Trumps tax plan tailor made for the does it feel Trumpites?

What's the point in giving tax breaks to people who pay no taxes or create no jobs? Obama has not had a single quarter during his entire seven and a half years as Presidency where the economy saw even a 3% increase. His Administration has imposed more regulations than the last three Presidents that preceded him combined.
The enemy of the progressive is TRUTH. There is no place for truth when progressives rule. You just need to believe...or STFU.
Deflect all you want, Trump is a rich man's dream ticket!! SUCKER!!

The clinton's took donations from the who's who of the richest corporations from here and around the world............Trump is wealthy by his own hard work....hilary used her public office to become a want the crook...I want the businessman....

of democrat as you belong to the party of crooks and racists....
Trump hate's america's labor community and idiots like you give him a pass for it. I'm not a Hillary fan, but anything is better than a unqualified racist foreign worker loving hypocrite.

Who was it that Barry made his "Jobs Czar", Tiger? Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of GE...a company that exported more jobs to China than practically any other American corporation? Ever hear of ANYTHING that Immelt did as Jobs Czar that created jobs for American workers? That's Barack Obama and the rest of you progressives in a nut haven't done DIDDLY to create jobs for American workers because you're so damned scared some rich guys might make a profit that you've run jobs out of the country by the tens of thousands. So what did the rich guys do? They built their factories overseas! Guess you showed them!!!
And who was it that was the Car Czar? Of course, an investment banker from Lehman and Morgan Stanley.

Immelt is the one that kills me though, Gipper! To put HIM in that position was absolutely breathtakingly tone deaf on Obama's part! He's the guy who exports jobs...but you're going to make HIM the guy who creates jobs?

Think about it. Can you name ANYTHING that Immelt ever did as "Jobs Czar"? Anything at all?

That's easy. Absofuckinglutely nothing.

All that jobs Czar did was export his GE jobs somewhere else.

None of that douchebags Czars did anything to help the country or the economy.
The clinton's took donations from the who's who of the richest corporations from here and around the world............Trump is wealthy by his own hard work....hilary used her public office to become a want the crook...I want the businessman....

of democrat as you belong to the party of crooks and racists....
Trump hate's america's labor community and idiots like you give him a pass for it. I'm not a Hillary fan, but anything is better than a unqualified racist foreign worker loving hypocrite.

Who was it that Barry made his "Jobs Czar", Tiger? Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of GE...a company that exported more jobs to China than practically any other American corporation? Ever hear of ANYTHING that Immelt did as Jobs Czar that created jobs for American workers? That's Barack Obama and the rest of you progressives in a nut haven't done DIDDLY to create jobs for American workers because you're so damned scared some rich guys might make a profit that you've run jobs out of the country by the tens of thousands. So what did the rich guys do? They built their factories overseas! Guess you showed them!!!
And who was it that was the Car Czar? Of course, an investment banker from Lehman and Morgan Stanley.

Immelt is the one that kills me though, Gipper! To put HIM in that position was absolutely breathtakingly tone deaf on Obama's part! He's the guy who exports jobs...but you're going to make HIM the guy who creates jobs?

Think about it. Can you name ANYTHING that Immelt ever did as "Jobs Czar"? Anything at all?

That's easy. Absofuckinglutely nothing.

All that jobs Czar did was export his GE jobs somewhere else.

None of that douchebags Czars did anything to help the country or the economy.

Yet nearly the entire MSM refused to expose these assholes or criticize Obama for the multiple failures.

It is most disgusting.
Nigga, the donation list to both the Clinton Crime Family foundation and the fat blobs campaign. But you keep the yes massah stuff coming and your shack on the DNC plantation is secure.
I love it when you lice balls use the N word, it lets me know, you got some in the condolences, sir.
When directing comments to others I tend to do so in vernacular they've demonstrated they're comfortable with. But yes, your condolences would be most appreciated if I was so unfortunate to have some in my family.
The clinton's took donations from the who's who of the richest corporations from here and around the world............Trump is wealthy by his own hard work....hilary used her public office to become a want the crook...I want the businessman....

of democrat as you belong to the party of crooks and racists....
Trump hate's america's labor community and idiots like you give him a pass for it. I'm not a Hillary fan, but anything is better than a unqualified racist foreign worker loving hypocrite.

Who was it that Barry made his "Jobs Czar", Tiger? Jeffrey Immelt...the CEO of GE...a company that exported more jobs to China than practically any other American corporation? Ever hear of ANYTHING that Immelt did as Jobs Czar that created jobs for American workers? That's Barack Obama and the rest of you progressives in a nut haven't done DIDDLY to create jobs for American workers because you're so damned scared some rich guys might make a profit that you've run jobs out of the country by the tens of thousands. So what did the rich guys do? They built their factories overseas! Guess you showed them!!!
And who was it that was the Car Czar? Of course, an investment banker from Lehman and Morgan Stanley.

Immelt is the one that kills me though, Gipper! To put HIM in that position was absolutely breathtakingly tone deaf on Obama's part! He's the guy who exports jobs...but you're going to make HIM the guy who creates jobs?

Think about it. Can you name ANYTHING that Immelt ever did as "Jobs Czar"? Anything at all?
Agreed, but Immelt is just one example (a very bad one and clearly exposes Obama for what he is) of the absurdity of Obama. Remember who he picked for Treasury Secretary? Yet another Wall Street scumbag crony...Little Timmy Geithner.

Corruption, lack of transparency, and illegalities are the cornerstones of Obama's administrations, but lefties can't or won't accept this reality. This is how tyrants become tyrants...when people refuse to call it what it is and even cheer it on.

The problem that progressives have, that most of them are big on entitlements...which is the easy part of governing because you're basically giving people free stuff but they're terrible at the hard part of governing which s creating jobs, providing a strong defense and balancing the budget. You've got a bunch of people who were Political Science majors and lawyers and they don't know the first thing about economics, the military or finance. Progressives like Barry have to go outside their "circle" to find someone that can run the military and the economy. He tried using Larry Summers and Kristina Romer to do the economy but both of them jumped ship and ran back to their tenured professorships at Berkeley and Harvard when the real world turned out not to be like their "models" they drew up in front of rapt college students. Does anyone even know who the President's Council of Economic Advisors is now? I don't have the faintest idea because they've done about as much as Jeffrey Immeldt did as Jobs Czar.

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