing is impossible. Second, I would also recommend visiting www.usccb.org/conscience,to learn more about this severe assault on religious liberty, and how to contact Congress in support of legislation that would reverse the Obama Administration’s decision.

Sincerely yours in Christ,
+Alexander K. Sample
Most Reverend Alexander K. Sample
Bishop of Marquette

That's the issue.... in a nutshell.

So the entire church does not know the difference between Plan B and the abortion pill.. Got it. The only thing I take issue with are your repeated references to funded abortions. Do I care about the Catholic fight regarding contraception? No.

Just take the honest approach, you and your church.

It is an honest approach. If it stands, the Church will have to close it's doors to all non-Catholics. That may not seem like a big deal to you... you probably aren't affected... but the people affected - non-Catholics - are among the poorest and most needy Americans. So basically, the damage will be for them - not for you.

Such selfishness by Americans... by the ones who claim 'tolerance'... fucking laughable.
Uh, it/he/she is a liar claiming to be a Evangelical preacher with left-wing views here that are opposite of everything in the Bible.

But nice try, clown.

Ron Paul really showed Romney in Nevada, eh?! :lol:

You and Obamination are fake Christians.

Oh, I've never heard a wannabe preacher brag about their daughter killing unborn babieS.

Not lying.

Pull the carrot out of your ass.

In no way was she bragging. Just providing a real life perspective.
Let me explain how the Catholic church stands on the issue of abortion to all the non-Catholic "experts" (ahem) in this thread.

Real simple - the Catholic faith is not a "cafeteria-style" snake-charming heathen religion.

You don't pick and choose what you like and dislike - like people like nancy Pepsi and John Kerry do - and proclaim yourself as a Catholic

Youre either in it 100 percent
Or your not


Those so-called "Catholics" who are pro-choice/on the side of Obama, need to get to confession ASAP

Can't dumb it down further folks

Sent from an iPhone so aplogies for any typos
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Not a 'speech' at all. It's just a comment. Obama's stance is that the Church - as an employer - must provide health care coverage to its employees and that the coverage will include sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception, and force almost all individuals to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

That is a direct attack on my faith by the US Government. Happily, while the blind partisan hacks will wander along behind their messiah, other faiths are siding with my Church.

Below, is a letter, a fairly typical one, that is going out from Bishops across America:

That's the issue.... in a nutshell.

So the entire church does not know the difference between Plan B and the abortion pill.. Got it. The only thing I take issue with are your repeated references to funded abortions. Do I care about the Catholic fight regarding contraception? No.

Just take the honest approach, you and your church.

It is an honest approach. If it stands, the Church will have to close it's doors to all non-Catholics. That may not seem like a big deal to you... you probably aren't affected... but the people affected - non-Catholics - are among the poorest and most needy Americans. So basically, the damage will be for them - not for you.

Such selfishness by Americans... by the ones who claim 'tolerance'... fucking laughable.

The church closing its doors is just sabre rattling.
Not a 'speech' at all. It's just a comment. Obama's stance is that the Church - as an employer - must provide health care coverage to its employees and that the coverage will include sterilization, abortion-inducing drugs, and contraception, and force almost all individuals to buy that coverage as a part of their policies.

That is a direct attack on my faith by the US Government. Happily, while the blind partisan hacks will wander along behind their messiah, other faiths are siding with my Church.

Below, is a letter, a fairly typical one, that is going out from Bishops across America:

That's the issue.... in a nutshell.

So the entire church does not know the difference between Plan B and the abortion pill.. Got it. The only thing I take issue with are your repeated references to funded abortions. Do I care about the Catholic fight regarding contraception? No.

Just take the honest approach, you and your church.

It is an honest approach. If it stands, the Church will have to close it's doors to all non-Catholics. That may not seem like a big deal to you... you probably aren't affected... but the people affected - non-Catholics - are among the poorest and most needy Americans. So basically, the damage will be for them - not for you.

Such selfishness by Americans... by the ones who claim 'tolerance'... fucking laughable.

The churches take advantage of peoples misery to sell thier lies.

The 12 step programs come to mind... It's not about help for helps sake. It's always about conversion.
So the entire church does not know the difference between Plan B and the abortion pill.. Got it. The only thing I take issue with are your repeated references to funded abortions. Do I care about the Catholic fight regarding contraception? No.

Just take the honest approach, you and your church.

It is an honest approach. If it stands, the Church will have to close it's doors to all non-Catholics. That may not seem like a big deal to you... you probably aren't affected... but the people affected - non-Catholics - are among the poorest and most needy Americans. So basically, the damage will be for them - not for you.

Such selfishness by Americans... by the ones who claim 'tolerance'... fucking laughable.

The churches take advantage of peoples misery to sell thier lies.

The 12 step programs come to mind... It's not about help for helps sake. It's always about conversion.

That is fucking bullshit, diaper boy. Absolutely bullshit. You've clearly never required the services of a Catholic Hospital.... or maybe you have - you just didn't know it. Because they tend not to have a Bible on every bed and a Priest for every ward.

You allow 'hatred' of the faith to blind you to reality. Unsurprising, but vaguely disappointing.
Yes...Religious voters will flock to the Mormon

I think they'll flock to him before they'll flock to some guy who isn't honest about his religion.

Also, FYI, Harry Reid is a Mormon. John Huntsman is a Mormon.

Seems it only matters with Mitt.

Seems to me, that our left wing fellow Americans have become the most intolerant Americans in the country.

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