U.S. adds 200,000 jobs in Dec.; unemployment drops to 8.5%


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Mar 23, 2010
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Insourcing American jobs - has a nice ring to it, don't it?...
Obama to promote insourcing of jobs
Sat Jan 7,`12 WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama is highlighting companies that have returned jobs to the U.S. and he says that's one more way of putting people back to work.
The White House plans a forum Wednesday, called "Insourcing American Jobs," that will bring together business leaders who shifted work back home. The president said Saturday in his weekly radio and Internet address that the event will discuss ways business leaders can return more jobs to the country. "We're heading in the right direction. And we're not going to let up," Obama said on the heels of the government reporting Friday that the unemployment rate fell to 8.5 percent in December. Obama noted that the jobs report showed the economy added more than 200,000 private sector jobs last month and that more than 3 million private sector jobs had been added during the past 22 months. He said the nation was "starting 2012 with manufacturing on the rise and the American auto industry on the mend."

The president said the U.S. couldn't return "to the days when the financial system was stacking the deck against ordinary Americans," citing his decision to install former Ohio Attorney General Richard Cordray as the director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau while the Senate was on break, circumventing Republican opposition to the appointment. Obama said his "New Year's resolution" to all Americans was to "keep doing whatever it takes to move this economy forward and to make sure that middle-class families regain the security they've lost over the past decade."

New York Rep. Nan Hayworth, delivering the GOP address, said the jobs report showed the difficulty that many Americans face in finding work. Hayworth said the unemployment rate has remained above 8 percent for 35 straight months, "the longest such stretch since the Great Depression." "Leaders in Washington should have no higher priority this year than getting our economy back to creating jobs," Hayworth said. The New York congresswoman said House Republicans would promote small business and reduce government regulation.

Obama to promote insourcing of jobs - Yahoo! News
If Obama can get it below 8% he will be reelected.
You're probably correct, however unemployment doesn't have to break 8% for him to win. He can win as long as the unemployment picture is improving. The country was in the middle of the great depression in 1936, but the economic picture was improving and Roosevelt won by a landslide.
But, but, but...

Obama is stopping the economy from getting better even faster, therefore he still has cooties.

the latest from the ODS noise machine
Obama will not get re-elected if he gets unemployment below 8%. That unemployment number is a complete joke. Most of the unemployed never got a job again. They just fell off the roll & are no longer counted. The real jobs barometer is the "Employment to Population Ratio" EMRATIO It proves what a complete disaster the democrats have done to the jobs situation in this country since they took power on January 1, 2007. A couple hundred thousand temporary hired Christmas help did not put a dent in that disaster.

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Those are cooked stats.

Here are some accurate ones with commentary.
NFP Payrolls At 200K, Expected At 155K; Unemployment Rate Drops To 8.5%, Labor Force Participation At Lowest Since 1984 | ZeroHedge

The nonfarm payroll number prints at 200K on expectations of 155K. The Unemployment rate comes at 8.5% - lowest since February 2009, and down from an upward revised 8.7%. U-6 15.2% down from 15.6% in November. Average hourly earnings rose at 0.2%, in line with expectations, previous revised to -0.1% from unchanged. Private payrolls +212L vs Expectations of 178K. Manufacturing payrolls rose 23K vs Expectations of 155K. Yet the unemployment rate trickery still continues, with labor force participation (prior revised), now at a 27 year low of 64%, and the labor force itself declined by 50K from 153,937 to 153,887. In fact, persons not in the labor force have increased by 7.5 million since January 2007! Bottom line - dropping out of labor statistics is the new killing it.

If you want to see what is REALLY happening with employment in this country, you have to look at the labor force numbers, not the cranked up crap by politicized statisticians.
Look at these numbers:
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2011/12/Labor Force Dec.jpg
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In 2010 the country vigorously rejected Obamanomics and the Democratic rule and restored the House to a Republican majority. The GOP blocked any further plans of the Left. This lead to a drop in unemployment as companies were more confident they would not be facing any more big costs.
If Obama can get it below 8% he will be reelected.
You're probably correct, however unemployment doesn't have to break 8% for him to win. He can win as long as the unemployment picture is improving. The country was in the middle of the great depression in 1936, but the economic picture was improving and Roosevelt won by a landslide.

Why do you keep repeating this after it's been debunked?

In 1936, FDR won because the GOP ceased to function as a party, not because people were overwealmingly for FDR. America had essentially ceased to be a real democracy, much like the rest of the world had written democracy off as a bad idea at that point.

Eventually, FDR went too far and his own party yanked him back. (Trying to stack the Supreme Court, interferring with elections on the state and local level). And five minutes after he was in the ground, they amended the constitution so something like that could never happen again.

Now, that said, I think the magic number for Obama is still about 7.5. Actually worse than he found the economy in, but better than it's worst.

The fact the GOP is about to nominate a weird Mormon robot probably helps him, too.
In 2010 the country vigorously rejected Obamanomics and the Democratic rule and restored the House to a Republican majority. The GOP blocked any further plans of the Left. This lead to a drop in unemployment as companies were more confident they would not be facing any more big costs.

Something you can comfort yourself with when Obama gets a second term.

The reality- we still haven't addressed the real problems of our economy because the people who really run things aren't done grinding down the American Middle Class yet. But neither party is ready to address THAT issue.
Private employers added 212,00 jobs, moving the total of private-sector jobs created in 2011 to 1.9 million. Governments, particularly at the local level, cut jobs — 12,000 last month — holding overall job growth for the year to 1.6 million.

U.S. adds 200,000 jobs in Dec.; unemployment drops to 8.5% - The Washington Post

Did I hear someone say no private sector jobs were being created?

The economy needs to produce 1.5 million new jobs a year just to keep up with additions to the work force. The drop to 8.5% is just as much about people giving up as people getting jobs.

Obama has not addressed the REAL problem, which is that due to overregulation and taxes, manufacturing and service jobs are fleeing this country in droves. Something to keep in mind when you are talking to Pradip in India about your Chinese made computer that doesn't work for crap.
In 2010 the country vigorously rejected Obamanomics and the Democratic rule and restored the House to a Republican majority. The GOP blocked any further plans of the Left. This lead to a drop in unemployment as companies were more confident they would not be facing any more big costs.

Something you can comfort yourself with when Obama gets a second term.

The reality- we still haven't addressed the real problems of our economy because the people who really run things aren't done grinding down the American Middle Class yet. But neither party is ready to address THAT issue.

He might. He might not.

But your case is hard to make given that as recently as 2007 the unemployment rate was about 5%, and had been that for nearly a decade.
I see that bigotry has made you stupid, as it always does.
In 2010 the country vigorously rejected Obamanomics and the Democratic rule and restored the House to a Republican majority. The GOP blocked any further plans of the Left. This lead to a drop in unemployment as companies were more confident they would not be facing any more big costs.

Something you can comfort yourself with when Obama gets a second term.

The reality- we still haven't addressed the real problems of our economy because the people who really run things aren't done grinding down the American Middle Class yet. But neither party is ready to address THAT issue.

He might. He might not.

But your case is hard to make given that as recently as 2007 the unemployment rate was about 5%, and had been that for nearly a decade.
I see that bigotry has made you stupid, as it always does.

It was 4.2% when Bush took office, got up to 6.3%, and down to 5.5%. After that wild ride, people still re-elected Bush.

This time, it was 7.8 when Obama took office, hit a high of 10% and is now down to 8.5%. It could be below 7.5% by November, and if so, Obama can claim success. Doesn't deserve to, the bigger problems aren't being addressed and he's drinking the same Free Trade Koolaid that the rest of the establishment is drinking.

Obama's not running against 2007, he's running against the situation he found in 2009 when he took office. I think his performance has been limp, but not enough to vote for degenerate like Romney.
Something you can comfort yourself with when Obama gets a second term.

The reality- we still haven't addressed the real problems of our economy because the people who really run things aren't done grinding down the American Middle Class yet. But neither party is ready to address THAT issue.

He might. He might not.

But your case is hard to make given that as recently as 2007 the unemployment rate was about 5%, and had been that for nearly a decade.
I see that bigotry has made you stupid, as it always does.

It was 4.2% when Bush took office, got up to 6.3%, and down to 5.5%. After that wild ride, people still re-elected Bush.

This time, it was 7.8 when Obama took office, hit a high of 10% and is now down to 8.5%. It could be below 7.5% by November, and if so, Obama can claim success. Doesn't deserve to, the bigger problems aren't being addressed and he's drinking the same Free Trade Koolaid that the rest of the establishment is drinking.

Obama's not running against 2007, he's running against the situation he found in 2009 when he took office. I think his performance has been limp, but not enough to vote for degenerate like Romney.

You realize even 6% is historically pretty good. And that was high mark of Bush's tenure.
So obviously job growth was fine under Bush and all the screaming about off-shoring is coming from people with very short memories.
But I never understood the fixation with factory jobs. WHo the hell wants to work in a factory?
Go Obama!!!!!

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KissMy negged me for the above post. Holy shit, for only saying "Go Obama!!!!!"

He negged me, too, with the same comment. I'm guessing it's gotta be really sticking in his craw. Which is fine with me.

You realize even 6% is historically pretty good. And that was high mark of Bush's tenure.
So obviously job growth was fine under Bush and all the screaming about off-shoring is coming from people with very short memories.

Actualy, the high point was 7.8 when he left. and the economy was bleeding jobs at that point.

And, yes, the offshoring is a problem. Replacing good paying union jobs with benefits with jobs at Wal Mart without benefits isn't an improvement, it's a step back.

But I never understood the fixation with factory jobs. WHo the hell wants to work in a factory?

I work in a factory, and I rather enjoy it. Mind you, I'm in the office, but I go down to the line pretty often to make sure things are going well.

If you don't understand why we need manufacturing capability, then I can only conclude you are some kind of high-functioning retard or something.
1) Obamination claimed the Porkulus would keep unemployment below 8% yet you idiots are celebrating 8.5%.

2) Seasonal hires over the holiday season inflated the numbers.

3) Some people are no longer being reported as out of work since they quit looking.

4) The DoD budget cuts to cover Obamination's pork spending will quickly drive unemployment back up once troops and civilians are laid off in the next 1-2 years.

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