Trump Was Right


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
NATO is not our concern anymore. European nations are not paying what they promised and Americans have been carrying their load for decades. Pull out of NATO. If Europe wants to keep NATO going that’s their business.

Our borders need protection. We have a process for becoming a US citizen and it needs to be used. Millions are flooding into America just to get on welfare. Illegal drugs are flooding into our nation across the border. Build the wall. If you believe solar electricity is the future we can electrify the wall if you like.

The UN is worthless. Pull out of the UN and evict them from New York. Tear down the building and put a nice waterfront park there for New Yorkers. If other nations want a UN they can meet in Sudan or Iran.

Jobs belong in America. We give taxes to thousands of worthless projects for trillions a year. Give tax breaks to companies bringing jobs home.

Education system is in shambles and ruled by America haters. Put the power of education in the hands of parents, not career government employees who look up to Karl Marx.

The Federal government needs to be gutted. I’ve posted the hundreds of departments of the Federal government before. You’ve never heard of 2/3 of them and if the disappeared tomorrow nobody would notice.
The world needs a strong America. This is one major issue I disagree with Trump EXCEPT his belief that other countries need to pay more.

My belief is that Trump was overselling his anger to basically force other countries to pay their fair share. It worked. I doubt he would leave NATO, he just understands how to win in such "negotiations" if they can be characterized as such.

By the way, America can do both. You can easily build a wall and deny so many illegal entrants while also ensuring a strong, global military force.
As you have seen in Ukey Land , where frightened Americans wanted others to do their dirty work , NATO was and remains a total wash out .

Russia pre-empted an invasion by NATO into Russian territory with half the number of the UAF .
Since then they have sliced three armies into fragments and are now running over the UAF fouth army .
NATO is a shambles .
The US is no longer a military threat for profesional forces .
NATO is not our concern anymore. European nations are not paying what they promised and Americans have been carrying their load for decades. Pull out of NATO. If Europe wants to keep NATO going that’s their business.

Our borders need protection. We have a process for becoming a US citizen and it needs to be used. Millions are flooding into America just to get on welfare. Illegal drugs are flooding into our nation across the border. Build the wall. If you believe solar electricity is the future we can electrify the wall if you like.

The UN is worthless. Pull out of the UN and evict them from New York. Tear down the building and put a nice waterfront park there for New Yorkers. If other nations want a UN they can meet in Sudan or Iran.

Jobs belong in America. We give taxes to thousands of worthless projects for trillions a year. Give tax breaks to companies bringing jobs home.

Education system is in shambles and ruled by America haters. Put the power of education in the hands of parents, not career government employees who look up to Karl Marx.

The Federal government needs to be gutted. I’ve posted the hundreds of departments of the Federal government before. You’ve never heard of 2/3 of them and if the disappeared tomorrow nobody would notice.
Actually, this is the wrong target at this time.

The UN needs to be destroyed first. Then we can just walk away from NATO.

The UN is a real danger to the world.
History shows what happens if you want to be neutral

in WW1 the US was neutral for about 2 to 3 years and eventually the US was attacked. A year and half later a truce was signed

Germany even made overtures to help Mexico get land back lost in the Mexican-American war that was now part of the US

German attacked first and sank US merchant ships and other ships carrying Americans

Americans got pissed and jumped into the war

Yeah neutrality is nice but in this world is it possible

Then there was WW2

The US was neutral again

The US got attacked again

US declared war on Japan and the German declared war on the US. America wanting to stay out of the war was but was supplying weapons to the allies even before declaring war. The US was not neutral but they avoided the fight until they had to fight

And now we are the only country that nuked somebody as the easy way out

Peace is nice but sometimes they won't let you be peaceful

because the US is a factor that will have to be dealt with sooner or later

Cuba eventually severed ties with the US when Castro came to power and the US wanted to invade and did invade. It was a disaster but I guess the US was not serious about it.

TRUMP was establishing a working relationship with Putin and the DEEP STATE HATED THIS !!!!!!! So they started to call TRUMP a Putin lap dog. Why do the Deep State Democrats want to attack Russia ??? Its because Russia is against the New World Order.

The DEEP STATE said they wanted to take out 7 Middle Eastern Countries back during the PNAC days.
For those who want to make the delusional argument that DC is not a swamp. Federal government departments. Each with its own hierarchy of staff and facilities.

If 4/5 of the Federal government ceased to exist today I bet 14 people outside of government would notice.

NATO is not our concern anymore. European nations are not paying what they promised and Americans have been carrying their load for decades. Pull out of NATO. If Europe wants to keep NATO going that’s their business.

Our borders need protection. We have a process for becoming a US citizen and it needs to be used. Millions are flooding into America just to get on welfare. Illegal drugs are flooding into our nation across the border. Build the wall. If you believe solar electricity is the future we can electrify the wall if you like.

The UN is worthless. Pull out of the UN and evict them from New York. Tear down the building and put a nice waterfront park there for New Yorkers. If other nations want a UN they can meet in Sudan or Iran.

Jobs belong in America. We give taxes to thousands of worthless projects for trillions a year. Give tax breaks to companies bringing jobs home.

Education system is in shambles and ruled by America haters. Put the power of education in the hands of parents, not career government employees who look up to Karl Marx.

The Federal government needs to be gutted. I’ve posted the hundreds of departments of the Federal government before. You’ve never heard of 2/3 of them and if the disappeared tomorrow nobody would notice.
Isolationism and extreme nationalism failed before but sure, let's try it again. Maybe Einstein was wrong.
Isolationism and extreme nationalism failed before but sure, let's try it again. Maybe Einstein was wrong.
A lot of this is preprogrammed. Whether the target nation gets involved from being in on the scam or not knowing. Certain agendas within some governments can be influenced to force another nation's actions. It was not accident that a few years after the Federal Reserve is created, we are quickly in a war. then we have the Federal Reserve print massive money into the nation for what was called the Roaring 20's. And then sharply shut down the money spigot with a very nervous overgrown stock market in 1929 causing a decade of misery and impoverishment for Americans who did no wrong. Which got most Americans ready for anything. And the planned War that came from the depression was it.
Teabaggers, just like their dear leader, are brain dead.
Had we taken their advice during WII, we would be speaking Japanese or German.
A lot of this is preprogrammed. Whether the target nation gets involved from being in on the scam or not knowing. Certain agendas within some governments can be influenced to force another nation's actions. It was not accident that a few years after the Federal Reserve is created, we are quickly in a war. then we have the Federal Reserve print massive money into the nation for what was called the Roaring 20's. And then sharply shut down the money spigot with a very nervous overgrown stock market in 1929 causing a decade of misery and impoverishment for Americans who did no wrong. Which got most Americans ready for anything. And the planned War that came from the depression was it.
Did anyone in on this massive conspiracy ever come clean?

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