Trump supporters scream "hang that bitch".

Guess they want to hang the bitch.

I said it. My name is Robert Johnson. I am retired Marine Corps Infantry and fought in Fallujah in 2004 where I was shot in combat. I said 'HANG THAT BITCH!' in regards to Crooked Hillary. She is a traitor and guilty of high treason. The punishment for which when proven guilty in a court of law is Death.
Now I'm a filmmaker. You can watch for free at and

Semper Fidelis,
Robert Johnson
Well good for you!
I said it. My name is Robert Johnson. I am retired Marine Corps Infantry and fought in Fallujah in 2004 where I was shot in combat. I said 'HANG THAT BITCH!' in regards to Crooked Hillary. She is a traitor and guilty of high treason. The punishment for which when proven guilty in a court of law is Death.
Now I'm a filmmaker. You can watch for free at and

Semper Fidelis,
Robert Johnson
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.

Guess they want to hang the bitch.

I said it. My name is Robert Johnson. I am retired Marine Corps Infantry and fought in Fallujah in 2004 where I was shot in combat. I said 'HANG THAT BITCH!' in regards to Crooked Hillary. She is a traitor and guilty of high treason. The punishment for which when proven guilty in a court of law is Death.
Now I'm a filmmaker. You can watch for free at and

Semper Fidelis,
Robert Johnson
Sir Rob? Lol seriously? Who's sock r u?
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.


Trump Supporters--Like Sanders Supporters are not "real" Republicans--like Sanders Supporters are not "real" Democrats.

They are both well below average in intelligence & knowledge and are extremely politically inept. They can't figure out when a candidate is full of bullshit. They campaign on things that don't have a snowballs chance in hell of getting passed into law. The candidates these people will support will always promise the impossible, and use a lot of smoke and mirrors for support. Their supporters are actually victims of ignorance.

The other thing they have in common is this deep seeded cycle of hate. With Trump it is the hate of Hillary Clinton and how they've been screwed over by the establishment. With Bernie Sanders it's the hate of Wall Street Bankers, Corporations, and how they've been screwed over by the establishment. Same mentality, full of conspiracy theory, and well short of any substance.

Real Republicans will not be casting a vote for Donald Trump. They are not centered on hate. They are more pragmatic in thinking and rarely wander off into the weeds of conspiracy theory. They are the majority of the party. Donald Trump does not represent them. They are going to vote for country over party. Many will be sitting out this election cycle but millions more will be voting for Hillary Clinton just to keep Trump out of the Oval office.
Michael Reagan explains why his father wouldn't have voted for Trump -
Republicans for Hillary? -
I’ll Take Hillary Clinton Over Donald Trump
Mac Stipanovich: An open letter to my fellow Republicans
Poll: Nearly half of Republican women wouldn't vote for Trump

Sanders supporters have been hoping for the same outcome as Trump supporters. A criminal indictment of Hillary Clinton over emails. The core group of Sanders supporters hate Hillary Clinton has much as a Trump supporter does. They have worked to smear--to theorize criminal activity all the way from Wall Street speeches, to emails to Benghazi. If you didn't know it, one would think they were talking with a Trump supporter, but they're not. A Trump supporter believes they're going to get a 1000 mile wall, a Sanders supporter believes they'll get free college tuition, Wall Street Bankers will get sent to prison, a $15.00 minimum wage, and both Trump & Sanders supporters believe they'll be successful at opening up those old rusted out manufacturing plants. Both groups are anti-establishment. Basically anything they're told by Trump or Sanders is believable. Because--They only believe what they want to believe.



Unfortunately Republicans took the bait on the Chimpanzee nominee, while Democrats were much smarter and kicked Bernie Sanders to the curb.
Donald Trump the ACCIDENTAL nominee

Hillary Clinton will most certainly be the next POTUS. In their efforts to get a non-establishment candidate they have rino'd themselves right into a Clinton Presidency, a loss of the Senate and down ballot races all across this country. Had Sanders become the nominee election night would have had a reserve outcome, and Donald Trump would have been the next POTUS.

What the far right and left have in common? They don't understand that this country is center, it always has been, it always will be. It will not elect far right or far left candidates, much less a recognized and confirmed socialist, or an offensive ignorant Chimpanzee.

Last edited:
When Bin Laden was taken down, the GOP was no where to be seen. But Mrs. Clinton was. She was right, and they were wrong in letting Bin Laden go. Maybe that's why Republicans hate her so much. Her and Obama succeeded where they failed miserably.
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.


You think those that you would like to call "White trash?" are somehow less American than you? You sound like a highly educated idiot.
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.


And do you ever wonder why foreigners think Americans are fucked up in the head? No, you didn't, because you don't know what foreigners think.
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.


And do you ever wonder why foreigners think Americans are fucked up in the head? No, you didn't, because you don't know what foreigners think.
I work at a company where 60% of the business is overseas. We recently had a sales meeting with more than a hundred salesmen from all over the world.
Of course we talk politics. I know exactly what they think about Bush and Trump. And they often ask questions about the GOP. And liberals aren't the only ones who make comparisons betweeen the GOP and the Nazi's.
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.

But now they’re crying because someone called his daughter a feckless bitch? And they cried about the female comedian at the White House correspondence dinner?
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.

But now they’re crying because someone called his daughter a feckless bitch? And they cried about the female comedian at the White House correspondence dinner?

Trying to revive a thread that died 2 years ago?

There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.

Wow, even back in Jul of 2016 I knew what I was talking about.
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.


And this surprises you how? Oh, I know....that they could put 3 syllables together. My bad
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.


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Secret Service questions teen over Web threats

Scott Baio: Death Threats for Supporting Donald Trump, Cheers for Billy Bush

memeorandum: Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years (Zombie/zomblog)

Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination. Here's how the Secret Service handles it

Hang Trump Fresno State Prof Upset At All the Death Threats
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.


Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years · zomblog

Teen Questioned Over Online Threats Against President Bush

Hillary Supporters Burn American Flag, Riot, Threaten to Kill Trump After Losing Election

5 Times Democrats Made Joking Threats Against Republicans

Man Accused of Threatening President: 'Barbara Bush Is Mine'

Man Gets 16-month Term, Threatened Bush, Others

Death Threats and Intimidation Continue Against Presidential Electors

Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: DEATH THREATS AGAINST BUSH! HOSTED IN calf

Barry Clinton Eckstrom: Threatening Murder Against GW Bush - History

Death Threat-Laced ‘F**k Donald Trump’ Music Video Celebrated By Media | Breitbart

Secret Service questions teen over Web threats

Scott Baio: Death Threats for Supporting Donald Trump, Cheers for Billy Bush

memeorandum: Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years (Zombie/zomblog)

Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination. Here's how the Secret Service handles it

Hang Trump Fresno State Prof Upset At All the Death Threats
You could show this is true with every president. So what?
There Will Be Blood

The first time I heard someone yell “Hang that bitch!” was during a speech by Trump policy advisor Stephen Miller. I heard “hang that bitch” at least twice more during Trump’s speech, remarks that led to the crowd’s calls for Comey to be fired. Trump alleged that former President Bill Clinton had tampered with the FBI’s investigation, and that Hillary had used her position as secretary of state to line her pockets and singlehandedly destabilize the Middle East.

While Trump made the latter case, a man stood up and yelled, “Hang Hillary!”

“Yeah!” another shouted.

Nearly six years have passed since I last heard, in person, somebody call for the death of a politician. I was at a Tea Party informational meeting at the Greene County Fairgrounds outside Bloomfield, Indiana, back when Obamacare was still a dirty word. Speakers equated President Barack Obama with Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalin. They alluded to the Great Famine and the Great Purge. If Obama had his way, they argued, we should all be ready to report to work camps. After the presentation, I listened to farmers and factory workers alike wonder whether to take up arms and march on Washington. If the time had come, as one speaker put it, to “refresh the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants.”

Meanwhile, a man with a copy of The Art of the Deal in his back pocket was ranting to a local TV reporter about Clinton’s private email server. He said Clinton should be “shot, executed” for “high treason.”


So who exactly are these Trump "supporters"?

Today, commentators who try to make sense of Trump’s mass appeal often fall back on “white trash” signifiers, even if the term itself never rises above the level of subtext. A recent New York Times article announced that counties most likely to contain Trump supporters were also likely to be populated by mobile home residents who had no high school diplomas, worked “old economy” jobs, and listed their ancestry as “American” on the U.S. census. Trump’s public persona is the kind of brash, ball-busting bully you want on your side when you have become convinced that no one else will stand up for you. His campaign strategy may be unfamiliar to the democratic process—or at least to its public face—but he comes from a long and well-established tradition of heavies, henchmen, and block bosses. He is, in other words, the kind of leader who might well be called on by a population demographer William Frey described to the Times as “nonurban, blue-collar and now apparently quite angry.” Or, to put it in the kind of blunt terms we associate with the candidate: White trash.


What do Trump supporters want? I've been saying it for months. They want non skilled, easy to do and easy to learn high paying jobs.

Only they don't exist. Trump is promising them a waterfall. All they have to do it catch it and hold on to it. Then it's theirs.


Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years · zomblog

Teen Questioned Over Online Threats Against President Bush

Hillary Supporters Burn American Flag, Riot, Threaten to Kill Trump After Losing Election

5 Times Democrats Made Joking Threats Against Republicans

Man Accused of Threatening President: 'Barbara Bush Is Mine'

Man Gets 16-month Term, Threatened Bush, Others

Death Threats and Intimidation Continue Against Presidential Electors

Internet Anthropologist Think Tank: DEATH THREATS AGAINST BUSH! HOSTED IN calf

Barry Clinton Eckstrom: Threatening Murder Against GW Bush - History

Death Threat-Laced ‘F**k Donald Trump’ Music Video Celebrated By Media | Breitbart

Secret Service questions teen over Web threats

Scott Baio: Death Threats for Supporting Donald Trump, Cheers for Billy Bush

memeorandum: Death Threats Against Bush at Protests Ignored for Years (Zombie/zomblog)

Over 12,000 tweets are calling for Trump's assassination. Here's how the Secret Service handles it

Hang Trump Fresno State Prof Upset At All the Death Threats
You could show this is true with every president. So what?
Explain that to Rdean.

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