Trump up over 20 in Florida,Bests Clinton as well


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains
Trump Holds +20 Lead In FL; Fares Best Against Hillary - Breitbart

He is beating Clinton BEFORE he even starts attacking her....she has PLENTY of things to drag out as well..I can't wait! The democrats war on women shit won't work or they won't bring it up against Trump because he will fling it right back at them with Bill's rape and assaults and abuse of women for decades and Hillary's protecting and defending a KNOWN child rapist by her own admission.
Clinton 3.5 over Trump in Florida.

The accurate poll has Trump ahead of Rubio by only eight points, and that is shrinking.
Trump Holds +20 Lead In FL; Fares Best Against Hillary - Breitbart

He is beating Clinton BEFORE he even starts attacking her....she has PLENTY of things to drag out as well..I can't wait! The democrats war on women shit won't work or they won't bring it up against Trump because he will fling it right back at them with Bill's rape and assaults and abuse of women for decades and Hillary's protecting and defending a KNOWN child rapist by her own admission.

Trump was ahead in Maine also, and look what happened on the night. So I put no stock in any poll.
Florida..... Trump +1 over Clinton

Rasmussen Reports 2/29 - 3/1 1000 LV 3.0 41 36 Clinton +5
CNN/ORC 2/24 - 2/27 920 RV 3.0 52 44 Clinton +8
FOX News 2/15 - 2/17 1031 RV 3.0 47 42 Clinton +5
USA Today/Suffolk 2/11 - 2/15 1000 LV 3.0 43 45 Trump +2
Quinnipiac 2/10 - 2/15 1342 RV 2.7 44 43 Clinton +1
Every poll within the margin of error except for the clinton communication network aka CNN
Trump Holds +20 Lead In FL; Fares Best Against Hillary - Breitbart

He is beating Clinton BEFORE he even starts attacking her....she has PLENTY of things to drag out as well..I can't wait! The democrats war on women shit won't work or they won't bring it up against Trump because he will fling it right back at them with Bill's rape and assaults and abuse of women for decades and Hillary's protecting and defending a KNOWN child rapist by her own admission.

Trump was ahead in Maine also, and look what happened on the night. So I put no stock in any poll.

Well 1. Maine is where they cheated Ron Paul in 2012 AND How old were the polls that showed Trump up?
Florida..... Trump +1 over Clinton

Rasmussen Reports 2/29 - 3/1 1000 LV 3.0 41 36 Clinton +5
CNN/ORC 2/24 - 2/27 920 RV 3.0 52 44 Clinton +8
FOX News 2/15 - 2/17 1031 RV 3.0 47 42 Clinton +5
USA Today/Suffolk 2/11 - 2/15 1000 LV 3.0 43 45 Trump +2
Quinnipiac 2/10 - 2/15 1342 RV 2.7 44 43 Clinton +1
Every poll within the margin of error except for the clinton communication network aka CNN
Trump Holds +20 Lead In FL; Fares Best Against Hillary - Breitbart

He is beating Clinton BEFORE he even starts attacking her....she has PLENTY of things to drag out as well..I can't wait! The democrats war on women shit won't work or they won't bring it up against Trump because he will fling it right back at them with Bill's rape and assaults and abuse of women for decades and Hillary's protecting and defending a KNOWN child rapist by her own admission.

Trump was ahead in Maine also, and look what happened on the night. So I put no stock in any poll.

Well 1. Maine is where they cheated Ron Paul in 2012 AND How old were the polls that showed Trump up?

If I remember the week going into Maine poll The Donald had big lead, also didn't Louisiana polls show him with big lead and then he did win but was it 4% or 5%, either way it was much much smaller than the polls were saying.

They say he has big lead in Michigan, but again, I take all these polls with a pinch of salt now.

I just hope Michigan and Mississippi tonight isn't as stressful as waiting for Louisiana and Kentucky on Saturday, those counts went at a snail's pace.
its politics



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