Trump Owns the Left

WHich 5 are those?
Pelosi, Feinstein, Sanchez, Wilson and a player to be named later.
Huh? Those are the only ones you have a problem with and the rest are all good?
No, those are my keepers.
3 generations after the flood everyone was building the Tower of Babel to flip God off. So we need to seed the next crew
Is there a flamer zone for people like you? Thought this forum was supposed to be for serious talk
Because if I told you which are the best Congress and Senate members worth keeping you would whine. So I don't, you whine.

If it were up to me, they would all go. I was being generous by saying 5.
You act like a child and are too cowardly to stand for anything real. Easy to always be a neigh sayer
No... Trump thinks he has the world on a string but Putin has HIM on a string. You don't have to be a lefty to realize the implications of that.
Tell that to Mueller and crew.
I have no issue with them looking into the Obama/Clinton Russian Uranium One scandal.
Do you have issue with them looking into
Trump's campaign ties to Putin? Heh heh heh...Sure you do...Trumpty dumpty might sit on his wall and take a great fall.
Oh, they've moved on well beyond the lies.
Uranium One will long be remembered by historians.
I thought the DNC hit on Seth Rich was going down in history. What happened to that?
Pelosi, Feinstein, Sanchez, Wilson and a player to be named later.
Huh? Those are the only ones you have a problem with and the rest are all good?
No, those are my keepers.
3 generations after the flood everyone was building the Tower of Babel to flip God off. So we need to seed the next crew
Is there a flamer zone for people like you? Thought this forum was supposed to be for serious talk
Because if I told you which are the best Congress and Senate members worth keeping you would whine. So I don't, you whine.

If it were up to me, they would all go. I was being generous by saying 5.
You act like a child and are too cowardly to stand for anything real. Easy to always be a neigh sayer
I stand for America, the US Constitution and God.

Tell that to Mueller and crew.
I have no issue with them looking into the Obama/Clinton Russian Uranium One scandal.
Do you have issue with them looking into
Trump's campaign ties to Putin? Heh heh heh...Sure you do...Trumpty dumpty might sit on his wall and take a great fall.
Oh, they've moved on well beyond the lies.
Uranium One will long be remembered by historians.
I thought the DNC hit on Seth Rich was going down in history. What happened to that?
Huh? Those are the only ones you have a problem with and the rest are all good?
No, those are my keepers.
3 generations after the flood everyone was building the Tower of Babel to flip God off. So we need to seed the next crew
Is there a flamer zone for people like you? Thought this forum was supposed to be for serious talk
Because if I told you which are the best Congress and Senate members worth keeping you would whine. So I don't, you whine.

If it were up to me, they would all go. I was being generous by saying 5.
You act like a child and are too cowardly to stand for anything real. Easy to always be a neigh sayer
I stand for America, the US Constitution and God.

Wow, that is wonderfully general. I stand for all things good. Clear eyes full hearts can’t lose! Glad we got all that figured out
Look at the headlines today.

View attachment 156308
Thousands of psychologists already have weighed in during the campaign that they found Trump not mentally fit to serve as president. There were glaring red flags everywhere.
Now that he’s prez it rather obvious they were 100% correct.
You ignored all the red flags because Putin’s bitch is just as crazy as you are.
Those are the headlines you see? How about the main headlines that every media source is leading with: Trumps fued with a gold star widow, Trumps feud with Republican Senator Bob Corker, What happened in NIger? Will the Reps get Tax Reformed finished??
All fake news spun to make Trump look bad. And you SWALLOW it whole!
There doesn't need to be much spin to make Trump look bad, he does a great job at that all by himself.
YOur claim is false like the media.
Prove it.
Can't prove it. Even if I could and did, you would still deny it and lie. That's a proven trait of regressives.
Poor Lil Mikey. Always skunked in the battle of the wits.
His conception of “ fake news” is anything that’s accurately reported on his fuhrer
Look at the headlines today.

View attachment 156308
Those are the headlines you see? How about the main headlines that every media source is leading with: Trumps fued with a gold star widow, Trumps feud with Republican Senator Bob Corker, What happened in NIger? Will the Reps get Tax Reformed finished??
All fake news spun to make Trump look bad. And you SWALLOW it whole!
There doesn't need to be much spin to make Trump look bad, he does a great job at that all by himself.
YOur claim is false like the media.
Lil Mikey couldn’t find his own ass if he was given 3 mirrors and a seeing eye dog.
Doesn't seem to take more than a shiny object to distract Trump
Indeed. Ever watch him actually try to explain ANYTHING in more than two sentences?
When he’s all out of info in 7 seconds out comes the superlatives and then bragging.
What a laughing stock!
Huh? Those are the only ones you have a problem with and the rest are all good?
No, those are my keepers.
3 generations after the flood everyone was building the Tower of Babel to flip God off. So we need to seed the next crew
Is there a flamer zone for people like you? Thought this forum was supposed to be for serious talk
Because if I told you which are the best Congress and Senate members worth keeping you would whine. So I don't, you whine.

If it were up to me, they would all go. I was being generous by saying 5.
Your opinion sucks!
Says the dufus who voted for Hitlery
You don't know who I voted for or if i voted at all. But I did prefer Hillary over Trump.
No, those are my keepers.
3 generations after the flood everyone was building the Tower of Babel to flip God off. So we need to seed the next crew
Is there a flamer zone for people like you? Thought this forum was supposed to be for serious talk
Because if I told you which are the best Congress and Senate members worth keeping you would whine. So I don't, you whine.

If it were up to me, they would all go. I was being generous by saying 5.
Your opinion sucks!
Says the dufus who voted for Hitlery
You don't know who I voted for or if i voted at all. But I did prefer Hillary over Trump.

She's a corrupt criminal and a liar.

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