Trump's NFL protest prioblem

Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.
It's all about Dumpf's hatred of the NFL going back to March 1984 when Commissioner Pete Rozelle told Dumpf that he would never get an NFL franchise as long as Rozelle was involved with the league.

And, guess what, Dumpf never did get a franchise. So, instead of winning, Dumpf lost and has to face the unpleasant fact. Therefore, to this day he has held a grudge against the NFL, and it's ironic that a committed, aggressive DRAFT DODGER claims to be such a fan of our flag and national anthem. He supports them only so far as it benefits him and his favorite bro, Putin.. BIGLY!!!!!!!!
I don't know what the white people related to me and friends would do without the NFL football, including me and my husband. Yet they bitch about the black kneelers.
What does being white have to do with watching football?

Hypocrites, that is what. Some white folks think blacks are only for entertainment. To be fair most of my family and my husbands family live in areas where blacks are an enigma.
Then the problem is with your family. You should do something about that.
Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.
It's all about Dumpf's hatred of the NFL going back to March 1984 when Commissioner Pete Rozelle told Dumpf that he would never get an NFL franchise as long as Rozelle was involved with the league.

And, guess what, Dumpf never did get a franchise. So, instead of winning, Dumpf lost and has to face the unpleasant fact. Therefore, to this day he has held a grudge against the NFL, and it's ironic that a committed, aggressive DRAFT DODGER claims to be such a fan of our flag and national anthem. He supports them only so far as it benefits him and his favorite bro, Putin.. BIGLY!!!!!!!!
Why hasn’t Trumpy been to any war zones to meet the troops?

Because he’s not pro-military. He’s Pro-Trumpy.

What war zones? Syria? You need to stop eating those retard sandwiches.
Afghanistan. Iraq.

You’re not smart.
Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.
It's all about Dumpf's hatred of the NFL going back to March 1984 when Commissioner Pete Rozelle told Dumpf that he would never get an NFL franchise as long as Rozelle was involved with the league.

And, guess what, Dumpf never did get a franchise. So, instead of winning, Dumpf lost and has to face the unpleasant fact. Therefore, to this day he has held a grudge against the NFL, and it's ironic that a committed, aggressive DRAFT DODGER claims to be such a fan of our flag and national anthem. He supports them only so far as it benefits him and his favorite bro, Putin.. BIGLY!!!!!!!!
Why hasn’t Trumpy been to any war zones to meet the troops?

Because he’s not pro-military. He’s Pro-Trumpy.

What war zones? Syria? You need to stop eating those retard sandwiches.
Afghanistan. Iraq.

You’re not smart.

Those aren't wars. Pretty sure BHO pulled out of Iraq. Those are fights vs. insurgents. Why would he go there? To give the insurgents more firepower to throw suicide bombers at us? You're a moron. Honestly. Read a freaking book.
Anthem = Military. They always say "stand and honor those who served". Taking a knee disrespects the veterans. Period.
Anthem doesn’t equal military.

Thanks for continuing to demonstrate how ignorant Trump voters are.
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Then why do they say "honor those who have served, please stand"?

Thank you for demonstrating you cowardice and dumbassery.
I'm against the kneelers, i quit watching football last year. I've been watching it my entire life.
Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.

No. The players do not "know". Patriotism is neither conditional nor temporary nor optional. These overpaid modern day gladiators spit on the privileges afforded them by the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of real warriors including such brothers as Pat Tillman. The players who protest have been fitted, shackled, and chained by radical Left identity politics and Lenin-esque class warfare re-packaged as race warfare and sold to them by the MSM inside the lie that all law enforcement officers are out to kill young black men. They're being pulled around by the nose on a short chain of political manipulation; what's a hell of lot worse is the example they set for millions of young Americans who idolize their every move and word. Shame on them and their houses.

Yes , and well he is dead now, dead by friendly fire and his brother is anti Iraq war and the Bush Admin.

Trump would of said he was stupid to enlist as Trump still has his sons who go on safari's. Besides Trump makes fun of McCain and him getting shot down, so Trump sure can't say a word. If he has a problem with men who get to be POW's I can only imagine his disdain by someone getting killed by "friendly fire".
I don't know what the white people related to me and friends would do without the NFL football, including me and my husband. Yet they bitch about the black kneelers.
What does being white have to do with watching football?

Hypocrites, that is what. Some white folks think blacks are only for entertainment. To be fair most of my family and my husbands family live in areas where blacks are an enigma.
Then the problem is with your family. You should do something about that.

Not much I can do, just give my opinion to agree to disagree. One can never force one to change ones mind.
Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.

No. The players do not "know". Patriotism is neither conditional nor temporary nor optional. These overpaid modern day gladiators spit on the privileges afforded them by the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of real warriors including such brothers as Pat Tillman. The players who protest have been fitted, shackled, and chained by radical Left identity politics and Lenin-esque class warfare re-packaged as race warfare and sold to them by the MSM inside the lie that all law enforcement officers are out to kill young black men. They're being pulled around by the nose on a short chain of political manipulation; what's a hell of lot worse is the example they set for millions of young Americans who idolize their every move and word. Shame on them and their houses.

Yes , and well he is dead now, dead by friendly fire and his brother is anti Iraq war and the Bush Admin.

Trump would of said he was stupid to enlist as Trump still has his sons who go on safari's. Besides Trump makes fun of McCain and him getting shot down, so Trump sure can't say a word. If he has a problem with men who get to be POW's I can only imagine his disdain by someone getting killed by "friendly fire".

Hatred for President Trump has become willing hatred of America and public, blatant, unforgiving disrespect for blood shed to guarantee freedom. Once again: Shame
Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.

Trump is correct. The stats on police brutality, crime and blacks murdered don't support the player's argument in any way, shape or form. The players are completely ignorant on the topic. But kneel away. It annoyed me last season. However, this season I don't give a shit. Indifference is a protest killer, and that's where I'm at. I can find something else on Sunday if I choose and that's fine with me.
Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.

No. The players do not "know". Patriotism is neither conditional nor temporary nor optional. These overpaid modern day gladiators spit on the privileges afforded them by the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of real warriors including such brothers as Pat Tillman. The players who protest have been fitted, shackled, and chained by radical Left identity politics and Lenin-esque class warfare re-packaged as race warfare and sold to them by the MSM inside the lie that all law enforcement officers are out to kill young black men. They're being pulled around by the nose on a short chain of political manipulation; what's a hell of lot worse is the example they set for millions of young Americans who idolize their every move and word. Shame on them and their houses.

Yes , and well he is dead now, dead by friendly fire and his brother is anti Iraq war and the Bush Admin.

Trump would of said he was stupid to enlist as Trump still has his sons who go on safari's. Besides Trump makes fun of McCain and him getting shot down, so Trump sure can't say a word. If he has a problem with men who get to be POW's I can only imagine his disdain by someone getting killed by "friendly fire".

Hatred for President Trump has become willing hatred of America and public, blatant, unforgiving disrespect for blood shed to guarantee freedom. Once again: Shame

I never could stand Trump, never, he has always been a sleaze in my opinion.
Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.

No. The players do not "know". Patriotism is neither conditional nor temporary nor optional. These overpaid modern day gladiators spit on the privileges afforded them by the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of real warriors including such brothers as Pat Tillman. The players who protest have been fitted, shackled, and chained by radical Left identity politics and Lenin-esque class warfare re-packaged as race warfare and sold to them by the MSM inside the lie that all law enforcement officers are out to kill young black men. They're being pulled around by the nose on a short chain of political manipulation; what's a hell of lot worse is the example they set for millions of young Americans who idolize their every move and word. Shame on them and their houses.

Yes , and well he is dead now, dead by friendly fire and his brother is anti Iraq war and the Bush Admin.

Trump would of said he was stupid to enlist as Trump still has his sons who go on safari's. Besides Trump makes fun of McCain and him getting shot down, so Trump sure can't say a word. If he has a problem with men who get to be POW's I can only imagine his disdain by someone getting killed by "friendly fire".

Hatred for President Trump has become willing hatred of America and public, blatant, unforgiving disrespect for blood shed to guarantee freedom. Once again: Shame

I never could stand Trump, never, he has always been a sleaze in my opinion.

No one is forcing you to "stand" him or even like him, however, do not let hatred of the man become hatred of our nation. There are anti-American forces at work today in America out to take advantage of voter hatred for our President in order to gain a foothold in hearts and minds. Forces bent on transforming America from rule by Constitution for individual freedom, into rule by the intellectual elite by group identity. What that means is a form of government under which neither you nor I nor any other American citizen will be treated as an individual person, but as a member of a collective, determined by race, religion, tradition, belief, etc. They will promise you unlimited freedom, living wages, free healthcare and universal equality. That's all a lie. What we will end up as under their new government is universally oppressed.
Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.

No, they do not, and neither do you. George Soros is behind it, and he could care less about blacks or cops. He started BLM. He gave the money to Acorn to buy hoodies and rile the blacks up. He is using blacks and spending billions to cause strife and division in our country. And is so smart he actually has his NFL teams paying alms to him! They tithe to his "philanthropic" organizations. You are being played. You think it's genuine. You can't see the bigger picture.

Soros suggested they kneel, not some deep seated, newly found moral outrage at the death of some black man. If that were the case they would have turned toward Chicago and knelt a long time ago...
I don't know what the white people related to me and friends would do without the NFL football, including me and my husband. Yet they bitch about the black kneelers.

I bet they don't. I bet they are just as disgusted by the white kneelers.

ANd what would they do? They would do something else.

I hope the players keep insulting their fan base. It would be good for America for Americans to realize how they are viewed by so many.
None of this matters if you simply change the channel or try a different sport. Try soccer as it is also called football ! What a great opportunity to join the world celebration of soccer !!!

Trump just said that the NFL players that protest don't know what they are protesting.

They know.

Trump doesn't get it because he sees no problem with law enforcement slaughtering young black men.

No, they do not, and neither do you. George Soros is behind it, and he could care less about blacks or cops. He started BLM. He gave the money to Acorn to buy hoodies and rile the blacks up. He is using blacks and spending billions to cause strife and division in our country. And is so smart he actually has his NFL teams paying alms to him! They tithe to his "philanthropic" organizations. You are being played. You think it's genuine. You can't see the bigger picture.

Soros suggested they kneel, not some deep seated, newly found moral outrage at the death of some black man. If that were the case they would have turned toward Chicago and knelt a long time ago...

Soros is behind everything in the RWN's handbook.
I don't know what the white people related to me and friends would do without the NFL football, including me and my husband. Yet they bitch about the black kneelers.

I bet they don't. I bet they are just as disgusted by the white kneelers.

ANd what would they do? They would do something else.

I hope the players keep insulting their fan base. It would be good for America for Americans to realize how they are viewed by so many.

You do not understand the role football plays in my family. They would watch even if everyone kneeled and then complain about it.
I don't know what the white people related to me and friends would do without the NFL football, including me and my husband. Yet they bitch about the black kneelers.

I bet they don't. I bet they are just as disgusted by the white kneelers.

ANd what would they do? They would do something else.

I hope the players keep insulting their fan base. It would be good for America for Americans to realize how they are viewed by so many.

You do not understand the role football plays in my family. They would watch even if everyone kneeled and then complain about it.

Oh, I've seen that.

What we have not seen is what those people do, when EVERY FUCKING GAME, opens up with the footballer players, who these fans revere and celebrating,

insulting each and every one of them, both as individuals and as a group.

What type of person celebrates another, when that other person looks down at and has contempt for the person that is celebrating them?

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