The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016

Yes, you spawn of Satan, you Children of Hell...... Donald J. Trump will be your president for another 5 years. Bank it, book it. Those who live by cheating, lying, scamming and scheming will die by cheating, lying, scamming & cheating.

America is on to you. America doesn't like you, and even people in your own party are starting to turn on you. Wrapping yourselves in The Flag and Constitution while you have spent your whole lives destroying both is insulting to people who know better, and you will be run out of town on a rail tarred and feathered November 2020. You will be cast out like the demons that you are. Count on it. We will purge your demonic presence from The Swamp of DNC, of that you can be sure of.

Despite The Democrats going in an all out Armageddon on our President since the day The President "stole" the rigged election from them, they are unable to make a dent in Donald J. Trump's Support..... Not even in the Skewed Polls, that we all know are intentionally skewed at least 10 points in Democrat's Favor. People are rallying around him and will continue to do so all the way through November. It'll be a DemNazi blood bath and a landslide for Trump and no doubt The Witch Hunt Backlash will result in a Super Majority for the GOP come 2020.

Leave our beloved Lady Liberty and Never Come Back!

Three Explanations for Trump's Rising Popularity

Don’t Assume Trump’s Approval Rating Can’t Climb Higher. It Already Has.

President Trump Is Getting More Popular
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Think we can make their heads spin around by re-electing Trump in November???

America is repulsed by The Democrat Party. Only their own morally depraved people support them, and they are pushing out their own moderates.

This is much like what The Nazi Party did when Hitler lost his election, when they thought they had it all rigged and all sown up, and they became even more radical, and then began to concentrate their efforts on removing The Democratic Weimar Republic's President to have Hitler installed as Fuhrer.

But hopefully for America, The American People Reject The DemNazi party and continue to want freedom and independence from far too big and far too powerful Federal Government.

Seems like it's leaning that way more and more, God willing.

Trump Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®
Think we can make their heads spin around by re-electing Trump in November???
Russia and trumpanzees can try.
Russia was a 2017 lie, where been, whaling?
And despite The Mueller Report, Nancy Pelosi still stands up there and lies about "All Roads Lead to Russia".

I can tell you from experience that only means one thing. She and her party have financial ties to Russia, like they do to China and Iran, and President Trump is standing in the way of them cashing in like they have in the past.
This is why Trump gets Re-Elected. To stop this Evil Crap.

Full Story at the below link.

ICE shames Ohio county for releasing convicted sex offender, dozens of other criminal aliens

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) blasted authorities in Franklin County, Ohio Thursday, claiming they had released dozens of "criminal aliens and immigration violators" in recent weeks.

The federal agency said in a statement that since November 2019, the Franklin County Sheriff's Office had released 29 individuals for whom the agency had filed written detainer requests. Detainers are requested by federal immigration enforcement so that local jurisdictions can keep immigrants in their custody who have been arrested on criminal charges and are believed to be "removable."

Among those released was 59-year-old Somalian national Hajir Muhammad who was arrested by the Franklin County Sheriff's Office on Dec. 27 for failing to register as a sex offender. ICE arrested Muhammad again on Jan. 6 and he is currently in custody pending deportation proceedings.

The ICE release also sought information about five other immigrants -- including a Mexican national accused of domestic violence, assault, falsification and menacing -- who it said were in an unknown location.
We agree. Two terms. One term for corruption and one term for obstruction.
Trump's bringing the A - Team. Schiff fully deserves the national humiliation that is coming his way as Ken Starr and Alan Dershowitz wipe the floor with this farce


Today comes the news that President Trump is adding Judge Kenneth Starr and Professor Alan Dershowitz to his defense team in the Senate impeachment trial. Both men are greatly to be admired. Judge Starr is the distinguished former appellate judge, special prosecutor, and recent author of the excellent impeachment memoir Contempt. Professor Dershowitz is a man of high principle who has shed many old friends in his defense of free and Donny Two Scoops.

Professor Dershowitz is non partisan when it comes to the constitution—he opposed the impeachment of President Bill Clinton and voted for Hillary Clinton— he believes the issues at stake go to the heart of our enduring Constitution.

He is participating in this impeachment trial to defend the integrity of the Constitution and to prevent the creation of a dangerous constitutional precedent.

These are dangerous people trying to great harm that need the Nation to all laugh at them to teach them a lesson.

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