Trump’s Moment of Truth. Will Mueller Flip Cohen?

You know this type of lawless presidency isn’t normal don’t you. Even Richard Nixon would cringe and be appalled if he could see what’s happening.

The federal investigation into the president’s personal attorney changes the legal and political calculus for Trump, Mueller, and Cohen. “As things heat up, the next big thing will be a shift from things like ‘What was the Russian involvement in the campaign?’ to ‘Has the cover-up begun and where is it?’”

The dramatic F.B.I. raid executed Monday against Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, marks a turning point in the Justice Department’s investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. As Trump noted Tuesday morning, in his own madcap way, attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the U.S. legal system. For federal agents to have searched Cohen’s apartment, office, and hotel room, prosecutors must have convinced a judge that a raid was necessary to obtain evidence of a crime that Cohen might have attempted to hide or destroy if he was issued a subpoena. The implications, for Cohen and for Trump, are potentially explosive. “I suppose you could say that it is Trump’s moment of truth,” Bob Bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel, told me. “It is the red line he always seemed to draw in his bitter complaints about the Mueller investigation—now here we are. Cohen would not be a subject or target that Trump would wish to have flipped against him.”

To those of you who are still unclear why and how the raid happened and it’s ramifications, this article is a nice summary.

“Trump’s Moment of Truth”: Will Mueller Flip Cohen? — Vanity Fair
keep those fingers crossed. squeeze them cheeks together for a little while longer. oohhhhhhhhh you can feel it can't you? hahahaahahahahaha
Suuuuuure Cohen kept incriminating records laying around in his office/home/temporary residence (while his home is being renovated.)
Suuuure he kept incriminating records on his computers/cell phones.
Cohen had no idea that it was 100% possible that he would be raided by Mueller.
Cohen probably bought the first document shredder ever made.
Cohen is going to tell Mueller to stick his witch hunt up his ass!
President Trump WILL pardon Cohen and Flynn and let the 'coffee boy' rot in prison.
all he needs to do is plead the 5th and then sue for breach of client privilege and burn these lawless mther fkers. this will be the end of the mueller investigation right here. they are far too stupid to get it.
Unlikely. Cohen will stubbornly refuse to save himself. In his attempts to martyr himself for Trump, he will sing like a bird, too stupid to realize he's handing the cops everything they want to hear.
Cohen will stubbornly refuse to save himself.
Were I in Cohen's position -- being an attorney living a very pricey lifestyle, having accustomed my family to the same lavish lifestyle, having to support my family regardless of the lifestyle, and knowing that my ability to practice law may be revoked -- I damn sure wouldn't fall on my sword myself for Trump, especially when it's Trump's "sword" and my efforts to shield his dumbass form the consequences of his own stupidity, ignorance, wantonness and carelessness that got me into the mess into which I now find myself.

In his attempts to martyr himself for Trump, he will sing like a bird, too stupid to realize he's handing the cops everything they want to hear.
For whatever I think about Cohen, I doubt seriously he's that stupid. If he's doing that, he's well aware he's doing it.
well good for you. it isn't you however, so keep up the dream of being Trump's attorney.
You know this type of lawless presidency isn’t normal don’t you. Even Richard Nixon would cringe and be appalled if he could see what’s happening.

The federal investigation into the president’s personal attorney changes the legal and political calculus for Trump, Mueller, and Cohen. “As things heat up, the next big thing will be a shift from things like ‘What was the Russian involvement in the campaign?’ to ‘Has the cover-up begun and where is it?’”

The dramatic F.B.I. raid executed Monday against Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, marks a turning point in the Justice Department’s investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. As Trump noted Tuesday morning, in his own madcap way, attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the U.S. legal system. For federal agents to have searched Cohen’s apartment, office, and hotel room, prosecutors must have convinced a judge that a raid was necessary to obtain evidence of a crime that Cohen might have attempted to hide or destroy if he was issued a subpoena. The implications, for Cohen and for Trump, are potentially explosive. “I suppose you could say that it is Trump’s moment of truth,” Bob Bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel, told me. “It is the red line he always seemed to draw in his bitter complaints about the Mueller investigation—now here we are. Cohen would not be a subject or target that Trump would wish to have flipped against him.”

To those of you who are still unclear why and how the raid happened and it’s ramifications, this article is a nice summary.

“Trump’s Moment of Truth”: Will Mueller Flip Cohen? — Vanity Fair

But but but but but but but Vanity Fair said that Cohen would flip! Where's my pussyhat? Where are the Tide Pods?!
This has only begun...........One side attacks..............other side returns fire......

It's coming.

You know this type of lawless presidency isn’t normal don’t you. Even Richard Nixon would cringe and be appalled if he could see what’s happening.

The federal investigation into the president’s personal attorney changes the legal and political calculus for Trump, Mueller, and Cohen. “As things heat up, the next big thing will be a shift from things like ‘What was the Russian involvement in the campaign?’ to ‘Has the cover-up begun and where is it?’”

The dramatic F.B.I. raid executed Monday against Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, marks a turning point in the Justice Department’s investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. As Trump noted Tuesday morning, in his own madcap way, attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the U.S. legal system. For federal agents to have searched Cohen’s apartment, office, and hotel room, prosecutors must have convinced a judge that a raid was necessary to obtain evidence of a crime that Cohen might have attempted to hide or destroy if he was issued a subpoena. The implications, for Cohen and for Trump, are potentially explosive. “I suppose you could say that it is Trump’s moment of truth,” Bob Bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel, told me. “It is the red line he always seemed to draw in his bitter complaints about the Mueller investigation—now here we are. Cohen would not be a subject or target that Trump would wish to have flipped against him.”

To those of you who are still unclear why and how the raid happened and it’s ramifications, this article is a nice summary.

“Trump’s Moment of Truth”: Will Mueller Flip Cohen? — Vanity Fair

Where's the list of Flippers to date?

Deutsche Bank
and now Cohen
So what crime is illedged to have been committed to justify breaking attorney client prriviledge
It's not even clear to me that attorney-client privilege been broken. AFAIK, the DoJ sent in a "tait team" to execute the search warrant. According to Cohen, the team that conducted the search were respectful. Cohen's certainly not griping about what they took or how they comported themselves, so I have no reason to think they violated attorney-client privilege.

Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation? You can uncover substantial evidence without crossing legal boundaries of an agency working in collaboration with a special council, a council that has no oversight. Mullier had an original mandate that focuses around the time of presidential election and with regard to collusion effecting the outcome of an election, he has exceeeded that boundary to go into personal affairs prior to an individual seeking involvement in the political process.
Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation?
What? To answer your question directly, no, I cannot identify such an occurrence. That said, AFAIK, Cohen's house is still standing.
You know this type of lawless presidency isn’t normal don’t you. Even Richard Nixon would cringe and be appalled if he could see what’s happening.

The federal investigation into the president’s personal attorney changes the legal and political calculus for Trump, Mueller, and Cohen. “As things heat up, the next big thing will be a shift from things like ‘What was the Russian involvement in the campaign?’ to ‘Has the cover-up begun and where is it?’”

The dramatic F.B.I. raid executed Monday against Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, marks a turning point in the Justice Department’s investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. As Trump noted Tuesday morning, in his own madcap way, attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the U.S. legal system. For federal agents to have searched Cohen’s apartment, office, and hotel room, prosecutors must have convinced a judge that a raid was necessary to obtain evidence of a crime that Cohen might have attempted to hide or destroy if he was issued a subpoena. The implications, for Cohen and for Trump, are potentially explosive. “I suppose you could say that it is Trump’s moment of truth,” Bob Bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel, told me. “It is the red line he always seemed to draw in his bitter complaints about the Mueller investigation—now here we are. Cohen would not be a subject or target that Trump would wish to have flipped against him.”

To those of you who are still unclear why and how the raid happened and it’s ramifications, this article is a nice summary.

“Trump’s Moment of Truth”: Will Mueller Flip Cohen? — Vanity Fair

No one really believes this raid was about Stormy Daniels--:auiqs.jpg: So Mueller found something in his investigation, handed it over to Rosenstein who then gave it to the Southern District of New York (meaning Trump can't pardon Cohen now.) The FBI took records dating back to 2013---(and yes that was the time that Trump was holding the Miss Universe contest there) and meeting & planning with Russian Oligarchs on building the Trump Tower in downtown Moscow.) So the Southern District will find something related to this, and then kick it back to Mueller--(yes they can legally do that) and then we'll get another guilty plea deal. Michael Cohen working with Robert Mueller.

This raid is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant.



Very well written, easy to read, and extremely hard to put down.

Top best seller on Amazon today.
So what crime is illedged to have been committed to justify breaking attorney client prriviledge
It's not even clear to me that attorney-client privilege been broken. AFAIK, the DoJ sent in a "tait team" to execute the search warrant. According to Cohen, the team that conducted the search were respectful. Cohen's certainly not griping about what they took or how they comported themselves, so I have no reason to think they violated attorney-client privilege.

Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation? You can uncover substantial evidence without crossing legal boundaries of an agency working in collaboration with a special council, a council that has no oversight. Mullier had an original mandate that focuses around the time of presidential election and with regard to collusion effecting the outcome of an election, he has exceeeded that boundary to go into personal affairs prior to an individual seeking involvement in the political process.
Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation?
What? To answer your question directly, no, I cannot identify such an occurrence. That said, AFAIK, Cohen's house is still standing.

So no other occurrence can be provided of a Federal Government investigation leading to the FBI raid on a personal attorney of a politician currently under investigation.

The concern of breaching client attorney privileged information leads me towards another inquiry that I would like an answer. Why wasn’t Cohen allowed to delete and destroy material that Trump believes are too personal and has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation? How would it be perceived if SIM cards from cell phones were quickly destroyed, and bleach bit was used? I’m bringing these set of questions up because “personal information” being determined and controlled by the individual under investigation, has been the defense and excuse offered when it comes to the need to seize records.

Setting even that aside, based on all the information provided, we have no report of an initial crime actually being committed since the election was decided. All we DO have is the assumption [big dufference] of what some believe “must be” and based on no real conclusive evidence. Can you provide any linked information to support a reply to the contrary?
During your furious jacking off during this have you considered that the law no longer applies to people like us? If the government prosecutors can now eliminate attorney client confidentiality for the president of the US? What does that mean for you?

This isn't an issue of confidentiality.

If you tell your lawyer, "I killed my wife". That's confidential.

If you tell your lawyer, "I killed my wife, you get rid of the body while I establish an alibi," and he get caught trying to get rid of the body, confidentiality doesn't apply.

If they get their hooks into you they no longer have to prove a case, they just raid your lawyers office and cherry pick the notes they need to get the result they want. When this is ok at the very top levels of government shit rolls down hill from there. So it sure looks like this country will no longer be a republic. But it will be run by the FBI and special prosecutors who will determine who's lawyers they will raid, and of course those favorable political lawyers they like, won't be.

Funny, where was all your concern about government overreach when Ken Starr was threatening to jail Monica Lewinsky's family if she didn't spill the beans on Clinton?
So what crime is illedged to have been committed to justify breaking attorney client prriviledge
It's not even clear to me that attorney-client privilege been broken. AFAIK, the DoJ sent in a "tait team" to execute the search warrant. According to Cohen, the team that conducted the search were respectful. Cohen's certainly not griping about what they took or how they comported themselves, so I have no reason to think they violated attorney-client privilege.

Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation? You can uncover substantial evidence without crossing legal boundaries of an agency working in collaboration with a special council, a council that has no oversight. Mullier had an original mandate that focuses around the time of presidential election and with regard to collusion effecting the outcome of an election, he has exceeeded that boundary to go into personal affairs prior to an individual seeking involvement in the political process.
Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation?
What? To answer your question directly, no, I cannot identify such an occurrence. That said, AFAIK, Cohen's house is still standing.

So no other occurrence can be provided of a Federal Government investigation leading to the FBI raid on a personal attorney of a politician currently under investigation.

The concern of breaching client attorney privileged information leads me towards another inquiry that I would like an answer. Why wasn’t Cohen allowed to delete and destroy material that Trump believes are too personal and has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation? How would it be perceived if SIM cards from cell phones were quickly destroyed, and bleach bit was used? I’m bringing these set of questions up because “personal information” being determined and controlled by the individual under investigation, has been the defense and excuse offered when it comes to the need to seize records.

Setting even that aside, based on all the information provided, we have no report of an initial crime actually being committed since the election was decided. All we DO have is the assumption [big dufference] of what some believe “must be” and based on no real conclusive evidence. Can you provide any linked information to support a reply to the contrary?
So no other occurrence can be provided of a Federal Government investigation leading to the FBI raid on a personal attorney of a politician currently under investigation.
What? You didn't even ask about that? And whose attorney be raided isn't relevant. What evidence the FBI have sufficient probable cause to think executing a search is the only way to obtain it is what matters. The fact of the matter is that to serve a search warrant to any practicing attorney is an exceptional matter for which the bar for obtaining a warrant is higher than it is for literally everyone else.
Cohen is no different in that regard. The DoJ/FBI don't, in conducting investigations, care about who one is or what be the politics. If they did, they couldn't do the actual work of investigating. The most they'll do is make sure to "dot every eye and cross every tee" because they aren't ignorant of the politics surrounding a given investigation, but they don't conduct the investigation in terms of the politics.

Frankly, I couldn't tell you who the FBI has raided other than Paul Manafort. You will find cited in the materials above cases where attorneys have been so served.

Setting even that aside, based on all the information provided, we have no report of an initial crime actually being committed since the election was decided.
What? Do you understand what an investigation is and what one is not?

Why wasn’t Cohen allowed to delete and destroy material that Trump believes are too personal and has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation?
You have to ask that? Is the answer not obvious? Cohen's and Trump's track record of incessantly misrepresenting facts -- great and small -- saying pretty much anything without regard to it's being true led the FBI to distrust him (and Trump I suspect).

Did you just emerge from a cave and read the story about the search of Cohen's offices and home and otherwise know nothing about either of them? One of them lies and the other swears to it, and the things lied about range from "big" to "miniscule." There's literally no palter that's beyond Trump, not even his own name.

Setting even that aside, based on all the information provided, we have no report of an initial crime actually being committed since the election was decided.
Unless and until there's an arrest or indictment, we're not going to. You do realize the FBI and cops in general conduct thousands of investigations about which nobody ever hears because the investigation happens and no criminally prosecutable acts are identified? That's as it should be, frankly. Why should anyone, the general public, need to know that "so and so" was under investigation for something and it was determined that they'd done nothing for which they could be held culpable? To inform "everyone" of such a thing can compromise a person's reputation, their job, their relationships, etc.

The only reason we know about investigations of some political figures (or anyone else suspected of "white-collar" crimes, for that matter) is because they are "A-List" political figures and/or the accusations pertaining to them are publicly made by someone. To wit, the FBI was quietly investigating Russian meddling for six or seven months (Sometime in July 2016 to January 20, 2017) before it became public that they were.
So what crime is illedged to have been committed to justify breaking attorney client prriviledge
It's not even clear to me that attorney-client privilege been broken. AFAIK, the DoJ sent in a "tait team" to execute the search warrant. According to Cohen, the team that conducted the search were respectful. Cohen's certainly not griping about what they took or how they comported themselves, so I have no reason to think they violated attorney-client privilege.

Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation? You can uncover substantial evidence without crossing legal boundaries of an agency working in collaboration with a special council, a council that has no oversight. Mullier had an original mandate that focuses around the time of presidential election and with regard to collusion effecting the outcome of an election, he has exceeeded that boundary to go into personal affairs prior to an individual seeking involvement in the political process.
Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation?
What? To answer your question directly, no, I cannot identify such an occurrence. That said, AFAIK, Cohen's house is still standing.

So no other occurrence can be provided of a Federal Government investigation leading to the FBI raid on a personal attorney of a politician currently under investigation.

The concern of breaching client attorney privileged information leads me towards another inquiry that I would like an answer. Why wasn’t Cohen allowed to delete and destroy material that Trump believes are too personal and has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation? How would it be perceived if SIM cards from cell phones were quickly destroyed, and bleach bit was used? I’m bringing these set of questions up because “personal information” being determined and controlled by the individual under investigation, has been the defense and excuse offered when it comes to the need to seize records.

Setting even that aside, based on all the information provided, we have no report of an initial crime actually being committed since the election was decided. All we DO have is the assumption [big dufference] of what some believe “must be” and based on no real conclusive evidence. Can you provide any linked information to support a reply to the contrary?
So no other occurrence can be provided of a Federal Government investigation leading to the FBI raid on a personal attorney of a politician currently under investigation.
What? You didn't even ask about that? And whose attorney be raided isn't relevant. What evidence the FBI have sufficient probable cause to think executing a search is the only way to obtain it is what matters. The fact of the matter is that to serve a search warrant to any practicing attorney is an exceptional matter for which the bar for obtaining a warrant is higher than it is for literally everyone else.
Just like the bar was exceptionally high to obtain a FISA warrant, using a dossier that relies on a retired British agent, paid by Hillary Clinton through Fusion GPS, to obtain information that a political candidate colluded witha foreign government to try and effect the outcome of an election. Do you see the irony of that statement?

Mind you the first “go to” source of obtaining uncovered facts came through Fusion GPS and a retired BRITISH operative to obtain the information. That apparent used evidence was not collaberated by the Central Intelligence Agency nor NSA, two United States Government agencies with resources and experience in uncovering foreign influence and espionage. So this “high bar” is acquired from paid influential sources and NOT independent government agencies under an administration who’s job is in foreign intelligence.

Now you want to tell me more about this “high bar” standard? I am just getting warmed up, by the way, there's plenty more that I can bring up.
You know this type of lawless presidency isn’t normal don’t you. Even Richard Nixon would cringe and be appalled if he could see what’s happening.

The federal investigation into the president’s personal attorney changes the legal and political calculus for Trump, Mueller, and Cohen. “As things heat up, the next big thing will be a shift from things like ‘What was the Russian involvement in the campaign?’ to ‘Has the cover-up begun and where is it?’”

The dramatic F.B.I. raid executed Monday against Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, marks a turning point in the Justice Department’s investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. As Trump noted Tuesday morning, in his own madcap way, attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the U.S. legal system. For federal agents to have searched Cohen’s apartment, office, and hotel room, prosecutors must have convinced a judge that a raid was necessary to obtain evidence of a crime that Cohen might have attempted to hide or destroy if he was issued a subpoena. The implications, for Cohen and for Trump, are potentially explosive. “I suppose you could say that it is Trump’s moment of truth,” Bob Bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel, told me. “It is the red line he always seemed to draw in his bitter complaints about the Mueller investigation—now here we are. Cohen would not be a subject or target that Trump would wish to have flipped against him.”

To those of you who are still unclear why and how the raid happened and it’s ramifications, this article is a nice summary.

“Trump’s Moment of Truth”: Will Mueller Flip Cohen? — Vanity Fair
What's really funny is that 6 Trumpbots gave you funnies. Whether this is Trump's moment of truth or not I have no idea. But you have hit the nail squarely on the head as to why Trump is fuming. It's not because the search warrants were flawed. Trump threw Cohen under the bus when he said the payments were just Cohen's deal. Cohen can't take 130K out of his bank account without paperwork to the gummit. If he did, it's a crime. And it carries felony jail time, just as Denny Hassert.

But damn right Trump is "wigging out" (pun intended) that even though Stormy and the search warrants weren't at all tied to Russiagate .... guess what? Wait for it..... Cohen and Mueller can have a little chat, and what Cohen has to say can affect just not his stay out of federal jail, but also future ability to earn a living. Yes, boys and girls its ..... time for the legal extortion game again brought to you by your not so friendly federal prosecutor. Any crime Trump committed, whether tied to Stormy or not, is fair game for Mueller. All that Mueller has to show is that Cohen actively participated in committing the crime or covering it up. If Cohen crossed the line between offering advice as to what Trump could legally do, to helping him cover up a crime, it's fair game for Mueller.
Just like the bar was exceptionally high to obtain a FISA warrant, using a dossier that relies on a retired British agent, paid by Hillary Clinton through Fusion GPS, to obtain information that a political candidate colluded witha foreign government to try and effect the outcome of an election. Do you see the irony of that statement?
No. How could I? It's not even a complete sentence....It's a long run-on that's missing a subject.
You know this type of lawless presidency isn’t normal don’t you. Even Richard Nixon would cringe and be appalled if he could see what’s happening.

The federal investigation into the president’s personal attorney changes the legal and political calculus for Trump, Mueller, and Cohen. “As things heat up, the next big thing will be a shift from things like ‘What was the Russian involvement in the campaign?’ to ‘Has the cover-up begun and where is it?’”

The dramatic F.B.I. raid executed Monday against Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, marks a turning point in the Justice Department’s investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. As Trump noted Tuesday morning, in his own madcap way, attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the U.S. legal system. For federal agents to have searched Cohen’s apartment, office, and hotel room, prosecutors must have convinced a judge that a raid was necessary to obtain evidence of a crime that Cohen might have attempted to hide or destroy if he was issued a subpoena. The implications, for Cohen and for Trump, are potentially explosive. “I suppose you could say that it is Trump’s moment of truth,” Bob Bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel, told me. “It is the red line he always seemed to draw in his bitter complaints about the Mueller investigation—now here we are. Cohen would not be a subject or target that Trump would wish to have flipped against him.”

To those of you who are still unclear why and how the raid happened and it’s ramifications, this article is a nice summary.

“Trump’s Moment of Truth”: Will Mueller Flip Cohen? — Vanity Fair

But but but but but but but Vanity Fair said that Cohen would flip! Where's my pussyhat? Where are the Tide Pods?!
If you had jail staring at you in the face would you flip?
I won’t be surprised if you refuse to answer.
You know this type of lawless presidency isn’t normal don’t you. Even Richard Nixon would cringe and be appalled if he could see what’s happening.

The federal investigation into the president’s personal attorney changes the legal and political calculus for Trump, Mueller, and Cohen. “As things heat up, the next big thing will be a shift from things like ‘What was the Russian involvement in the campaign?’ to ‘Has the cover-up begun and where is it?’”

The dramatic F.B.I. raid executed Monday against Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, marks a turning point in the Justice Department’s investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. As Trump noted Tuesday morning, in his own madcap way, attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the U.S. legal system. For federal agents to have searched Cohen’s apartment, office, and hotel room, prosecutors must have convinced a judge that a raid was necessary to obtain evidence of a crime that Cohen might have attempted to hide or destroy if he was issued a subpoena. The implications, for Cohen and for Trump, are potentially explosive. “I suppose you could say that it is Trump’s moment of truth,” Bob Bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel, told me. “It is the red line he always seemed to draw in his bitter complaints about the Mueller investigation—now here we are. Cohen would not be a subject or target that Trump would wish to have flipped against him.”

To those of you who are still unclear why and how the raid happened and it’s ramifications, this article is a nice summary.

“Trump’s Moment of Truth”: Will Mueller Flip Cohen? — Vanity Fair
What's really funny is that 6 Trumpbots gave you funnies. Whether this is Trump's moment of truth or not I have no idea. But you have hit the nail squarely on the head as to why Trump is fuming. It's not because the search warrants were flawed. Trump threw Cohen under the bus when he said the payments were just Cohen's deal. Cohen can't take 130K out of his bank account without paperwork to the gummit. If he did, it's a crime. And it carries felony jail time, just as Denny Hassert.

But damn right Trump is "wigging out" (pun intended) that even though Stormy and the search warrants weren't at all tied to Russiagate .... guess what? Wait for it..... Cohen and Mueller can have a little chat, and what Cohen has to say can affect just not his stay out of federal jail, but also future ability to earn a living. Yes, boys and girls its ..... time for the legal extortion game again brought to you by your not so friendly federal prosecutor. Any crime Trump committed, whether tied to Stormy or not, is fair game for Mueller. All that Mueller has to show is that Cohen actively participated in committing the crime or covering it up. If Cohen crossed the line between offering advice as to what Trump could legally do, to helping him cover up a crime, it's fair game for Mueller.
It’s now being reported Cohen is going the plead the fifth in the Stormy Daniels issue.
Some predict Trump will too.
They’re guilty and scared out of their minds.
This administration has turned into an unmitigated disaster.
So what crime is illedged to have been committed to justify breaking attorney client prriviledge
It's not even clear to me that attorney-client privilege been broken. AFAIK, the DoJ sent in a "tait team" to execute the search warrant. According to Cohen, the team that conducted the search were respectful. Cohen's certainly not griping about what they took or how they comported themselves, so I have no reason to think they violated attorney-client privilege.

Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation? You can uncover substantial evidence without crossing legal boundaries of an agency working in collaboration with a special council, a council that has no oversight. Mullier had an original mandate that focuses around the time of presidential election and with regard to collusion effecting the outcome of an election, he has exceeeded that boundary to go into personal affairs prior to an individual seeking involvement in the political process.
Can you perhaps provide when a Federal Government raises the house of a personal attorney representing a client under investigation?
What? To answer your question directly, no, I cannot identify such an occurrence. That said, AFAIK, Cohen's house is still standing.

So no other occurrence can be provided of a Federal Government investigation leading to the FBI raid on a personal attorney of a politician currently under investigation.

The concern of breaching client attorney privileged information leads me towards another inquiry that I would like an answer. Why wasn’t Cohen allowed to delete and destroy material that Trump believes are too personal and has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation? How would it be perceived if SIM cards from cell phones were quickly destroyed, and bleach bit was used? I’m bringing these set of questions up because “personal information” being determined and controlled by the individual under investigation, has been the defense and excuse offered when it comes to the need to seize records.

Setting even that aside, based on all the information provided, we have no report of an initial crime actually being committed since the election was decided. All we DO have is the assumption [big dufference] of what some believe “must be” and based on no real conclusive evidence. Can you provide any linked information to support a reply to the contrary?
So no other occurrence can be provided of a Federal Government investigation leading to the FBI raid on a personal attorney of a politician currently under investigation.
What? You didn't even ask about that? And whose attorney be raided isn't relevant. What evidence the FBI have sufficient probable cause to think executing a search is the only way to obtain it is what matters. The fact of the matter is that to serve a search warrant to any practicing attorney is an exceptional matter for which the bar for obtaining a warrant is higher than it is for literally everyone else.
Cohen is no different in that regard. The DoJ/FBI don't, in conducting investigations, care about who one is or what be the politics. If they did, they couldn't do the actual work of investigating. The most they'll do is make sure to "dot every eye and cross every tee" because they aren't ignorant of the politics surrounding a given investigation, but they don't conduct the investigation in terms of the politics.

Frankly, I couldn't tell you who the FBI has raided other than Paul Manafort. You will find cited in the materials above cases where attorneys have been so served.

Setting even that aside, based on all the information provided, we have no report of an initial crime actually being committed since the election was decided.
What? Do you understand what an investigation is and what one is not?

Why wasn’t Cohen allowed to delete and destroy material that Trump believes are too personal and has absolutely nothing to do with the investigation?
You have to ask that? Is the answer not obvious? Cohen's and Trump's track record of incessantly misrepresenting facts -- great and small -- saying pretty much anything without regard to it's being true led the FBI to distrust him (and Trump I suspect).

Did you just emerge from a cave and read the story about the search of Cohen's offices and home and otherwise know nothing about either of them? One of them lies and the other swears to it, and the things lied about range from "big" to "miniscule." There's literally no palter that's beyond Trump, not even his own name.

Setting even that aside, based on all the information provided, we have no report of an initial crime actually being committed since the election was decided.
Unless and until there's an arrest or indictment, we're not going to. You do realize the FBI and cops in general conduct thousands of investigations about which nobody ever hears because the investigation happens and no criminally prosecutable acts are identified? That's as it should be, frankly. Why should anyone, the general public, need to know that "so and so" was under investigation for something and it was determined that they'd done nothing for which they could be held culpable? To inform "everyone" of such a thing can compromise a person's reputation, their job, their relationships, etc.

The only reason we know about investigations of some political figures (or anyone else suspected of "white-collar" crimes, for that matter) is because they are "A-List" political figures and/or the accusations pertaining to them are publicly made by someone. To wit, the FBI was quietly investigating Russian meddling for six or seven months (Sometime in July 2016 to January 20, 2017) before it became public that they were.
Suggestion: it might be good to limit your number of facts when you want the cult to read them. Once they get past about 20 words their mind wanders and they move on.
You know this type of lawless presidency isn’t normal don’t you. Even Richard Nixon would cringe and be appalled if he could see what’s happening.

The federal investigation into the president’s personal attorney changes the legal and political calculus for Trump, Mueller, and Cohen. “As things heat up, the next big thing will be a shift from things like ‘What was the Russian involvement in the campaign?’ to ‘Has the cover-up begun and where is it?’”

The dramatic F.B.I. raid executed Monday against Michael Cohen, the president’s personal attorney, marks a turning point in the Justice Department’s investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. As Trump noted Tuesday morning, in his own madcap way, attorney-client privilege is a cornerstone of the U.S. legal system. For federal agents to have searched Cohen’s apartment, office, and hotel room, prosecutors must have convinced a judge that a raid was necessary to obtain evidence of a crime that Cohen might have attempted to hide or destroy if he was issued a subpoena. The implications, for Cohen and for Trump, are potentially explosive. “I suppose you could say that it is Trump’s moment of truth,” Bob Bauer, the former Obama White House general counsel, told me. “It is the red line he always seemed to draw in his bitter complaints about the Mueller investigation—now here we are. Cohen would not be a subject or target that Trump would wish to have flipped against him.”

To those of you who are still unclear why and how the raid happened and it’s ramifications, this article is a nice summary.

“Trump’s Moment of Truth”: Will Mueller Flip Cohen? — Vanity Fair

No one really believes this raid was about Stormy Daniels--:auiqs.jpg: So Mueller found something in his investigation, handed it over to Rosenstein who then gave it to the Southern District of New York (meaning Trump can't pardon Cohen now.) The FBI took records dating back to 2013---(and yes that was the time that Trump was holding the Miss Universe contest there) and meeting & planning with Russian Oligarchs on building the Trump Tower in downtown Moscow.) So the Southern District will find something related to this, and then kick it back to Mueller--(yes they can legally do that) and then we'll get another guilty plea deal. Michael Cohen working with Robert Mueller.

This raid is the equivalent of J. Edgar Hoover snatching Al Capone's accountant.



Very well written, easy to read, and extremely hard to put down.

Top best seller on Amazon today.
Isakoff and Corn are very thorough in this book. I’ve read excerpts of it plus they’re both on the nightly news shows a lot.
The feds have a treasure trove of info on Cohen and Trump. They couldn’t have broken any laws together could they? Lol

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