Lady of the Lake: A Race Digest


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Race relations in America are terribly complicated by undesirable pedestrian woes such as the unpredictability of capitalism. Wealth discriminations make race relations even more strained, and even American films such as Coming to America and White Man's Burden reflect this.

Very gifted American professional basketball players such as African-American Isiah Thomas and Caucasian Michael Dunleavy who may have much to share in terms of competitive spirit are nevertheless separated by race-related propaganda, making social arenas challenged for progressive race-related dialogue. Such athletes may have to deal with racially-loaded issues such as race-biased salary caps in the NBA and preferential treatment by coaches as well as locker-room friendship etiquette.

Now, our arguably capitalism-subjective 'TrumpUSA' makes economics-neutral race-relations even more complicated.

So here's a yarn about two individuals, one black, one white, dealing with the metaphysical and mythological love-and-courage fable muse Lady of the Lake (from Arthurian legend). As they deal with philosophy, race-relations come to the forefront in 'TrumpUSA.'

What do you think of our last two First Ladies (Michelle Obama and Melania Trump)?


Samuels and Craig hailed from two very different reams of Earth. Samuels was the descendant of an African-American slave who worked on the estate of the first U.S. President (George Washington). Craig hailed from French fur-trappers from colonial America who flourished economically generation-to-generation; Craig's grandmother married a member of the Danish royal family. Samuels and Craig were about to meet in a very strange circumstance regarding an academic trip to England, where Arthurian fables would bring them face-to-face with the cryptic 'Lady of the Lake.'

Samuels and Craig were both studying a graduate-level thesis regarding race-relations at Harvard University in the summer of 2017. Their mentor, Professor West, told them about Arthurian legend and how it informed race-relations in America. West believed the democratic overtones of Camelot affected modern Americans' views of 'reliability' metrics of teamwork ethos in Washington. West challenged Samuels and Craig to travel to England to study Arthurian legend (from local folklore) and assess parallels to mainstream American garb such as Hollywood films. Samuels and Craig accepted the academic challenged.

Samuels and Craig stayed in the same hotel room in London and began to like each other intellectually. They read about Arthurian myths prior to arriving in England and were equally fascinated by Lady of the Lake folklore. Samuels believed the 'watery muse' symbolized friendship-angst, while Craig believed the 'lady' symbolized some kind of unrequited political daydream. They continued their research, asking laymen and scholars all over London about the quality of republicanism, democracy, and the impact on culture Arthurian 'idealism' held for race-relations.

Samuels and Craig returned at the end of the summer and wrote up their joint-thesis for Professor West, who awarded them both a solid A grade for their well-organized work. Samuels and Craig decided to then go on a private study together, investigating the psychological boundaries of the Lady of the Lake folklore. They were both interested in how the 'watery lady' affected humanity's views on 'democracy sentimentalism,' so they wrote an incendiary thesis which proposed the controversial question, "What if the Lady of the Lake was African-American?" The thesis was published and sold at the University of Pennsylvania library (where it became popular among ethnic-minority students).

The reputation of the incendiary thesis reached the office of President Trump who was facing heat for ignoring race-related issues in Washington. Trump came up with a brilliant plan. He would bring Samuels and Craig to the White House for a special televised 'fireside chat,' during which the three would discuss Arthurian folklore, the Lady of the Lake, and the Starbucks female mermaid-siren logo/avatar. Trump said on TV (during the fireside chat with Samuels and Craig), "I believe the Starbucks girl is the prophetic 'Lady of the Lake'!" Samuels and Craig were offended, since they proposed that the Lady of the Lake could be African-American, so they retorted (on camera!), "We wager that the Lady of the Lake is an African-American woman who is hiding in a dumpster somewhere in America with two loaded pistols, waiting to rob an armored truck in the name of challenging the First World vanities of our 'consumerism-obsessed' TrumpUSA!" Samuels and Craig won the Nobel Peace Prize.


Lady of the Lake (Wikipedia)

delilah 2.jpg

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