TrumpUSA: Gender Gallows


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a mock dialogue between Shiva (Hindu god of destruction) and Pennywise (fictional demonic clown from the Stephen King horror novel It) about the two primalism-perspective female 'avatars' Sheena (a fictional queen of the jungle) and Harley Quinn (a fictional costumed urban terrorist).

How do we talk about gender-related 'chess' in this new capitalism and consumerism-subjective 'TrumpUSA'?

Just imagine how different this conversation would be if the U.S. President was Hillary Clinton!


SHIVA: I like how Sheena symbolizes a fascination with cyclical patterns in evolution.
PENNYWISE: Yes, a return to nature (and the jungle); Harley Quinn is quite the opposite.
SHIVA: Yes, Harley Quinn represents a 'progression' towards urbanization-related anarchism.
PENNYWISE: Sheena seems to be an 'angel' of purism.
SHIVA: Harley Quinn seems to be a 'Devil's Advocate' of feminine rage.
PENNYWISE: Urban life can create claustrophobia.
SHIVA: Maybe Harley Quinn yearns to escape to the jungle.
PENNYWISE: The more poignant question is, "Does Sheena yearn to become Harley Quinn?"
SHIVA: It's an interesting but perhaps biased question. What if Sheena does not care for urban life?
PENNYWISE: We should never assume anything about a woman's heart of the feminine mystique.
SHIVA: Maybe you're right. In that case, which avatar better symbolizes humanism imagination?
PENNYWISE: Well, Sheena represents primalism devotion, while Harley Quinn represents primalism anguish.
SHIVA: Harley Quinn seems interested in primalism but is unforgiving when purity is compromised.
PENNYWISE: Harley Quinn is enraged at the corruption in the modern city.
SHIVA: Yes, Harley Quinn is definitely more political!
PENNYWISE: Sheena can be 'construed' as political (e.g., eco-activism!).
SHIVA: True, Harley Quinn is more 'naturally' intellectual.
PENNYWISE: Sheena would be a great 'case-study' at Yale University.
SHIVA: Yeah, like the Wild-Child of Borneo. Harley Quinn is a 'metropolitan mannequin.'
PENNYWISE: Who scares you more, Sheena or Harley Quinn?
SHIVA: Harley Quinn is more representative of metaphysics frailties (e.g., urban filth).
PENNYWISE: Let's agree then that Sheena is more pure (in terms of ethics optimism!).
SHIVA: I think Sheena better captures the lifestyle-optimistic qualities of 'TrumpUSA.'
PENNYWISE: I think 'TrumpUSA' will be a consumerism repetition of Reaganomics.




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