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Trump Pentagon first offered National Guard to Capitol four days before Jan. 6 riots, memo shows

Yes. It could have been written well after the Insurrection ended

Let's see any one of those people corroborate that conversation

Members of the commission investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, on Thursday asserted that President Donald Trump made no efforts to stop rioters even as Vice President Mike Pence attempted to order National Guard troops to quell the violence.

"Not only did President Trump refuse to tell the mob to leave the Capitol, he placed no call to any element of the United States government to instruct that the Capitol be defended," said Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., during the panel's wide-ranging Thursday night hearing on the event.

"He did not call his secretary of defense on Jan. 6. He did not talk to his Attorney General. He did not talk to the Department of Homeland Security," Cheney added. "President Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day. And he made no effort to work with the Department of Justice to coordinate and deploy law enforcement assets."

The statements were backed up with testimony from Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, who said that Pence told Pentagon leaders to "get the Guard down here, put down this situation."

In contrast, Milley said, Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told Milley that military officials needed to "kill the narrative that the Vice President is making all the decisions"
and worked against sending personnel to help with the escalating situation.
Yes. It could have been written well after the Insurrection ended

Let's see any one of those people corroborate that conversation
You realize, they refused help due to the optics, as was stated before. Once the barn door was opened, the assault was on and they asked for help.

Members of the commission investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, on Thursday asserted that President Donald Trump made no efforts to stop rioters even as Vice President Mike Pence attempted to order National Guard troops to quell the violence.

"Not only did President Trump refuse to tell the mob to leave the Capitol, he placed no call to any element of the United States government to instruct that the Capitol be defended," said Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., during the panel's wide-ranging Thursday night hearing on the event.

"He did not call his secretary of defense on Jan. 6. He did not talk to his Attorney General. He did not talk to the Department of Homeland Security," Cheney added. "President Trump gave no order to deploy the National Guard that day. And he made no effort to work with the Department of Justice to coordinate and deploy law enforcement assets."

The statements were backed up with testimony from Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley, who said that Pence told Pentagon leaders to "get the Guard down here, put down this situation."

In contrast, Milley said, Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told Milley that military officials needed to "kill the narrative that the Vice President is making all the decisions"
and worked against sending personnel to help with the escalating situation.

It wasn't legally Trumps call at that time. You can't deal with that?
You realize, they refused help due to the optics, as was stated before. Once the barn door was opened, the assault was on and they asked for help.
You realize you are talking out your ass.?

Who is this "they"...and document your claim
It wasn't legally Trumps call at that time. You can't deal with that?
They responded when PENCE told them to get their asses down there.

Why did Trump not do that...like at one o'clock?
You realize you are talking out your ass.?

Who is this "they"...and document your claim
They is them in the DOD press release who it is on record of having had discussions with SecDef on Jan 6, 2021.

You realize facts are causing you to have input overload?
They responded when PENCE told them to get their asses down there.

Why did Trump not do that...like at one o'clock?

Because it was the SecDef who was in charge of deploying NG at that time and the one legally responsible....
They is them in the DOD press release who it is on record of having had discussions with SecDef on Jan 6, 2021.

You realize facts are causing you to have input overload?

Because it was the SecDef who was in charge of deploying NG at that time and the one legally responsible....
What time was that press release issued
Tell them Dudesky sent you.
So you admit you don't know whether that DOD press release was issued AFTER the riot ended or not.

And you can find NONE of the participants in that supposed conversation that can corroborate that it ever took place...

But we do have Milley (one of the supposed participants) disputing it
In contrast, Milley said, Trump Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told Milley that military officials needed to "kill the narrative that the Vice President is making all the decisions"

So you admit you don't know whether that DOD press release was issued AFTER the riot ended or not.

And you can find NONE of the participants in that supposed conversation that can corroborate that it ever took place...

But we do have Milley (one of the supposed participants) disputing it

You quote doesn't make the facts of the memo change in any way.
I tried contacting those people, got their voice mail,
now what?
Milley's comments don't make the memo go away..
His comments directly dispute the claim of a conversation that is in that memo
No they don't:

"Chairman Milley and I just spoke separately with the Vice President and with Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Senator Schumer and Representative Hoyer about the situation at the U.S. Capitol.

Whatever your statement from Milley is about, does not effect these comments in any way whatsoever.

You surely go out of your way denying facts in your I hate Trump quest.....LOL
What time was that press release issued

Like I said......probably around 1PM when the shit was hitting the fan.

Oh, look, a reporter Tweeted about it at 3:33PM:

Dan Lamothe

Military beat
Dan Lamothe
Jan 6, 2021

Replying to
Same defense official confirms Mayor Bowser made request for National Guard at Capitol as it was breached. Defense officials initially offered to replace police in other capacities in the city, allowing more police at Capitol specifically, source says.

Dan Lamothe
Jan 6, 2021

Defense official denies that DOD denied the request from D.C. officials for more support at Capitol, but acknowledges it has not yet been acted upon.
Dan Lamothe

Some 340 D.C. guardsmen already were activated in anticipation of unrest, with a support role for police. Half on duty at a time. Defense officials, smarting from outcry to military's heavy involvement in June protests, sought limited role and to shield military from politics.

Dan Lamothe
Jan 6, 2021

D.C. National Guard is reiterating in statement: This mission remains Justice Department led, not military led.
Last edited:
Like I said......probably around 1PM when the shit was hitting the fan.

Oh, look, a reporter Tweeted about it at 3:33PM:

The Guard DID eventually come and put down that Insurrection...because PENCE demande it...noit because of anything on that memo which "probably" came out well after everything was over.

Again we know that Meadows was trying to get Milley to say that Trump was the reason the guard were called...and Milley pushed back
"Chairman Milley and I just spoke separately with the Vice President and with Speaker Pelosi, Leader McConnell, Senator Schumer and Representative Hoyer about the situation at the U.S. Capitol.

Whatever your statement from Milley is about, does not effect these comments in any way whatsoever.
Yea...it does.

And none of those other people mentioned corroborate that bullshit claim
I wonder how much time the "Committee" will spend on this tonight? Oh, none?

Official Capitol Police timeline validates Trump administration's account, shows Democrats' fateful rejections of offers. "Seems absolutely illogical," one official wrote about security posture hours before riot began.

But by late December, Capitol Police internal emails and documents show, information began flowing in that some groups expected to attend were talking on social media or fringe websites about tactics like blocking tunnels leading to the Capitol.
On Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021, just hours after Gallagher rejected the Pentagon's initial offer, the Capitol Police issued a new and darker security assessment to its commanders and executives and to the two political appointees in Congress responsible for security, the House and Senate sergeants at arms, the timeline shows.
"Due to the tense political environment following the 2020 election, the threat of disruptive actions or violence cannot be ruled out," the new assessment declared. "Supporters of the current president see January 6, 2021 as the last opportunity to overturn the results of the presidential election. This sense of desperation and disappointment may lead to more of an incentive to become violent."
Within 24 hours, Sund had changed his mind and began seeking permission from the political powers surrounding House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer to deploy the National Guard as a preventive measure on Monday, Jan. 4, 2021.
The Capitol Police official timeline provides the most succinct summary of a series of events around Sund's request, some of which have been disputed and at times misreported in the news media.
While Sund's requests were being delayed and denied, the Pentagon was forging ahead on Jan. 4, 2021 to get Trump to formally sign authorizations to deploy in advance of Jan. 6, 2021 as many as 20,000 National Guard troops if Congress asked, according to interviews Just the News has done with then-acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller and his chief of staff Kash Patel.
"We went to the Capitol Police and the Secret Service and law enforcement agencies and Mayor Bowser days before January 6, and asked them, 'Do you want thousands of National Guardsmen and women for January 6?'" Patel said in a detailed interview earlier this year. "They all said no. Why did we do that? The law requires them to request it before we can deploy them. And the DOD IG found we did not delay, we actually prepared in a preemptive fashion, which is what we do at DOD."
Patel told Just the News on Wednesday night that the police timeline validated the account he has given to Congress.
"The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year — that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi," Patel said. "Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up."
As word circulated around the nation's capital that Sund wanted National Guardsmen deployed, District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser wrote a preemptive letter to Miller and other Pentagon and Justice Department officials asking that troops not be deployed unless the Metropolitan Police Department approved, citing an incident in summer 2020, when troops were deployed at Lafayette Park near the White House during civil disobedience,

So Trump expected violence? Was he going to sic them on Proud Boys or Qanon or any of the other crackpots he recruited?
The Guard DID eventually come and put down that Insurrection...because PENCE demande it...noit because of anything on that memo which "probably" came out well after everything was over.

Again we know that Meadows was trying to get Milley to say that Trump was the reason the guard were called...and Milley pushed back
Give it up.

You challenged the validity of the DOD press release and when it was put out.

I proved when...it was posted on Twitter by the WAPO miltary editor, Dan Lamothe. Miller's own written testimony put it at 1:34PM.

You chirped about Miller's testimony before the committee, and it looks like you are either misinformed or creating your own facts.

I'm sure you'll love this:

Miller's appearance came as he confronted criticism from members of Congress that it took three hours and 19 minutes to get approval from the Pentagon to send in the DC National Guard to the Capitol on Jan. 6. Miller, however, had refuted that timeline.
According to the written testimony Miller provided on Wednesday, he was aware of the breach by the time D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser called on Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy at 1:34 p.m. Nearly 90 minutes later, at 3 p.m., he "approved the activation and mobilization of the full D.C. National Guard to assist the Capitol Police and the Metropolitan Police Department."

Miller testified that during the insurrection he did not speak with former President Donald Trump.

"I didn’t need to. I had all the authority I needed and I knew what had to happen," he said, adding that he did speak to Vice President Mike Pence.

He said Pence is "not in the chain of command," and said, "He did not direct me to clear the Capitol. I discussed very briefly with him the situation. He provided insights based on his presence there. And I notified him or I informed him that by that point the District of Columbia National Guard was being fully mobilized and in coordination with local and federal law enforcement to assist in clearing the Capitol.”
Former acting defense secretary testifies he was trying to avoid another Kent State on Jan. 6
I proved when...it was posted on Twitter by the WAPO miltary editor, Dan Lamothe. Miller's own written testimony put it at 1:34PM.
You seem to have Miller and Milley confused. Neither confirms that DOD release and the tweet doesn't reference IT. It references the guard being called out...BY PENCE/Miller
You chirped about Miller's testimony before the committee, and it looks like you are either misinformed or creating your own facts.
MILLEY'S( not Miller) testimony disputes that the conversation in the press release ever took place. He ALSO notes that Meadows was trying to get Milley to give undue credit for calling out the guard to the White House as does the press release (probably related)

How could the DOD be putting out info in conflict with Milley? Trump toadie Kash Patel had just days prior been installed in the DOD
As far as Miller...he's got to answer for his response

From your timeline

"Miller testified that during the insurrection he did not speak with former President Donald Trump."

He DID however speak to Pence...who was screaming for Miller to authorize the guard...and by your own account it took Miller an hour and a half to get things rolling.

This is the same Miller to whom Trump supposedly authorized NG deployment several days prior to Jan 6...the same Miller who did NOTHING in response to that

So why was Trump not screaming at Miller...or Milley...or anyone to deploy those troops?

Because he wanted the insurrection to go forward.

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