Judge Napalitano told us British Intelligence was watching the Trump campaign for obama?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Another poster thought he had a clever scoop on the Trump Russia thing. The only problem.....it confirms what Judge Napalitano at Fox news stated...that British Intelligence, the GCHQ was in fact spying on Trump......and according to Napalitano, they were spying on Trump because of obama.......soooooooo....they suspended the Judge because he said 3 sources told him British GCHQ was spying on Trump for obama........and here we have confirmation that they were in fact spying on Trump.....

This is not going to end well for obama.......just like it isn't going to end well for susan rice......

The Guardian said on Thursday that the U.K.’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) has been watching the Trump camp since late 2015, having noticed suspicious “interactions” between Trump associates and well-known Russian agents.
As I explained on here, the Five Eyes have a work around to spy on their own citizens. Since I read it from a source who used to be a Canadian spy who had the courage to write a book about it, anyone saying different I simply won't believe.

The talking point is always that noone in these agencies is allowed to spy on the other nation, it's a fallacy as far as I am concerned and such actions were bound to backfire eventually.

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