Trump's mood takes a foul turn: 'He's pissed -- at damn near everyone'


Gold Member
May 3, 2017
Northern WI.
"A political clobbering, bickering aides and now a public grenade launched across the White House by the first lady have placed President Donald Trump in a position he loathes: backed into a corner.

A week after standing in the East Room and declaring victory in the midterm elections, the President is isolated and growing more furious by the day. He's openly speculating about replacing more members of his Cabinet, though so far has stopped short of executing the dismissals, leaving those aides in a career purgatory.

At an election night party at the White House, Trump left attendees guessing when he was spotted in a huddle with a potential replacement for his chief of staff, John Kelly, who himself stood awkwardly in a corner.

"Yes, he's pissed -- at damn near everyone," a White House official said, noting the mood in the Oval Office is darker than normal this week. After nearly a month straight of campaigning before adoring crowds, the applause has gone silent and the President has retreated. The tempest has led to rampant speculation inside the building about the fates of other senior staffers, some of whom are beginning to plan their exits." - Source


Today's news about Jim Acosta certainly isn't going to help. Sulking helps and blasting off on twitter is a catharsis. Firing people cheers him up so expect heads to fly. His own GOP is pressuring him to find a permanent replacement for the ousted Sessions, instead of the wholly unqualified and incompetent Matthew Whitaker. The man feels cornered. He has no one to trust.
Oh, that's right! Crap! I forgot to confirm it with Alex Jones!

I doubt Trump is pissed at anyone. Why would he be. He is the POTUS after all.

Some folks need to get a life.
when headlines are designed to get you emotionally involved, it's not news, it's gossip.
Oh, that's right! Crap! I forgot to confirm it with Alex Jones!


What is it with you and extremes?

There are credible sources out there, but NYT is right down there with Capt. Bullshit and WND.

And CNN, Huffingpaint, The Vox, Atlantic ....oh The Daily Kook
"A political clobbering, bickering aides and now a public grenade launched across the White House by the first lady have placed President Donald Trump in a position he loathes: backed into a corner.

A week after standing in the East Room and declaring victory in the midterm elections, the President is isolated and growing more furious by the day. He's openly speculating about replacing more members of his Cabinet, though so far has stopped short of executing the dismissals, leaving those aides in a career purgatory.

At an election night party at the White House, Trump left attendees guessing when he was spotted in a huddle with a potential replacement for his chief of staff, John Kelly, who himself stood awkwardly in a corner.

"Yes, he's pissed -- at damn near everyone," a White House official said, noting the mood in the Oval Office is darker than normal this week. After nearly a month straight of campaigning before adoring crowds, the applause has gone silent and the President has retreated. The tempest has led to rampant speculation inside the building about the fates of other senior staffers, some of whom are beginning to plan their exits." - Source


Today's news about Jim Acosta certainly isn't going to help. Sulking helps and blasting off on twitter is a catharsis. Firing people cheers him up so expect heads to fly. His own GOP is pressuring him to find a permanent replacement for the ousted Sessions, instead of the wholly unqualified and incompetent Matthew Whitaker. The man feels cornered. He has no one to trust.

Always the press rumors and propaganda you churn. And there is an obvious reason. He keeps winning :) So all you can do is make up "leaks" and claim "well really he is in a foul mood and inside the white house they fight and he doesnt know where to just *looks* like he is winning."

I dont think I have ever seen more obvious propaganda intended to replace reality.
Trump's very bad week took another downward turn when CNN handed him his ass this morning.

Normally, Trump loves turmoil and chaos. I read numerous articles about him back in the 1990s when he reveled seeing his name in the tabloids over his divorce and affair with Marla Maples.

But I think it's even gotten to a level that he can't handle anymore.

And everyone in this country will feel his pain. That's what happens when you put a narcissistic psychopath in high office.

Ahh yet another bit of propaganda disguised as a "leak". Did you read the body of the story? Its just a I posted above..propaganda designed to counter obvious reality.
Despite the article saying Trump trusts Mike Pence...despite Mike Pence saying he trusts Trump..the media once again says "unconfirmed leaks from the White House claim Trump keeps asking..."

He is winning and your ilk keeps saying, in effect... "who you gonna believe my secret leaks or your own lying eyes?"

Have you never read "Animal Farm"?
Trump's very bad week took another downward turn when CNN handed him his ass this morning.

Normally, Trump loves turmoil and chaos. I read numerous articles about him back in the 1990s when he reveled seeing his name in the tabloids over his divorce and affair with Marla Maples.

But I think it's even gotten to a level that he can't handle anymore.

And everyone in this country will feel his pain. That's what happens when you put a narcissistic psychopath in high office.

Gotta laugh.

You think Acosta will get picked to ask a question??

All Trump has to do is ignore him and call on others.

I wonder how long CNN will keep a reporter in the Press Room who isn't allowed to ask a question??

For Trump its a win, win.

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