Trump quotes of the day


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a prep from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. If people voted for eloquence, Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations. He's broken every rule in the book. He's destroyed Washington othadoxy. And the people say it's about damn time!
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‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

No, he's not afraid to stand up to the press, nor is he afraid to make a complete tit of himself. Great.... He's also not afraid to lie, cheat or do anything to make Trump the most important thing in the world.

Yeah, people voted for him because Trump makes them feel good about themselves, they don't have to constantly see people doing thing properly every day and feel shit that they can't do things properly either.

However this is the guy in charge of the executive, you don't put some dumb fuck in charge of your company simply to make you feel good about yourself, you put in the best person for the job, and some of the skills for the job are working with people and not making a fool out of yourself every day.

But hey, you carry on liking him until you also get so fed up. It's a similar story to what happened with Dubya, they voted for him because he was "normal", then he fucked them over.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

No, he's not afraid to stand up to the press, nor is he afraid to make a complete tit of himself. Great.... He's also not afraid to lie, cheat or do anything to make Trump the most important thing in the world.

Yeah, people voted for him because Trump makes them feel good about themselves, they don't have to constantly see people doing thing properly every day and feel shit that they can't do things properly either.

However this is the guy in charge of the executive, you don't put some dumb fuck in charge of your company simply to make you feel good about yourself, you put in the best person for the job, and some of the skills for the job are working with people and not making a fool out of yourself every day.

But hey, you carry on liking him until you also get so fed up. It's a similar story to what happened with Dubya, they voted for him because he was "normal", then he fucked them over.

Indeed the election of Trump was a giant FU from the working man to the Washington establishment. Say what you will about Trump, he's a peoples President. And Democrats and Republicans alike are scared shitless that he just might succeed. Specifically democrats who are slow walking his nominations so congress can't get to the business of writing bills. Trump owes no special interest a minute of his time, he isn't hendered by money, and he truly wants to Make America Great. That scares the shit out of the Left. The Left must resist and sabatoge him because they know if they don't he will succeed and make them look like a bunch of asses. It is treasonist intent lest the nation prospers and they lose power. Pay attention to this post and my previous one in this thread. If you don't understand these concepts you won't understand why the people voted the way they did and why democrats are acting as they do.
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‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

Simple minded as in common sense. Simple minded as in plain spoken. Simple minded as in straight shooter. Simple minded as the opposite of academically minded. Simple as in easy to understand and interpret. Simple minded as in fuck your professor I'm going to show you how the real world operates. Take it how you wish, they all apply.
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‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Flynn talking to a Russian ambassador was wring because????????

The lamestream media is an unmitigated joke and if you haven't figured that one out? You are not as "awake" as I thought you were.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

Simple minded as in common sense. Simple minded as in plain spoken. Simple minded as in straight shooter. Simple minded as the opposite of academically minded. Simple as in easy to understand and interpret. Take it how you wish they all apply.

I know how YOU meant it and I agree....but those that want to bash on him will use what you don't know these commie clowns like I do.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

Simple minded as in common sense. Simple minded as in plain spoken. Simple minded as in straight shooter. Simple minded as the opposite of academically minded. Simple as in easy to understand and interpret. Take it how you wish they all apply.

I know how YOU meant it and I agree....but those that want to bash on him will use what you don't know these commie clowns like I do.

So what? I don't mind if they divorce themselves from reality. The more they attack Trump the more they empower the people to see what they really are. There is a reason his poll numbers are rising and it is because of the actions you just described. Let them bash away!
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

Simple minded as in common sense. Simple minded as in plain spoken. Simple minded as in straight shooter. Simple minded as the opposite of academically minded. Simple as in easy to understand and interpret. Take it how you wish they all apply.

I know how YOU meant it and I agree....but those that want to bash on him will use what you don't know these commie clowns like I do.

So what? I don't mind if they divorce themselves from reality. The more they attack Trump the more they empower the people to see what they really are. There is a reason his poll numbers are rising and it is because of the actions you just described. Let them bash away!

The SJW snowflakes have certainly damaged the brand of the commie DNC....that's a fact.
Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

Simple minded as in common sense. Simple minded as in plain spoken. Simple minded as in straight shooter. Simple minded as the opposite of academically minded. Simple as in easy to understand and interpret. Take it how you wish they all apply.

I know how YOU meant it and I agree....but those that want to bash on him will use what you don't know these commie clowns like I do.

So what? I don't mind if they divorce themselves from reality. The more they attack Trump the more they empower the people to see what they really are. There is a reason his poll numbers are rising and it is because of the actions you just described. Let them bash away!

The SJW snowflakes have certainly damaged the brand of the commie DNC....that's a fact.

They see Trump on one side and they see whining leftists blocking roadways, flipping cars, calling good people racists, burning trash, and whining about illegal immigrants all while the media cheers them on the other. People aren't stupid. They know whose got the interests of the common American citizen in mind.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

No, he's not afraid to stand up to the press, nor is he afraid to make a complete tit of himself. Great.... He's also not afraid to lie, cheat or do anything to make Trump the most important thing in the world.

Yeah, people voted for him because Trump makes them feel good about themselves, they don't have to constantly see people doing thing properly every day and feel shit that they can't do things properly either.

However this is the guy in charge of the executive, you don't put some dumb fuck in charge of your company simply to make you feel good about yourself, you put in the best person for the job, and some of the skills for the job are working with people and not making a fool out of yourself every day.

But hey, you carry on liking him until you also get so fed up. It's a similar story to what happened with Dubya, they voted for him because he was "normal", then he fucked them over.

Indeed the election of Trump was a giant FU from the working man to the Washington establishment. Say what you will about Trump, he's a peoples President. And Democrats and Republicans alike are scared shitless that he just might succeed. Specifically democrats who are slow walking his nominations so congress can't get to the business of writing bills. Trump owes no special interest a minute of his time, he isn't hendered by money, and he truly wants to Make America Great. That scares the shit out of the Left. The Left must resist and sabatoge him because they know if they don't he will succeed and make them look like a bunch of asses. It is treasonist intent lest the nation prospers and they lose power. Pay attention to this post and my previous one in this thread. If you don't understand these concepts you won't understand why the people voted the way they did and why democrats are acting as they do.

Sure, a big FU. The problem is that there are consequences of this.

Personally I'd have preferred a big FU that involved actual change, like Proportional Representation and the formation of more parties and more choice. Right now it's just a big FU and the then the people might end up suffering from this.

He owes no special interest. Fine, that doesn't mean he isn't going to pander to special interest, including the special interest of RICH PEOPLE, which he belongs to. He was a part of the system, he has given millions of dollars to politicians, he's made a ton of money from politicians, he's not different.

He's just pretend change. The Republicans and Democrats won't change, if anything they'll just make sure that outsiders are less likely to make it within their parties.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

No, he doesn't tell it like it is. He tells it how he's decided it is. These are two VERY different things.

Like how many people were at his inauguration, he didn't say it as it was, but more how he wished it had been. It was embarrassing.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Flynn talking to a Russian ambassador was wring because????????

The lamestream media is an unmitigated joke and if you haven't figured that one out? You are not as "awake" as I thought you were.

Well, firstly because he didn't have a job in the US govt and was attempting to conduct US diplomacy. He got fired by Trump. If it wasn't wrong, then why did Trump fire him?

I couldn't give a damn what you think I am.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

No, he's not afraid to stand up to the press, nor is he afraid to make a complete tit of himself. Great.... He's also not afraid to lie, cheat or do anything to make Trump the most important thing in the world.

Yeah, people voted for him because Trump makes them feel good about themselves, they don't have to constantly see people doing thing properly every day and feel shit that they can't do things properly either.

However this is the guy in charge of the executive, you don't put some dumb fuck in charge of your company simply to make you feel good about yourself, you put in the best person for the job, and some of the skills for the job are working with people and not making a fool out of yourself every day.

But hey, you carry on liking him until you also get so fed up. It's a similar story to what happened with Dubya, they voted for him because he was "normal", then he fucked them over.

Indeed the election of Trump was a giant FU from the working man to the Washington establishment. Say what you will about Trump, he's a peoples President. And Democrats and Republicans alike are scared shitless that he just might succeed. Specifically democrats who are slow walking his nominations so congress can't get to the business of writing bills. Trump owes no special interest a minute of his time, he isn't hendered by money, and he truly wants to Make America Great. That scares the shit out of the Left. The Left must resist and sabatoge him because they know if they don't he will succeed and make them look like a bunch of asses. It is treasonist intent lest the nation prospers and they lose power. Pay attention to this post and my previous one in this thread. If you don't understand these concepts you won't understand why the people voted the way they did and why democrats are acting as they do.

Sure, a big FU. The problem is that there are consequences of this.

Personally I'd have preferred a big FU that involved actual change, like Proportional Representation and the formation of more parties and more choice. Right now it's just a big FU and the then the people might end up suffering from this.

He owes no special interest. Fine, that doesn't mean he isn't going to pander to special interest, including the special interest of RICH PEOPLE, which he belongs to. He was a part of the system, he has given millions of dollars to politicians, he's made a ton of money from politicians, he's not different.

He's just pretend change. The Republicans and Democrats won't change, if anything they'll just make sure that outsiders are less likely to make it within their parties.

Are you kidding me? If Trump isn't real change Imdont know what is. Trump is the living embodiment of the nuclear option for the US Citizen. He is the people's veto!
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

No, he's not afraid to stand up to the press, nor is he afraid to make a complete tit of himself. Great.... He's also not afraid to lie, cheat or do anything to make Trump the most important thing in the world.

Yeah, people voted for him because Trump makes them feel good about themselves, they don't have to constantly see people doing thing properly every day and feel shit that they can't do things properly either.

However this is the guy in charge of the executive, you don't put some dumb fuck in charge of your company simply to make you feel good about yourself, you put in the best person for the job, and some of the skills for the job are working with people and not making a fool out of yourself every day.

But hey, you carry on liking him until you also get so fed up. It's a similar story to what happened with Dubya, they voted for him because he was "normal", then he fucked them over.

Indeed the election of Trump was a giant FU from the working man to the Washington establishment. Say what you will about Trump, he's a peoples President. And Democrats and Republicans alike are scared shitless that he just might succeed. Specifically democrats who are slow walking his nominations so congress can't get to the business of writing bills. Trump owes no special interest a minute of his time, he isn't hendered by money, and he truly wants to Make America Great. That scares the shit out of the Left. The Left must resist and sabatoge him because they know if they don't he will succeed and make them look like a bunch of asses. It is treasonist intent lest the nation prospers and they lose power. Pay attention to this post and my previous one in this thread. If you don't understand these concepts you won't understand why the people voted the way they did and why democrats are acting as they do.

Sure, a big FU. The problem is that there are consequences of this.

Personally I'd have preferred a big FU that involved actual change, like Proportional Representation and the formation of more parties and more choice. Right now it's just a big FU and the then the people might end up suffering from this.

He owes no special interest. Fine, that doesn't mean he isn't going to pander to special interest, including the special interest of RICH PEOPLE, which he belongs to. He was a part of the system, he has given millions of dollars to politicians, he's made a ton of money from politicians, he's not different.

He's just pretend change. The Republicans and Democrats won't change, if anything they'll just make sure that outsiders are less likely to make it within their parties.

Are you kidding me? If Trump isn't real change Imdont know what is. Trump is the living embodiment of the nuclear option for the US Citizen. He is the people's veto!

Okay, so you think Trump is real change. Then you haven't seen much of the world, that's fine.

Here's why it's not change. In 4 years time or 8 years time Trump won't be president. The next president will be, again, a jerk reaction against the previous one, Bush wasn't Clinton, Obama wasn't Bush. The system will still be back in place, the politicians will still be there, the people will still be voting for idiots who don't represent them. That's no change.

Real change would be people going to the ballot box and having CHOICE, real choice. Real change would be political parties that represent groups of people, not the farce that exists now where the main two parties just look out for their own interests and those giving them millions of dollars.

He's the people's veto. Funny how he didn't even get the majority of the votes, he didn't even get more than Hillary, he got in because the system has delivered the US Republican presidents twice, when the people didn't. That's how much change it is.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

No, he doesn't tell it like it is. He tells it how he's decided it is. These are two VERY different things.

Like how many people were at his inauguration, he didn't say it as it was, but more how he wished it had been. It was embarrassing.

Like the lamestream media never showed the enormity of the huge crowds for Trump at his rallies while using blue screens to make it appear that huge crowds showed up to see the Hildebeast at her infrequent appearances? I don't trust their reporting of the inaugural event. You had the SJW commies blocking entrances into the event and attacking those that tried to get through and the D.C police not doing a damn thing about it. People showed up in massive numbers to vote him in even in spite of the DNC's attempts to rig the election. I wonder how many people would show up to show support of the fraud Barrypuppet today? Trump has PLENTY of support and he has mine until he does something to not have it. You are a partisan shill....nothing more or less.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Flynn talking to a Russian ambassador was wring because????????

The lamestream media is an unmitigated joke and if you haven't figured that one out? You are not as "awake" as I thought you were.

Well, firstly because he didn't have a job in the US govt and was attempting to conduct US diplomacy. He got fired by Trump. If it wasn't wrong, then why did Trump fire him?

I couldn't give a damn what you think I am.

No, he was contacting ambassadors and diplomats of countries and he never attempted to conduct any business....courtesy calls and perhaps a big call to Russia since NATO has been breathing down their necks. Flynn was let go because he didn't keep Pence in the loop...... and I don't give a damn that you don't give a can eat shit and die for all I care. Trump is your president for 8 years, should the Lord with it.

‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Indeed Trump is a plain spoken simple minded individual who isn't afraid to stand up the the press without so much as a preperaation from his press secretary. He isn't the well polished teleprompter grounded poll tested academic political hack we have all become accustomed to these past eight years. That's why plain and simple people voted for him. That's why they identify with him. And that's why they view an attack on Trump as an attack on the common man. Indeed an attack on themselves. Which is why the left is baffled that his poll numbers are rising despite all the crazy shit he said. Indeed, if people voted for eloquence Trump would have been done at the Al Smith Catholic Charity dinner. Trump continues to defy all expectations.

Trump isn't "simple-minded" but he is a straight shooter and tells it like it is. I have to admit that I am very impressed with him and his leadership ability. IF Trump wasn't legit, there wouldn't be such an organized attack against him by the establishment from both parties that are compromised or bought and paid fro by the Deep State that is financed by the banking oligarchs. I just hope that he is kept safe lest he be "JFK'd. He has the "white hats" working on his behalf and for us but Trump is going to have to weed out the moles that are trying to undermine him...a massive and HUGE purge in the state department , the CIA and the NSA.

No, he doesn't tell it like it is. He tells it how he's decided it is. These are two VERY different things.

Like how many people were at his inauguration, he didn't say it as it was, but more how he wished it had been. It was embarrassing.

Like the lamestream media never showed the enormity of the huge crowds for Trump at his rallies while using blue screens to make it appear that huge crowds showed up to see the Hildebeast at her infrequent appearances? I don't trust their reporting of the inaugural event. You had the SJW commies blocking entrances into the event and attacking those that tried to get through and the D.C police not doing a damn thing about it. People showed up in massive numbers to vote him in even in spite of the DNC's attempts to rig the election. I wonder how many people would show up to show support of the fraud Barrypuppet today? Trump has PLENTY of support and he has mine until he does something to not have it. You are a partisan shill....nothing more or less.

So you don't trust them. That's fine. But you'll trust other things, like Trump. Why?

How was the election rigged? I mean, this is hilarious "I don't believe them, they're lying, but I will believe what is convenient for my own lame argument".

It's ridiculous.

Yes, Trump had plenty of support. So what? He still didn't have that many people turn up to his inauguration and it was a non-issue until Trump decided to claim "fake" on it, then it became an issue that never should have been. That's the problem.

Too much lack of reality from Trump and his supporters.
‘I was given that information; I don’t know’: 12 standout quotes from Trump’s marathon press conference

“I was given that information; I don’t know.”

Yep, Trump makes a claim, he doesn't know if it's true or not, but he's willing to shout it out. Then complains about "fake news", you'd think someone in a glass house shouting about fake news would check what he is saying isn't fake before he blunders into it.

“I don’t think he did anything wrong. If anything, he did something right.”

Yeah, he did so right that you FIRED HIM. Right....... What did he do right? Perhaps he did what he was told by THE PRESIDENT, maybe it's the president who did something wrong and should resign.

“Russia is fake news.”

Apparently Russia is fake news, never existed.... "FAKE, I DON'T LIKE IT, SO IT'S FAKE"

Flynn talking to a Russian ambassador was wring because????????

The lamestream media is an unmitigated joke and if you haven't figured that one out? You are not as "awake" as I thought you were.

Well, firstly because he didn't have a job in the US govt and was attempting to conduct US diplomacy. He got fired by Trump. If it wasn't wrong, then why did Trump fire him?

I couldn't give a damn what you think I am.

No, he was contacting ambassadors and diplomats of countries and he never attempted to conduct any business....courtesy calls and perhaps a big call to Russia since NATO has been breathing down their necks. Flynn was let go because he didn't keep Pence in the loop...... and I don't give a damn that you don't give a can eat shit and die for all I care. Trump is your president for 8 years, should the Lord with it.


how do you know? they havent released any of the recordings ... BS

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