Trump's fascism is better than the fascism we already have.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Baby Boomers are quickly becoming the silent generation. We’ve had a good run and now, in our 70’s, those still in good health with clear heads can reflect on our time as citizens of the United States. On the first day at my high school in 1963 we had all been assigned home rooms and before we had settled into our seats the intercom chatter was interrupted with a stern announcement from the Assistant Principal’s office.

A list of 21 names was rattled off and mine was one of them. We were officially ordered to report to that office immediately. My home room teacher walked up to me and said nothing. He just pointed his finger at me and swung it toward the door.

Most of us had no idea why were there as we stood outside the locked door with three official looking people talking inside. Then the assistant Principal emerged and like a drill sergeant or Gestapo officer he walked the line of confused students conducting a visual inspection. The uncertain silence was deafening as we awaited our fate.

“I’m only going to say this once!” “Get a haircut and get it today or don’t bother coming back tomorrow!” We were then shown the door. Some walked home; some were allowed to call their parents. Even though we had yet to study fascism, we had seen it in action. We learned two things that day-the school was running the show and the world isn’t fair-The Beatles? Who the hell were they?

And those were the good old days when students were actually taught to read with comprehension and to write coherently. We know now that people are leaving college today unable to read the contents of restaurant menu or to cobble together enough words to compose a respectable grocery list.

1963 was pre-history before the Great Society, before Sputnik-inspired student loans, before teachers’ unions. The “armed conflict” in Vietnam followed young men like a dark cloud. US-aimed missiles in Cuba were just 90 miles away. I grew my hair and joined a rock band.

Oddly, the US today is a much more dangerous place. The semi-literacy of the Great society haunts us. The Orwellian, childlike dependence of our society has destroyed families. An overarching, leftist/fascist government feeds itself by actively seeking interlopers from the armpit of the world to supplant and overthrow the self-reliant.

I'll take Trump's brand of fascism over theirs.
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The left is trying to change the definition of fascism to hide their own fascist ways and point the finger at Trump and the right, but if you know the true meaning of fascism you will know that the left are the fascists, always have been.
Baby Boomers are quickly becoming the silent generation. We’ve had a good run and now, in our 70’s, those still in good health with clear heads can reflect on our time as citizens of the United States. On the first day at my high school in 1963 we had all been assigned home rooms and before we had settled into our seats the intercom chatter was interrupted with a stern announcement from the Assistant Principal’s office.

A list of 21 names was rattled off and mine was one of them. We were officially ordered to report to that office immediately. My home room teacher walked up to me and said nothing. He just pointed his finger at me and swung it toward the door.

Most of us had no idea why were there as we stood outside the locked door with three official looking people talking inside. Then the assistant Principal emerged and like a drill sergeant or Gestapo officer he walked the line of confused students conducting a visual inspection. The uncertain silence was deafening as we awaited our fate.

“I’m only going to say this once!” “Get a haircut and get it today or don’t bother coming back tomorrow!” We were then shown the door. Some walked home; some were allowed to call their parents. Even though we had yet to study fascism, we had seen it in action. We learned two things that day-the school was running the show and the world isn’t fair-The Beatles? Who the hell were they?

And those were the good old days when students were actually taught to read with comprehension and to write coherently. We know now that people are leaving college today unable to read the contents of restaurant menu or to cobble together enough words to compose a respectable grocery list.

1963 was pre-history before the Great Society, before Sputnik-inspired student loans, before teachers’ unions. The “armed conflict” in Vietnam followed young men like a dark cloud. US-aimed missiles in Cuba were just 90 miles away. I grew my hair and joined a rock band.

Oddly, the US today is a much more dangerous place. The semi-literacy of the Great society haunts us. The Orwellian, childlike dependence of our society has destroyed families. An overarching government feeds itself by actively seeking interlopers from the armpit of the world to supplant and overthrow the self-reliant.

I’ll take the fascism.

Trump is not a fascist......the democrats, and their desire for government control are the fascists.
- Forcing citizens to pay for birth control for other people

- Entertaining the notion of punishing people who don’t believe in man-made climate change.

- Policing people to make sure they use the correct light bulb.

Examples of Fascism, though not originating on the Conservative spectrum.

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