Trump Supporters to be Hit Hardest by GOP Healthcare Plan


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
No surprise there.

Will President Trump step up and protect his supporters?

The House Republican effort to overhaul the Affordable Care Act could hit many rural areas particularly hard, according to a new analysis, sharply increasing the cost for some residents buying their own insurance. ...

Of the 100 counties where a 62-year-old making three times the federal poverty level—generally around $36,000—would see the biggest jump in annual costs for a plan under the Republican blueprint, 97 were rural. “It is disproportionately affecting the rural,” said Dianna Welch, an actuary at Oliver Wyman.

The dynamic may present a political challenge for Republicans, because many rural regions strongly supported President Donald Trump. ...​

GOP Health Plan Would Hit Rural Areas Hard
The fact is that any middle class 62 year old on Obama care used to be able to buy a good used car with what he is now responsible for in the Obamacare deductible insurance scam. Obamacare is freaking imploding and all we see is propaganda from democrats who never even read the freaking bill before they voted for it.
The fact is that any middle class 62 year old on Obama care used to be able to buy a good used car with what he is now responsible for in the Obamacare deductible insurance scam. Obamacare is freaking imploding and all we see is propaganda from democrats who never even read the freaking bill before they voted for it.

It's imploding so we have to throw people overboard to help them! :spinner:
The Rs are so dumb they are going fuck up Obamacare even worse then Obama.
I know the gut reaction is to say they deserve what they get...

Saying that means that 80 year old woman whose life savings gets wiped out in a con "deserves it".

Nobody deserves to be grifted.
No surprise there.

Will President Trump step up and protect his supporters?

The House Republican effort to overhaul the Affordable Care Act could hit many rural areas particularly hard, according to a new analysis, sharply increasing the cost for some residents buying their own insurance. ...

Of the 100 counties where a 62-year-old making three times the federal poverty level—generally around $36,000—would see the biggest jump in annual costs for a plan under the Republican blueprint, 97 were rural. “It is disproportionately affecting the rural,” said Dianna Welch, an actuary at Oliver Wyman.

The dynamic may present a political challenge for Republicans, because many rural regions strongly supported President Donald Trump. ...​

GOP Health Plan Would Hit Rural Areas Hard
Here is the new liberal theme song.

All this is beyond stupid. The repeal of "Obamacare", or the Affordable Care Act is not about choice, not about providing access to health care to anyone, not about rising health insurance premiums, not about anything that has a damn thing to do with health care.

It is about 4.7%.

Understand, this shit makes me spitting mad. It's a damn joke. Going to be damn ironic when all those people complaining about taking money from one group to pay for another see their health care costs skyrocket, to the tune of five or six thousand dollars a year for the average income 55 year old. And that money is going DIRECTLY, you got that, DIRECTLY into the pockets of the upper income investors currently paying

that 4.7%

That is all this is about. Currently, the subsidies are paid directly to the insurance companies. Under the new plan, same thing. Subsidies paid directly to the insurance companies. Difference, amount. If you are 55 years old, busting your ass making sixty grand a year, well your subsidy is going to be cut by about five hundred dollars. More in some states, less in others. You have to make up the difference. You pay more. Guess who pays less.

Married individuals that have a AGI above $250,000 currently pay a 3.8% surtax on all investment income, they also pay a .9% Medicare tax on that investment income. The total

that 4.7%

Let me tell you what that means. For the one percent, it is the full cost of tuition at the finest private school in the area. Yeah, I am talking Riverdale Country School in New York City, a pre-school at forty grand a year. For the .1%, well honest to god, it's the lease on a hundred foot plus yacht for the entire month of August, on the French Riviera. Yeah, a cool quarter million.

Nope, you can spin it how you want. Hell, you can call it class warfare if you want. I don't give a shit what you call, I tell you what I see.

I see thousands of fifty and sixty year olds suddenly hit with about a five hundred dollars a month in increased costs. The healthy ones, they are going to dump their health insurance in a New York minute. Honestly, some of them are going to DIE. Others, mostly those with chronic illnesses or a fear of bad genes. Oh wait, insurance companies can start using genetic testing too. OK. Scratch the bad genes. They don't get health insurance except through the high risk pool. Couple grand a month premium. So, the ones with chronic illnesses will sacrifice, do without those trips to see the grandkids out of state, no more Friday night buffets, fix the old clunker, again. SAD

And on the other hand. Well it's like free tuition for all the millionaire pre-schoolers at Riverdale. It really is. Money from one place going to another. And the ironic part, they asked for it.
The fact is that any middle class 62 year old on Obama care used to be able to buy a good used car with what he is now responsible for in the Obamacare deductible insurance scam. Obamacare is freaking imploding and all we see is propaganda from democrats who never even read the freaking bill before they voted for it.

It's imploding so we have to throw people overboard to help them! :spinner:
You passed this law seven years ago to help them. WTF happened?
All this is beyond stupid. The repeal of "Obamacare", or the Affordable Care Act is not about choice, not about providing access to health care to anyone, not about rising health insurance premiums, not about anything that has a damn thing to do with health care.

It is about 4.7%.

Understand, this shit makes me spitting mad. It's a damn joke. Going to be damn ironic when all those people complaining about taking money from one group to pay for another see their health care costs skyrocket, to the tune of five or six thousand dollars a year for the average income 55 year old. And that money is going DIRECTLY, you got that, DIRECTLY into the pockets of the upper income investors currently paying

that 4.7%

That is all this is about. Currently, the subsidies are paid directly to the insurance companies. Under the new plan, same thing. Subsidies paid directly to the insurance companies. Difference, amount. If you are 55 years old, busting your ass making sixty grand a year, well your subsidy is going to be cut by about five hundred dollars. More in some states, less in others. You have to make up the difference. You pay more. Guess who pays less.

Married individuals that have a AGI above $250,000 currently pay a 3.8% surtax on all investment income, they also pay a .9% Medicare tax on that investment income. The total

that 4.7%

Let me tell you what that means. For the one percent, it is the full cost of tuition at the finest private school in the area. Yeah, I am talking Riverdale Country School in New York City, a pre-school at forty grand a year. For the .1%, well honest to god, it's the lease on a hundred foot plus yacht for the entire month of August, on the French Riviera. Yeah, a cool quarter million.

Nope, you can spin it how you want. Hell, you can call it class warfare if you want. I don't give a shit what you call, I tell you what I see.

I see thousands of fifty and sixty year olds suddenly hit with about a five hundred dollars a month in increased costs. The healthy ones, they are going to dump their health insurance in a New York minute. Honestly, some of them are going to DIE. Others, mostly those with chronic illnesses or a fear of bad genes. Oh wait, insurance companies can start using genetic testing too. OK. Scratch the bad genes. They don't get health insurance except through the high risk pool. Couple grand a month premium. So, the ones with chronic illnesses will sacrifice, do without those trips to see the grandkids out of state, no more Friday night buffets, fix the old clunker, again. SAD

And on the other hand. Well it's like free tuition for all the millionaire pre-schoolers at Riverdale. It really is. Money from one place going to another. And the ironic part, they asked for it.
I had no idea North Carolina had the kind of drugs you're on legalized.
All this is beyond stupid. The repeal of "Obamacare", or the Affordable Care Act is not about choice, not about providing access to health care to anyone, not about rising health insurance premiums, not about anything that has a damn thing to do with health care.

It is about 4.7%.

Understand, this shit makes me spitting mad. It's a damn joke. Going to be damn ironic when all those people complaining about taking money from one group to pay for another see their health care costs skyrocket, to the tune of five or six thousand dollars a year for the average income 55 year old. And that money is going DIRECTLY, you got that, DIRECTLY into the pockets of the upper income investors currently paying

that 4.7%

That is all this is about. Currently, the subsidies are paid directly to the insurance companies. Under the new plan, same thing. Subsidies paid directly to the insurance companies. Difference, amount. If you are 55 years old, busting your ass making sixty grand a year, well your subsidy is going to be cut by about five hundred dollars. More in some states, less in others. You have to make up the difference. You pay more. Guess who pays less.

Married individuals that have a AGI above $250,000 currently pay a 3.8% surtax on all investment income, they also pay a .9% Medicare tax on that investment income. The total

that 4.7%

Let me tell you what that means. For the one percent, it is the full cost of tuition at the finest private school in the area. Yeah, I am talking Riverdale Country School in New York City, a pre-school at forty grand a year. For the .1%, well honest to god, it's the lease on a hundred foot plus yacht for the entire month of August, on the French Riviera. Yeah, a cool quarter million.

Nope, you can spin it how you want. Hell, you can call it class warfare if you want. I don't give a shit what you call, I tell you what I see.

I see thousands of fifty and sixty year olds suddenly hit with about a five hundred dollars a month in increased costs. The healthy ones, they are going to dump their health insurance in a New York minute. Honestly, some of them are going to DIE. Others, mostly those with chronic illnesses or a fear of bad genes. Oh wait, insurance companies can start using genetic testing too. OK. Scratch the bad genes. They don't get health insurance except through the high risk pool. Couple grand a month premium. So, the ones with chronic illnesses will sacrifice, do without those trips to see the grandkids out of state, no more Friday night buffets, fix the old clunker, again. SAD

And on the other hand. Well it's like free tuition for all the millionaire pre-schoolers at Riverdale. It really is. Money from one place going to another. And the ironic part, they asked for it.
Right now I am already paying 6000+ per year. It has skyrocketed with Obamacare. We started out at about 3700 and now we are over 6000. That said, I don't see what they are doing is going to stop the escalation. It is the greed of the hospitals that fuels the increase.
All this is beyond stupid. The repeal of "Obamacare", or the Affordable Care Act is not about choice, not about providing access to health care to anyone, not about rising health insurance premiums, not about anything that has a damn thing to do with health care.

It is about 4.7%.

Understand, this shit makes me spitting mad. It's a damn joke. Going to be damn ironic when all those people complaining about taking money from one group to pay for another see their health care costs skyrocket, to the tune of five or six thousand dollars a year for the average income 55 year old. And that money is going DIRECTLY, you got that, DIRECTLY into the pockets of the upper income investors currently paying

that 4.7%

That is all this is about. Currently, the subsidies are paid directly to the insurance companies. Under the new plan, same thing. Subsidies paid directly to the insurance companies. Difference, amount. If you are 55 years old, busting your ass making sixty grand a year, well your subsidy is going to be cut by about five hundred dollars. More in some states, less in others. You have to make up the difference. You pay more. Guess who pays less.

Married individuals that have a AGI above $250,000 currently pay a 3.8% surtax on all investment income, they also pay a .9% Medicare tax on that investment income. The total

that 4.7%

Let me tell you what that means. For the one percent, it is the full cost of tuition at the finest private school in the area. Yeah, I am talking Riverdale Country School in New York City, a pre-school at forty grand a year. For the .1%, well honest to god, it's the lease on a hundred foot plus yacht for the entire month of August, on the French Riviera. Yeah, a cool quarter million.

Nope, you can spin it how you want. Hell, you can call it class warfare if you want. I don't give a shit what you call, I tell you what I see.

I see thousands of fifty and sixty year olds suddenly hit with about a five hundred dollars a month in increased costs. The healthy ones, they are going to dump their health insurance in a New York minute. Honestly, some of them are going to DIE. Others, mostly those with chronic illnesses or a fear of bad genes. Oh wait, insurance companies can start using genetic testing too. OK. Scratch the bad genes. They don't get health insurance except through the high risk pool. Couple grand a month premium. So, the ones with chronic illnesses will sacrifice, do without those trips to see the grandkids out of state, no more Friday night buffets, fix the old clunker, again. SAD

And on the other hand. Well it's like free tuition for all the millionaire pre-schoolers at Riverdale. It really is. Money from one place going to another. And the ironic part, they asked for it.
Right now I am already paying 6000+ per year. It has skyrocketed with Obamacare. We started out at about 3700 and now we are over 6000. That said, I don't see what they are doing is going to stop the escalation. It is the greed of the hospitals that fuels the increase.

Dude, my premium pushes twenty grand, that is with three kids and a young wife. But regardless, subsidy or no subsidy, if you are over 55 this replacement plan is going to cost you some major scratch. Under the ACA your premiums are limited to three times that of younger plan members. That limit goes away. If you have even minimal health problems, welcome to the "high-risk pool", the throwaways that no insurance company will accept. But this ain't about me or you, subsidy or no subsidy, high premiums--who give's a hoot. This is about 4.7%.

And yeah, it pisses me off. As if the measly twenty percent they pay without the surcharge is bad. They ought to pay their income tax rate on that investment income. The fact that they don't is a huge part of the problem with our economy. They ought to pay the full damn near 16% Social Security tax on that income, yet they cry and moan and are willing to shit all over the rest of the country, especially the elderly, just to get rid of the puny ass 4.7% the ACA slapped them with. This bill is some stupid ass shit, no doubt about it. A high school debate team could come up with a better "plan".
Yup this is the early analysis pre-CBO.

The Trumpsters get hurt the worst.

I doubt it will pass. All predictions say it won't.

But if it does then Trump needs to seriously consider vetoing it.
All this is beyond stupid. The repeal of "Obamacare", or the Affordable Care Act is not about choice, not about providing access to health care to anyone, not about rising health insurance premiums, not about anything that has a damn thing to do with health care.

It is about 4.7%.

Understand, this shit makes me spitting mad. It's a damn joke. Going to be damn ironic when all those people complaining about taking money from one group to pay for another see their health care costs skyrocket, to the tune of five or six thousand dollars a year for the average income 55 year old. And that money is going DIRECTLY, you got that, DIRECTLY into the pockets of the upper income investors currently paying

that 4.7%

That is all this is about. Currently, the subsidies are paid directly to the insurance companies. Under the new plan, same thing. Subsidies paid directly to the insurance companies. Difference, amount. If you are 55 years old, busting your ass making sixty grand a year, well your subsidy is going to be cut by about five hundred dollars. More in some states, less in others. You have to make up the difference. You pay more. Guess who pays less.

Married individuals that have a AGI above $250,000 currently pay a 3.8% surtax on all investment income, they also pay a .9% Medicare tax on that investment income. The total

that 4.7%

Let me tell you what that means. For the one percent, it is the full cost of tuition at the finest private school in the area. Yeah, I am talking Riverdale Country School in New York City, a pre-school at forty grand a year. For the .1%, well honest to god, it's the lease on a hundred foot plus yacht for the entire month of August, on the French Riviera. Yeah, a cool quarter million.

Nope, you can spin it how you want. Hell, you can call it class warfare if you want. I don't give a shit what you call, I tell you what I see.

I see thousands of fifty and sixty year olds suddenly hit with about a five hundred dollars a month in increased costs. The healthy ones, they are going to dump their health insurance in a New York minute. Honestly, some of them are going to DIE. Others, mostly those with chronic illnesses or a fear of bad genes. Oh wait, insurance companies can start using genetic testing too. OK. Scratch the bad genes. They don't get health insurance except through the high risk pool. Couple grand a month premium. So, the ones with chronic illnesses will sacrifice, do without those trips to see the grandkids out of state, no more Friday night buffets, fix the old clunker, again. SAD

And on the other hand. Well it's like free tuition for all the millionaire pre-schoolers at Riverdale. It really is. Money from one place going to another. And the ironic part, they asked for it.
I had no idea North Carolina had the kind of drugs you're on legalized.

The drug is called education, and yeah--the universities here, both public and private, are as good as their basketball teams.
All this is beyond stupid. The repeal of "Obamacare", or the Affordable Care Act is not about choice, not about providing access to health care to anyone, not about rising health insurance premiums, not about anything that has a damn thing to do with health care.

It is about 4.7%.

Understand, this shit makes me spitting mad. It's a damn joke. Going to be damn ironic when all those people complaining about taking money from one group to pay for another see their health care costs skyrocket, to the tune of five or six thousand dollars a year for the average income 55 year old. And that money is going DIRECTLY, you got that, DIRECTLY into the pockets of the upper income investors currently paying

that 4.7%

That is all this is about. Currently, the subsidies are paid directly to the insurance companies. Under the new plan, same thing. Subsidies paid directly to the insurance companies. Difference, amount. If you are 55 years old, busting your ass making sixty grand a year, well your subsidy is going to be cut by about five hundred dollars. More in some states, less in others. You have to make up the difference. You pay more. Guess who pays less.

Married individuals that have a AGI above $250,000 currently pay a 3.8% surtax on all investment income, they also pay a .9% Medicare tax on that investment income. The total

that 4.7%

Let me tell you what that means. For the one percent, it is the full cost of tuition at the finest private school in the area. Yeah, I am talking Riverdale Country School in New York City, a pre-school at forty grand a year. For the .1%, well honest to god, it's the lease on a hundred foot plus yacht for the entire month of August, on the French Riviera. Yeah, a cool quarter million.

Nope, you can spin it how you want. Hell, you can call it class warfare if you want. I don't give a shit what you call, I tell you what I see.

I see thousands of fifty and sixty year olds suddenly hit with about a five hundred dollars a month in increased costs. The healthy ones, they are going to dump their health insurance in a New York minute. Honestly, some of them are going to DIE. Others, mostly those with chronic illnesses or a fear of bad genes. Oh wait, insurance companies can start using genetic testing too. OK. Scratch the bad genes. They don't get health insurance except through the high risk pool. Couple grand a month premium. So, the ones with chronic illnesses will sacrifice, do without those trips to see the grandkids out of state, no more Friday night buffets, fix the old clunker, again. SAD

And on the other hand. Well it's like free tuition for all the millionaire pre-schoolers at Riverdale. It really is. Money from one place going to another. And the ironic part, they asked for it.
I had no idea North Carolina had the kind of drugs you're on legalized.

The drug is called education, and yeah--the universities here, both public and private, are as good as their basketball teams.
Umm, it's not working. It's clearly a dillusional drug you think is working well.

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