Trump signs bill allowing states to defund planned parenthood

You mean Planned Extermination might have to be like other clinics, and stand on their own?
Again, PP is not being handed money. I love it when you assholes have a fit about shit you know nothing about. This is how we got stuck with El Cheeto,.

Well asshole, they get Medicaid money right?

Actually, if they would get out of the abortion business, I would be all for their other services, especially when they hand out birth control to liberals.
Reimbursement for services. I guess you think insurance companies subsidize doctors.

You got caught being an ignorant fuck & you know it.

guess what under Obamacare you end up having to pay those reimbursements back we just had someone from H and R block tell us that. She said these people come in thought they were given credit etc.... In the end of the year bam pay back time.

Only if you underestimated your income like a dumbass like you would do.

You should learn more how the ACA works so you can avoid making such an ass out of yourself.

You estimate your income to set your subsidy. If it increases, you are supposed to make an adjustment.

You people are dumber
Depends on one's definition of "help."
Plan their families, you know, like in the name, planned parenthood. Rich people can pay for their own doctors, poor families can use some help... with legal health care. You want to change some on abortion, fight it at the Supreme Court, don't beat up on poor people because they're an easier target, that's cowardly at best.

Nothing entitles Planned Parenthood, a private organization, to anyone's tax dollars. If states feel they need to provide funding to them to "help" the poor then so be it, but when the federal government oversteps its bounds and tells you you have to, that's the problem.

You moron, they are not talking about funding PP by giving them money, they are talking about reimbursements from Medicaid & such for medical services rendered.

So when it comes for tax time and you are forced to pay for abortions, because the certain plan you have to pick just happen to make SINGLE NON MARRIED MEN also pay for MATERNITY leave are you going to want to pay for some shit that isn't even your issue.

That's as bad as people who have to pay fked up school taxes when they don't even have kids.

It is a rip off scam and they brainwash you non criticle thinkers into falling for the bs, it makes them rich why do you think the CEO of pp gets to drive a car that probably cost more than your house.

Who paid for your education?

When you buy health insurance, your premiums go into a pool. Insurance companies use YOUR money to pay for abortions.

Guess what, dumbass, if birth control is not affordable & not accessible, more will get pregnant and, without abortions, produving more unwanted children who will end up in jail and/or on government programs & you pay for it.

Quit being such a jackass \Like you have never received government help.

First off, birth control is accessible and affordable and 99.9% effective, so there is no such thing as an accidental pregnancy. Again, it's your responsibility to deal with your sex life, not mine. Regarding government help, the only assistance I have ever received was student loans which I am currently paying back with a whole lot of interest. You're welcome.
Everyone knows that Planned Parenthood doesn't use Federal dollars to pay for abortions (wink wink). They keep that money separate (wink wink). They don't look at total revenue minus total expenses (wink wink). They treat each product line as a standalone entity (wink wink).
On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a bill into law allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood and entities that commit abortions from receiving family planning funding under Title X. The new law reverses former President Barack Obama’s 11th hour parting gift to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which contributed heavily to his campaigns.
BREAKING: President Trump signs bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood

Good, too bad so many are under the Democratic control though, they'd rather rake in that money for themselves. But at least the option is there for states who say screw you we will not be part of your CULT.

True. Make it a campaign issue that they won't be able to wiggle out of if elected. Trump just gave churches the right to have an opinion again. Make it count.
We have a RINOcrat in office in Ohio and he is UN rep to the bone.
If the majority of Ohio citizens want abortion abolished in their state, then make sure the governor's opponent knows that.

If churches are going to weigh in on political issues, they should pay tax on the land they own.

But then, they should pay tax on their land - Period.

And wtf is wrong with you fake christians that you want to give big bucks to drumpf's 1% cronies but want poor men, women and children to shut up and die?

Have "christians" always been a front for hate groups? That's all they are now but has it always been so?

And don't pretend that this is about abortion or that you give a flying fuck about fetuses. Its not and you don't.

Just once, have the balls to admit that you just like hurting the poor.

Federal funding ends for abortion mills, and now all poor people are gonna die!
Guess what, dumbass, if birth control is not affordable & not accessible, more will get pregnant and, without abortions, produving more unwanted children who will end up in jail and/or on government programs & you pay for it.

Quit being such a jackass \Like you have never received government help.

First off, birth control is accessible and affordable and 99.9% effective, so there is no such thing as an accidental pregnancy. Again, it's your responsibility to deal with your sex life, not mine. Regarding government help, the only assistance I have ever received was student loans which I am currently paying back with a whole lot of interest. You're welcome.
In real life, condoms are 82% effective taking in account they are not always roperly used & even if used 100% correctly 98%.

At 98% & you have sex 3 times a week, 150 times a year, that is 3 times they would fail in a year.

At 82%, it would be 30 times a year.

So you did mooch off the government. If you were responsible, you would have worked & save money for college. Now, how much government support did that college get? Outside your free elementary & secondary school education.

I love it when you high & mighty trash people who need government help when you suckled of that teat yourself.

Proper birth control requires a doctor visit & then proper methods to match the person.
I love it when you high & mighty trash people who need government help when you suckled of that teat yourself.

Proper birth control requires a doctor visit & then proper methods to match the person.
As usual you can't think your way out of a paper sack. Government getting into student loans is what jacked up tuition rates in the first place so it's unfair to criticize someone for needing help from the source of the problem. If you had an education you would have known.

If a female cannot afford a doctor visit she damn sure isn't ready for sex.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a bill into law allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood and entities that commit abortions from receiving family planning funding under Title X. The new law reverses former President Barack Obama’s 11th hour parting gift to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which contributed heavily to his campaigns.
BREAKING: President Trump signs bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood

Good, too bad so many are under the Democratic control though, they'd rather rake in that money for themselves. But at least the option is there for states who say screw you we will not be part of your CULT.

True. Make it a campaign issue that they won't be able to wiggle out of if elected. Trump just gave churches the right to have an opinion again. Make it count.
We have a RINOcrat in office in Ohio and he is UN rep to the bone.
If the majority of Ohio citizens want abortion abolished in their state, then make sure the governor's opponent knows that.

If churches are going to weigh in on political issues, they should pay tax on the land they own.

But then, they should pay tax on their land - Period.

And wtf is wrong with you fake christians that you want to give big bucks to drumpf's 1% cronies but want poor men, women and children to shut up and die?

Have "christians" always been a front for hate groups? That's all they are now but has it always been so?

And don't pretend that this is about abortion or that you give a flying fuck about fetuses. Its not and you don't.

Just once, have the balls to admit that you just like hurting the poor.

I love it when you high & mighty trash people who need government help when you suckled of that teat yourself.

Proper birth control requires a doctor visit & then proper methods to match the person.
As usual you can't think your way out of a paper sack. Government getting into student loans is what jacked up tuition rates in the first place so it's unfair to criticize someone for needing help from the source of the problem. If you had an education you would have known.

If a female cannot afford a doctor visit she damn sure isn't ready for sex.

So, don't take the government loan & then quit bitching about other people who are on government programs. Its called being a hypocrite - something you Trumpettes are known for.

You have to love your women-hating views. According to you, women are responsible for birth control. Why the fuck aren't you bitching about the men? They can't wear a condom? You have the typical Trump attitude towards women.

I'll match my education against yours any day. I certainly was not so stupid to vote for an uninformed, dumbass like you did.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a bill into law allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood and entities that commit abortions from receiving family planning funding under Title X. The new law reverses former President Barack Obama’s 11th hour parting gift to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which contributed heavily to his campaigns.
BREAKING: President Trump signs bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood

Good, too bad so many are under the Democratic control though, they'd rather rake in that money for themselves. But at least the option is there for states who say screw you we will not be part of your CULT.

True. Make it a campaign issue that they won't be able to wiggle out of if elected. Trump just gave churches the right to have an opinion again. Make it count.
We have a RINOcrat in office in Ohio and he is UN rep to the bone.
If the majority of Ohio citizens want abortion abolished in their state, then make sure the governor's opponent knows that.

If churches are going to weigh in on political issues, they should pay tax on the land they own.

But then, they should pay tax on their land - Period.

And wtf is wrong with you fake christians that you want to give big bucks to drumpf's 1% cronies but want poor men, women and children to shut up and die?

Have "christians" always been a front for hate groups? That's all they are now but has it always been so?

And don't pretend that this is about abortion or that you give a flying fuck about fetuses. Its not and you don't.

Just once, have the balls to admit that you just like hurting the poor.

I love it when you high & mighty trash people who need government help when you suckled of that teat yourself.

Proper birth control requires a doctor visit & then proper methods to match the person.
As usual you can't think your way out of a paper sack. Government getting into student loans is what jacked up tuition rates in the first place so it's unfair to criticize someone for needing help from the source of the problem. If you had an education you would have known.

If a female cannot afford a doctor visit she damn sure isn't ready for sex.

So, don't take the government loan & then quit bitching about other people who are on government programs. Its called being a hypocrite - something you Trumpettes are known for.

You have to love your women-hating views. According to you, women are responsible for birth control. Why the fuck aren't you bitching about the men? They can't wear a condom? You have the typical Trump attitude towards women.

I'll match my education against yours any day. I certainly was not so stupid to vote for an uninformed, dumbass like you did.
Your political hate and outrage doesn't count as and education in my book. Nor could you grasp the point. The government loans are why tuition rates have skyrocketed. You can't very well "ignore" them. If the government starts a loan program for autos guess what happens to car prices. You aren't educated. You're brainwashed.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed a bill into law allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood and entities that commit abortions from receiving family planning funding under Title X. The new law reverses former President Barack Obama’s 11th hour parting gift to Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry, which contributed heavily to his campaigns.
BREAKING: President Trump signs bill allowing states to defund Planned Parenthood

Good, too bad so many are under the Democratic control though, they'd rather rake in that money for themselves. But at least the option is there for states who say screw you we will not be part of your CULT.

True. Make it a campaign issue that they won't be able to wiggle out of if elected. Trump just gave churches the right to have an opinion again. Make it count.
We have a RINOcrat in office in Ohio and he is UN rep to the bone.
If the majority of Ohio citizens want abortion abolished in their state, then make sure the governor's opponent knows that.

If churches are going to weigh in on political issues, they should pay tax on the land they own.

But then, they should pay tax on their land - Period.

And wtf is wrong with you fake christians that you want to give big bucks to drumpf's 1% cronies but want poor men, women and children to shut up and die?

Have "christians" always been a front for hate groups? That's all they are now but has it always been so?

And don't pretend that this is about abortion or that you give a flying fuck about fetuses. Its not and you don't.

Just once, have the balls to admit that you just like hurting the poor.

I love it when you high & mighty trash people who need government help when you suckled of that teat yourself.

Proper birth control requires a doctor visit & then proper methods to match the person.
As usual you can't think your way out of a paper sack. Government getting into student loans is what jacked up tuition rates in the first place so it's unfair to criticize someone for needing help from the source of the problem. If you had an education you would have known.

If a female cannot afford a doctor visit she damn sure isn't ready for sex.

So, don't take the government loan & then quit bitching about other people who are on government programs. Its called being a hypocrite - something you Trumpettes are known for.

You have to love your women-hating views. According to you, women are responsible for birth control. Why the fuck aren't you bitching about the men? They can't wear a condom? You have the typical Trump attitude towards women.

I'll match my education against yours any day. I certainly was not so stupid to vote for an uninformed, dumbass like you did.
Your political hate and outrage doesn't count as and education in my book. Nor could you grasp the point. The government loans are why tuition rates have skyrocketed. You can't very well "ignore" them. If the government starts a loan program for autos guess what happens to car prices. You aren't educated. You're brainwashed.
There remains competition for the best students. We had government loans for college in the 60's.
True. Make it a campaign issue that they won't be able to wiggle out of if elected. Trump just gave churches the right to have an opinion again. Make it count.
We have a RINOcrat in office in Ohio and he is UN rep to the bone.
If the majority of Ohio citizens want abortion abolished in their state, then make sure the governor's opponent knows that.

If churches are going to weigh in on political issues, they should pay tax on the land they own.

But then, they should pay tax on their land - Period.

And wtf is wrong with you fake christians that you want to give big bucks to drumpf's 1% cronies but want poor men, women and children to shut up and die?

Have "christians" always been a front for hate groups? That's all they are now but has it always been so?

And don't pretend that this is about abortion or that you give a flying fuck about fetuses. Its not and you don't.

Just once, have the balls to admit that you just like hurting the poor.

I love it when you high & mighty trash people who need government help when you suckled of that teat yourself.

Proper birth control requires a doctor visit & then proper methods to match the person.
As usual you can't think your way out of a paper sack. Government getting into student loans is what jacked up tuition rates in the first place so it's unfair to criticize someone for needing help from the source of the problem. If you had an education you would have known.

If a female cannot afford a doctor visit she damn sure isn't ready for sex.

So, don't take the government loan & then quit bitching about other people who are on government programs. Its called being a hypocrite - something you Trumpettes are known for.

You have to love your women-hating views. According to you, women are responsible for birth control. Why the fuck aren't you bitching about the men? They can't wear a condom? You have the typical Trump attitude towards women.

I'll match my education against yours any day. I certainly was not so stupid to vote for an uninformed, dumbass like you did.
Your political hate and outrage doesn't count as and education in my book. Nor could you grasp the point. The government loans are why tuition rates have skyrocketed. You can't very well "ignore" them. If the government starts a loan program for autos guess what happens to car prices. You aren't educated. You're brainwashed.
There remains competition for the best students. We had government loans for college in the 60's.

So you have a problem with the Feds protecting poor people when you know that some states will defund PP if federal protection is taken away. Is that just another way of saying that you're too much of a coward to admit that you want to block poor people from having an abortion?

Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?
So you did mooch off the government.

When was that?

Proper birth control requires a doctor visit & then proper methods to match the person.

Doctor visits which people like you have made more expensive due to your constant interference in the health care market. I happen to support making birth control pills over the counter.
So you have a problem with the Feds protecting poor people when you know that some states will defund PP if federal protection is taken away. Is that just another way of saying that you're too much of a coward to admit that you want to block poor people from having an abortion?

Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So you have a problem with the Feds protecting poor people when you know that some states will defund PP if federal protection is taken away. Is that just another way of saying that you're too much of a coward to admit that you want to block poor people from having an abortion?

Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D
So you have a problem with the Feds protecting poor people when you know that some states will defund PP if federal protection is taken away. Is that just another way of saying that you're too much of a coward to admit that you want to block poor people from having an abortion?

Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D
False premise.

Planned Parenthood doesn't help poor people. They victimize poor people for money, and they use that money to support politicians who will fight to allow them to operate their baby parts industry.
So you did mooch off the government.

When was that?

Proper birth control requires a doctor visit & then proper methods to match the person.

Doctor visits which people like you have made more expensive due to your constant interference in the health care market. I happen to support making birth control pills over the counter.
It was the insurance industry that makes doctor's expensive.

Single payer would be cheaper for everyone.
So you have a problem with the Feds protecting poor people when you know that some states will defund PP if federal protection is taken away. Is that just another way of saying that you're too much of a coward to admit that you want to block poor people from having an abortion?

Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D
False premise.

Planned Parenthood doesn't help poor people. They victimize poor people for money, and they use that money to support politicians who will fight to allow them to operate their baby parts industry.

Poor people use PP for their heath care needs. How is that victimizing them? Are you victimized when you use your insurance for medical care?

We send money to a private company to buy fighter jets & that company contributes to Republicans to operate their people killing military machine.,

As for your extremely ignorant baby parts comment, how do we train our doctors? How do we research diseases? We use human tissues. How the fuck does a dumbass like you think we get them? With permission , these can be donated to science. Oh wait, you people don't believe in science.
So you have a problem with the Feds protecting poor people when you know that some states will defund PP if federal protection is taken away. Is that just another way of saying that you're too much of a coward to admit that you want to block poor people from having an abortion?

Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
When the government buys their goods or services? Or is commerce not covered?
Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D
False premise.

Planned Parenthood doesn't help poor people. They victimize poor people for money, and they use that money to support politicians who will fight to allow them to operate their baby parts industry.

Poor people use PP for their heath care needs. How is that victimizing them? Are you victimized when you use your insurance for medical care?

We send money to a private company to buy fighter jets & that company contributes to Republicans to operate their people killing military machine.,

As for your extremely ignorant baby parts comment, how do we train our doctors? How do we research diseases? We use human tissues. How the fuck does a dumbass like you think we get them? With permission , these can be donated to science. Oh wait, you people don't believe in science.
Complete and total lie.
Poor people do not use PP for their health care needs. PP takes federal funds to squat in their neighborhoods and provides a few services incrementally and incidentally to their primary purpose..which is to assist pimps and perverts abort the pregnancies that come about because of their abuse of women.

We don't need PP for fucking health care. Total lie. Poor people do NOT benefit from PP. When PP isn't there sucking all the federal funds, the counties themselves will obtain the funding and serve their patients for the specific purpose of increasing their health, rather than the specific purpose of cutting into them and harvesting them.
So you have a problem with the Feds protecting poor people when you know that some states will defund PP if federal protection is taken away. Is that just another way of saying that you're too much of a coward to admit that you want to block poor people from having an abortion?

Nobody is stopping anybody from having an abortion. It's legal in all 50 states.
So what is it about PP that you want funding protection removed? You don't like helping poor people?

Show me the part of the Constitution that says private organizations are entitled to my tax dollars and can't be denied them and maybe I'll change my stance.
So it's ok to send tax dollars to a private company like Boeing for fighter jets, but not to PP to help poor people. Sounds like a smokescreen for some other reason. C'mon, spit it out, you can do it. :D

Don't change the subject. I'm waiting.............

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