UFOs: Deception and Doom

Robert Urbanek

Platinum Member
Nov 9, 2019
Vacaville, CA
The presence of UFOs may be evidence that we have been invaded by time travelers from a parallel universe.

We do not track UFOs arriving and leaving from outer space; they usually appear suddenly in the sky and then zoom out of sight or simply disappear, evidence that they are intrusions from a parallel universe.

Their speed and maneuverability suggest the UFOs are controlled by beings with a technology far superior to ours. They could destroy or conquer us but haven’t. They could intervene to instruct us on how to treat each other and the planet but they haven’t. If they were merely detached, objective observers, they wouldn’t draw so much attention to themselves. So, what is going on?

The most benign explanation is that pranksters are beaming objects or images into our universe for their amusement. We chase UFOs like kittens in You Tube videos who pounce on bright spots created by laser pointers.

However, a unified theory encompassing UFOs, parallel universes and time travel provides a more sinister motive. Consider this scenario:

Humans on our Earth and a parallel Earth (Let’s call it Earth 2) face extinction from a predictable but unpreventable natural disaster, such as a radical change in solar activity that will turn our planet into a boiling inferno.

Earth 2 achieved greater scientific advances than us, perfecting both time travel and access to parallel universes a century ago. Flash forward to 2036, when Earth 2 scientists discover disturbing trends in solar activity that dooms most life on their planet and ours. The revelation prompts people to stop having children and, in some cases, plan their suicide via medications.

Lifeboat But the scientists can offer a lifeboat for a select but still large group. Through time travel, they can take refuge in the past but not their own past as inadvertent actions by the time travelers may change history and prevent the development of time travel.

This classic time travel paradox can be avoided by travelling to the past in a parallel universe, a possibility suggested in the article “The Quantum Physics of Time Travel” by David Deutsch and Michael Lockwood in the March 1994 edition of Scientific American.

In the parallel universe, the time travelling invaders can meddle with our Earth history as much as they want without affecting the timeline on Earth 2.

The time travelers from Earth 2 still faced one problem. If scientists on our planet perfected time travel and access to parallel universes, we could invade Earth 2, cripple their scientific advancement. and populate their world with our refugees. They had to strike first.

Lured into space World War II and the development of the atomic bomb put science on steroids. But what direction would it take? We could explore space. or we could explore the possibilities of time travel or accessing parallel universes. Earth 2 made the decision for us. After the war, they filled our skies with UFOs, luring humans into thinking there were extraterrestrial beings out there ready to meet us. We would focus on space exploration and nothing so fanciful as time travel or alternative Earths. The diversion worked.

But why does this explanation require an apocalypse? Couldn’t there be another motive for the invaders? I assume the intruders from Earth 2 want to live comfortably on an inhabitable planet. While they may have intervened in the 20th century to prevent a nuclear war, they seem to have done nothing in this century to prevent climate chaos and the resurgence of war mongering authoritarian regimes. The most likely explanation: It’s too late to bother, the end is coming soon. Indeed, I believe few if any refugees from Earth 2 decided to settle in this decade. The invaders aren’t interested in our future. They only want our past.
It is fun to consider the possibilities, but to date, there really is ZERO evidence that Earth has been visited by life forms from another solar system.

Love the Ancient Aliens show, though, highly entertaining and funny...
You are absolutely right. I couldn't find my keys. I looked everywhere. Later I found them where I know I had looked before. Those damn time travelers and the deeeep state are hiding my keys and then putting them back just to mess with me.
If these things are of extra-terrestrial origin the most likely scenario is that they are robotic probes sent on some mission eons ago by some probably dead culture. It's also likely the mission, whatever it is, has nothing to do with us. We would have been living in caves when these things set out from wherever they are from.
The presence of UFOs may be evidence that we have been invaded by time travelers from a parallel universe.

We do not track UFOs arriving and leaving from outer space; they usually appear suddenly in the sky and then zoom out of sight or simply disappear, evidence that they are intrusions from a parallel universe.

Their speed and maneuverability suggest the UFOs are controlled by beings with a technology far superior to ours. They could destroy or conquer us but haven’t. They could intervene to instruct us on how to treat each other and the planet but they haven’t. If they were merely detached, objective observers, they wouldn’t draw so much attention to themselves. So, what is going on?

The most benign explanation is that pranksters are beaming objects or images into our universe for their amusement. We chase UFOs like kittens in You Tube videos who pounce on bright spots created by laser pointers.

However, a unified theory encompassing UFOs, parallel universes and time travel provides a more sinister motive. Consider this scenario:

Humans on our Earth and a parallel Earth (Let’s call it Earth 2) face extinction from a predictable but unpreventable natural disaster, such as a radical change in solar activity that will turn our planet into a boiling inferno.

Earth 2 achieved greater scientific advances than us, perfecting both time travel and access to parallel universes a century ago. Flash forward to 2036, when Earth 2 scientists discover disturbing trends in solar activity that dooms most life on their planet and ours. The revelation prompts people to stop having children and, in some cases, plan their suicide via medications.

Lifeboat But the scientists can offer a lifeboat for a select but still large group. Through time travel, they can take refuge in the past but not their own past as inadvertent actions by the time travelers may change history and prevent the development of time travel.

This classic time travel paradox can be avoided by travelling to the past in a parallel universe, a possibility suggested in the article “The Quantum Physics of Time Travel” by David Deutsch and Michael Lockwood in the March 1994 edition of Scientific American.

In the parallel universe, the time travelling invaders can meddle with our Earth history as much as they want without affecting the timeline on Earth 2.

The time travelers from Earth 2 still faced one problem. If scientists on our planet perfected time travel and access to parallel universes, we could invade Earth 2, cripple their scientific advancement. and populate their world with our refugees. They had to strike first.

Lured into space World War II and the development of the atomic bomb put science on steroids. But what direction would it take? We could explore space. or we could explore the possibilities of time travel or accessing parallel universes. Earth 2 made the decision for us. After the war, they filled our skies with UFOs, luring humans into thinking there were extraterrestrial beings out there ready to meet us. We would focus on space exploration and nothing so fanciful as time travel or alternative Earths. The diversion worked.

But why does this explanation require an apocalypse? Couldn’t there be another motive for the invaders? I assume the intruders from Earth 2 want to live comfortably on an inhabitable planet. While they may have intervened in the 20th century to prevent a nuclear war, they seem to have done nothing in this century to prevent climate chaos and the resurgence of war mongering authoritarian regimes. The most likely explanation: It’s too late to bother, the end is coming soon. Indeed, I believe few if any refugees from Earth 2 decided to settle in this decade. The invaders aren’t interested in our future. They only want our past.
I don´t see a problem here. If you travel back in time to escape the end of your world, why would it matter, if that world could have changed due to the time travel? Will it make the time travelers being forcibly moved to the initial situation, back to their own time in case time traveling has not been mastered in the altered word? Probably not. Will it make the time travelers disappear in case the the altered past leads to a situation where they were not born at all? Likely not. Also, if you take preparations, if you come to your own country and trade the superior tech for passports that would even lead to an earlier invention of time travel.
---“The most consistent—and statistically significant—finding from our models was for reports of UAP sightings in areas within 30 km of MOAs,” write the authors. “According to the FAA, ‘MOAs are established to contain nonhazardous, military flight activities,’ including air combat maneuvers, air intercepts, and low-altitude tactics. Given this association, we suspect that some of the self-reports of UAP sightings to NUFORC are authorized aircraft flying within MOAs.”---

If these things are of extra-terrestrial origin the most likely scenario is that they are robotic probes sent on some mission eons ago by some probably dead culture. It's also likely the mission, whatever it is, has nothing to do with us. We would have been living in caves when these things set out from wherever they are from.
The Klingons tried to stop them.

up ass aliens.jpg
The presence of UFOs may be evidence that we have been invaded by time travelers from a parallel universe.
You need to introduce yourself to Jacques Vallee before wasting further time on mental doodling .He is by far the most profound researcher in this field . If you only think conventionally about UAPs, this introductory video will blow your mind .He is the"Einstein "of this subject area
At the end of decades of observing phenomena that could not be explained we are at a point where we can verify that there are phenomena that we cannot explain.
The presence of UFOs may be evidence that we have been invaded by time travelers from a parallel universe.

We do not track UFOs arriving and leaving from outer space; they usually appear suddenly in the sky and then zoom out of sight or simply disappear, evidence that they are intrusions from a parallel universe.

Their speed and maneuverability suggest the UFOs are controlled by beings with a technology far superior to ours. They could destroy or conquer us but haven’t. They could intervene to instruct us on how to treat each other and the planet but they haven’t. If they were merely detached, objective observers, they wouldn’t draw so much attention to themselves. So, what is going on?

The most benign explanation is that pranksters are beaming objects or images into our universe for their amusement. We chase UFOs like kittens in You Tube videos who pounce on bright spots created by laser pointers.

However, a unified theory encompassing UFOs, parallel universes and time travel provides a more sinister motive. Consider this scenario:

Humans on our Earth and a parallel Earth (Let’s call it Earth 2) face extinction from a predictable but unpreventable natural disaster, such as a radical change in solar activity that will turn our planet into a boiling inferno.

Earth 2 achieved greater scientific advances than us, perfecting both time travel and access to parallel universes a century ago. Flash forward to 2036, when Earth 2 scientists discover disturbing trends in solar activity that dooms most life on their planet and ours. The revelation prompts people to stop having children and, in some cases, plan their suicide via medications.

Lifeboat But the scientists can offer a lifeboat for a select but still large group. Through time travel, they can take refuge in the past but not their own past as inadvertent actions by the time travelers may change history and prevent the development of time travel.

This classic time travel paradox can be avoided by travelling to the past in a parallel universe, a possibility suggested in the article “The Quantum Physics of Time Travel” by David Deutsch and Michael Lockwood in the March 1994 edition of Scientific American.

In the parallel universe, the time travelling invaders can meddle with our Earth history as much as they want without affecting the timeline on Earth 2.

The time travelers from Earth 2 still faced one problem. If scientists on our planet perfected time travel and access to parallel universes, we could invade Earth 2, cripple their scientific advancement. and populate their world with our refugees. They had to strike first.

Lured into space World War II and the development of the atomic bomb put science on steroids. But what direction would it take? We could explore space. or we could explore the possibilities of time travel or accessing parallel universes. Earth 2 made the decision for us. After the war, they filled our skies with UFOs, luring humans into thinking there were extraterrestrial beings out there ready to meet us. We would focus on space exploration and nothing so fanciful as time travel or alternative Earths. The diversion worked.

But why does this explanation require an apocalypse? Couldn’t there be another motive for the invaders? I assume the intruders from Earth 2 want to live comfortably on an inhabitable planet. While they may have intervened in the 20th century to prevent a nuclear war, they seem to have done nothing in this century to prevent climate chaos and the resurgence of war mongering authoritarian regimes. The most likely explanation: It’s too late to bother, the end is coming soon. Indeed, I believe few if any refugees from Earth 2 decided to settle in this decade. The invaders aren’t interested in our future. They only want our past.
Maybe they are just Lost In Space?!

I don't know which would be more scary, an actual ufo encounter/abduction or being forced to have to watch the above vid & even worse, the vid below of ole "Ball Of Fire 5-LX!!!

The best thing that ever happened to humanity was we escaped the primitive 1960's with @ least some of our sanity intact!
The presence of UFOs may be evidence that we have been invaded by time travelers from a parallel universe.

We do not track UFOs arriving and leaving from outer space; they usually appear suddenly in the sky and then zoom out of sight or simply disappear, evidence that they are intrusions from a parallel universe.

Their speed and maneuverability suggest the UFOs are controlled by beings with a technology far superior to ours. They could destroy or conquer us but haven’t. They could intervene to instruct us on how to treat each other and the planet but they haven’t. If they were merely detached, objective observers, they wouldn’t draw so much attention to themselves. So, what is going on?

The most benign explanation is that pranksters are beaming objects or images into our universe for their amusement. We chase UFOs like kittens in You Tube videos who pounce on bright spots created by laser pointers.

However, a unified theory encompassing UFOs, parallel universes and time travel provides a more sinister motive. Consider this scenario:

Humans on our Earth and a parallel Earth (Let’s call it Earth 2) face extinction from a predictable but unpreventable natural disaster, such as a radical change in solar activity that will turn our planet into a boiling inferno.

Earth 2 achieved greater scientific advances than us, perfecting both time travel and access to parallel universes a century ago. Flash forward to 2036, when Earth 2 scientists discover disturbing trends in solar activity that dooms most life on their planet and ours. The revelation prompts people to stop having children and, in some cases, plan their suicide via medications.

Lifeboat But the scientists can offer a lifeboat for a select but still large group. Through time travel, they can take refuge in the past but not their own past as inadvertent actions by the time travelers may change history and prevent the development of time travel.

This classic time travel paradox can be avoided by travelling to the past in a parallel universe, a possibility suggested in the article “The Quantum Physics of Time Travel” by David Deutsch and Michael Lockwood in the March 1994 edition of Scientific American.

In the parallel universe, the time travelling invaders can meddle with our Earth history as much as they want without affecting the timeline on Earth 2.

The time travelers from Earth 2 still faced one problem. If scientists on our planet perfected time travel and access to parallel universes, we could invade Earth 2, cripple their scientific advancement. and populate their world with our refugees. They had to strike first.

Lured into space World War II and the development of the atomic bomb put science on steroids. But what direction would it take? We could explore space. or we could explore the possibilities of time travel or accessing parallel universes. Earth 2 made the decision for us. After the war, they filled our skies with UFOs, luring humans into thinking there were extraterrestrial beings out there ready to meet us. We would focus on space exploration and nothing so fanciful as time travel or alternative Earths. The diversion worked.

But why does this explanation require an apocalypse? Couldn’t there be another motive for the invaders? I assume the intruders from Earth 2 want to live comfortably on an inhabitable planet. While they may have intervened in the 20th century to prevent a nuclear war, they seem to have done nothing in this century to prevent climate chaos and the resurgence of war mongering authoritarian regimes. The most likely explanation: It’s too late to bother, the end is coming soon. Indeed, I believe few if any refugees from Earth 2 decided to settle in this decade. The invaders aren’t interested in our future. They only want our past.
I wouldn't be surprised if the source of paranormal phenomena is the same as that of UFOs. Poltergeist activity, ghosts and UFOs are all from the same interdimensional source.
US Dept of Defense set this up recently:


"Welcome to the website for the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). Our team of experts is leading the U.S. government’s efforts to address Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) using a rigorous scientific framework and a data-driven approach. Since its establishment in July 2022, AARO has taken important steps to improve data collection, standardize reporting requirements, and mitigate the potential threats to safety and security posed by UAP. We look forward to using this site to regularly update the public about AARO’s work and findings, and to provide a mechanism for UAP reporting. Thank you for visiting."
If UFOs are a hoax, why has our government has spent BILLIONS on gathering and covering up information about them for decades? I'm always comfortable with "We don't know what we don't know".
If UFOs are a hoax, why has our government has spent BILLIONS on gathering and covering up information about them for decades? I'm always comfortable with "We don't know what we don't know".
It is potentially a great way to divert funds for "other" projects.
Again I recommend you listen to Jacques Vallee -- see 20 minute video of his work as a scientific researcher and thinker .
Post 11 .
He is in a different league to popular pundits and the typical people who contribute to Ancient Aliens and similar type programmes .

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