Trump ponders bringing a convicted felon back in to the admin. The man is out of control.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Trump says he would ā€˜certainly considerā€™ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would ā€œcertainly considerā€ bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trumpā€™s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

ā€œI think heā€™s a fine man, I think itā€™s terrible would they did to him,ā€ Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
Trump says he would ā€˜certainly considerā€™ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would ā€œcertainly considerā€ bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trumpā€™s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

ā€œI think heā€™s a fine man, I think itā€™s terrible would they did to him,ā€ Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
He didn't do anything. I say make him in charge of the fbi and round up all you traitor scum and lock you away forever.
Trump says he would ā€˜certainly considerā€™ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would ā€œcertainly considerā€ bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trumpā€™s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

ā€œI think heā€™s a fine man, I think itā€™s terrible would they did to him,ā€ Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
He didn't do anything. I say make him in charge of the fbi and round up all you traitor scum and lock you away forever.
Hackarama cocksuckers like him don't care....It's all about party and ORANGE MAN BAD!

After that, the ends justify any and all means.
Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.
If that's true why hasn't he arrested you and put you away for life?
I know you guys want him to have that power, but he doesn't. Unfortunately for you, the Constitution remains in effect, despite him. Your authoritarian impulses must remain in check for now.
Trump says he would ā€˜certainly considerā€™ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would ā€œcertainly considerā€ bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trumpā€™s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

ā€œI think heā€™s a fine man, I think itā€™s terrible would they did to him,ā€ Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
Would that be a reward for not being a RAT?
Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.
If that's true why hasn't he arrested you and put you away for life?
I know you guys want him to have that power, but he doesn't. Unfortunately for you, the Constitution remains in effect, despite him. Your authoritarian impulses must remain in check for now.
The Constitution remains in effect....BWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

How fucking droll. :laughing0301:
Trump says he would ā€˜certainly considerā€™ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would ā€œcertainly considerā€ bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trumpā€™s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

ā€œI think heā€™s a fine man, I think itā€™s terrible would they did to him,ā€ Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
He-he, yet ANOTHER "Orange Man Bad" thread from the mentally challenged one, our Little Bergy! Thanks for the continual laughs you bring me with your inane posts, ya fartknocker. Hilarious!
Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.
If that's true why hasn't he arrested you and put you away for life?
I know you guys want him to have that power, but he doesn't. Unfortunately for you, the Constitution remains in effect, despite him. Your authoritarian impulses must remain in check for now.
Scum hides behind the constitution when it suits him. Typical traitor.
Trump says he would ā€˜certainly considerā€™ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would ā€œcertainly considerā€ bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trumpā€™s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

ā€œI think heā€™s a fine man, I think itā€™s terrible would they did to him,ā€ Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
Show us hwere he said that. Here is the whole transcript-
Jim: (17:17)
Mister president, can I ask you about General Flynn?
Donald Trump: (17:20)
Jim: (17:21)
Are you going to pardon them? This is what you tweeted back in December of 2017. I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the vice president and the FBI. Do you still believe that he lied to the vice president and the FBI?
Donald Trump: (17:32)
Yeah. Well, I tell you, sure. When I looked at what they did to him, they tormented him. Dirty cops tormented General Flynn. General Flynn is a fine man. 35 years or so in the military. You donā€™t get to be where he is by being bad. That I can tell you. And then right at the beginning of the administration, the dirty cops came in and youā€™ve seen the notes, Jim. I mean whether youā€™re on our side, that side, whatever, I mean I assume, letā€™s all talk about fairness. What they did to General Flynn, and by the way to Roger Stone and to others was a disaster and it would disgrace and it should never be allowed to happen in this country again. And what I really hoped, because CNN tormented him in all fairness, I really hope to see, because they havenā€™t been doing it. And I appreciate your question. I hope to see that CNN will not even apologize, which they should, but just cover it fairly because heā€™s in the process of being exonerated.
Donald Trump: (18:36)
If you look at those notes from yesterday, that was total exoneration. These were dirty, filthy cops at the top of the FBI. And you know the names better than I do, and they were dishonest people. Now we have to see whatā€™s going to happen. But General Flynn was treated like nobody should. And Iā€™m not talking about generals, Iā€™m saying like nobody at this country should be treated. And they did it right at the beginning. They did it right-
Jim: (19:04)
[crosstalk 00:19:04].
Donald Trump: (19:05)
Well, look at what they did to the guy. I mean he couldnā€™t have known too much what was happening. They came at him with 15 buses and heā€™s standing in the middle of a highway. What they did to this man, they tormented him. They destroyed him. But heā€™s going to come back, like I say, heā€™s going to come back bigger and better. But what they did to him, and I hear thereā€™s a lot of other stuff coming out if I believe everything Iā€™m reading because I like to stay out of it. I donā€™t have to stay out of it at all, but I like to stay out of it. And Jim, what they did to him is terrible and I hope that CNN is going to give them a fair shake and cover it because I think itā€™s very important. Yes?
Jim: (19:44)
Just a follow up on was it a mistake to fire him? Would you bring him back on to the administration?
Donald Trump: (19:49)
Well, what I wish I had was all the information where they were out to get him. They wanted him ā€¦ They were trying to force him to lie. You see the written statements where they were trying to force him into a position where we can get them on a lie or can we get them this way or that way? This is terrible. This is like what happened in, and Iā€™m not going to name the countries because we deal with these countries. Okay. But what would happen in other countries, not the USA.
Donald Trump: (20:17)
What they did to General Flynn and others and others is a disgrace. And I hope really, I hope your networks are going to cover it because Iā€™ve seen where itā€™s the biggest story in the world a year ago in a year and a year and half, Flynn, Flynn, Flynn, and then heā€™s essentially exonerated. Now, thatā€™s not official yet. But when you read the notes, how could you do anything else? And I hear thereā€™s much [crosstalk 00:20:42] I hear Jim, I hear thereā€™s much more coming up. I think it would be so good for CNN if you covered it honestly, and if you reported honestly, that would be so good for the network. Okay, with that, thank you all very much. [crosstalk 00:00:20:57]. Thank you Jim.
Trump's top priority is keeping his base happy. He'll do pretty much anything towards that end.
If that's true why hasn't he arrested you and put you away for life?
I know you guys want him to have that power, but he doesn't. Unfortunately for you, the Constitution remains in effect, despite him. Your authoritarian impulses must remain in check for now.

Authoritarian? Hell, the Founders would have hanged the Democrats as regular weekend entertainment.
Trump says he would ā€˜certainly considerā€™ bringing convicted felon Michael Flynn back into administration

President Donald Trump said Thursday that he would ā€œcertainly considerā€ bringing Michael Flynn, a convicted felon who served as Trumpā€™s first national security advisor, back into his administration.

ā€œI think heā€™s a fine man, I think itā€™s terrible would they did to him,ā€ Trump told a reporter at the White House who asked if he might bring Flynn back into the fold.
One never knows if these musings of lunacy are done for effect or perhaps to once again test the blind loyalty of The Following.

If you cut through the wing nut conspiracy theories and feigned outrage by the Liar-in-Chief you'll find a man, Flynn, who confessed to and was convicted of a crime. A man who was excoriated by the presiding judge for a betrayal of his country.

With every day that passes the Orange Fraud goes a little further down the rabbit hole.
Which Democrat?

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